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No. 8950
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This is horribly creepy.
No. 8951
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No. 8952
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No. 8955
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No. 8957
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No. 8974
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I can just imagine her glancing back and forth at her computer screen to get the pose right, then snap the picture and kotify it like serious business. even the fucking bedsheets are the same
No. 8981
Creeeepy. I'm surprised monstrengas hasn't harrased her yet, and hope they don't.
IMHO she coorded these better
>>8944 >>8952 No. 8992
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>>8981I feel like she generally has better style than Kota tbh
No. 9003
>>9000I dunno, both she and Dakota look quite plain to me. I liked Dakota back in her Tumblr days before she started trying to go full kawaii, though
I also don't get why people are ragging on this girl's nose, it's not THAT bad.
No. 9018
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Oh gosh she is SO obsessed with Kooter it's fucking creepy.
That and her face itself is creepy ,it looks like a pig/alien creature out of my nightmares. It's so obviously (and badly) shooped…it's just cringe worthy.
No. 9057
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>>9048I've heard Vassen Natural Sparkling Blue.
No. 9070
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>>9057She wears the same lenses longer than Vassen Natural Sparkling Blue exists plus you can see the brown tint near the border at most of her photos besides that there is no blue from lenses at her eyes.
No. 9079
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No. 9095
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She looks like fucking Kiff
No. 9119
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She should copy this koti style.
No. 9245
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I feel bad for thinking these are cute. Unrealistic and photoshopped to fuck, but cute.
No. 9733
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shooped her a bit, and she's Kota now! (I fucking scared myself doing this)
No. 9922
>>9091eh. Sorry I didn't look at them closely enough!
Must be replicas?
No. 10127
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>>9085no. this is different.
No. 12639
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Awkward as hell
No. 12650
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all I'm seeing with that nose is Sissy Spacek
No. 12676
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No. 16034
>>12676Both their legs are freaking me out.
They're too thin.
No. 16050
>>16045Too skinny isn't pretty to me either
I'm not even that anon and not even a fatty stop thinking that everyone is omg skinny shaming1!! and "such a fatty" for having another opinion than yours.
I'm underweight and i had similar legs it's so ugly to me i think that some chub is cuter (but too fat isn't healthy) A soft and cuddly body is better than just bones (and by just bones i don't mean "skinny girls",skinny girls are pretty too off course but too skinny is like too fat,it isn't healthy)
No. 16057
>>12639her room is so barren.
it's as though she tried to make it look like she owns NOTHING BUT kawaii things but it really looks like she lives in a mental institution instead.
No. 16060
>>16057My room is even more barren that that, some people just like to have a lot ofspace to dance, paint or just because they like the clean empty look.
Rooms fullof shit look like tacky hoarder rooms if you ask me.
No. 16090
>>16088>>16086Shit I didn't mean to come off as ungrateful for you finding that, I'm sorry. Thank you for finding it for me. I may end up doing a little shopping spree there if there's a sale or discount code.
Sorry again for sounding like a spoiled brat
No. 17817
>>17815really? that's really ridiculous. what did you call them out for? i'm really sensitive too, so i kinda get it but not really bc i've done much more humiliating things than that, ie, i was one of those living doll/kota wannabes too and i acted really autistic
cringes. these people take themselves way too seriously. literally no one will really care about the cringey shit you've done unless you're acting like a cringey asshole again. just because this stuff is on the internet forever doesn't mean people will care forever.
No. 17818
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>>17817they posted this picture and tried to imply it was them. i recognized it from the myspace days. the rest of the person's pictures were really them, so she probably just thought that since they had similar hair that she could pass off the body as being hers. she probably deleted her account out of embarrassment. although she could have simply deleted the picture and blocked me
No. 17877
>>17876Agree that Kitty's outfits are better.
Dakota should copy her looks in return.
No. 18631
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The Kittyphina thread on PULL has been unlocked because No. 18635
File: 1413816684263.jpg (41.44 KB, 496x438, 7.jpg)

like fuck, I thought this bitch went pull pedo for a moment
No. 18661
>>18631Does anyone know where she got her top?
That's the only thing I care about.
No. 44032
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So a photo of her real face popped up yesterday
No. 44057
>>44032She looks pretty cute imo,maybe even cuter than her shooped self.
I don't know why PULL picks on her so much, like yeah she copied koots but not so much anymore.
They usually pick on her for shopping herself too thin and use the "Muh triggerz!!" Excuse, but it's obvious its an excuse to basically pick on her
No. 44470
>>16050if you think that's too thin then you seriously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
>>16147>implying because you have thin legs, you can't be healthyfatty-chan detected
No. 44562
>>44470I agree with you. I prefer pretty thin legs rather than ugly fat flabby legs.
There is nothing wrong with having thin legs. Y'all just hating bc your used to lookin at chub chub legs all day.
No. 44566
>>44562Lmao you realize you sound like the inverse of fatties complaining that anyone who doesn't look like them or have their "voluptuous, feminine thighs and shapely legs" is "anorexic" or a literal stick?
Fucking stop, not everyone wants stick legs anon
No. 45386
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>>45344Her legs don't look like she starves herself to me. My legs are thinner than hers in this pic and I eat A LOT.
No. 45406
>>45344How the fuck does she have an apple shaped body? Her waist is smaller than her hips, her whole frame is slender. You're just fucking fat, admit it.
>>45386omg eww such anorexic boy body no CURVES liek real wimmins lol
No. 45422
>>45406Fatty-chan here, she doesn't look too thin to me.
All I have to say is that when she shoops body parts thinner it looks a little wonky. But it'd probably look a lot weirder if I tried that lol.
No. 50455
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>>8950I tried to make Kitty look like Kota and Kota look like Kitty.
No. 50458
>>50455Holy shit. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
I actually like Seraphina now. She's kind of dropped copying Kota and lately she's even ditched the unflattering aegyo sal. She's still heavily shooped but she looks a lot more human and cute now IMO.
No. 50464
>>50458Just checked her instagram/twitter (looks only recently made, could it be fake?), you're right, she's dressing a lot nicer and not kotafied. Her clothes are so fucking cute, it makes me jealous tbh. Like
all her stuff is amazing and adorable.
>>50463I guess she might not feel confident enough and doesn't want to be judged by strangers on the street but still wants to wear cute stuff. I often order something I think looks cute or nice but will lose confidence to wear it out when I try it on if I feel I'll get strange looks from people.
No. 50472
Her instagram could be real, I think. Someone on one of her pictures asked where she gets her clothes from and she said mostly from which sounds legit, her clothes match the style of those that are on there. I appreciate that she shares where she buys her clothes from, unlike Kota.
No. 50483
>>50478Yeah, that's what I think, too. I think she just wants to emulate Kota's look because…well, it's Dakota Rose. She's known throughout the world (or she was when she first got famous, anyway) for being a cute, waif, elf doll princessu.
Maybe if Kittyphina starts trying to reach out to China/Japan specifically, I would say she's trying to get a piece of what Kota has. Otherwise, I think she just wanted some attention online.
No. 50512
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heard she's really sweet? From who? Her neighbor? Her grandma?
Well, in that case, I've heard Quirkplanet is sweet as a cookie, and Kaka is as humble as pie.
(From my private sources of course, you wouldn't know them so don't ask)
No. 50513
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I don't know why this picture is making me laugh. It's just awkward.
I wonder why she posts winking photos so often.
No. 50660
>>50512I feel like she's posting here.
These defensive posts "feeling sorry for her" and saying "she doesn't want fame" lol yeah right
No. 50670
>>50464Oh brother, have standards. She's just wearing the typical cheap ~kawaii dolly~ clothes from taobao that all the ~kawaii~ bloggers have been wearing for years. I was going to say that the only reason you'd be envious of her clothes were if you were too insecure to wear cute things yourself, but you already said that for me. Thanks. (but seriously though, how insecure do you have to be if you're unable to wear these types of clothes out?)
>>50475>>50478Yeah, see, there's a difference between being inspired by your idol and obsessively copying them. Did you guys even see the comparison pics at the top of the thread?
Fuck is up with lolcow today
No. 50779
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I completely forgot about this girl but her "Angelic Pretty" dresses are most certainly replicas, I've noticed of the few she owns, there are replicas available from Taobao though y'all probably figured that out already.
Berry Garden: Marine was available to buy from this shop: her pic related Sheep Garden is from Dream of Lolita.
I thought it was perhaps a coincidence that she happened to have those first two given I knew there were replicas of them, but the bows and lace on the bodice of Sheep Garden is a dead giveaway. On the original, the bows are much bigger and touch, and also they didn't use eyelet lace running across the bodice, or the two vertical rows on the bottom of that one.
Don't even try.
No. 50782
>>50779Where have you been?
She openly admits she uses Taobao for pretty much all her clothes, including her lolita dresses. I don't recall her even once saying she bought brand.
No. 89740
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She really seems to be into that nymphet shit these days, she is late to the train.
No. 89820
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This her without shoop?
No. 89836
>>89834I clicked on the link at
>>89738 and clicked on the tag on the very first pic lol
No. 90768
>>44045natural ones are qt
Ones like this are fucking ugly
No. 91071
>>90766What you're seeing as arms are just the front edges of her cardigan.
It took me a while to figure it out too
No. 120024
>>9079One of Dako's makeup tricks is inner corner of her lower waterline. It brings the inner lower eyelid up towards the pupil, yielding the appearance of a smize. If you look at photos of teenage Britney Spears, her eyelids are like this naturally, where the lower lid skims the pupil. Humans are intrinsically attracted to this for some reason.
Anyway, this girl is missing that, which is part of the reason she looks creepy and vacant compared to dakota.
No. 120792
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Also, this decoden is really cute
No. 120818
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>>120692>>120791What anon means is that Dakota takes her black liner and lines the inner corner of her bottom waterline. Pic related.
No. 120865
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>>120841In her tumblr era it's in all of her pictures, anon.
No. 120867
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No. 120875
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>>120867From her Facebook, taken the same day
No. 121079
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>>120865yep, she did this quite often
No. 145235
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>>145232Great, it works.
The moment you have all been waiting for:
Unedited candid photo, in non-kawaii clothes.
Isn't she cute? Man, she gotta be insecure to edit so much, she looks just fine!
Definitely different and older, but super cute.
No. 145244
>>145235Oh wow.
Yeah, I don't see her need to shoop. Honestly I think she looks better here than in her edits. She looks creepy and alien-like in them. Here she looks nice and normal, but still cute.
No. 145315
>>145313Is me.
>>145314Maybe we can all agree she's actually cute?
No. 145469
>>145430She probably thought she'd get e-fame like kota and whizzed away to Japan for jobs, why? Just for being thin/white/cute and wearing loli on the side when infact it's all an act.
Someone once said/had a pic on PULL of kota apparently in Starbucks wearing normal clothes just listening to music/writing apparently…
No. 145580
>>145469It most likely wasn't her. The photo was blurry as hell, and there was no way to tell, you couldn't even see her face.
It was just taken by a gossip thirsty anon who was sooooo sure it was her
No. 208428
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Bustedface-chan is now resorting to showing her vagvag on photos for attention
(Not exactly, but you can see a bit more than what one would want to see)
No. 208433
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>>208428Btw her real name is Sarah Elizabeth
No. 208435
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>>208433She'll probably delete her fb now, kek
No. 208482
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>>208450That (Voldemort) is actually one of the first things that were said about her, I remember people saying stuff like "She looks like a Dakota clone with Voldemort nose"
I don't believe surgery, why would anyone pay to get an ugly nose? Reminds me of one of those generic j-fash girls in Japan on Instagram