No. 213570
This is a lolcow you've surely already heard about. A Canadian transgender father left behind a wife and seven children to begin a new life as a six-year-old girl. Stefonknee (pronounced ‘Stephanie’) Wolschtt, 46, had been married for 23 years when she realised she was transgender. She's now living with an adoptive family, and says she does not “want to be an adult right now”.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children. But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child,” she said in a video series by The Transgender Project, published by Daily Xtra.
Ms Wolschtt said her wife could not accept her as a transgender woman. She was told to either “stop being trans or leave”.
“To me, ‘stop being trans’ isn’t something I could do,” she says. “It would be like telling me to stop being 6ft 2 or leave.”
Feeling rejected by her family, Ms Wolschtt left and now lives with her adoptive family, who she says are “totally comfortable with me being a little girl”. She explains how her new parents’ youngest granddaughter wanted a little sister and decided Ms Wolschtt should be younger than her.
“We have a great time. We colour, we do kid’s stuff,” she says.
“It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play.”
In an earlier part of the series, Ms Wolschtt spoke of how she became suicidal and was hospitalised a month after taking part in the first Toronto transgender march in 2009. After she was discharged, her wife accused her of harassment and assault, and pressed charges against her to achieve a restraining order.
In 2012, her eldest daughter invited Ms Wolschtt to her wedding, but requested she “dress like her dad” and to sit at the back of the church and not address any members of the family. The day of her daughter’s wedding, Ms Wolschtt attempted suicide for the last time, and was unsuccessful. She now receives support from the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, where the congregation is mostly made up of LGBTQ people.
Transwoman Stefonknee Wolscht Lives Life “as a Six Year Old Girl”
https://archive.is/DOsUP#selection-17.0-31.66 http://www.infowars.com/transgender-father-abandons-7-children-to-become-6-year-old-girl/ http://www.czerwinskiconsulting.com/employmentretirement-blog/i-lost-all-my-customers No. 213571
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"Before coming out as her true authentic pediatric female self, Stefonknee (“Steph on knee”, geddit?) was a 53 year old man named Paul who was living his inauthentic life as the married father of seven children. According to him, he looked after the kids while his wife worked as the principal of an elementary school. He was also self-employed as an auto mechanic who worked on cars in a garage on the family property “mainly overnight” after his wife got home.
In 2009 he was charged with 14 criminal offenses of assault, uttering threats, criminal harassment, and criminal mischief. His wife and their two oldest children- then in their late teens- testified against him. He was found guilty of assault and uttering threats. The court also issued a two-year restraining order against him that applied to his wife and all seven of his children. He and his wife divorced.
He moved to Toronto on parole and became a “transgender activist”. He was employed, apparently at The 519 Community Center as a “trans consultant” until, according to transactivist Justin Travis “Julienne” Goins now Patience “patienceinbee” Newbury he was terminated:
“She has demonstrated herself as deeply narcissistic and self-absorbed, putting her own struggles as a white trans woman ahead of the struggles of trans women of colour in Ontario, of putting her own attempts at suicide in front of murdered black and brown trans women at TDoR gatherings.
This would otherwise seem like a quibbling over her character. When she was employed, however, as a trans consultant for a queer-focussed community centre and assigned to work alongside a few trans women of colour, she had a tendency to hijack client/community presentations and redirect these back toward herself (implying that she was the most oppressed trans person there was). Eventually, this cost Stefonknee her job.”"
No. 213573
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>>213571"Paul/Stef became active in the Occupy Toronto encampment, then cashed in his resulting SJW bonafides to organize the first “alternate trans pride” march in Toronto, in protest of the high cost of beer at the main event, and the failure to of the planners to center attention on individuals named Stefonknee.
Eschewing any transgender hormonal or surgical modification “treatment”, Paul utilized his newfound rights as a male under DiNovo’s Bill 33 and took a spot in a women’s homeless shelter on the basis of his gender feels, and began attending services at the MCC Church. There he spouted tales of his abject transgender transchild existence to kindly folks who put love into action (and who turned a blind eye to his simmering rage, manipulative lies and compulsive autogynephilia). “I have lost my children, have been disowned by family, church and friends, been homeless, I’ve lost all I worked forty-six years to achieve, I am unemployed for the first time in my life, I am now a convicted criminal, I suffer from PTSD and am constantly thinking of killing myself…”
Incredibly, his children attempted to stay in touch with him but he responded with horrific abuse. His eldest daughter tried to have him at her wedding, with the caveat that he tone down the lolicon/brolita gear and not make a scene:
“I don’t want a commotion started or anything. I really want the focus to stay on me and David. Would that be okay?” She texted.
He waited until the day of the event and then on his daughter’s Big Day staged a dwamatical “suicide attempt”.
After that ugliness, a group of folks from the MCC church started a “support group” for him. Not a group of folks who join together for support but a group whose goal was to support him, singular. Like a team: Team Stef-on-knee. Team Let’s Sit Around A Table Wasting An Hour Every Week Giving Attention To An Unrepentant Violent and Abusive Able-bodied White Male Porn Addict. Looks like that project hit the end of the road when one of Steffie’s younger (in biological, cis-chronological age) daughters took a chance and texted the Raging Abusive Pervert Psycho Dad on Father’s Day. Rather than graciously accept the gesture, Paul unloaded with all sorts of abuse."
No. 213574
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>>213573"Her last text: “Please text me if you want to, but I’m not ready for a call. Happy Father’s Day.”
His response: “I’m going to kill myself. Bye.”
Former Team Stefonknee, the nicest folks ever, recoiled in horror at his calm recitation of the messages off his phone. But “I literally was ready to slit my throat”, he relayed.
“Yeah. Well, keep it to yourself,” snapped church deacon and Former Team organizer as the rest of the participants averted their eyes, speechless.
If you want to get rid of those last few guests at the end of a party or if you want to see what a 3am Todd Haynes drug company infomercial for assisted suicide might look like you can watch this all play out in gory detail in the video ‘Paul Wears Dresses’ at the bottom of this link:
No. 213579
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This is his twitter.
Follow it for maximum keks.
https://twitter.com/Stefonknee/with_replies No. 213591
Yeah, he tried committing suicide on his daughter's wedding day.
And his "daddy" fucks his asshole. It's disgusting. I think the family that "adopted" him should get investigated, they have a 9 year old daughter and they're letting this literal pervert pretend that he's her sister?
However I feel like he could give a lot of milk to us tbh
No. 213615
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Y'know, I've always dismissed the whole "slippery slope" thing as just a dumb fallacy, but this has really got me thinking that there's maybe some credence to it.
I agree that the family who "adopted" him needs to be investigated. If it were only adults involved then, whatever, it's their business. It's so gross that they're involving their daughter in a demented old man's fetish shit.
And what kind of stupid ass name is stefonknee anyway?
No. 213629
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the stuff he has on his pinterest
ew ew ewww
No. 213635
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>>213610ageplaying old tranny milk is still milk
No. 213639
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>>213591I can see us milking him very well, he doesn't seem to have a lot of followers on twitter, so should be easy to
triggerquestion is how
any ideas?
No. 213645
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"My big sissy boy stuff"
This shit stain doesn't identify as a woman. He gets off on being wearing women's underwear and fetishising children.
No. 213655
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>>213643They grow up so fast :')
No. 213657
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>>213655He looks like shrek
No. 213664
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>>213570>I just want to be a 6 year old girl!Anyone who thinks a 6 year old girl dresses like this is probably a pedophile.
No. 213668
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>>213664which he probably is
and he's living with an actual 7 yr old girl????
No. 213671
>>213669I guess. It's probably knowing how he is that makes him so creepy and disgusting.
>>213668He's still creepy, but he looks a lot more normal here.
No. 213673
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moar weird shit from his pinterest
the fun never ends
No. 213677
>>213591>Yeah, he tried committing suicide on his daughter's wedding day.Then he has issues and he should get help and we shouldnt make fun of him then? dude he's fucking suicidal. i guess laughing at depressed people is fun!!!!
man lolcow has truly became shit
No. 213684
>>213677I'm not here to laugh. I'm here to make sure I can report him if he starts trying to molest that 7 year old girl.
tried is the important part. Faking an attempted suicide isn't uncommon when someone wants to get pity or look like a victim.
No. 213689
how is he NOT lolcow material? He's got it all
Old man autogynephile transgender sissy fetish and all on the internet for the world to see and laugh
He's like Chris-chan in 20 years. Fucking amazing.
You sound
triggered. Are you a sissy or an autogynpehile or a tranny or something?
>>213677Literally every lolcow on this board has mental issues, why else would they be lolcows. You also sound
triggered. Get fucked.
No. 213697
>>213689You actually sound
triggered that i think he's not lolcow material lol
No. 213710
>>213699Yes, also he's a sissy that gets off on "being a woman". That's what I suspect all trannies are, but if you don't then you might not want to lump this guy and them together.
>>213702It's probably not a real adoption. I was just telling you so you wouldn't get banned. I don't if ponies are like the robot situation. I guess not.
No. 213712
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>>213676Iono I think a crossdressing pedophile that has media prominence is pretty lulzy, but to each their own
No. 213713
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>>213677>iYou must be at least 18 to post here yo
No. 213714
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>>213678I wonder if they force the little girl to act like he's a little girl too and play with her
ew ew eww
No. 213717
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why is it weirdo tranny pedos like this always make up the dumbest names for themselves? like "stefonknee", really???
No. 213718
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>>213690It can be done legally speaking, they do it all the time in japan (for complicated legal reasons)
No. 213725
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>>213717Stefonknee? Like stephanie? because he's on his knees? Iono someone help me out here
No. 213729
>>213714In some video he said that he plays with her and the girl treats him like any other six year old. Ew.
>>213717It's a sort of sexual innuendo, "stef-on-knee" like a little girl sitting on her dad's knee. Pedophiliac.
>>213690They didn't legally adopt him, he just lives with them, I guess. On his Fetlife, there were pictures of them "collaring" him.
No. 213731
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so basically like in this pin on his pinterest
Why is nobody reporting this to the CPS
No. 213743
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>>213734because of how progressive everyone has to be nowadays people would fear reporting him, so as not to be thought of as bigots
same thing happened with those extreme islamist the neighbours didn't report because they were progressives
No. 213745
>>213699What I'm saying is if he's suicidal then he should get therapy or some type of help. The the fact that he isn't and basically dropped his previous life to become a 6 year old girl is suspect. The fact there is a child involved is reason to be concerned. What he wants to do with other adults is his business but this is beyond that and needs to be addressed.
>>213720Thanks Anon therapy helped a lot.
No. 213793
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fuck this gay earth
No. 213830
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This past week I've seen a girl trying to explain why women should have sex with dogs, the ratchet af music video/song "Das Me" by Brooke Candy, a group of people who identify with unicorns, and now this freak. People honestly want Donald Trump to be president and he's all over the mass media…my brain can't handle this level of disgust.
this must be what hell is like.
No. 213831
>>213828I think the fact that he's ugly is part of the reason he's doing this. It's kinda like why most people who are into weird fetishes/kinks are ugly and or fat.
Idk tho
No. 213841
>>213831Yeah, if you go on fetlife 98% of men are fat and old. 85% of the women are "BBWs" and another 10% are chubby.
I think they flock to alternative things because they can't get laid normally. People with rare fetishes tend to be desperate enough to fuck anyone that shares their fetish.
No. 213854
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His pinterest is disgusting. I can't believe the family that adopted him is enabling him to live his fetish 24/7. This isn't healthy.
No. 213929
>>213594>Girls T Preteen 3, Girly Boys, Girlie Boys, Boy Crossdresser, Crossdressing Boys, Sissy Boys, Drag Pretty BoysIsn't there some way to keep this disgusting piece of shit away from children? This can't be okay.
He's not trans, he's just some freak who gets off on the idea of being an emasculated "sissy boy". It's the same as those Tumblr fakebois who read/watch too much yaoi.
Fucking gross.
No. 213966
>>213571Bog-standard sociopath.
>self-employed as an auto mechanic who worked on cars in a garage on the family property “mainly overnight” Those poor children. At least they're shot of him.
No. 213975
>>213972This guy's pushing my rage buttons on so many levels.
I am SO concerned to hear there is a child living at that house. In my experience people who like to test the social limits like this are totally breaking them behind closed doors.
No. 213989
>>213591I'm concerned about the daughter. This guy's a perv and who knows what he might do.
>>213664Just another autogynophile that fetishizes women's clothes. This is probably his "naughty first grader" fantasy costume. A lot of these creeps have really weird ideas about women's clothing and personal habits. He's probably the kind of guy who thinks we all walk around in public bathrooms with our boobs hanging out and our vaginas on display.
>>213636I wouldn't be surprised honestly. I saw a pic of him wearing a collar and standing with his "parents".
Would you call him a transchild? Not that I think it's a valid identity. But this goes beyond some run of the mill ageplay stuff. He fancies himself as a real little girl and there is an actual little girl in the house. That's very scary.
No. 213990
>>213594>those pinterest collectionsso it's not about being trans. He just has a fetish for babies/little girls/traps.
Good to know pedophilia is now seen as progressive and brave.
No. 213991
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Someone should convince him to get into lolita for the lulz
No. 214009
>>213991Fuck off, I don't wanna have to see his face all the time. Lolita is full to the brim with sjws. They'd accept him even if he was a convicted pedophile and rapist. Because
that's transphobic anon. ugh
No. 214010
>>214000What conspiracies?
I feel like Miley is a true lolcow at this point, maybe she should get her own thread?
No. 214011
>>213929If he's transitioning he's trans. Trans people can definitely be sick fucks too. They're prone to it infact. Trannies just get called crossdressers when they're caught.
>>213990See above.
>>214003I told you they'd defend even convicted pedophiles and rapists. Then when they give up suddenly it's "but he wasn't actually trans."
No. 214014
>>214011>If he's transitioning he's trans.Hi Tumblr, but you're wrong. You know it's not all that hard to change your name and buy hormones online, and as long as you're OK with lying about having a diagnosis of GID and saying you're trans then you don't need to ever see a therapist. These days it's becoming disgustingly easy to jump on the "transition" bandwagon.
Saying you're trans doesn't make you trans. Having lifelong dysphoria over being in the "wrong body" does, nothing else. No gender specialist would look at this freakshow and say "yep, you're trans", they would see right through this nut for what he really is- a narcissistic pedophile with a sissyboy fetish who is trying to self insert into his own role play fantasy 24/7 and make it into his new reality. Fuck this disgusting fuck for existing, and then fuck him again for dragging the transcondition through the mud like so many other self absorbed fetishists.
>yes, I mad No. 214020
>>214013Trust me, they probably already heard it a million times. You can't even be lesbian now without getting rape and death threats from trannies and their supporters.
I know retro is basically the female fedora, but even they aren't as sjw as j-fashionistas are.
>>214014>Hi TumblrLol. no. I'm agianst sissies and shit like that. If all trans people were like that I'd feel sorry for them. And I'd respect their identity.
But freaks like this man always say they're trans. Calling them a sissy is "transphoic". Not wanting them in your bathroom is "transphoic". Then as soon as they're caught "but actual mtfs aren't like that."
I've got nothing against people like you, but you aren't even close to average person involved in trans politicss. That being said if a trans person calls themselves transexual when asked then 99% of the time they're legit.
No. 214028
>>214020What are you even talking about? You don't seem to know what is and isn't trans, sissy fetishists/pesos are sick fucks, and yes a number of them like to wave the trans flag- but just doing so doesn't mean they really are. They do it so they have a minority shield to hide behind in order to get away with behaving in ways that society would find repulsive and disgusting if they were just, as Tumblr likes to call it, "cisgendered". A 57 year old white man abandons his family to play little girl dressup with two other perverts in the same household as a child? He'd be shamed into oblivion, and rightly so. But waving the trans flag grant him a speshul snowflake pass because society doesn't know what is and isn't "acceptable behavior" among the teams community, thanks to sick fuck like this guy and people on sites like Tumblr who use the identity to play dress up and/or the oppression olympics. This fucker calling himself trans is just so he can scream "Bigotry! Discrimination! Opeession!" At anyone who says he's a sick fuck for wanting to be a little girl getting fucked by an old man.
BY THE WAY, if he was charged with sexual assault against his own kids and issued a restraining order, how the actual fuck is he allowed to even be in a household with a child in it?? Wouldn't he be considered a sex offender?
No. 214033
>>214028I know they aren't, but they are according to everyone who doesn't know better.
We're saying the same thing in different words. That sick fucks hide behind a "trans" badge they don't deserve.
Yes, he would be considered a sex offender, but acting on it would be "bigoted" according to Canadian authorities. See upthreaad.
No. 214034
>>214020>I've got nothing against people like you, but you aren't even close to average person involved in trans politics.If by "involved in trans politics" you mean "walking on eggshells and using made up bullshit like 'nonbinary' and 'demisexual' to asskiss entitled attention whoring snowflakes" then he'll no I'm not. But I do know what is and isn't trans, thanks to the DSMI-IV.
>That being said if a trans person calls themselves transexual when asked then 99% of the time they're legit.Because nobody has ever claimed to be trans when they're really not for attention/personal benefit before. Riiiight.
No. 214036
>>214030Are there any that aren't?
>>214034Transsexual vs Transgender. Trannies/sissies hate being reminded about female sexual organs. They get
triggered by the word vagina. They'd never admit there was a different in sexes.
No. 214037
>>214033>We're saying the same thing in different words.We're not though. You said "if he says he's trans he's trans" and "trannies are prone to being sick fucks, even". And I pointed out how you were wrong.
Don't assume trans people are sick fucks just because sick fucks like to claim they're trans.
No. 214038
>>214036Raven Simone(?) doesn't seem too fucked up, just really stupid.
Fuck, now I want a Disney child star thread!
No. 214043
>>214036Transsexual vs transgender has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I use "trans" as an umbrella term for both, because both are included in this issue. My point still stands.
>Trannies/sissies hate being reminded about female sexual organs. "Trannies" and sissies aren't the same thing. Trans people who feel dysphoria from their sexual organs do so because, duh, that's what makes them trans. Sissies are created usually from sexual or emotional abuse in childhood. Each would see a different specialist as those are two distinct and separate mental issues.
>They get triggered by the word vagina. Transpeople aren't
triggered by medical terms. They may be
triggered by having to reference their own sexual organs as such, but that's because of dysphoria. Objectively they don't have issues with sexual organs. If they did, then that would mean they have an underlying issue that they're trying to cover up by thinking they're trans. That's why therapists are so important when transitioning- a lot of issues can present as gender dysphoria, so that not every person who experienced gender dysphoria is trans.
>They'd never admit there was a different in sexes.I don't even know what you're trying to say here.
No. 214049
>>214043See here>>214041
Again I was talking about sissies. I've never seen a fake use transsexual to describe themself. Always mtf or transgender. Because
sexes don't exist UwU.
Sissies and fakes tend to get extremely angry and violent when reminded of vaginas and often insist they're more woman than actual women are.
In the future if someone insults trannies but says transgender people are fine then trannies=fakes and trans/transgender=real.
No. 214058
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>>214057It doesn't. He's just sexist like most sissies.
No. 214061
>>214049>Again I was talking about sissies.Trannies =/= sissies. Stop doing that. That word (trannies) does not mean what you seem to think it means.
>I've never seen a fake use transsexual to describe themself. Then you must not be looking very hard, because the internet is rife with sickfucks, snowflakes and SJWs throwing the word into their bios for oppression points.
>Always mtf or transgender. Which all fall under the umbrella term "trans" and are referenced coloquially by the word "trannies".
>Because sexes don't exist UwU.Just stop talking and go back to Tumblr. You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Not only are you obviously completely ignorant of the subject matter, but your perception of an entire minority is drastically misconstrued by your lack of ability to tell when someone is doing or saying something only to distraction from their fucked up shit.
>TL;DR: >Trannies =/= sissies>saying you're trans =/= trans>mental issues related to sex/sexuality/gender =/= trans>correlation =/= causation re: claiming trans as a minority shield (just because some do it, doesn't mean every trans person is a sick fuck/every sick fuck will claim trans) No. 214064
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>>214061Again, that's what I said. I used trannies out of habit when I meant sissies. I avoid them as much as possible so you're probably right about the transsexual part.
The sexes don't exist thing was very obviously sarcasm. That phrase and emote is what fakes say word for word.
Are you ESL? Because I don't know how sarcasm could be any more obvious.
>>214062I don't. It was an example of fetishists and dumbasses.
No. 214067
>>214064Just admit you were talking out your ass about shit you barely understand and stop posting. Do the thread a favor.
>The sexes don't exist thing was very obviously sarcasm.>Are you ESL? Because I don't know how sarcasm could be any more obvious.
>tone argument>on the Internet Nigga.
No. 214071
>>214067I italicized it and did the stupid emote that literally every sjw does. You'll see if you spend any time at all with those stupid fucks.
I messed up once when I used wrong word and I've apologized and made it clear I made a mistake.
I do
not support tumblrites or sissies and I
do support
real trans people. I said this over and over again.
Do you want me to carve an apology into my flesh? If you're just going to argue when I've said I agree with you and said I support you then why bother.
No. 214079
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>>214071>I messed up once when I used wrong word and I've apologized and made it clear I made a mistake.You did not. You kept trying to argue your point, very poorly IMHO.
>I do not support tumblrites or sissies and I do support real trans people. I said this over and over again.You did not. You made a broad, sweeping generalization by lumping trans people in with fetishists more than once by saying "I just refer to sissies as trannies, they're the same thing!". Now you're embarrassed so you're trying to backpedal hard as fuck.
You can walk away at any time, anon.
No. 214082
>>214079I said I used the
wrong word .I didn't use it again after that.
But fine, you win I actually hate transsexuals
and suck a thousand sissy dicks every single night.
Is the sarcasm obvious now?
>>214080That's not me you retard. There are multiple people posting.
>>214020>>214022>>214033>>214036>>214041>>214049>>214052>>214053>>214054>>214055>>214058>>214059>>214064>>214071>>214075is me. Nothing else is me.
No. 214098
>>214091Yes, tranny there is being used as synonym for sissy hence the slash.
Not a synonym for a transsexual person hence why it isn't slashed.
Like I said it's now 5am here and I hadden't slept all night. I had to correct more than 50 errors before I posted and some still probably got through.
Go ahead and hate me all you want. I'm to busy choking on sissy dick to type or care apparently.
No. 214118
>>213615His youngest daughter posted on kiwifarms answering questions, she says the "family" that adopted him needs to be investigated for child abuse because their daughter is probably in danger
Also he has a bunch of fetish stuff out there with his "family"
No. 214170
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>>214168What the fuck?! Someone needs to call help and save that child and investigate the situation. That scares me so much as someone with a little sister irl that I would protect to the end. I don't understand how men are still being preferred over the safety of girls/women. Fuck all these sick perverts and trannies. Canada, I used to respect you.
No. 214171
>>214118Holy fuck, really?
Got the link to the thread or somethin? shit I gotta see
No. 214195
>>214172Yeah but it's pretty clear this cow is a sissie, but unlike the sissies you spoke to is confusing his fetishes with a desire to be trans.
Trans is regarded as a mental illness but health care profs are supposed to look out for people like this cow and refuse them hormones. Of course lots slip past regardless (though I think it's been mentioned this cow refused surgery/mones anyway).
Just wanted to clarify that the people who get off to being the opposite sex aren't 'trans' - they have different underlying problems that make them appear to be. It's a misdiagnosis, like how bipolar and schizophrenia can be confused/misdiagnosed.
Unless ofc we're going with the liberal tumblr interpretation of trans where just the desire to be something makes you that.
No. 214201
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This makes me sad
No. 214239
>>214174I've never cared about reporting shit on lolcow before, but this hits way too close to home.
I live in downtown toronto and I'll hand deliver a fucking report on this piece of shit if I have to. This is a child sexual assault case waiting to happen.
Does anybody have caps from his fetlife? Anything where he explicitly mentions sex with his adopted family?
No. 214250
>>214241>>214242>>214243Thanks, fam.
I fall under the 'professionals who work with children' section of the Act, but I don't know the child personally; will that matter? I'm still going to report, but I want to be taken seriously.
No. 214253
>>214250i live in DT toronto too, very close to this fuck - kiwifarms released his address.
if you need help i can help you out.
No. 214258
Trannies are crazy people who cut their dicks off. Stefonknee is a crazy person who refuses to cut his dick off. Know the difference, it could save your life
>>214254ugh its in the last 10 pages. i can't find it
No. 214259
>>214258found it
https://kiwifar.ms/threads/stefonknee-wolscht-terrifying-toddler-fetishist.15002/page-25its here.
i know the rules of this board say we can't dox people but if anyone wants to report this sick fuck, the dox is on this page.
No. 214263
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One of his daughters.
No. 214278
It's fine s/he's trans..
But what's not fine is wanting to be a six years old child. It's sick. It's fucking not normal.
No. 214285
>>214281But it is defined as a mental illness. It isn't normal to think you are the opposite gender you were born with. Only Tumblrites see it as something different.
>Ok this freak is not fucking transexual he's a goddamn sissy agepolayer The two aren't mutually exclusive.
No. 214302
omg why are you retards SO obsessed with whether or not he's trans? trans people can be sickos too. more often or not they ARE. transsexuality is a mental illness for a reason. this thread is unreadable with the amount of gender-tumblr/PULL bullshit in here.
>>214288nah. you have that mindset, not her. 100 years ago we're gonna look back and see that we treated this mental illness almost like lobotomies. they need to be put on antipsychotics not have their delusions fed furhter
No. 214304
>>214302>trans people can be sickos too.Yes, there are plenty of trans sickos out there.
But there is substantial proof he's not trans.
No. 214308
some choice links from the kiwi thread
ranting about his ex-wife:
https://archive.is/xplji"my kids are h8rs":
https://archive.is/0HSRx"but i miss my kids :'(":
https://archive.is/IPOkg No. 214309
>>214304I love how transfags are always like "ANYONE WHO IDENTIFIES AS A WOMAN IS A WOMAN NO QUESTIONS ASKED" and then when their tranny-of-the-month fucks up they instantly go "ummmmmm no! he isn't a REAL! trans person" and they start picking apart his identity
no true scotsman, etc etc
No. 214320
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fetlife accounts
No. 214321
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>>214320sorry i guess i should spoiler them?
No. 214324
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>>214323they aren't explicit but they are fetlife accounts so…
No. 214326
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No. 214376
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>My whole family, church, and friends abandoned me.
Yeah, except contrary to that, there's evidence even from his kids in letters that show they just wanted their dad around no matter what. They didn't get why their dad was a sissy failure at life and wore dresses. They just wanted them in his life even so. His daughter extended wedding invitations to him and asked him to be there. What does he do? Say his family threw him out. Threatens to kill himself if they talk to him.
The media is painting him as an LGBT victim when he is a sissy who went to go live in a creepy fetish house. He threw HIS life out, making his seven kids and ex-wife to fend for themselves.
This shit makes me livid, especially around Christmas. Do you think it'd be at all possible to donate something to his family around Christmas? Maybe some type of project to give the kids some presents.
No. 214381
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>>214314Why can't people like this just commit suicide if they're unhappy. This piece of shit is not a woman. And they abandoned their family for his life crisis and still wants to paint himself as a victim?? No, fuck that.
No. 214394
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>>214380Fine we'll stick with his true gender then.
No. 214410
>>214407Yeah that is why he just does these big theatrics instead of actually doing it. Classic way to guilt trip and get attention.
I wonder if he has BPD due to the suicide threats, the physical violence, sudden change in self-identity, unstable relationships, and impulsive risky behavior + self-sabotage. No offense to any far more relatively normal people with that mental illness.
No. 214462
>>214102The articles say the couple have children and grandchildren that are ok with all of this. Either they don't know that the couple are swingers with weird perversions or they all all completely insane. You don't actually see any pics of additional family members. But you wouldn't want minors featured in articles like this anyway.
The young girl may be a grandchild. Although I've heard it's also their kid. Makes you wonder what kind of mother would leave her kid in the care of grandparents that are housing a creepy pedo.
The couple looks like they are in their 50s maybe? Early 60s? It could be a change of life baby. It's not out of the question for a woman on the cusp of menopause to get pregnant. I'm hoping the kid is a fictional fantasy.
Either way if there really is a kid then that girl is in danger and may be being groomed somehow to play "games" with her "little sister".
No. 214489
>>214382and that the reason why gay or transwomen receive hate is because they're not masculine enough/embracing their perceived femininity and that's "wrong".
there's so much misogyny with gay and trans men that gets swept under a rug bc muh gay/transphobia~ when the issue that drives both is the patriarchy.
and the fact that, as stated previously, he's undermining trans people of color to talk about "sissy rights" is revolting.
No. 214510
>>214327I just can't stand the way sissies fetishize women's clothing. What is so special and amazing about dresses and bows?
I almost want to say "we're a culture not a costume" to sissies. But that's so tumblr. Is it wrong that i feel a bit insulted that they make womanhood seem like a joke boiled down to how many layers of pink frills you need to prance around in to get turned on? It's all about sex to this creep.
This is beyond gendered clothing and wanting to be a girl. It's getting off on stuff women wear every day. It's just really bizarre. I know that everything is a fetish to somebody. But getting off on children's clothes in particular is scary and raises red flags.
No. 214514
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>>214308>Facebook took down the friend request post from my daughter that was so hurtful towards me, because "I violated their policy." I hope all these haters including my kids are happy. This is my last posting here, I'm done with this bs. They don't deserve a father, transgender or not.What a piece of shit
No. 214544
>>214543Because they feel thats all it takes to be a woman-clothes and make-up. Its the only part of "womanhood" they are interested in, they actually have no idea of what its like to be a woman
they remind me of those fedora atheists who moan women have it better because they get into bars free and its always "women and children first" when the titanic sank, never mind that femicide, FGM and other fuckery women still contend with.
No. 214552
>>214376I would actually contribute to something like that. Kills me to see someone leave SEVEN kids, especially when he's painting them as unsupportive.
If the community they live in is as suffocating as he says, why did he leave seven children there to suffer? Cunt.
No. 214558
>>214554From my understanding it was more in the context of looking good for paparazzi because you're a vapid, rich celebrity who doesn't want to be portrayed poorly in the media because you're representing trans people publicly. It was phrased poorly but completely blown out of proportion by retarded SJWs.
Not going to get OT questioning the validity of jenner's transness or whatever. Just wanted to point out that the occasion you're referencing was fucking stupid and in my opinion probably not what it was made out to be.
No. 214568
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>>214554You are correct,
>>214558 >being this triggeredcool story bro
No. 214570
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>They have a fucking fetlife account>That fucking fascination with being a sissy and young boys in dresses getting dominated by their actual fucking mothersI don't even have words to describe what I feel seeing this
No. 214577
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>>214575People who take fetishes too seriously are the fucking worst
No. 214586
>>213571>true and authenticDon't you mean True and Honest? Because that bit reads as Chris tbh.
Also 6 year olds don't use pacifiers still and will object "NO THAT'S FOR BABIES" if offered one, even jokingly (source: babysitting). So why is he using a pacifier. If you're gonna get the 6 year old act, do it right ffs.
>deeply narcissistic and self-absorbedWow you mean a person who abandons his children to go ageplay wouldn't be self absorbed? How could anyone be surprised by this.
>>213573>brolitano yr not lol
No. 214588
>>214582Literally right after the meeting where he says he wants to reconnect with his kids too….
fucking failure of a human being
No. 214589
>>214568Well it's not like Jenner is wrong. It can make people uncomfortable.
I'm sorry if you're tumblr trans and don't actually want to attempt to pass as the gender you're aiming for.
No. 214682
>>214642Just jumped ship when I saw they made a thread there.
Link to thread:
https://8ch.net/cow/res/187083.html No. 214695
>>214660>>214678Am I missing something? The vast majority of people in this thread hate this weirdo. The only tumblr-esque posts in this thread I see are
>>213676>>214080and it's probably the same person. What PC crew are you even talking about?
No. 214699
>>214695the people crying about how he isn't a "real" trnany and that real trannies are cute innocent angels uwu
like fuck off, this is a prime example of liberal degeneracy lmao
No. 214700
>>214688>>213576>>213676>>213677>>213697>>213699>>214011>>214020>>214037>>214043>>214080>>214281>>214375I'm intolerant; so fucking crucify me.
For trans, there's nothing wrong with their body. There's something wrong in their head.
No. 214729
>>214727Well just the shit a lot of them even the ones who completely pass have to go through, it would mess them up, I am trans. At this point I pass 99% of the time, I could not wear make up and wear a hoodie and baggy jeans and everyone would still id me as female. Some people even say i'm very pretty, and hell even I have some issues. Most of those issues are behind me, but I still have some mental health issues i'm taking care of.
But yeah, the amount of terrible and mentally ill people in the trans "community" is unbelievable. In the 5 years i've been in transition, i've probably met only 3-4 transgendered women I actually liked and thought were cool.
No. 214730
>>214729Honestly, I have no issues with transgender people themselves, its when it starts to affect things like crime statistics (claims that women-on-women crime is skyrocketing, when its MTF attacking women inflating the stats), health care (MTF issues will never be womens health care issues aka abortions, endometriosis, etc) and safety (pushing to get non passing mtf into women's bathrooms instead of just making gender neutral options) the list goes on.
Also, the idea itself I disagree with, that one has to change their body to match their personality aka "gender." Those are my hang ups. I believe sex dysphoria exists, and I respect and hope those people find solace, whether through SRS or not. But gender dysphoria? No.
No. 214775
>>214771 said. And fact is there really isn't that many trans women out there in the first place. Wasn't the % of trans people in the population less than 1%? That percentage is divided between MTF and FTM so it's even less.
No. 214780
>>214778You don't see a closeted MTF going into a female restroom or vice versa, so they don't count as a part of misreported women-on-women crime statistics since they're seen as men.
>>214779This too, people just think more MTF exist because FTM tend to pass better after extensive HRT so you don't spot them in public.
No. 214829
My mums 57 and she has 4 gradkids already, both my sisters have two kids and had their first when they were in their mid to late twenties, my mum was in her early twenties when she had them.
Really not that unrealistic to have grandkids that young.
No. 214834
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Steph accepted me on Facebook
No. 214850
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No. 214856
>>214850That's something a 6yo girl would tottaly write
The pic looks creepy as fuck for some reason, like the bed a pedo would prepare for a kidnapped little girl in a basement
No. 214882
>>214850wtf???? whoever said this was a pedo chamber was right.
also gallusmag is awesome, so fuck stefonknee. but seriously "a bed for Gallusmag to lay her dead upon"? that sounds creepy as fuck. trannies are creepy as fuck
No. 214884
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Any toronto haters want a piece of her?
No. 214885
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>>214884This cow is fucking wild
No. 214891
>>214885I hate martyrs the most
>>214887Is there a difference? All trannies are mentally ill and have a fetish for gender roles/stereotypes.
No. 214907
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>>214885>teach me a lesson for being transIt's not because you're trans, friend.
No. 214912
>>213725Stef on knee.
Like being thrown over one's knee and spanked
No. 215016
>>214961Whichever it is it's creepy. And it makes me wonder if he was molested by a male relative and this is the end result.
This isn't regular ageplay. It's lifestyle ageplay. It just looks really unhealthy. Especially since he abandoned his family to do this. It's extremely irresponsible and his kids could end up really broken.
No. 215020
>>215016Their dad left them and was adopted by grandparents and now lives life as a 6
year old girl….I'm pretty sure his whole family is already extremely scarred
No. 215049
>>215030Ah well played anon, i cannot say no to that meme.
(yes this is wordy)
I cannot find the screencaps atm, if i do i will post but to give a rundown
>group of guys talking about how they fantasize about intruders coming in and getting off to seeing their daughters raped (btw these people did in fact have kids)
>people talking about how role play salvery is not enough-discussing where to buy underage 3rd world children and smuggle into the country
>one guy (who funnily enough i got match to on okcupid) fantasized about amputating women so that when he raped them, they couldnt fight back. also really got off on the idea of leaving them alive in the woods somewhere and dying from being exposed to the elements and not being able to move on account of the aforementioned amputation. He identifies as trans, he got called out in the comments section of the following article, hes a fucking hypocrite. Also his okcupid doesnt mention any of this.while his bdsm blog has been deleted he also got called out for penning an article where he actually stalked and intended to rape a real woman-premeditated-but said what stopped him was he masturbated to a video of a woman being decapitated/hung a few hours earlier and that this article was penned to give MEN relief that in fact they do not have to rape women because they can hold back-as long as there is sick porn online. also he looks like jabba the hut.
http://www.womanist-musings.com/2012/01/what-happens-when-it-is-abuse-bdsm.htmlSeeing this made me leave the bdsm scene altogether and i'm glad. i just fear for those getting involved. like i said i will post the fetlife caps if i can find them, if you are interested in sick shit i have gotten from collarme i will post.
No. 215053
>>215051So it looks like the comments are gone however one blogger has saved her comments, one has a copy paste of the post i referred to. warning this is long, explicit and disturbing (also he blames his mental illness yet many of us are mentally ill and wouldnt dream of doing this shit)
Here is the link
http://andyouthoughtiwassweet.blogspot.com/2008/0… It is certainly not womanist. (
I quote snowdrop explodes, "And, because of my sexual orientation as a sadist and a Dominant, and the firm belief that my depression gave me, that I could never find a willing partner, gradually my mind turned to rape, and how I might commit a rape and get away with it.
Slowly, I began putting together a rapist’s kit that would enable me to carry out the crime if an opportunity arose. Part of me believed it never would arise, and that I was just role-playing for fun. But the darkness and depth of my mental illness knew that I was for real….On a dank and overcast afternoon, I set out onto the local golf course to walk the dog. In my pockets I was carrying the equipment I had put together – ropes to tie her with, and to strangle her with; a condom to make sure I didn’t leave DNA; a bottle full of clean water, to wash her body and get rid of as much trace evidence as I could; a knife to intimidate her and gain control (and to cut her throat if she struggled too hard). I don’t remember if there was anything else in the equipment….
Then, nearing the end of the walk, my heart leapt in my chest. A young woman, alone, not even a dog with her. Walking slowly, she was maybe 50 yards away across the fairway. I would never have such an easy opportunity as this, and what I’d rehearsed in my mind so many times started to go into action. I increased my pace and started to catch up with her, approaching from behind, walking softly but quickly across the damp grass. She never once looked behind her. She seemed oblivious to my presence. I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out the rope, grasping it ready in both hands to pull it tight around her throat and silence any screams before they began. By now, I was only about 3 yards away as she entered the woods at the side of the fairway. I closed the gap, maybe a yard away, now. At that moment, I was there – her life was in my hands. I could easily have slipped that rope over her head and around her neck – I was picturing it in my mind as I walked behind her, and she still didn’t seem to have noticed that I was there…
I was there, the means, motive and opportunity all within my grasp, no physical barrier to my acting, and destroying her young life, and my soul, forever.
I was there, where there should have been a huge line in the sand, and in my mind there was nothing. No reason not to step over that line. The whole world was just the same to me whether I did or didn’t do it. I felt no moral reason not to kill her, not to have my way with her as I murdered her. I felt no physical, no mental, no emotional reason not to do it. In that moment, I had one foot already over that line, and all it would take was a single flowing motion of violence and energy, and I would forever have crossed that line.
For a few seconds, I was there, and I could have done it. But I chose not to act. That final step that would have condemned me forever as a sadistic rapist and murderer, never happened. And I will never know for sure why not.
I doubt that my potential victim that afternoon knows how close she came to death. How could she?
http://intensedebate.com/profiles/smashesthep No. 215067
>>215053> my sexual orientation as a sadist and a DominantThat's… that's not a sexual orientation.
And what the fuck did I just read.
No. 215069
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>>215061Sorry for going OT, this guy just really angers me after i found out about him and i am really pissed those comments are gone. i am hoping its been logged on way back machine, am looking at how to use it-i recently got full page screencap app, if i had had it back then would havve capped everything before it got deleted.
warning big caps ahead. People talk about stefonknee like hes a rare sick fuck believe me i have run into many as bad and worse.
1 of 2
No. 215071
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>>2150692 of 2-like i said jabba the hut's fugly brother
>>215059Yeah unfortunatly he is in the UK, tbh i would consider killing this guy with my bare hands, its only a matter of time until this sick fuck does kill (if he hasnt already)
No. 215092
>>215015he only wants to be a 6 year old girls when he's living out his revolving peso fantasies - which he totally has the right to do!!1!1!!!
honestly who the fuck is going to fight a 6 foot whatever grown ass man in a tutu? fucking no one, you'll get your face eaten.
No. 215099
>>214544cus men don't contend with male genital mutilation? it's legal in the us, while even the tiniest form of fgm (ritual pricking) is illegal and considered barbaric
not only that, but mgm is widely (in america) regarded as acceptable, e.g. your post, inb4 replies about how it's "beneficial" or insignificant when done to males >
http://www.norm.org/lost.htmlin the US, women have it better when it comes to protection against unnecessary genital amputation.
No. 215101
>>215049That third guy's fantasy reminds me of that movie Boxing Helena, where this doctor is obsessed with this woman and cuts off her arms and legs and tries to convince her it was medically necessary because she was in an accident. The ending is a bit of a cop out though.
That guy is gross looking. The article is full of those stupid neopronouns too. Just reading those slows my brain to a grinding halt.
No. 215128
>>215071He's in my fucking hometown fuck
Totally gonna keep an eye out when I go back for Christmas.
No. 215144
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He's got that Big Patty thing going for him.
No. 215154
>>215152He stole someone's inflatable Christmas decoration…
I have no words.
No. 215168
>>215152so he stole someone's christmas decoration?
what a cunt
No. 215180
>>215177Not that anon but why do you seem to be under the impression that anon was comparing the severity of the actual procedure? their original point was that in the US it's considered fine and normal to cut up dicks but any form of vaginal mutilation is illegal, (as it should be, no arguments there) so woman in that country specifically are better protected from it than men are.
I don't get how you guys can just outright dismiss one form of potentially fatal, unnecessary genital mutilation because a worse form of it exists. People's problems still exist even when others have it worse guys.
No. 215187
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>>215183That was Mister Kellogg's thing.
Not sure how Silent Hill is secretly about circumcision. Though this one enemy in the third one looks a lot like an uncircumcised dong. It was sort of symbolic in the game, considering Heather was going to birth the devil.
No. 215188
>>215180Because these people are fucking tumblr.
>OMFG R U COMPARING CIRCUMSION TO GETTING YOUR CLIT LABIA SHAVED OFF WITH RUSTY RAZOR BLADES AND SEWED SHUT IN A MUDDY HUT>YEAAHHH PREACH GIRRRRLLLL YOU TELL THAT MRA>we are talking about western countries…>wow you sound like a creepy male virgin tbh lolNobody here is even male. Circumsion should be made illegal even if you love hurting white men because if you are straight it fucks you over because dried up mutilated dicks are the fucking worst.
No. 215225
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This guys facebook is a gold mine
its sad how much he hates his family
No. 215228
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>>215227Part 2
Sorry this is just so interesting to me because I live near them
No. 215231
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>>215228The documentary. he is so repuslive
No. 215277
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>>215179> Some of the more civilized muzzies just do a prick on the hoodMudslime detected
>The more severe forms Wut. All forms of FGM involve removal of the Clitoris. The whole reason sandniggers do it is to prevent women from enjoying sex. "Pricking the hood" wouldn't have any purpose. Less severe forms involve partial removal of the clit, though, if that's what you're talking about.
No. 215278
Please refrain from derailing the thread further.
No. 215397
>>214510And it's not just the frilly dresses they get off to, it's the humiliation. Because being female is so humiliating, y'know. Sissies are the scum of the earth.
>>214543>>214544To be honest I feel kind of similar about drag queens; putting on a ridiculous hypersexualized woman-suit and acting catty and vapid for entertainment honestly doesn't seem all that different from blackface to me. Only instead of a racial minority they're caricaturing and mocking the opposite gender, which coincidentally happens to be the gender they're not attracted to. Actually, some of the worst misogynists I've ever met were gay men.
>not that gay dudes can't be awesome and supportive, too>>214968Probably. I don't doubt he gets off on the negative attention. It's like the entire world is indulging his sissy humiliation fetish.
No. 215404
>>215399No most are bad, hense why its "drag queen". The good ones are called female impersonators.
>>215397A lot of women feel the same about the drag queen thing too so you are not alone in that, they even have degrading terminology-between them they call really good drag queens "fish/fishy" sure you can guess why.
No. 215474
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It takes a lot to shock but this cow does it
No. 215590
>>215404I have a love/hate relationship with drag queens. I kinda like some of the costumes and when they dress up like celebrities. But deep down I feel really weird that they've reduced womanhood to crazy clothing and outrageous makeup and wigs. You don't like women but you want our clothes and makeup. I don't understand.
Male clothing is quite boring and woman have a lot more that they can get away with. Is this the issue? That men don't have much to work with without getting harassed for it? Are men bored with their clothes? I can't imagine having to be stuck in an eternal cycle of shirtpants.
Maybe that's a really weird theory. But I just wouldn't enjoy male fashion if I was stuck with it.
No. 215591
>>215460It's the granddaughter. I think a few articles accidentally said daughter at some point. It was confusing.
But we still don't know how much time this kid spends with them. Although all it takes is a few seconds for something bad to happen.
No. 215710
>>215590>male clothes>boringWot.
I remember growing up and being so envious of the clothes marketed for men. Their clothes tended to be made less cheaply, had functioning pockets, and gave adequate room to be comfortable yet tailored. They were durable as shit as well. Don't even get me started on high end fashion for men which certainly is never boring.
Also when it comes to graphic tees (yeah I know most people don't care about this) they have such a better selection.
Maybe you're right if you're referring specifically to ruffly, aristo-style pieces for men. However they can conjure quite a bit of creativity with their outfits with the modern resources available.
No. 217661
>>215710Well my gay friend did put it this way in that men's clothing is mostly just variations of a box. In that sense women's clothing is more interesting. I did remind him that all he needs to do to look good is put on a suit. For me to look involves not only a figure flattering dress, but good hair, make up and control top panty hose under said dress.
I love men's fashion, but it is more streamlined then women's is.
No. 217671
usually i scroll past videos bc effort and i'm easily made queasy but silly me i didn't with this one and i don't think i've contorted my face in such horror iN MY LIFE
>>217669mte, he even put the fucking address in at the end.
also he probably had a hard on the whole time and isn't wearing a pleated skirt with a tutu under it (???????) long enough to hide it. Also him ordering french fries in the deepest voice ever. also WHAT THE FUCK CANADA he broke like 5 US laws how is he not getting charged with anything
No. 217702
File: 1451206341214.png (255.47 KB, 469x454, hatred.png)

>>217648Even if he didn't actually pee, there's this weird sense of wrongness throughout the entire video.
Fucking disgusting.
No. 217716
>>217648I feel like there's something I'm not getting here. If Stefonknee is transgender and wants to be female, then use the women's bathroom (especially if it's a one toilet/washroom per gender kind of set-up - no one is going to give a shit which one you go into when the restaurant is that empty as is shown in the video). When it comes to transgender people and bathrooms, the problem is not the labelling of bathrooms as men and women, but the reactions of others who use said bathrooms and if said transgender person "passes" enough to use said specific bathrooms. Stefonknee is completely missing the point with that issue and making cheap, classless jokes about it in the name of internet comedy/fame. No wonder the transgender community want nothing to do with him.
I feel like everyone here has already covered the rest of the video - someone please pass me the eye bleach when they're done with it!
No. 217717
File: 1451216599840.png (273.42 KB, 427x605, stephonknee.png)

Has this been posted yet?
No. 217719
File: 1451217063615.png (111.03 KB, 632x832, killingmyself.png)

>>217648Don't forget the comments.
No. 217802
File: 1451246628185.png (Spoiler Image,960.4 KB, 1268x2530, stepheadcanon.png)

Storytime from /cow/. This is probably more true than anyone wants to admit.
No. 217831
>>215395How? His children just lost their father. big fucking deal.
They're better off without him so its a good thing.
No. 217833
>>215397I thought feminists were sex empowering? And
>putting on a ridiculous hypersexualized woman-suit and acting catty and vapid for entertainmenAre you also against porn? How can you compare this shit to blackface?
No. 217835
>>215590Drag queens arent supposed to be women.
Theyre an extension of it.
Seriously, dont take his seriously stop these feminist theories and stop derailing the thread pls
No. 217836
>>217825They shouldnt be locked way. What the fuck? Is disgusting you have such a low opinion on mentally ill people. do you think people with bipolar disorder or depression should also be locked? Fuck off
If getting a sex change make hem happy then so be it
No. 217839
>>217837Yeah but its not his child so.
would you prefer 6 children to be involved or only 1?
I dont think he would do something to he child but theres not much that can be done to the child. Hes stuck with thim.
No. 217842
>>217839He shouldn't be near any children. He's living his life as a "6 year old girl" while simultaneously getting off on it with his adopted ~daddy~ who fucks him.
The fact he is around young children while dressed as something he also plays up as a fetish should be enough to tell you he needs to be as far away from any child as possible.
No. 217846
>>217842Yes but theres nothing that an be done so calm down lol its not that bad. He doesnt do anything to the child.
Unless he hit or rape the child, he cant be "taken away".
I doubt he'll stay there for a long time
No. 217847
>>217839>would you prefer 6 children to be involved or only 1?Neither.
If they were an old childless couple they may do whatever they want, I don't care. But they are forcing a minor into their fucked up fetishes.
>I dont think he would do something to he childPlease read the screencaps. The guy is literally a fucking creep.
No. 217849
>>217847Where is it written hes forcing a minor? Hes just living with them.
Unless he rapes the minor, as fucked up as he is, hes not a threat to anyones life lol
No. 217851
>>217849Even if the child isn't being physically harmed, it's still a sketch as fuck situation.
Look at how little shame he has to be out in public loudly talking like a retarded toddler.
In the privacy of their own home I'm sure it's even worse and absolutely not the kind of environment any child should be growing up in.
No. 217885
>>217880We've now entered the age where it is OK by some to have a grown man who gets off on dressing as a little girl to be around other little girls
>because we're now living in such a PC world where tranny fetishists and pedophiles have rights.This world is going to shit. The slippery slope continues with political correctness.
No. 217894
>>217880Another vote for you to fuck right off.
'One child' that was abused here.
No. 217896
>>217895Samefag here. Let me give you an example: a group of adults put on a porno film while I was in the room, as a joke on me. I was 11. I started watching with them for the first minute then it cut to a sex scene and I got up and ran out of the room, with them all laughing.
I was actually being sexually abused at the time so I was especially terrified. Ironically my abuser was not even present in that room - it's just that the adults I was surrounded by were scum, frankly.
No. 217897
>>217896I wasn't directly abused (except this once by a pediatrician, but a nurse came in and saved me from worse… Yeah, I was five and had no idea what sex was so I didn't realize I'd been molested until many years later).
Anyhow, my friends and I were at the pool of our apartment complex, there was about five of us, all between ten and thirteen, and this group of adults came in and just started a sex party. We noped out of there as soon as we caught on, and didn't tell any adults since they would forbid us from using the pool.
There's seven billion people on the planet, and a lot less kids would be abused if we could just cull the two billion who have something seriously fucking wrong with them. Bring back the death penalty for child molesters, do it for the environment if nothing else.
No. 217898
>>217895>for the amusement of adults Yeah I think that's the main WTF point here. Sure, Stefonknee might not be "doing" anything abusive. Hell, for all I know he/she's a better babysitter or playmate than a lot of people (even like me) who just wouldn't really know how to get along with a 6yo…
but the ONLY reason Stefonknee is interacting with a real child in the first place is the whole fetish angle. They're not allowing their real child to interact with Stefonknee because it's somehow good for the child, because Stefonknee is a good influence or something, they only do it to further immerse in that fantasy that Stefonknee is a real child too.
I was gonna say it's like someone volunteering to take care of physically disabled people because they get off on, idk, watching them use the toilet. So you think they're just wanting to help you live ur life in dignity, but really they don't give a shit, they just wanna watch you pee/poo cause it's their fetish. Except now that I think about it, it's shitty example, cause at least there is still some actually helpful stuff being done, whereas in Stefonknee's case, the real kid has literally NO benefit from interacting with Stefonknee
No. 217901
>>217899Yes, they pointed it out because some idiot is defending this family by saying what they are doing is not abuse.
Try not being an asshole.
No. 217908
>>217851Boohoo, cry me a river. the child is stl having it fucking easy.
Unless he gets abused, i dont give a shit.
this dude is creepy and fucking lolcow material but all of you are overexaggerating so much, damn.
No. 217909
>>217901Nobody is defending this but its not abuse.
How is living with a weirdo abuse? This is such a first world problem and pretty insulting to people who truly had abusive childhoods
No. 217918
>>217909>>217913>>217908yeah sorry you were abused anon, now can you please get off your high horse?
you just sound like those tumblrinas contesting for the MOST RAPED WYMIN prize ffs
No. 217919
>>217918Im not on my high horse, this child is just living with a weirdo and we have no idea what even happens in home.
If he wouls get abuses (like violence or insults, etc) id fesl sorry but really?
do you also think he will kill the child?
No. 217926
>>217924i wouldn't. I get your point though, but is there anything we can do?
I suspect stefonknee knew the father before.
No. 217962
File: 1451295966953.jpg (105.83 KB, 571x862, image.jpg)

Not one of you know how to sit your ass down and properly milk a cow. All you want to do is throw a tantrum over how it's totally okay for an age playing 53 year old sissy, WHO PISSED IN THE HALLWAY OF A GODDAMN RESTAURANT WHILE ON A DATE WITH A STUFFED TEDDY BEAR, to be in a fetishistic house with a 9 year old girl. Furthermore, some people don't even have a problem with him pretending to be a six year old, abandoning his family, being a manipulative sicko, and prancing around in tutus while he gets his dick wet in public. Ya'll motherfuckers need Jesus.
Here we have so much fucking fresh milk and all you can do is bicker among yourselves and masturbate to the idea of winning some internet argument. When you could be recoiling in disgust or laughing til your eyes bleed while we delve further into the madness that is Stephonknee.
I know ya'll motherfuckers are still going to have something shitty to say to me. But I'd really rather stop this pointless bullshit bickering and remember why we are here: the milk. And I've gotta say, this cow is volatile. I feel like, if we play our cards right, we can softly troll this thing into complete madness. Is anyone else with me?
No. 218014
>>217962Farmers should have learned their lesson from the Kiki incident when some retards chased her boifurendo away.
If he's going to be milked, there should be a proper plan.
No. 218019
>>218015Have any of the Toronto Anons heard back about their reports to child services or whatever?
I'm not familiar with the system, though I'm sure it takes time to look into things.
Maybe a scare with child services would be enough for the real parents to limit time with gpa and gma.
I'd really like to know what the real parents think of this whole arrangement? It's all just so odd.
No. 218061
>>218019I'm curious about this too. There is absolutely enough evidence to warrant an investigation and I think people can be reported anonymously.
Ideal scenario: this guy gets arrested and sent to live in the same prison cell as Nick Gates and they both have internet access. Win win for everyone.
No. 218072
>>218015Agreed. The milk will be tainted with the possibility of a little girl being abused, and won't be delicious at all.
The most delicious milk would be if stephoknee got dragged from that couple's house and isnt allowed to go within a 10 mile radius of that child (or any)
No. 218075
File: 1451349109844.png (211.99 KB, 843x511, tEAqBjK.png)

>>214250>>214239Did anons ever go through with reporting this pervert? If not, here is his address from kiwifarms.
Idk if this is the address of that couple though.
Does anyone know the names of the couple? I think you'd need their names to report them since its their granddaughter
No. 218363
>>218015He is in jail now. I remember how miffed lolcow got over a Nick Bate thread bein on here, because their delicate little sensibilities were all hurt.
So many moral chans and tumblr fags ruin everything.
No. 218551
File: 1451488051069.gif (1.14 MB, 640x360, slow-clap.gif)

>>218545Well said. I don't know why this is even acceptable. Saying your trans doesn't get you a free ride to a new life. He was married with children and he abandoned them all over a mid-life crisis. He's mentally ill. And he definitely DOES NOT represent the LGBT community. He's disgusting and a disgrace and needs to be reported and thrown into jail. I hope he gets fucked by a giant muscular dude until his anal cavity ruptures.
No. 219343
File: 1451799255970.jpg (76.62 KB, 585x960, disgustingpervert.jpg)

This piece of shit isn't trans, he's just some fucking pervert.
No. 219350
File: 1451801560635.png (594.43 KB, 634x477, Capture.PNG)

Stop saying brolita, holy shit.
I noticed he tagged this as sissy but also trans, does he somehow think trans is just another word for his fetish and not a fully separate thing?
No. 219351
File: 1451801689084.png (61.52 KB, 634x592, puking.PNG)

ew ew ew ew
No. 219354
File: 1451802216635.jpg (547.9 KB, 1600x1600, girls-dress-up-trunk-bc-97380a…)

>>219343I don't remember any 6 yr old girl playing dress up with that kind of kit.
No. 219398
>>219389That's not what you said though, is it?
Are you ok, btw?
No. 219432
>>219389This guy is rage-inducing… we get it.
He has no support here except for one freak who has been shouted down.
No. 219478
>>219351And people feel bad for his family disowning him. Who the hell would want some sexual deviant in their house who is a self proclaimed "6 year old girl" and wants to wear shit like
>>219343Why is he so overly sexual?
No. 219479
File: 1451843908716.png (668.65 KB, 875x422, absurd.png)

No. 219487
File: 1451845947029.jpg (94.8 KB, 799x350, stefonknee.jpg)

If you had to choose between either of them being your dad who would you choose?
No. 219491
>>219343>>219351this is what i'm talking about, he calls his clothes "brolita" instead of "lolita"
but i thought you were a girl stef? why would you call yourself the male equivalent?
is it because you aren't really transgender and are really just getting off to crossdressing?
No. 219493
File: 1451847777623.png (142.23 KB, 549x547, snak.png)

Alice is wayyyyyyy sexier than this dude.
No. 219943
>>219491That and he calls himself a sissy. If he were truly trans he wouldn't be using such terms. He should just admit he's an autogynophile that gets off on sissy humiliation with his pervoid adopted "parents".
Tumblr would be totally ok with the sissy and brolita stuff though. He's right up their alley because all you need to be trans on tumblr is to say that you are.
No. 219994
>>214054I come to really question these people are trans, It honestly seems more of a fetish or a fight they wanna get into.
Being trans myself, if you see your penis as female why isn't your whole self female? why you gotta put on long hair and wear ""female"" clothes? isn't your beard a female beard? If you're okay with your penis, you're okay with being a femmine male, unless you just cannot get surgery because of health reasons or have no money that is a different story.
No. 220152
>>219994I never understand how people say they are trans but are fine with everything as is. Like trans men who are fine with having tits and a vagina and are fine with wearing girls. I don't understand what makes them trans? Luckily these types of trans people seem to be confided to tumblr
>>219489It's good that people who are into trans rights are calling him out. They probably realise he makes them look questionable and want him out of the community.
No. 221146
>>219256Try supposedly sharing a demographic
With this son of a bitch that is only 0.02 percent of the population.
No. 223106
File: 1453158896914.png (583.53 KB, 578x547, 1453150005903.png)

If this disgusting subhuman degenerate trash touch lolita i swear to mana sama
>tfw black carousel jsk from bodyline was my first little nooblet dress years ago
>i die a little inside
No. 223144
>>223133>Look at what men did to MLPTo be fair, women have been shitting up children shows for years with yaoi fanfics, "OTPs," and other faggotry. Tumblrinas are doing it now with trans headcanon bs, and drawing thin and pretty characters into obese big red nosed hogs.
MLP is shit anyways.
No. 223145
>>223107seriously. a younger me wanted so badly to get a bodyline jsk from ebay to wear at a con, and my mom denied me for so long because of the word "lolita" itself. then i had to spend forever trying to explain to everyone around me that lolita wasn't ageplay. it's pieces of shit like this that deny girls to be able to explore cute fashion like this and have them marked as weird deviants for their dresses.
fuck this guy. fuck everything about him.
No. 223147
>>223146I hear what you are saying, and I agree. But then there are women out there that think it is totally okay to bully some teenager to the brink of suicide because she drew their favorite cartoon character too skinny. Never heard a MLP neckbeard do that shit, as disgusting as they are.
I guess what I am trying to say is fandom faggotry exists for pretty much any show, and is prominent with both sexes. Best thing that can be done for the children who also enjoy these shows is for their parents to monitor their Internet access and keep them safe from all of the gross shit out there.
No. 223148
File: 1453173922938.gif (590.59 KB, 400x225, tumblr_m7oab8MB7k1r9wxoy.gif)

>>223147oh no, yeah, the women are savages about so much more stuff. I rarely stray outside of my secluded little corner of tumblr because of this.
I just have a sore spot when it comes to neckbeards fucking around with my childhood nostalgia.
No. 223157
>>223145This. So much this. These disgusting pieces of shits find worse ways to sexual a hobby that isn't even sexual. Fucking hate them. Why must men put sex into everything they do??
I wish these sick people would hurry up and commit suicide.
No. 223170
>>219943OT but I've actually seen guys on tumblr "identify" as both trans and sissy whilst flying the "muh equal rights" sjw flag and just ignoring the point of any messages that call them out on it as being a hypocritically misogynistic label.
It's really gross. I wish I had caps.
No. 223185
>>223106The only silver lining is most Lolita will steer clear of him. I really hope he doesn't try going to any of the meets. #prayforcanada #doesanyoneneedmace
Bright side at least he's too fat to fit brand.
No. 223479
>>223465I'm sorry I lumped them together there. I should have clarified that no one takes trans people serious because of people like this. I didn't mean LGB people. I have seen
lesbian and gays speak out about it. Thanks for the correction I probably wouldn't have caught that.
No. 224394
>>223479Ah! no need to apologize anon. I think what's happening right now is that the LGB community really wants to move away from the T part. I mean, in general trans people just don't fit in anywhere. If you're MTF, a lesbian isn't going to want you because you dont have a vagina. And most straight guys dont want to date a MTF since they like vaginas too… and so on with FTMs. Trans people are mentally ill imo. I don't like them and every 'trans' person I've spoken to has be insane in their beliefs that everyone should date them or else they're transphobic.
I'm a lesbian and I would never date or look at a MTF. they're usually more insane than fakebois.
No. 224414
Why has no one in this thread said he's a transvestite? He gets off by pretending to be a little girl. He's an age-playing transvestite.
>>223462>Men seriously ruin everything since apparently they cannot like any fandom without making it 100% sexual even when it never started off as off.Are you retarded? Women do the same thing. The difference is that women are way more likely to write disgusting fanfiction, whereas men draw disgusting pictures. You can glance at a picture and immediately know it's about obese pregnant Sonic the Hedgehog getting pegged by Rainbow Dash, but you actually have to take the time to read fanfiction. Besides that, there are plenty of bronies that don't sexualize it at all. The stereotype of neckbearded pony-fuckers exists because that subset of the fandom is the most obnoxious and memorable.
>>224394> If you're MTF, a lesbian isn't going to want you because you dont have a vaginaYou realize sex-change operations exist, right? There are plenty of MtFs with totally authentic-looking vaginas, and FtMs with totally authentic-looking dicks and balls.
>every 'trans' person I've spoken to has be insane in their beliefs that everyone should date them or else they're transphobic.If they meet all of your dating criteria, and you would totally date them, the person they are right now, if only they had a different number of X chromosomes, yes, that's transphobic. If you won't date them because they have genitalia you don't like, or they have a shitty personality, that's not transphobic.
That said, those "If you don't want to date me, it MUST be because I'm trans" idiots are awful and I hate them. Lots of "oppressed" people think that way. They go from knowing "Sometimes bad things happen to me because of bigotry" to thinking "Everything bad that happens to me is because of bigotry. If people didn't hate me because I'm trans/gay/PoC/whatever, my life would be literally perfect."
No. 224549
>>224414>You realize sex-change operations exist, right? There are plenty of MtFs with totally authentic-looking vaginas, and FtMs with totally authentic-looking dicks and balls.They may pass for "authentic-looking" at first glance, but the key problem is that they don't function like biologically natural genitals. Not many people are going to want to fuck a "vagina" that can't even lubricate/self-clean, or a "dick" that can't even get properly hard.
Tranny genitals are just for show and for the person themselves to feel better about their mental predicament. It is delusional to think those most looking for a sexual partner are going to be okay with non-functional sex organs.
No. 224572
>>224565This!!! I do not understand why it's legal to mutilate these fuckers and pump them full of hormones instead of giving them massive therapy to accept their outer body. That's the same way of thinking as giving someone suffering from ED no food and encouraging them to not eat. Or giving a cutter lots of knives to play with.
Trans people are mentally ill and need help, not surgery.
No. 224725
fuck me sorry
No. 240251
File: 1456226547986.png (435.29 KB, 676x654, suddenlyaboy.png)

Does anyone have any news on Stephonknee? They were a raging cow not long ago, now I hear nothing about him anymore. Does anyone have any news on him?
Here's a recent tweet of his. I guess he's outright claiming to be a boy in this? He hashtags a lot of his stuff sissy.
No. 240260
File: 1456234047721.png (313.39 KB, 590x406, gross.png)

>>240251Further proves that he's just in it for kink and does not actually suffer from gender dysphoria.
Pic-related, those hashtags make me want to vomit.
No. 240478
>>215678>If you've ever been on an /fa/ board, you would think that that is completely trueFTFY
Male clothing CAN be just as beautifully decadent and flamboyant as female, but /fa/ is a crusty den of nothingness. It's basically all beige coats, overpriced normalfag shoes and wrist watches.
Though I wish it were more socially acceptable for men to dress up extravagantly and explore fashion. Surely we'd have less creepos who feel the need to fetishize womens clothing just so they can wear something colorful and fun.
No. 240513
>>240478I think the fantasy is not just wanting to wear fancy clothes, though. One of the reasons I find sissies to be kind of disturbing is because their whole thing is "isn't it so embarrassing that I'm forced to wear this feminine thing?"
Their whole fetish is the shame of being feminine as a man, it's the degradation of being forced to dress up as "less than" that they get off on. The kind of person you are and your perception of women has to be so fucked up to get to that point, imo. Desiring to be objectified and embarrassed and treated Like a little girl… Shits fucked up.
No. 240515
>>223147I really dont think you can compare it to MLP which has gone worldwide and is mainstream.
>Never heard a MLP neckbeard do that shit, as disgusting as they are.there have been stories of bronies hacking accounts of mlp fans who disagree with them, there is so much to the brony fandom i dont think you can just handwave it, theres appears to be more mlp r34 than anything combined i was shocked when i just started learning about it and ran for the hills lol.
forgot to sage for OT
No. 241126
>>240271most trans people grow out of that contrived and unnatural hyperfeminine/hypermasculine phase and find it embarassing when reflecting on it though
at least from what i've seen/heard
No. 241127
if one's brain is hardwired to feel that way, then that's the same as a lobotomy
No. 241283
i'm starting to believe there's a bitter ugly late transitioner lobby on susan's that's persuading people to not transition young/that it's possible to pass as a late transitioner so that hopefully they'll repress everything until they hit 50 and have a midlife crisis, start transitioning then take off with wearing a dress and adopt the name Lavender, repeating the cycle of hon.
No. 283416
File: 1466574151809.jpg (235.89 KB, 1311x716, ss (2016-06-21 at 10.39.23).jp…)

So I was googling "six year old girl" and freaking stefonknee came up. I hate this guy so much and always talk about him when talking to people of bad cases of "trans" people. Just wanted to share with you guys that he's a popular search in that term
>inb4 pedo
>I'm making jewelry for an 6 and 8 year old and I'm trying to get a better idea for sizes for bracelets/necklace
No. 283467
>>283452>>283464Inb4 tumblr goes on to make him a trans martyr for "fight against misgendering"
Or did they crown him already despite his persona being clearly an escapist fetish thing?
No. 283468
>>283464Well, he is not interested in kids as pedos are, he just wants to be fucked in ass by maried elderly men.
But there could be a chance of chaging him with molestation or something like that, due to him being exposed to actuall children and engaging in their activities.
No. 283479
>>283478Stefonkee is gross not just because he very obviously looks like a gross man but that he has a number of weirdo fetishes/outfits that conflict with his "6 year old girl" thing. Not to mention he not only abandoned his family but blasts them on social media as abusive and harasses them, while playing victim to dumb losers who believe him.
Riley is a weirdo creepy fuck, but he does commit to the little kid role I guess. I don't know if he has a online presence where he documents his gross fetishes, but if he does then he is equally as gross and creepy as Stefonknee.
No. 283488
File: 1466622518655.gif (464.43 KB, 192x132, Stressed Stitch.gif)

What a disgusting thread.
I think this guy legitimately has like NPD or some shit. Its rather common to instead of actually grow the fuck up eventually or seek help, do a bunch of delusional BS like "play therapy" which just makes it worse.
I gotta also agree that I'm not sure its him that wants to molest the kid…its these weirdo parents that "adopted" him and expose children to this crap that set off my "bad touch" senses.
I cannot believe the main stream is getting a taste of these deeply dysfunctional ageplayers and not being all outraged about it, because "trans issues."
No. 283493
>>283488I feel like some people probably do have a big problem with it but are too afraid to say anything because they don't want to be labeled as "transphobic".
I'm not one of these people who thinks being gay or trans equals being a pedophile, but I honestly think this guy and his "parents" should be investigated. No healthy adult would think including a child in this ageplay shit is normal and okay.
No. 283496
>>283478He's weird/creepy too but I wouldn't say he's a cow. Honestly, I feel sorry for him. I feel like deep down, there's a fucked up reason why he's doing all this. (I feel like there's a fucked up reason that Stefonknee is doing this as well, but I have less sympathy for him since he's an asshole)
Stefonknee is a cow for the reasons
>>283479 listed.
Tbh, even though I think ddlg/adult baby is gross, I don't mind people doing it as long as it's between 2 consenting adults and they aren't trying to make everyone accept/recognize it. Same goes for transgenderism, you can believe you're a woman all you want, just don't go around trying to force everyone to see you as one.
No. 283508
>>283498I agree.
The thing that really pisses me off about the bathroom this is that they'll go on about how they'll be raped and beaten in the men's bathroom. But when you explain to them that they're making it easier for actual women/little girls to be beaten and raped, they say, "if someone wanted to do that, they'd do it regardless of the law, and besides it's illegal to do that."
Or even better, they'll say that women can be sexual predators too, like okay, but a woman actually has a fairer chance at defending herself against another woman.
Sorry for being ot.
No. 283527
>>283509They get so offended when you suggest that they use a unisex bathroom because it doesn't validate their "femininity." Iirc, someone on tumblr literally said that they don't go through all this just to be forced into a unisex bathroom.
I don't understand how they can deny that they have mental health issues. If you know that you're a woman, it wouldn't bother you at all to be called "he" or be put in a men's/unisex bathroom.
>>283510I doubt it too. Maybe they would get beaten 10-20 years ago, but it seems like now trannies are pretty much untouchable.
Remember when Zoey Tur literally threatened to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance on tv and later on tweeted about wanting to curb stomp him? No one gave a shit about that at all, actually they were praising Zoey for being a ~strong independent women~.
No. 283533
>>283527Exactly. I don't wear makeup or dresses/skirts half the time but I pass as a woman because I was born a woman. A lot of these transwomen are just butthurt that no matter what they do, they will always be a man. No matter how many surgeries and hormones they get, they'll never be able to escape their plumbing and chromosomes. Too bad. If you're a man, you're a man. You deal with it.
If you want to wear dresses and makeup, that is FINE, since clothing and makeup is not gender specific, however you cannot deny the differences btween XX and XY.
Trans people need mental help.
No. 283538
The bathroom thing is a fucking mess, I agree.
>>283533>>283509However, you guys need to stop acting like your someone educated enough to make that fucking call. You're not and you can't prove otherwise, so just stop.
No. 283540
>>283533Don't bring up chromosomes, you'll just get someone using intersex people to validate their rebuttal.
> omg intersex ppl exist u no!!! Checkmate biggots :^) TFW you're an XY woman and that's the literal only time inter people are talked about. Most of us who look ambiguous would much rather use the unisex bathroom anyway, because it's just a toilet and avoiding uncomfortable situations for both parties is great.
No. 283605
>>283508after going through TWO shitty trans people in my life that couldn't be bothered to have respect for people's sexuality and romantic feelings, I'm just fucking suspicious of MTF, they always have had that male conditioning throughout childhood, unless they transitioned early.
These jerks felt it totally ok to act out like predatory assholes when it came to sex but claim everywhere they are constantly the victims of abuse, especially if things went sour with one of the few people that liked them sexually.
Then, after alienating everyone they know and love, one of them goes back to being a dude and adjusts, and one of them has gone even crazier tumblr tranny and harasses lesbians that don't want to fuck people with a penis because "Transmisogyny"
then, not only do i experience this crap in my life, on the internet, where MTF trans talk amongst themselves, they spout extremely creepy and uncomfortable cotton ceiling bullshit just like the other crazy one.
There's just so many that legitimately do want to force their sexuality on women that you just can't argue its not an issue.
No. 283641
>>283635You have some misconceptions.
The Zhou study is the one trans love to point to that 'proves' brain sex is real, however…
>The brain-sex theory of transsexualism has never been easy to reconcile with clinical reality>The simplest and most plausible explanation of the Zhou/Kruijver findings is that they are attributable, completely or predominantly, to the effects of cross-sex hormone therapy administered during adulthood.>Anne A. LawrencePS Anne Lawrence is a MTF scientist.
>the evidence for hormonal sex differentiation of the human brain better resembles a hodge-podge pile than a solid structure>Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex DifferencesUltimately, it has been found there is no such thing as a female brain/male brain and thus no such thing as a female brain in a male body and vice versa.
>It’s not hard to believe that differences between the brains of male and female adults have nothing to do with genes or the Y chromosome but may be the biological expression of different social settings>Joan RoughgardenPS Also a MTF scientist.
No. 283646
>>283625I hate that people try to go 'hurr durr being trans is like being gay, people used to think being gay was a mental illness too! being a tranny isn't being mentally ill!" except.. gay people don't innately hate themselves. Society teaches them they're gross, bad, wrong, which can lead to mental illness like depression, etc. If society were tolerant, gay people wouldn't feel bad for being gay. To be mentally ill it has to have negative impacts on you.
But being trans is literally a mental illness. You have to be dysphoric to be trans, and dysphoria is literally a mental illness where you are basically distressed by your body/etc. It impacts their lives. Even in a tolerant society, trans people would still hate their bodies because that's what dysphoria is. It's like, people can still get depressed even in first world countries, ebcause it's a mental illness. Same for anorexia.
Anyways, I'm not even saying that to be mean. Having a mental illness shouldn't be shameful, or cause you to be harassed. It's just a thing that is, ya know?
No. 283679
>>283625of course if you try the "you were literally raised male and so therefore need to hold yourself accountable for that" point to Crazy Asshole I described "she" starts to go even more fucking loony and practically foams at the mouth with insistence that "I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A GIRL THOUGH SO IT WAS FEMALE CONDITIONING AND YOUR ARGUMENT WAS INVALID"
Just, what a fucking great way to enable the predators in our lives, yeah?
No. 283727
>>283646Yeah, gay people are just gay. Your personality, dress style, career, etc has nothing to do with being gay. You just happen to only be attracted to the same sex.
A trans person is mentally unstable and cannot function properly in society. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a transwoman? Trans people's entire identity is based solely on being trans and enforcing shitty gender stereotypes that women wear makeup and skirts and can't have short hair. etc
male trannies are the worst
No. 284256
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>>284245Every day I pull out my barbie dreamhouse and pink plastic convertible car to remind myself I am a woman. It has nothing to do with my XX chromosomes or my vagina. I am a woman because I grew up with barbies and hairbows, nevermind that I also enjoyed sports, comic books, video/board games and doing science experiments.
People like that are beyond mentally ill. They need to understand that social conditioning and stereotypes are a thing, but in the end, it does not dictate your sex and you cannot change your biology.
No. 284729
>>284512I also find it suspicious that trans will co-opt the "intersex" label and talk all day long about how they should be allowed to have risky surgeries, all without addressing the irony that is lots of intersex people have wanted the right to not be operated on without consent as a baby.
I tried to talk to my former trans friend about all that and she just didn't want to talk about it and focus on how the injustice was on "her" because being a trans girl is hard, waaah.
No. 284763
>>284256When i was little, my mother would buy me barbie dolls, and i would be hanging out with girls and make doll clothes and other stuff.
Who am i now? a raging homophobe and a big shitlord, despite girly stuff i have been raised within.
No. 284787
>>283646Agreed with all of this. Trans people have body dysmorphia, feeling that their sexual characteristics are wrong. Anorexic people also have body dysmorphia, feeling that they're too fat. Do we help anorexic people by surgically removing all their body fat? Of course not because that is harmful to them, only feeds into their mental illness and doesn't deal with the underlying problems.
I can't help but feel that a lot of "trans issues" would dissipate if society becomes less strict on gender roles. So many MTFs claiming they "knew" they were girls because they liked playing with dolls as a kid, or FTMs saying they are totally boys because they like playing football and hate wearing skirts. I believe it's a combination of societal expectations and self-hatred. The first can be changed, the latter can be treated. No need to demand that the rest of the world treats you as something you're not.
Anyway, has Stefonknee been arrested for being a sexual predator yet?
No. 285032
>>284787interestingly enough, for all MTF screaming that gender roles are oppressive and often that they want to abolish them, they don't. They rely on those same gender roles to feel fulfilled and euphoric about themselves vs. the dysphoria, which indicates some pretty huge mental illness.
Now the dreaded "TERFs" that are gender critical, on the other hand, are often all about abolishment of gender roles and stuff, which is why much of trans behavior and claims pisses them off.
Not saying I'm on any one side here, but funny how it plays out.
No. 285033
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forgot image
No. 285188
>>284245lmfao yeah that's always a good one; like they're so against anything heteronormative yet they think they must be girls because they like
cooking and fucking fashion and that's the crux of womanhoodHate these assholes. They're just men who are deeply jealous of the sexual "power" women were assigned through patriarchy. He wants to be a woman so bad but can't take care of his fucking family????? Calling him a disgrace would be a compliment.