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No. 312257
"I'm the nicest, caring-est person you'll ever fucking meet!" -Amy
A morbidly obese 29-year-old Youtube "star" from Kentucky.
She first started vlogging with her somehow even fatter sister,
Tammy, but these days it's pretty much all about Amy.
Her shit-quality content usually includes hauls of various
kinds of Walmart crap, awful makeup looks and reviews, disgusting storytimes,
and random bullshit that goes on in her filthy house.
While she basks in her glorious e-fame, she fails to realize that
people only follow her for the freakshow.
Some highlights:
>ScammingAccompanied by a tearful video, she started a GoFundMe to raise moneys
for Tammy's triple-sized casket, while Tammy was, and still is, very much alive.
Raised almost $900.
Posted a new video a few days later of her and Tammy sitting at a
table munching on junk food. People got mad and wanted their dollars back.
Amy started blocking everyone who dared to ask her about it. She later
uploaded a video explaining how she had given the money to their mom, for the bills,
and that she would pay everyone back. No proof of this actually occurring was ever seen.
Later started another GoFundMe for a new Macbook pro, but it was quickly closed.
>Alleged animal abuseAmy locked her brother's german shepard in a tiny, hot camper. The dog managed to escape
through the window and bit the landwhale. The dog was taken to a shelter, and later
>Some examples of her assholismWent on a date with some guy and tried to eat him at a hotel. Posted a video
detailing what happened, and explained that she was just trying to give his virgin-ass a
good ol' hickey. The poor dude managed to escape and Amy was left lying in bed alone,
wanting to die.
Later retaliated by giving out his number to anyone who asked.
When she got dumped by her latest boyfriend (of 1 week) DeathMetAlKaos, she pitted her minions
after him, and told them not to subscribe to his channel.
Tried to shit all over his new relationship.
Some have also suspected her of stealing PO box gifts meant for Tammy.
Youtube: discussion group: No. 312260
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>>312259Yeah that was Tammy. She's in and out of the hospital all the time. Possibly in a nursing home atm.
No. 312420
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>>312260>>312353Guys her melon is crucial for echolocation
No. 312517
>>312513"The verdict of the story is… do not bite people."
No. 312558
No. 312565
>>312513This is one of the most horrifying thumbnails I have seen on this site. They don't even look human anymore. That giant forehead on Tammy is creeping me out so bad. How the fuck does someone get so fat that their forehead is collapsing upon their eyes?!
>>312518>>312537These are the worst makeup tutorial videos I have seen in years.
No. 312566
>>312565There's a green story somewhere about an anon who saw a hambeast at walmart use duct tape to keep it's forehead fat out of its eyes.
These things are why we have global warming. We're long overdue for a cull.
No. 312646
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>>312586This really made me laugh
No. 313724
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>>312518Why even bother contouring? Does she actually think that's doing anything for her?
No. 314172
>>313864Apparently she tried it at least once before but failed. I don't think she has the willpower for it.
… And constantly pushing out these 'taste test' videos ain't helping.
Yeah, sure she's not gonna finish those fried twinkies.
No. 334300
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>>333930Her bro in the background using his belly as a table.
No. 334572
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>>334555YES! Please, spill the deets.
No. 334631
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>>334562>>334572Idk how to take screenshots of the messenger so this is just the cut and paste.
online now!
Yesterday - 4:23pm
Hello there how are you doing this beautiful afternoon
Today - 4:14am
Hey, I'm doing great but my sis was in the hospital for diabetes :( Do you like pizza?
Im so sorry to hear that sweetheart
I love pizza
What are your favorite toppings?
I like everything on my pizza
I would like to taste your sweetness
Today - 5:53am
Will you feed me twinkies?
I definitely will baby
Will you suck my big cock for me
Yes, I'll suck it like it's a corn dog.
Ooooo baby i would love that
This account is only 2 days old and I'm not an expert on dating sites or anything. I've previously played Raven Sparks but had a hard time finding a husbando because no teenager wants to settle, but this account is going really strong.
No. 335416
>>334631Dammit, the second guy actually looks awkwardly cute ): why does he have to be a feeder??
Sage cuz ot
No. 336600
>>336441Tammy has clearly had enough of Amys shit!
I've been following them for a while now, but the early stuff was way more value for chins. I mean foreheads. I mean money!
As a UK fag, Americans fascinate me for a fair number of reasons. But Kentucky as repped here is a US state out of the ballpark of my limited understanding!
Forget the complexities of tipping fellow brits. THIS is a real learning 'curve' to behold.
I veer from feeling bad for them, pitying them, feeling disgusted, amused, perplexed, confused, sad, outraged, horrified… and back n forth.
How does this shit happen in a civilised world?
No. 336601
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No. 336676
>>336441W-what…What was that lol Jesus, this is the first time I've watched one of her videos (I've been quietly reading the thread but didn't want to see her moving). Dear god, now I understand what you all are talking about.
>>336672Not that anon. I'm not American not Brit but I've visited many countries, and i can guarantee you the USA is the "heaviest" country ever because you see more obese people than in others places. I mean, it's more likely you will see a few obese people per hour in the US versus one or hardly two in other places. It's pretty disgusting. Not that is news though.
No. 336937
>>336764This was uploaded 8 years ago.
They already were morbidly obese and disfigured. Tammy had her forehead lump since 2004. They obviously believe they are perfectly normal and have no clue how horrible their life is.
No. 337051
>>336672I was referring to my feelings for Amy and Tammy not Americans as a whole
The UK is full of fat fucks too, just don't see as many THIS size
No. 337191
>>336441Haha, at 6:05 did she say she needs to find a feeder?
It's so awkward watching how uninterested she is in this.
No. 337205
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>>337188They never stood a chance…
No. 341099
>>341039Looks like a simple cross eye issue.
Her type is probably easily fixable and not permanent.
No. 341391
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>>340971She's going one better and also growing one on the back of her neck
No. 341406
>>341360Deng it, that hoxo toxo comin' now?
I thought that was all bullshit to garner more sympathy
This due to posting an image, supposed to be her eye, which was actually an image she saved from a website for diseases of the eye?
No. 341821
>>314172lol, someone should send this to Ashley. Wait a sec, I haven't seen out residential bonelord's thread on the front page for a while.. oh my.
Saged for OT post on another cow
No. 342511
>>337218>>337220>>337400>>337226She did tell the story. In the video she was talking about how she got really drunk one night with her nephew and in the morning she woke up in bed with him and he told her "You slept with me last night aunt amy"
The video used to be on someone else's channel but it seems it's been deleted since the last time I saw it.
No. 342855
>>342515So you can imagine eating her out and looking up at her disgusting face.
That or she really wanted to show off her chins.
No. 342997
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More of her fucked up left eye.
No. 343294
>>342997is there some correlation to being fat and having googly eyes? I've only ever met huge people who have eyes like this.
sage fot ot stupid question
No. 343910
>>343648>>343704Not sure if the other sister has it, I haven't noticed her eyes do the same thing, but then again i havent watched a video with tam in ages…
Also not sure if cured, but deff prolonged if she wore glasses and took proper care of herself but ………. its amy so….
No. 344019
>>333860Why is her forehead so damn bumpy??
Like it's been fat,but not where it looks like she has balls under her forehead.
No. 345490
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No. 345491
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No. 345519
>>345491It's sad and cruel af how amy has acted, but its ridiculously irresponsible to send money to someone you don't know, especially if you couldn't afford to.
it's just a dumb decision when amy already had this rep of taking money and being a drama.
A lot of people felt really bad, but imo it was her own fault in a way.
Very tragic however how amy has dealt with the whole thing, pretty sure she was harrassing para's family and such too….but idk im conflicted..
No. 345553
>>345551Wasn't paracord the one who died tho?
If i am not mistaken, she was asking for money back cause she got diagnosed with cancer and then recently passed away….
IF KF was still up i'd be able to check my sources but yknow aha
No. 346239
>>346237Unsure why she didn't get it corrected. Speculating, it may be that it wasn't as pronounced when Amy was a child and has gotten progressively worse and she cannot afford to get it fixed now.
Or her parents just didn't bother to have it repaired when she was young. Her mother and stepfather live like animals in that repulsive trailer and are such outstanding parents that their least appalling child is still 150 pounds overweight (there's a sister who is just American fat and not yet circus freak, ready for a TLC show level obesity like Tammy and Amy). The Slatons really don't seem like the sorts of people who care about or avail themselves of medical care that isn't emergency in nature.
But really God only knows why this wasn't dealt with long ago.
No. 346486
Amy sure does her best at tutorials. I don't know how she manages to get even worst at makeup.
No. 347996
>>347563This video makes zero sense. Typical Amy contradicts herself as she babbles on about random goings on in her family. Who has the laptop? What is she going on about some collab person back stabbing her? Why would someone pretend to be her mother on a fake account to troll random family friends? So many questions, tell the story properly, Amy!
>the veins on her head are about to explode, you guys!!Well, thar she blows, I guess.
No. 348025
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Holy shit. New Fag here. I just discovered this (literal) cow a couple days ago. Thought she was a good cringe cow and not worthy of a thread…until I read the comment section. Never have I seen a cow's followers act so venomous. They pounce on literally any comment that isnt "Ur so bootiful!! Luv u!!"
Fucking comments giving ger constructive criticism about her makeup are being ripped to shreds.
Is it just me or is her fanbase unusually rabid?
No. 348216
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>>342997A match made in heaven.
No. 348719
>>347996I came across a Peter Monn or Moon video the other day. Don't have any info about him but he was talking about Amy and saying he had spoken to her Mum on some SM platform regarding the whole gofundme scam. Apparently her mum had told him that obese people can't be cremated in Kentucky, and that burials are more expensive. He says he phoned around himself and found out that neither is true.
I have no idea if she's referring to that but it makes sense…
No. 348940
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>>347938Ask and you shall receive.
No. 349218
>>349199Tammy's a racist homophobe. Receipts are on the now dead KF but some asshole who worked with Amy years ago and who was invited to the Slaton trailer told stories of how messed up Mama, Tammy and Amy Slaton are, with stories involving racism and a dislike of gays, despite their own bi-curious leanings.
The Slatons as a whole, including the lesser-known siblings, are gross, super-morbidly-obese, bigoted, low-IQ, under educated, gluttonous, violent losers. No pity should be extended to any member of this vile clan unless there is a major news story showing a Slaton rescuing a transexual lesbian mixed race black-Asian from a homophobic mob intent on killing her. Until then, all bets are off.
No. 349281
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>>349218Like some kind of supersized racist/homophobic version of the McPoyle clan. "Merica.
No. 352739
>>352731Her speach is already awfull, but when she cries like this i can barely understand what is she speaking about.
>Why can't i be happy?Amy. how different your life would be if you just quit binging on food.
No. 352814
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I hope someone saved a copy.
No. 354584
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No. 354616
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Ask and you shall recieve:
No. 355251
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>>354616>>354584Reminds me of the Insane Cancers from Silent Hill 3 tbh
No. 356226
>>356171Shit i can't believe i missed that. No one seems to have a copy up yet. So sad.
But here's a new sassy rant video. Amy's going full ghetto bitch, lol.
No. 356269
>>356226She went HARD in being sassy. I think I only saw this vid tho.
Calme de fuck DOWNE ames
I'm getting confused tho
Italian Aly is calling ppl "motherfuckers"
No. 357087
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Thanks for looking out for me, YouTube
No. 374383
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>>355251I'll one up your Insane Caner for a Lady Boomer from L4D2
No. 381384
>>313723>but it is really so difficult to control yourself that you get to this point??Kinda
they're southerners that grew up in a dysfunctional house, being obese is expected tbh.
No. 381390
>>375877>Who's more jealous. -MeOfcourse she is, even a man like him can easily find a woman better than Amy, in fact even marrying an actual cow would be a better option than dating that landwhale.
Isn't it a miracle she managed to get herself man at all?
No. 523349
>>523224Tammy best Slaton. Her voice is oddly cute too.
Wonder how chafed Amy is gonna get over the attention and gifts Tammy will eventually get.
No. 523353
>>523224i am fucking hype for tam fam
i hope she has dirt on amy
No. 523923
>>523349She recently did a fan mail unboxing on Amy's channel and it was more of the same shit with Amy trying to swipe the good shit from it.
>>523353She did a livestream on her channel or something a few days ago and it seemed like she was kind of shading Amy for the gofundme shit.
No. 529581
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>>529329It's fucking cake mix with apple sauce
No. 737363
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Hate to bump an old thread but it's finally happening. They've got a TLC special. No. 737366
>>737363Fucking circus animals.
Literally honey boo boo 2.0. Great idea tlc!
No. 737485
>>737383I've been wondering for a while if this might prod Amberlynn towards calling those TLC producers back again. But for My600lb Life she'd have to go offline for maybe a year - no bueno since that's her binge and Walmart money. The Slatons are getting to stay online while they film, which is what she'd want.
Congrats TLC on finding the two most garbage documentary subjects since Assanti graced our screens.
No. 737937
>>737909Amber missed her chance for a Fat Family show because her brother is just averagely chubby and doesn’t talk to her most of the time.
She could totally rock a Fat Friends show, though. Just Amber and Becky and Destiny and Dana alone practically weigh a ton. Add in that Rafe and Hannah and you’re well over the ton mark.
No. 756509
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No. 777552
>>758056I gotta admitted I was drunk when I watched the first few episodes, but I loved their show and I actually cried during Amy's wedding (I always get overemotional with wedding shit tho)
So far Amy has surprised me a lot cause as you said, she appears much smarter than she actually is
Tammy on the other hand is annoying as fuck. If she doesn't change I'm just gonna skip all the parts featuring her
No. 821871
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No. 898602
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The wedding pics are in!
>Tammy Slaton is now a married woman!
>The 1000-Lb. Sisters star, 36, tied the knot with husband Caleb Willingham on Saturday at Windsor Lane Rehabilitation Center in Gibsonburg, Ohio, PEOPLE can exclusively reveal.
>"You all knew me as Tammy Slaton, but now you'll all know me as Mrs. Tammy Willingham," Tammy says. "I'm married now!" No. 898604
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>>898603the wedding dress
No. 898716
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on tammy's wedding registry
No. 922815
Some milk since this thread is a bit behind on it.
Amy and Michael are getting a divorce. Michael filed for it back in March, and "allegedly" was hitting the kids.
Tammy and Caleb are also getting a divorce.
Article here - No. 931958
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Well I'll be damned. Tammy actually did it. I can't imagine how much skin removal she's going to need though.
No. 942311
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Amy got arrested a while ago
No. 942312
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>>942311also got bit by a camel at the zoo