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No. 74566 (her current blog)
Meet Faye Kane the Homeless Brain, a (formerly) homeless, autistic, nymphomaniac. Faye achieved internet fame in the mid-2000s when her blog, where she detailed her life of living naked in a cavein the woods, masturbating all day, and bloging about her thoughts, while making stealing power and dumpster diving for electronics to sell on Ebay. Today she is no longer homeless, living in the house of one of her fans in some sort of BDSM relationship.
Her blog (still active today) is where she posts in equal measures her unique views on society today, astrophysics talk (she apparently has at least one doctorate) and reposting rape porn.
She's not really trollable (IIRC, she trolled 789chan /cow/ pretty well when they had a thread on her), but I find her to be one of the most unique people on the internet.
No. 74589
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What in the living hell??
Is this a doll or a real dead person?
I couldn't look at it long without getting grossed out.
No. 74616
I was going to trawl through her blog entries but then I realized she was into CP and I was like BYE.
No. 74620
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>>74589Reminds me of Cannibal Holocaust
No. 74626
>>74615I don't know about the physics stuff but her computer knowledge is outdated at best even though she still claims to know loads. She knows a lot for like a teenager in the 90s but has added little to it since.
She's also crazily naive in that Always Unique, Totally Intelligent, Sometimes Mysterious way. I remember one time she posted an image of some kind of mech from a movie or game and insisted it was something real the US military has. She used to go on and on about how bad Republicans are and believed any old anti-conservative bullshit that fit her world view but these days seems to be more annoyed by SJWs.
No. 74637
>>74589Judging by the graves in the background, I'm gonna assume it's for some haunted Halloween thing.
Y'all got some weak stomachs for fake gore.
No. 75004
>>74644>>74620IIRC the director paid the actors not to do anything for a year after it was made to add to the realism, but was then put on trial for murder by Italian authorities who thought he had made a snuff film. He ended up having to track down the cast and get them to testify in court that he didn't kill them. The "impaled girl" effect was accomplished with a bicycle seat and a prostitute who was accomplished at deep-throating.
It's one of the most fucked up films I've ever seen. I highly recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.
No. 75076
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>>74615>>74626Astrophysics student here. Just trawled through her physics posts for about 15 mins and now I have to go for a drink.
The shit that she "explains" can be easily googled. I feel like she just read an article on "I fucking love science", formed a vague opinion on it, then decided to type it up. Other than that, all she does is spend her time correcting easy questions on Yahoo answers, talking about how smart she is and how her IQ is 147 (huge warning sign right there) and posting graphics or videos on simple astronomy topics that she didn't even make. In addition, the way she explains things is extremely weird, it's like she just spews out as many scientific sounding words/facts as possible to make her shit hard to read and follow. I've done that for reports before when I needed to cite a scientific article, I'd just re-word the articles in a different way so that they still weren't technically wrong lol, even if I had little idea of what they were saying. Also she over explains shit.
> Q: Can neutrons be electromagnetically aligned? >Her A: Neutrons are not electromagnetically charged, but last I heard, they may have an internal magnetic dipole moment that can be aligned perpendicular to its spin axis and an external magnetic field. But I don’t see how that could affect the weak force when it releases the neutron. Even if it exists (and for all I know, they’ve discovered it), the neutron dipole couldn’t be used to accelerate it or change its linear momentum vector, only orient (rotate) the neutron in space.Everything after "they may have an internal magnetic dipole moment…" is completely and utterly redundant. She brought up some random aspect of neutrons for no reason and they have no impact on the original topic at hand.
My verdict? Extremely doubtful. If she seriously has a doctorate in astrophys, she'd be talking about higher level shit, not "where did the moon come from?", which was her most throughly explained physics post. Also I only saw one post where she backed things up with (elementary) calculus, even though she claims she's SOOOO GOOD at it (pic related) but can't do regular math. She strikes me as a 2edgy5me "I'm so gifted" fake.
TLDR; Tacks on random redundant facts and words to her science posts to make it annoying to read, doesn't explain anything you can't easily find via google properly but can tell you where the moon came from in great detail, acts super smart and above everybody but is most likely full of shit.
No. 75266
>>75076I feel like one of her posts saying that girls should want to be raped because it's a "gift" was indication enough that she was dumb as fuck but this definitely solidifies it, thank you.
People maybe would have thought she was a ~thuper thpeshul genius~ if it were still the 90s but I don't think she realizes just how out of date she is. I wonder how old she is? At least in her 40s?
No. 75711
>>75213Well, the movie is designed to look like "lost footage" from a doomed expedition and was advertised as such. Imagine a 70's version of The Blair Witch Project. He deliberately hired a cast of relative unknowns to make it seem more real, and so he could afford to pay them off to not appear to make it seem EVEN MORE real.
The story behind the film is really interesting: No. 75789
>>75076>>75266I think "fake" is the wrong word to describe her. I've known about her for years and she is literally a.u.t.i.s.t.i.c. (stupid word filters). Not the diluted online version that would barely qualify as assburgers, but the real life "she should have a minder" version.
She's not trying to be edgy, she just literally doesn't understand the world and is as naive as a child.
The reason she's so into BDSM/rape is that she doesn't understand emotions and only understands actions. Thus she sees things like rape as lust personified.
Honestly, if you've encountered real autists before she's not that strange. She's just obsessed with sex instead of the bus schedule or whatever.
No. 75816
>>75789autism autistic autist
Word filter is gone now.
No. 204812
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I never said I have a PhD. Somebody else said it. I have a BS in computer science. I was the department valedictorian.
Astrophysics is my main interest (after being fucked).
In my blog, I explain things the way Feynman did, with NO jargon. The stuff about neutrons was an answer at yahoo answers.
No. 204882
>>75076I'll take things that never happened for $200 Alex.
Tons of people in advanced math are shit at mental math. No one gives a fuck because arithmetic is for plebs and calculators.
No. 205177
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>>204853>>204873from her flickr.
op is obviously self-posting: "is where she posts in equal measures her unique views on society today"/"one of the most unique people on the internet", please
she's a 60+ year old edgelord.
No. 205272
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mommy issues
>No, my mom did that. She intended to do the opposite. And I fell for it too, for a very long time.
calling men geeks/making fun for lack of gf
>you arrogant, pretentious no-girlfriended geek asshole (talking about windows 7 here but it is repeated)
repetitive fetish / fantasy related phrases
>pubic hair trimmed short
>bdsm etc
two examples of people being 'meanies' repeated over and over
>It seems everyone assumed I had destroyed the server myself, on purpose, almost bringing down the business so no one would have jobs anymore —just to prove I was right about needing a backup.
>At another mickey-mouse outfit, I said something to someone, but instead of using the more specific "exigency", I substituted "contingency" because I've learned that people get uncomfortable when you use a word they don't understand. But after I said whatever it was, the girl looked at me angrily and said :"Do you use big words on purpose to intimidate people?"
other repeats
>Ever wonder why that retarded kid is always smiling? It's for the same reason the smart kid isn't: they're both genetic MUTANTS.
>stupid people
>Do I look like the motherfucking Riddler from Batman?
No. 228219
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[I'm posting this in a fre of places until someone responds]
Hi, guys.
Word on the street is that you have a thread going about me. I would like very much to participate in it (and in some other interesting stuff here), please. [curtsies]
But the registration page not only assumes you're a guy (the dick question), but it requires a captcha that does not appear.
The data definition (<dd>) structure in the HTML page source looks like you MIGHT only show the captcha if the user gives a famous lolcow name.
I put David Miscavige. He's apparently not on your list. Girlvinyl doesn't work either, so the hell with it.
BTW, by making it hard to register, you're losing customers.
I'd rather just be just "one of the guys" here and not the center of attention (other than the thread about me). That's what my blog is for.
But fora which mention me often have one dorky 'tard who gets insulting and hostile for no reason (presumably because his low ego and repeated rejection by girls induces him to show off how hurtful he can be). You know, the kinda guy that hurts little animals.
If that's the case here, I would respectfully request: please, PLEASE, tell him about my thread. I love devastating arrogant assholes on the internet. It's like, my hobby.
As one of you guys said, "She's not really trollable (IIRC, she trolled 789chan /cow/ pretty well when they had a thread on her)."
Hell, I wish you could see what I did to the rednecks at Fox 56 (news station in Kentucky). It still warms my heart to remember! I shot them 'necks in the head like walkers on TWD. Blam! Blam! Blam!
GOD that was fun.
Anyway, I rarely meet a worthy opponent, but it HAS been a while, and I'm lookin' for trouble. So if some injudicious loudmouth here wants to try trolling me, lolcowing me, challenging something I say (e.g., race and evolution), or otherwise fucking with me; tell him to try. Tell him how cool it would make him look to everyone.
He'll find his shitstained underpants pulled down in front of allll his friends so they can see his tiny dick and little-kid balls, and laugh at him for being so ugly and mean to a friendly stranger who only wants to talk about stuff.
Here, look what I did to an admin motherfucker who banned me from wikipedia: sent that link to all his friends and his fiance.
Anyway, please either tell me how to make the captcha visible, or someone create an account for me under my name and tell me the id & pw by emailing
In any case, please email me the status of my registration.
Where the fuck did you get the idea that I'm 60? JEE-ziss! I've said many times on my blog that I lie about my age; it's not a secret. But shit, that's WAY off.
To me, I'm 22, the age I left college and stopped developing emotionally. I just hung around for a long time, standing on the sidewalk, leaning against a wall, smoking cigarettes, and waiting for something interesting to happen.
It finally did in 2001 (which wasn't a week; it was a 3-day weekend). It was just like a religious revelation. It's when I stopped being shy and became excessively aggressive..
No. 228412
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>>228234> >claims to have an iq of 147Now you see why I never tell anyone.
Where on my blog did you find that?
>doesn't even know how imageboards workI was perma banned from /b four times, smartmouth. I meant that message for lolcows and wasn't paying attention to which tab I was on. Not paying attention is my Achilles heel.
> Can't rape the willing you fucking retard.It's what I call sex, presumptuous bumpkin.It obviously doesn't mean totally nonconsensual, though I did let it be nonconsensual for a whole weekend once, in some guy's basement so I could experience rape.
Feminist Gloria Steinem said "All sex is rape," like it was a BAD thing. My calling sex rape is a joke for smart people, not cultural 'tards.
> I like your writing though, You praise me immediately after you called me a fucking retard. Things like that are why girls don't like you.
> almost creepypasta like.How does creepypasta apply to my original, not-copied writing on my blog?
> she tried to catfish us with the photo of some random girl with a pixie cut.Wrong again, Albert. Look here:
> I want her to do a tour of her coffin spaceGuided tours by The Kane Travel Agency: No. 228417
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> HAHAHA fuck meThat's my motto. The HAAHAH part is like when Nietzsche says, "Dance to laugh at the spirit of gravity."
No. 228423
>>228412This is a website of girls, retard. You aren't going to find many "Alberts" here. We are girls. And you are embarrassing yourself.
Still don't think that's your photo.
No. 228526
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>>228508Is this the post you're referencing? The earliest comment on it is from October of last year too so yeah… No. 228546
>>228412I don't understand your humor, so your sex life is a joke? I have gathered that myself already, but you want me to take your definition of sex seriously? Naw, you're a social and actual retard. I just think you're a fucking retard for not knowing the definition of rape.
I'm not the one delusional enough to call "rape" sex, you're an educated woman, a 60 year old woman, shame on you.
There's nothing "smart" about your response.
No. 228863
extremely autistic indeed. This post is almost CWC levels of autism.
No. 228869
>>228859I always new her "blog" was just a bizzare self insert fan fiction about some dream hobo-rape life.
She's just a very sad old woman who believes her larger than average vocabulary makes her a genius and super special. Thus she invents this special snowflake cave life. How can you live in a cave and have high end PC's, internet, food and qualify for Obama care without a friggen address.