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File: 1714020582074.webp (254.63 KB, 700x936, paradox_with_hair_wet_full_img…)

No. 931844

Liam has created a gambling website by the name of FULLSEND.GG when he was under age and 16 years old. He now claims that he is 18 years of age and has sent multiple predatory nudes to people. He has threatened to DOX, Take the lives of people, Says the Hard R repeativley and scams people that deposit on his website. He forces little boys to dress up in panties and to send him pictures of them in it. He is a total pedophile and should face punishment. He lives with his mother and 10 other siblings in Tennessee in a run down church. He is currently seaking empancipation from his single mother. His father lives in Virgina and apparently is "On all documents of the website". Hes currently trying to put his website into an LLC through somewhere in Belize to avoid harsh legalities in the United States.

Illegalities: Pedophilia, Underage casino owner, Fraud, Robbery, Launder.(shit thread)

No. 931845

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No. 931846


No. 931847

Ew what the fuck? someone find this niggas house…

No. 931849

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He also goes by the name of "Paradox" on discord and is in his main discord server of fullsend.gg.

Below is a picture of him interacting with a Minor stating his age (which may or may not be true)

No. 931850

W post(samefagging retard)

No. 931851

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No. 931852

Im trying to find who he is, does he live in Mulberry Tennessee or around there?(sage your shit)

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