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No. 533284

So… sometimes I like to see what Pixy's mom up to and low and behold did I stumble onto some milk!
Looks like Pixy and her Mom are just as crazy.(shit thread)

No. 533285

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the comments are full of milk!

No. 533286

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No. 533287

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No. 533288

Wew thought you meant Pixy as in Jill. Queen's been so inactive I've nearly forgotten about her.

No. 533290

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No. 533291

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No. 533293

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No. 533294

what the hell is this thread? It reeks of vendetta.

No. 533295

Condensed version
Looks like Debbie had an affair with this woman's (Terri) husband about 13 years ago or more for money.
They all let it go until Debbie started sending letters to Terri's mom and to Terri.
Terri has now publicly outted Debbie for being crazy and Debbie is trying to cover it up by saying her doctor told her to write the letter. Pixy of course has been dragged into this with her photos being blasted all over the comments.

No. 533297

Long Live the Queen

No. 533298

Just bringing the Guilbeaux milk to our thirsty thread. <3

No. 533304

I feel bad for PT here, she had nothing to do with this.

No. 533308

Finally, maybe the newfags can get educated.

I agree. God, Texans can be so fucking retarded. Why would you send that letter, why would you put it on blast on FB and why would you insult the daughter? I know she's angry about the harassment over her dead husband, but what the fuck does it have to do with Sarah?

No. 533311

Holy shit. Debbie always was a nut job.

This makes her such a hypocrite for calling PT a ‘cumdumpster’ after finding the diary. Maybe PT’s dad was a Japanese client after all?

No. 533320

Kek. I'll buy it. He must have been a fat Japanese guy because he would have gotten lost in the Western Sea of Debbie.

I watched the tinycam of PT's mom telling her that even cats and dogs bathe and to take a shower while PT sobbed. I know PT could be horrible over social media, but it was pretty pathetic. More than half of Sarah's problems are due to her fucking insane, bipolar mother.

No. 533326

yeah I don't understand why Pixy was dragged into this drama that her mom is involved in. Seems kind of shitty to drag in her daughter for something her mom did.

No. 533329

What does the letter say? It is hard to read

No. 533335

>lost in the Western Sea of Debbie.

Poetry, anon.

No. 533338


I have something to get off my chest. I can imagine the story your dearly departed Husband to (told?) you. You obviously think I came on to your husband. Here's what happened

I saw him up(in?) town and said I had something for you. He told me to bring it by. I did and ??? I hollered to come in and (he) came out of the bedroom to the living room in underwear. He even said "you should see your face it's bright red." He tried to some on to me and I got out of there. Why would he do such a thing to your cousin(?). I never spoke to him again after that. I would never cheat on Michal (Michael?) he is my husband, lover and friend. So if you want to believe that old cheater your free to do so, but you are blind to how he was OR maybe you saw it and just ignored(?) it.


I hope that's pretty accurate. That last sentence is all guesswork.
"Hicks" is right, why would you involve someone's (even adult) child's Internet history in any of this? Trash unto trash.

No. 533339

it may be low, but not surprising at all, almost unpreventable. PT's history and shenanigans make her a very big and easy target for somebody that has beef with her mom about messing with the latter's family.

No. 533342

Wait. Debbie slept with her cousin? Ewww

No. 533358

I think she means it in that she and Terri are cousins, making Terri’s husband her cousin by marriage. Not genetic incest, but still gross.

No. 533371

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leave pixyteri alone!

No. 533375


But seriously I wouldn't be surprised if this lady started to get harassed by pixy supporters.

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