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The site maintenance is completed but lingering issues are expected, please report any bugs here

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No. 237904

We are looking for new janitors / farmhands.

Janitors have the ability to delete posts, spoiler images, and lock and move threads. They cannot see IPs or ban people. They can suggest bans, though.

All janitors will be in trial mode for 30 days. During those 30 days, you may be removed from your position at any time for any reason. After 30 days, you will either be removed as janitor or kept on permanently.

To apply, report this post and include your Skype username in the report message. Skype is a requirement. You must also be willing to stay logged into Skype during all of your online hours, for communication purposes. You can use a throwaway Skype if you want, obviously, but you must remain logged into it actively. A janitor found to be posting or enforcing rules without being logged into Skype will likely be removed.

If you've spent time in any of the chat channels, please include what username(s) you've used there in your report message, as well.

If you don't receive a Skype contact request from me after a few days, that means your application was rejected. Please don't send a follow-up report or inquire about the status of your application. If you do receive a contact request, you'll be asked a few questions and given more information, then told whether you're accepted or rejected within that day.

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