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No. 201803
>>201796It does not, Zoellick Quinn is very much a fullfledged cow.
>>201800Yes. The thread should stay.
No. 201831
File: 1447043309576.png (Spoiler Image,617.39 KB, 1068x550, 1417954542864.png)

>>201794I'm sorry to hurt all your eyes. She's just hideous and super chubby.
No. 201891
>>201864"As reported by Deadline, several actresses are gunning for the role with Scarlett Johansson rumoured to be "keenest"."
the American public may not care about gamergate or Zoe Quinn in particular, but I could def see them eating up a sad story of triumph and hardship of a Girl Who Didn't Do Any Thing Wrong but a bunch of Sweaty Mean Nerds ganged up on her unfairly and watch her Overcome It.
No. 201929
>>201927I guess what I'm trying to say is the Depression Quest game looked like malingering.
So yeah she's a cow because malingering.
No. 201936
>>201905She sure knows how to suck the right cocks. She doesn't give a shit about fellow female developers, she doesn't give a shit about the feminist movement, she's just there for her own selfish agenda to promote herself, just like Sarkeesian. She doesn't have actual talent, other people do the work for her and she just slaps her greasy name all over it. She destroyed a game jam meant to give women a chance to be a game developer just because it was rivaling her own shady jam that had the donations wired to her own personal paypal account and didn't even have a set date. She did this by doxxing the organizer and claiming that the jam is "transphobic" because they only allowed confirmed women to enter. Fortunately the jam got backed up by 4chan of all communities and lo and behold, they actually managed to start a women-only game studio.
Zoe didn't program the Depression Quest. She co-wrote it. Zoe doxxed herself and tried to pin it on Wizardchan where someone had insulted her, and it later turned out it was Zoe selfposting. It has been confirmed by multiple sources that in the indie game industry, criticizing Zoe is a suicide since she has powerful connections. Zoe sexually harassed a man at a friend's wedding. Zoe claimed that anons had hacked into her personal things or some shit like that and spread her nude photos while SHE HERSELF put them up on multiple sites where anyone with an account can buy the sets. You can even see the fucking watermark here
>>201831 . She's a horrible person and the way she gets away with it and receives treatment fit for a saint is aggravating beyond belief.
All in all, I'm a woman at tech (computer science), I've always been. Thanks to people like Zoe male colleagues are now always on their tippy toes around myself and are afraid of offending me somehow like I'm a little girl who can't take care of herself or will break into tears if someone makes a dick joke. Being excluded like that is just as damaging as being harassed or laughed at. People like her are so fucking damaging to the whole field of technology and a perfect example of a fucking cult leader.
No. 201965
>>201936It's not just Zoe. It's shit like Donglegate, shit like Shirtstorm and this shit: yell that the tech industry is hostile to women while trying to get women in Tech at the same time. All they've done is institute an environment of paranoia and ruined many careers, both future and present.
No. 202131
>>202110i gosh, i hope this comes to fruition, i hate it when these cunts think they are invincible just because they hide behind the guise of being a "feminist" (when they really just use it to shoot down critism, because apparently if you dislike them, you dislike feminism)
like, I'm a feminist. But i have actually have been called a "manist" just because i found the whole zoe quinn movie idea silly.
these bitches could not give two shits about equal rights.
sorry, i get mad when people take advantage of a good cause like equality and change it into "I am more equal than you are"
No. 202196
(Sry for this wall ahead of time)
I honestly can't fathom y normal people support corrupt people like this, or how these people can get away with so much & do well in their respective industries (noting they almost always seem to have ZERO talent for what they do). I honestly think the world would be a lot better off w/o people like these, or at least could use a lot less of them. Also, in some of these industries I just wish all the sheeple fans could grow their own brains and stop supporting these kinds of people who genuinely could care less about them, but want their attention and money for their usually crappy worthless overly- gimmicky products that they probably didn't put any effort into themselves, but will b sure to make it seem like it for as much fame/attention & money as possible (all while being extremely FAKE ofc, thts key since they live a lie). It often does become cultish with brainwashed fans who fall hook-line-and-sinker for their phony personas, obviously brainwashed since their idealizations/reasons for liking these kinds of people r never reality-based &/or are spoon-fed to them unwittingly through manipulation, only wanting their followers to worship and support them w/o giving a care about them or the stuff they preach about (which usually ends up skewed and twisted into something delusional and/or becomes a misrepresentation). Its all ENTIRELY a waste of time for them, since a normal person would regret wasting precious time worshipping a worthless sack of flesh after they finally see the truth. Unfortunately, some people don't see the truth and end up thinking in the negative/skewed way these people want them to. And all u did was worship and support them for who knows how long…geez, WAKE UP peepl.
No. 202204
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>>201794I never understood how she gets away with insulting the people who she creates games for. Who else does she think is going to play her stuff like Depression Quest? Actual depressed people either won't or should go get help from a real source.
No. 202205
>>202188Maybe she had good intentions back then. A lot changes in 4 years. Maybe she realized she can exaggerate and falsify bullshit to get the fame and attention she has now? I'm sure she really is a feminist deep down, but who knows what she's thinking now. Right now she's definitely as
problematic for women in games and women in general as people like Zoe Q and Brianna wu.
No. 202301
>>201794These are all the desperate betas who Zoe Quinn slept with to get further in the industry. Of course, they're all SJWs.
Also, Zoe Quinn is good friends with Phil Fish (guy next to Brandon). I always wondered if she slept with him too, but they publicly shoot it down every time it's brought up and get incredibly angry.
No. 202304
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>>202303Kind of. I think that was from an older twitter profile pic of his. He looks a little chub in real life. Looks like this was prior to his wacky hair colorings and hair straightening.
No. 202305
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>>202303Oh, nevermind, thought you said Kyle. Joshua Boggs was sadly her boss she fucked who had a wife. She did this while cheating on her own boyfriend at the time too. Neither of them are that great looking.
No. 202308
>>202302Nebbish white nerds are my type but none of these guys look remotely attractive.
And can someone tell me what is up with Kyle's hair? What the fuck did he do to it? It looks so gross
>>202305He looks like James Franco's retarded cousin.
No. 202520
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>>202500I guess the Facebook post isn't getting deleted anytime soon but since this is an imageboard, we might as well have images.
First of all, how did Quinn get hired as a model? Was she actually pay for this? And I can't believe someone would give up their weekend to shoot a butterface like her.
No. 202521
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>>202520I can't believe a professional(?) photographer found the time to shoot and edit her.
Have these particular photos leaked yet?
No. 202522
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>>202521Ohhh so apparently the pictures never got published. I wonder if they look better than the fug pictures that got released so far.
No. 202523
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>>202522kek so apparently one of my mutual friends with her on facebook is a huge gamergater. smallllll world.
No. 202524
>>202523So apparently the fat racist bisexual guy I hooked up with also liked this pic
>>201831What a horrible backdrop for a porn shot. Why?
No. 202578
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>>202547so who would be turned on by this?
No. 202583
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>>202523the email in question linked to on the fb post, where zoe implies that she killed a rapist, she's either a murderer or a psychotic liar, neat-o
No. 202616
>>202608I don't want to get too off topic here, but not even counting the numbers difference, I don't see how being lesbian is better if you have high standards. I am pretty sure the rate of obesity is higher in the lesbian population than for straight males.
The lesbian community is filled with people like this: think there is definitely more tolerance for obesity in the lesbian population. There are also tons of lesbians who reject "male beauty standards" and beauty standards in general.
Ok, I'm done. I don't have any first hand experience about this so I'm going to shut up now. But I'm curious how one would go about finding an attractive thin partner in the lesbian community? It sounds very difficult.
No. 202626
>>201936Also hired a pedophile who used to work on 420chan and modded /pedo/ as her IT guy or something (kirtaner)
supports pedo Nyberg
abused her ex bf and every other bf she had emotionally
She's a terrible person. Literally one of the worst people in the industry
No. 202636
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Who does a presentation dressed like this? What 28 year old dresses like this?
Her sense of fashion seems stuck in the early 00s (when she was a teenager).
I wonder if it's any indication of her mental development as well.
No. 202641
>>202636idk but dat hair… holy shit.
she gets so much donations for doing fuck all and she looks like that. how the fuck
i'd understand if she was your token hot girl, or at least presentable like sarkeesian. but this is a troll-like woman and she's presenting at the UN and raking in thousands a month from donations for doing nothing? she gets called a developer for shitty writing (that came from wikipedia practically) on a game she didnt even code?
her abuse tactics must be on point, tbh. i kind of want to meet her. she must do some crazy voodoo brainwashing magic.
No. 202643
>>202302boggs is the only one that doesn't look retarded, but even then.
i have seen him in interviews and he sounds annoying as fuck to be around
i almost feel bad for zoe for feeling the need to fuck these guys
i almost do
No. 202645
>>202626she also tried to falsly accuse her ex at the time of rape if when he spilled the beans
and if you know how the justice system works, that would really intrude the time that could be put into investigating REAL rapes
No. 202987
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Girls who wear pins are usually fug
No. 203001
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No. 203011
>>202987Oh my god.. what did she do to that hair?
It looks like it will fall off at any second.
No. 203086
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Everything about this profile is a clusterfuck.
No. 203102
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>>202636Well, she wore this to address congress. She's either color blind or too stupid to get a decent pant suit.
No. 203152
>>202583So she claims to have
murdered someone, but there's no evidence whatsoever that her story is true. LOLwut
At least her original story was plausible. It's not mandatory for cops to get involved if a guy shows up at a hospital with a stab wound in his face. He could claim he fell on a knife or something. NBD.
But to say she
killed him and somehow there's no evidence whatsoever to back up her claim? So, what, the cops never solved the case? Or did they convict someone else? What the fuck, Zoe?
And how would she even know he died? Did she make sure he was dead before fleeing the scene?
She's a psycho and a liar. Just look at how she morphed, "Zoe told me she stabbed a guy who was trying to rape her. It was weird that she told me that," into, "Zoe should have allowed herself to be raped and murdered. Also she definitely killed the guy, rather than just stabbing him."
This woman is scum and it is infuriating that the vast majority of feminists are taking her word as gospel.
No. 203165
>>203106>>203139Anita would have if people didnt give her fucking attention. I ignored her ass just fine, but a lot of MEN actually brought her up into conversation constantly, especially on any youtube video with a videogame involving a female protag or something "Oooh Anita may say something about this"
The guys actually fed into her bullshit and kept her alive.
No. 203186
>>203102>>202987>>202204All those kumacraft necklaces jfc.
At least I think they're kumacraft or they're Starlight Deco's cheap knock offs.
No. 203437
>>203164Except it looks like a cheap modcloth dress and she's addressing congress! She could have gotten a nicely constructed A-line dress with those donations at some department store.
Those tights and green shoes … if anything the pattern on her tights make me realize there's no difference between her ankles and calves.
No. 203571
>>203437Annnnnnnnnnnd it's bad taste. The dress. For anyone, ever. Her choice of bra and jewelry to go underline her inability to 1. dress for the occasion 2. put together a matching outfit 3. to look professional.
It's around the 'guuuuurl u need some patriarchy'-level of distaste. Insulting, even. Thinking that she was there to represent something quite different than a travelling circus.
Besides of that she could for once in her life have used a real hairdresser's services.
No. 203615
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>>203086This dumb bitch doesn't read Nietzsche. She couldn't even spell his name correctly. Reading this was like reading a tween's myspace profile.
No. 203618
>>203246ugh I know exactly what you mean
we need a word for this
No. 203628
>>203621If cow is good for anything, it'll be thinking of a nice name to categorize these female fedoras.
>>203615>>203620Your essential tryhard, edgy intellectual. Notice how her first listed author is Chuck Palahniuk? Anyone who claims to be a big fan of his is some edgy teen that only reads books to talk about how they've read his book instead of enjoying the story. Sorry for those who really like Palahniuk's work, but it's becoming far and in between to find a fan that isn't insufferable.
No. 203632
>>202204Also, DQ is fucking bullshit, I "played" it when it was free and shit is tedious, and I'm not saying it because is a wall of text, hell Don Quijote is also a wall of text but at least is amusing and what you're reading is actually telling you a story and is relevant, unlike this excuse of a "visual novel".
The character is a whiny bitch (because yeah, it's a woman and has a gf, she has a decent job, her parents support her, she has her own home and stuff but oooh noes, doesn't want to go to work!!), the game doesn't explain to you her backstory, so you never really know why she's the way she is and you never get to connect to her or sympathize with her situation because… there isn't one, all her problems seem baseless and shallow… and generally, she demonstrates to be just an antisocial lazy asshole the more you "play", and zero fucks are given.
Also, you never get a happy ending, everything ends in an ambiguous note.
Like if you were aiming to making the experience as realistic as possible, you're doing it wrong because you can overcome depression, you can get checked and take therapy and slowly fight to get out of the hole, but in this shitstain of a "game" no matter what decisions you make to make things better, you have to archive the bad ending first (bitch kills herself over… nothing because this game doesn't explain shit to you) to get to choose the other options, and still, no satisfactory ending, just ambiguous wall of useless generic motivational messages.
This "game" (it isn't a game, games are supposed to be entertaining) makes real depression sound like a bullshit excuse to be a lazy ass that doesn't want to grow up and improve.
No. 203639
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Aah, yeah, who couldn't get turned on with that look.
No. 203640
File: 1447453702952.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.29 KB, 401x600, butterface.jpg)

>>203639another one because i can't stop laughing at those faces she makes
No. 203652
>>203644That's a below average body. Far below average. If you showed me
>>203639 before I knew who Zoe Quinn was I'd assume it was a tranny.
No. 203706
>>203704I recall that as well.
Like I remember the character not facing actual consequences of losing their job or their SO. Things like that.
Then she used Robin Williams' death too.
No. 203708
>>203704The fuck was I writing?
I couldn't comment because I've never had depression other than experiencing the type of depression everyone is prone to get during difficult times*
No. 203714
>>203628As someone who dug Palahniuk a lot in middle - high school, no offense taken. He's the embodiment of shock value and pseudo-intellectual dribble.
2007 or not, I'm surprised someone who's such a keyboard warrior for EQUALITY would list Palahniuk as one of their faves though. I mean, the dude has a short story where a group of women probe and sexually assault a trans woman.
No. 203744
>>203628I read Fight Club last year and it was pretty good. I think anyone who takes it super seriously would be really obnoxious though.
I also find it really hard to believe that she's read Nietzche or Camus
No. 203748
I'm so sorry that you wasted your time playing Depression Quest, and I wish you could get that time back, but thanks for taking one for the team. It just looks from your description like something that panders to dumblrinas but would make a person who actually suffers from depression just feel more shite about themselves.
I'm getting really sick of my GDPM studying friends who want to grow up and be gamedevs defending hers and Sarkesian's asses honestly.
No. 203827
>>203714I enjoyed a lot of his books, Rant being my favourite since the world-building was fantastic, but everything after that was utter shit, except Pygmy. Snuff was terrible, Tell-All was Pretention: The Book and god only knows what made him write Doomed and Damned.
Thanks to this thread i've downloaded all his new books and am going to read them, though after the aformentioned streak of shit books i am not really chuffed.
>>203716It was clearly a tranny.
No. 203840
>>203748It did actually made me feel like a piece of trash at the beginning, I even dare to say its inaccuracy
triggered me.
I wanted to punch the protagonist so hard in the face because it made me so mad; Lazy ass hoe no wonder you can't get better, bitch doesn't even try, all she does is browsing tumblr and watch Netflix and being a moody asshat to the people that care for her, damn it. Being a gross slacker is not a synonym of having crippling depression.
No. 203850
>>203840Yeah, the idea of making a game (or what loosely passes as a game) centered around how hard you struggle with mental illness yet squander away all opportunity you're given as an excuse to browse the internet and whisper "woe is me…" makes it really goddamn hard to feel any sympathy.
You can't expect people to coddle you and say "Hey it's ok that you're mentally ill" if you make no effort to improve, and you're an asshole to them on top of it.
No. 204034
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>>203748oh my fucking god DEPRESSION QUEST
it's obviously written by a first-world girl who gets anything she wants and has never actually had depression who tried to write what they think depression is
depression is what from many friends have told me, essentially the emotional equivalent to paint drying (void and feeling no motivation)
she wrote it as if depression is just being a whiny crybaby bitch about everything and not being thankful for anything
it really pisses me off that she portrays depression as just being a pissy little cry baby instead of just feeling emotionally empty like it actually is
she doesn't know how the fuck mental illness works
No. 204041
>>204034"depression is what from many friends have told me-"
No stahp. Your definition isn't very accurate either tbh.
>>203632Huh. I played through it just once when it was "released" and got the ending where I spoke to my family and decided to get help.
No. 204066
>>204034For me, and I don't know if anybody else will agree, but for me the absolute crux of legitimate depression was not actually lying around and crying and feeling sorrowful and shit.
For me it was absence. Absence of all emotion. Everything. There is nothing.
As a being you pretty much shut down and it's almost like your metaphysical self slips into a void where when people speak its almost like they're talking to you underwater and you lose sense of time and reality and find yourself in places and having no memory of your feet even carrying you there.
In art and stuff people always depict depression as being black and dark but for me it was white.
Cold, vast, empty whiteness, the same kind of white you see when you close your eyes and try to focus into a distance that doesn't exist.
Obviously it's different for each person.
No. 204164
>>204066exactly, everyone i met at my group therepy that has it said the same thing, it isn't crying about how nobody likes you and being an ungrateful bitch
its just feeling like doing nothing and sleeping in your bed/not wanting to do anything and general lack of motivation
No. 204211
>>204180Boo-hoey, with that kind of mentality you'll never get better, seriously cheer up, force yourself to cheer up and make something useful with your life.
Instead of watching tv why don't you do your fucking homework instead? It will distract you too and you'll be doing something productive with your time.
Thing is, if you're miserable is because you WANT to feel miserable, the mind is strong enough to make you feel things you're not supposed to be feeling. Mentalize yourself "I can confront this shit, I can get better" and force yourself to do stuff, be responsible.
Depression is not like a cold, you can't just take some pills and wait for it to leave, activity and self-improvement is the best medicine to get over it.
And if that sounds too complicated for you… good riddance.
No. 204215
>>204211It is not that easy with clinical depression. This whole "just force yourself to be happy" attitude is a common misconception but it's doesn't work that way. Clinical depression is not just some mental mumbo jumbo you can think yourself out if. It's more of a physical thing. You can't be happy because brain is preventing it due to the chemicals being out of whack. That's why people often have to put on medicaton in order to function.
Now back on topic. Have we talked about the fucking movie about zoe that was fought over. feel fucking sick.
No. 204224
>>204214>But m-muh struggle!!11!!Aaaand there you have it, depression is harder than cancer.
Everyone go home.
No. 204232
>>204224Literally no one said it was like cancer. Everyone is just saying you can't always force yourself to be happy. Sometimes medication needs to intervene. Stop reaching.
>>204220True. Scarlet Johansson is too attractive. Dunham would better represent her pig body and victim complex.
No. 204235
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>>204211ITT: Somebody who has never experienced depression.
No. 204286
>>204235I'm dysthymic, I wouldn't be telling you that shit if I didn't know how it feels to be a doormat all your life and that you can easily overcome it with determination.
Sorry for having faith in your sorry asses, you bunch whiny bitches.
No. 204292
>>204286dysthymic is still only a mild case of chronic depression. you put people down without disclosing your own experience; yet can't fathom that some people have a worse off diagnosis?
I agree with you on the productivity thing as a distraction, but what happens when you're done and you
shockingly still can't value your existence? I get where you're coming from, but you can't just assume people's diagnosis's.
To take this off OT, it's like Zoe Quinn assuming people's depression is even remotely like hers. I didn't follow through Depression Quest because that doesn't exactly feel like a fun game, but did she offer ways to seek treatment and different possibilities for it?
No. 204346
>>204292Well, the game had the suicide hotline at the end, if that's what you call support.
And the day of its release (surprise, it was when Robin Williams fucking died) She said that the game was gonna be free for a limited time, but it was optional to buy a special DLC (yes you could make shit even more boring by buying dlc's) and the money you spend was going to a charity about "the research and threatment of depression"… How was it named that charity? Oh, that doesn't matter, if you say you're going to donate the money then it must be truth, who needs the deets??
No. 204355
>>204313I played the… um, "game" back when it was browser based, and you had to complete the game first to get better options.
Basically the game forces you to play it twice if you want to get a "happy" ending, talk about replay value.
No. 204416
>>204211You sound like my dad.
People like you and my dad who just breathe down your neck about dealing with this issue, about how you're wasting your potential because in your mind there are so many crossed out options, really do make everything worse honestly.
Not all of us are malingering as an excuse to lie around and watch netflix all day like Zoe Quinn is. Most people on this thread are actually trying. Fuck off.
No. 204454
>>204416Your dad and
>>204211 are 100% right tho. I know everyone nowadays loves to be coddled, but in reality, the only one who can make yourself better is you.
Tough love.
No. 204469
>>204454>coddleduh no.
It's not about wanting to be coddled. It's about wanting to just feel normal. To not feel soul crushing nothing as you haul your ass to work every day, to not fucking deal with the random bouts of weepiness at inappropriate times when you're trying to do all the "making yourself better" bullshit that you're talking about. To actually be present when you go out to lunch with your friends, not behind a fog.
Most people with depression are NOT. LIVING. LIKE. ZOE. QUINN. As
>>204416 already fucking stated. Lots are actually trying to do the whole "making onesself better" that you claim is the miracle cure to this disease, but no, it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes a little bit of help from medicine, which can correct chemical imbalances that contribute to depression, is what someone needs and can use. Sometimes even that doesn't help, and you still go to sleep every night wishing you wouldn't wake up in the morning, because heaven forbid you should ever call in sick for a mental health day. Then you would just feel inferior for not being able to do what the rest of the world does, and the depression would snowball even further. And saying like you and like
>>204211 do, like you can just wish it away and everyone with depression is just lazy and selfhating is even more unhelpful.
No. 204637
>>201927I've avoided DQ for a while after it was initially out because I've suffered from depression, though you wouldn't get me to easily talk about it anywhere else than in an anonymous board.
It's pretty embarrassing, really, the level of abjection I reached. I wasn't even taking showers and everything I did or didn't do just seemed to make things worse, which I guess is part of the point. I only got out of it after having left my family and meeting my partner, who insisted a lot that I went to a therapist, which I did. I still don't manage to see some of the things about my family the way my partner or the therapist do, but I can function in society, which is what I want. I just want not to depend on other people financially and to be helpful if I can.
I found DQ again because so many people were talking about it after the dev tried to push it after Robin Williams died, but it made me really angry.
Essentially, I know that everyone thinks their problems are the worst: realistically, me having problems with my family isn't as bad as most of the stuff that happens in the world. I can understand that and still feel sympathy for someone who self-dramatises, because they don't realise quite how their problems come from their head. That game though took the cake; it essentially describes a state of ennui and sells it as depression. It's not well written by any stretch of the imagination, it's just something to show around and tell the world how good you are and then for others to feel peer pressured into "liking" because otherwise they're gamergaters or horrible people.
I don't think it's a great idea to give such a lame image of depression helps anyone, it just gives yet another way to insensitive people to tell those who suffer that they're just whiners.
No. 210352
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Stuff I dug last year but never posted because it was irrelevant for the gg, and would probably have attracted trolls.
But i guess it's okay for lolcow material.
No. 210408
>>210393More than that. It's a cringefest of edgelord.
>I'm up to 4 broken noses that I've handed out in '07.Yes, bitch, the real world lets you assault people with no penalty.
She's one of the most disgusting things I've ever come across. I feel like I need a shower.
No. 210424
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No. 210427
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>>210426she seemed to think everyone else is shit
No. 210429
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>>210428about her life goals
No. 210430
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>>210429she got mad skillz
No. 210431
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>>210430after being evicted for $5,000 missing rent
No. 217333
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Apparently, ZQ had an incident with her motorcycle.
No. 217364
>>217337I was just about to post this. I can just see the Patreon account set up for e-begging.
>I DEFINITELY HAVE SOME BROKEN RIBS>lol my injuries are light and nothing is broken No. 217386
Seriously though, that picture needs to start making rounds, surely some tumblrinas would have a fit over that bit. I'd love to get some fresh milk from this bitch.
No. 217406
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>>217333Is it bad that I wish it would've done more to her? I don't want her dead or anything, but these careless, rich little trust fund babies get motorcycles like they're childrens toys. Brianna Wu has one too and look at how nonchalant they talk the consequences of wrecking these. They'll definitely ruin or take their life in a motorcycle accident if they're not cautious.
No. 222528
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depression quest was so trite…….EVERYONE has written about being depressed. WHO CARES! it was nothing special or interesting or new….i hated it
people have done better shit with twine too
overall idsappointing
No. 225177
>>225173They do give them shit. That is literally the divide between GG and anti-GG.
Anti-GG = Zoe is a strong independent woman and the reviews thing is made up anyway.
GG = the gaming press is corrupt and gives positive coverage to their friends.
A lot of GG gets off on winding up Zoe and friends but the movement is based on Zoe breaking the camel's back after years of bullshit press.
I can't be bothered to follow all the GG drama but it does hit home for me. RPS made up a bunch of shit about a friend's mod and although it wasn't bad shit it does show that if they can't be bothered to read the README and email the author then how bad are they with everything else?
No. 255193
>>202578She actually looks good here.
She looks gross here tho:
>>201831 No. 255236
Surprised this thread is getting bumped, but I am on-board for more lolz at her expense if there are any to be had.
I think that what makes her such a good candidate for the poster child of shit 3rd wave feminism and fetishistic victim-hood, is that she looks the way the mainstream views the female gaming demographic. No one really believes the gamergurl facade, they know that a pretty lady with a smokin' bod is significantly less likely to care about gaming and other nerdy hobbies. A bunch of old Congress/UN dudes are going to easily accept frumpy, lumpy, Zoe as the figurehead for a movement that they believe is going to speak to a certain portion of society that it will in some way benefit them to cater to at the moment.
And the Depression Quest bullshit is pathetic but you have to view Zoe as a generic brand version of this side of society: people like the femanons here, who have less popular interests like games and Japanese culture, scifi and fantasy, maybe tech, and other "nerdy" stuff. People who are socially awkward or in-adept. Zoe is the one on display because restaurant advertisements never use pictures of the actual food they make. She is something that everyone else can look at and identify as edgy or different without actually caring about it being true.
At the end of the day she's the one who has to live with herself and look at herself in the mirror and really let that image sink in. And she must know that she can't improve herself or else ruin the only selling point she has. She has resigned herself to being second-rate as an actual profession. And someday I think a lot of those people who really do suffer from depression will find a way to be successful in the fields they love and Zoe will become a washout because a lot of people like "us" will turn out to be brilliant and interesting and have the motivation and ambition to take care of ourselves and become impressive. Maybe even make some big changes in art and tech culture. Zoe will never have that. She will be that one-trick one-hit has-been and probably never get the chance to do anything more than that.
>>202616>….almost makes me angry.
No. 261689
>>261619jesus this is horrible.
Zoe is such a cunt, I hope she literally gets attacked by bees.
ngl, I think the idea of the Social Autopsy 'company' is also kind of ludicrously optimistic, but Zoe blew it out of the water and into the spotlight when in all likelihood ignoring it would have been far more advantageous. It just lends credence to the idea that Zoe's been the one largely responsible for harrassing herself throughout the entire Gamer Gate fiasco.
No. 262356
>>262092Apparently she stood him up several times before they finally met at a Japanese place. I guess she was rude as fuck and made him pay for the meal. Which I thought was kinda funny 'cause isn't she like a hyper feminist or something?
Not super interesting but she sounds like a cunt.
No. 262374
>>262346it only looks all the more suspicious now that she baleeted the primeape account.
it really baffles me how any self-respecting journalist can possibly spin this to try to make Zoe look clean. Articles like insist that there's 'no proof' that Zoe spread the e-mail around, are they going to redact that article now that the proof/screencaps are circulating? probably not. even though 90% of the comments are questioning their portrayal of events, if not outright linking refutations and evidence.
No. 263151
>>263124Unfortunately, when feminism is used by attention whores, you get the poor me, I'm oppressed, while taking selfies in their absolutely normal middle-class lives. Real feminism is about starting conversations about underlying social ills that perpetuate unfair disadvantages. In the end, it should guide legislative policy and raise awareness. At its best, Feminism strives to raise up women who are suffering from human rights violations in impoverished countries and end domestic violence while helping victims (including women, men and children). At its worst…you get Zoe Quinn.
I hate her with a passion, but gamergate always gave Zoe another reason to find herself in situation where she claim oppression and make a quick buck.
No. 263312
>>263309Bonus: She makes a lot of vids like the Youtube video here early on. However, in case you ever think her body mods are cool, check out her most recent Tumblr post, which is this Vine: have no idea why you'd put a magnet into your hand if you were a game dev who's work and life revolves around electronics.
No. 263734
>>263312she doesn't do any work at all from what i can tell and DQ was coded by other people with her bad writing so i doubt it's that much of a risk
probably just fucks her every time she goes on a plane
No. 263792
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>>263124ew. do you know how mental illness works? theres a bunch of different combinations of symptoms to be classified as borderline. my friend suffers with this and shes the sweetest person i know, just sad and easily scared.
so ignorant. im sick of this 'this person is an asshole? they must be borderline' meme. also i feel like a lot of people confuse BPD with severe bipolar.
The features of BPD include emotional instability; intense, unstable interpersonal relationships; a need for intimacy; and a fear of rejection. As a result, people with BPD often evoke intense emotions in those around them. Pejorative terms to describe people with BPD, such as "difficult", "treatment resistant", "manipulative", "demanding", and "attention seeking", are often used and may become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the negative treatment of these individuals
triggers further self-destructive behavior happy your brain isnt fucked up instead of spreading the stigma of mental illness.
zoe isnt borderline she's just a self centered bitch
No. 263831
BP + BPD are often misdiagnosed/confused/comorbid
and honestly it just completely depends on the person, each case is different and people have mental illness to varying severities. there are subtypes of both illnesses.
you're entitled to your opinion. if you're speaking anecdotally, thats cool. mine are the opposite. im legitimately scared for and of two of the bipolar people i know.
its the psychotic aspect that makes me personally believe bipolar people are potentially harder to deal with but i know both can be extremely emotionally exhausting and unhealthy.
borderline ppl can grow out of it with therapy like DBT and they tend to mellow out after a couple years anyway.
bipolar ppl are bipolar for life
this article is really insightful i recommend it people have the borderline label slapped on them in psych fields and it irritates me to see armchair psychologists on reddit and other sites doing the same.
you have probably met high functioning borderlines but never knew. aspects of western culture like social media is literally breeding borderline traits into teens (feelings of emptiness, need for validation, fear of being alone/abandoned).
No. 264071
>>264020can't just let it go, can you?
You did the exact same thing as I did, just with more words.
No. 264704
>>263826 wasnt me but k
No. 283943
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Quinn is still out there, getting offended at everything
No. 283979
>>283943"My suffering" ok Zoe you made thousands on patreon from neckbeards for being a shady whore and blaming it on being a woman in gaming, but we'll call it suffering.
Anything to stay relevant, seriously. When will people like her just fade into obscurity already?
No. 284026
>>283987Fun guy… fungi.. they're pronounced the same. 5 just happens to be a number chosen, most likely the same number in the JP version (and the japanese give 0 shits about gamergate drama).
Watergate is one of the most famous american government scandal, which is where gamergate along with a million other scandals get their fucking nicknames.
People are seriously reaching with this. Quinn made a fucking ass of her self showcasing how much of a self centered drama lama she is. I can't believe all the retards on twitter who are so uneducated, they fail to see this as a play on words. Jfc.
No. 284034
>>284026Also forgot to add.
5 people were arrested for being the burgalars of the watergate scandal. No. 284184
File: 1466861625735.png (515.09 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-25-09-32-43…)

Of course here comes the backpedaling once she was called out for being a drama queen…
No. 284185
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And a Twitter hiatus of shame…
No. 284186
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… But not before sucking up to someone with actual talent, Sheena style!
No. 284226
>>284215She's not against him because he's a giant name in the industry that she has desperately been trying to weasel herself into for years and years. Read the original fb chat logs between her and her ex, she admits to doing this kinda thing for a long time.
Keep in mind, this is also right after Notch just made a joke about her being a whore and told her she is milking the whole gamergate thing. She's sucking his taint hardcore.
No. 284265
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>>284236Some lazy cropping/mashing them together. I think he said some other "controversial" things too. There's lots all over the net about it (making a mountain out of a molehill imo)
No. 284415
>>284271Im still amazed that someone actually thinks that this reference is in regard of gamersgate and not watergate..
Enough internet for the day.
No. 284417
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This is not going to end well.
No. 295717
Is ZQ's book a distant memory now?
A listing for it was on Simon & Schuster's website until at least June '16: now, a few days it was listed to release, it's gone:'m not surprised that she blew smoke about writing a book for attention, but it went as far as getting on the S&S website and being reported that ScarJo would play her in a movie about a book that wasn't even written yet.
No. 296950
>>296896>VICE around 2010ishLet's send a hipster journo to fucked up third world countries to see if there are any stories here
>VICE after 2015Let's just churn out whiny clickbait LIKE EVERYONE ELSE EVER
No. 296985
>>296896>finding the worst most ridiculous bullshit you can do at any point, that becomes the gamethat's an excellent way to sum your life up, zoe.
>and then I want the game to react to it by getting worse and more ridiculouswow, your high quality contributions to the gaming industry will definitely make them take women seriously now.
>i'm a fucking trainwreck at least she's honest with herself.
No. 297041
>>297033There is a ton of caps here : guy also did a stream, which he also put up on his Youtube channel. I think that it has most of the chat in it, so you can see more or less the whole thing.
No. 301016
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No. 301017
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And part 2.
No. 301041
>>301017Today: storries thaat never happen.
Not a single man who respects himself wouldv even get close to such an ugly skank.
Only people who would ttouch that are her beta orbiters who won't have a chance with a woman.
No. 335695
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>>335685She's none of the above, mate
No. 335707
>>335685So which part of the five guys burger and fries are you?
Large bacon burger with small fries?
No. 335941
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>>335722It's not petty at all. She tries to appeal to the indie crowd but her games are boring af. She lacks any sort of real creativity. Depression Quest could've been something really provoking and deep but it was MS paint graphics point and click.
I'm curious how this Chuck Tingle game is going to turn out though.
No. 335975
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>I had to play her game for a college class, then write a full paper analyzing it
>we spent a whole week discussing how gamergate is "a reflection of the inherent misogyny of male spaces"
Zoe Quinn is a mirror to the toxicity of contemporary first world feminism in academia.
No. 336019
>>335975Shes literally a first world cunt tho.
(And who still dresses like a tween emo from 2007…you can be weird and out of the box without having to look hideous m8)
No. 336182
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>>336088>>336173It wasn't student-chosen. It was a dedicated topic for a week in a class which is required for my major, and all other game design majors. If proof is needed, here's a screenshot of the syllabus' schedule for that week.
No. 336238
>>336182>PLAY: Analogue: A Hate Story>Queerness and Sexuality>Resident Evil 5, Racial Representation (…)Anon what the fuck kind of horrifying amalgamation of gender studies and game development are you studying? Are you just able to throw away money like this?
Seriously though, if this isn't fake it's a fucking joke if you only get classes about retarded SJW logic and only get to play Western oh-so-progressive neoliberal ""political statement"" """visual novel""" """""gaems""""".
No. 336309
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>>336305>>336306Ha! Quite true, in my knee-jerk reaction of feeling like I had to answer questions, I forgot to keep railing on Quinn - post deleted.
Now, back on topic - remember how, by Zoe's definition of rape, she's a rapist? Good times, good times.
No. 355067
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So how much work has she had done now
No. 356491
>>355067Definitely her breasts, maybe lipo work on her backside/hips to remedy her pancake ass.
>>356401If only. Before it was "Five Guys" it was "Two Greyhound Buses" btw meaning she fucked around with ~90 guys (12 or 13 were IDed at some point) a bunch of whom were married or in LTR.
No. 356521
I have no issue with women who sleep around casually and have NSA sex when they're not in a relationship but the ones who sleep around with THAT many men with no regard to consequence to themselves, their relationships or the men's circumstance are mentally fucked up.
No. 356548
>>356541I find this comment to be full of shit
that it
No. 356551
>>356541go away nobody cares what you think.
this is a girls only club, didn't you know
No. 357398
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>>356801Yeah, one of the original "Five Guys" was Maya "Felix" Kramer, who was her PR agent back then.
No. 357627
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>>355248It's supposed to be a cyborg arm, but it's not well designed at all. You can find more detailed pics if you search through her twitter or insta, but this is the first pic I found on google.
No. 357765
>>3573981.) She was big enough to have a PR agent before gamer gate? Was she preparing for a scandal because idk why someone who made a twine game once needs PR.
2.) I thought the original five guys were teh five guys posted higher up in the thread (Brandon McMartin, Kyle Pulver, Nathan Grayson, Robin Arnott, Joshua Boggs).
No. 357807
>>357681It's in the first version of "INDIEfeasible" by Cameralady that was later taken down (backups might exist elsewhere on the web). I think it was also mentioned in the first #burgersandfries chatlogs with Eron present.
>>357765>1.)She did, it was stated on (purged) site of Silverstring Media afair. Remember that Zoey might be technically inept but is a capable social predator, milking Max Temkin for 10k for her non-existent Game Jam or using Wizchan to her game through Steam Greenlight.
>2.)No, Pulver and another dude (I think it was McMartin) were misidentified. Kramer was definitely IDed later and the other remained unknown as far as I know.
No. 357898
>>357807Ah, thanks for clarifying.
>>357887Seconding this, tried googling this stuff but lots of information is wrong or out of date, lots of places still name the original 5 guys but I would believe that internet detectives got the two mystery guy's identities wrong.
No. 383440"You've heard the stories about the dark side of the internet–hackers, #gamergate, anonymous mobs attacking an unlucky victim, and revenge porn–but they remain just that: stories. Surely these things would never happen to you.
Zoe Quinn used to feel the same way. She is a video game developer whose ex-boyfriend published a crazed blog post cobbled together from private information, half-truths, and outright fictions, along with a rallying cry to the online hordes to go after her. They answered in the form of a so-called movement known as #gamergate–they hacked her accounts; stole nude photos of her; harassed her family, friends, and colleagues; and threatened to rape and murder her. But instead of shrinking into silence as the online mobs wanted her to, she raised her voice and spoke out against this vicious online culture and for making the internet a safer place for everyone.
In the years since #gamergate, Quinn has helped thousands of people with her advocacy and online-abuse crisis resource Crash Override Network. From locking down victims' personal accounts to working with tech companies and lawmakers to inform policy, she has firsthand knowledge about every angle of online abuse, what powerful institutions are (and aren't) doing about it, and how we can protect our digital spaces and selves.
Crash Override offers an up-close look inside the controversy, threats, and social and cultural battles that started in the far corners of the internet and have since permeated our online lives. Through her story–as target and as activist–Quinn provides a human look at the ways the internet impacts our lives and culture, along with practical advice for keeping yourself and others safe online."
No. 383532
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The About the Author is hilarious.
>Zoe Quinn is one of the most critically acclaimed, widely recognized indie developers in the gaming industry, and a leading voice in the fight against online abuse.
And this was really the best picture they had for the cover?
No. 383591
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>>383532that big ol' oblong head. She looks like fat morticia addams.
No. 383683
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>>383532>tfw there are so many more talented and hard-working female developers than Zoe is but they'll never get this sort of recognition because they're not manipulative, sociopathic cuntsGod I fucking hate the world
No. 383696
>>383591You leave Anjelica out of this, she doesn't deserve it.
>>383683I really hate how so many attention whores are now jumping on the game developing/programming bandwagon and instead of getting good and creating something of value, they attention whore and post pictures of themselves 'coding' for internet grrl power brownie points. First Zoe Quinn, then Karlie fucking Kloss (lol), who's next?
You never hear about the normal women in tech aside from maybe the Adafruit lady who created the Raspberry Pi.
No. 383715
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>>383532They're right. I mean, why should I aspire to be like Kim Swift, Jayde Raymond or Jane Jensen, when I could aspire to be like her?
(I didn't add Roberta Williams because I'm not a fan of Sierra Games, feel free to kick me for it, I probably deserve it.)
No. 397031
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So did you see notch (the creator of Minecraft) calling Zoe Quinn a cunt and Quinn sending her lackeys after him while notch, as usual, gave zero fucks? Glorious.
No. 397038
>>397033>>397031Notch has evolved into a fulltime troll. Then again, the man is a billionaire and has all the time snd money he could ever wish for.
Quinn doesnt really seem to ever understand these, Kim dotcomm, Notch and some others are all professional trolls.
Somehow she still gets baited this hard everytime.
No. 397100
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>>397055She's also trying to drum some sales on that book too. The only reason I can see for buying it is to have a laugh at all the trite she's going to put into it. Based on the sales figures, I'm not even slightly surprised that she's trying to get every last one of her orbiters to buy it.
No. 404143
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It looks like she got into a fight with the head of Gearbox over the Vidcon drama.
No. 405635
>>404151Not trying to defend anita or zoe here but:
This is the closest thing I can find to the story he is talking about. She did post it but didn't write or request it, and it's obviously a fucking joke? He seems to be playing the victim as much as the rest of them. Unless his kid is really fucking young I think they should also comprehend that it's a joke, and if their kid is actually really young they shouldn't be on the internet unsupervised. He as an adult should see that this is a joke from a joke account. Surely he gets worse, more serious stuff from fans of his games on a daily basis. I guess she outta take it down if he really dislikes it, out of courtesy, but it's obviously not as serious as he paints it to be. Why doesn't he also go after the person who actually wrote it or the person who actually requested it? All she did was reblog it. No. 445540, thank fuck the Buzzfeed article about Milo gave her the opportunity to pimp her book a bit more, it was lagging in sales.
And also thank fuck it made Milo trend on Twitter. We couldn't possibly forget both of them. We should have taken GG more seriously, what were we thinking finally letting these two fucks fade into obscurity.
No. 455712
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Apparently she lied about her mother being dead. No. 456187
>>455712Not surprised. She lies about her family constantly since she was a young teenager, always painting herself as the victim. She use to lie about shit in her life ALL THE TIME. Back when she first started her model mayhem profile and was roomates with the girl who worked at the arcade, the time where all those "leaked nudes" were taken. She used to tell anyone who would listen, even people she had just met, that everyone raped her all the time or sexually assaulted or harassed her left and right. Boss tried to rape me, coworker raped me, stranger raped me, another coworker sexually assaulted me, my friend raped me, my boyfriend raped me, she even claimed to have work-related PTSD from being raped & sexually harassed at every single job that she could no longer work anymore ever again. And it was literally all lies, and if you ever confronted her she'd get desperate, delete shit, lie, convince others to cover, spread rumors, come after people's careers personally, str8 desperation.
Sage for blogpost but I saw her book "crash override" in a local liberal-ass bookstore, I bought it. $27 usd. The entire thing is her lying and being a victim and droning on about bullying almost killing her. When wholetime she used to call women whores and sluts and talk shit on helldump. She really has sold her soul to sjw's just to cover up her mistakes and ran with it wholeheartedly. Embarrassing. I was so happy when she got fat.
No. 457510
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>>456187this is just fucking sad. giving that bitch money so you could confirm that yes, the book is exactly what one would expect it to be … what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
(took me less than 30 seconds to find and d/l the ebook version for free)
No. 460435
>>460424>>455712The media won't pick up on it because it is detrimental to the feminist regime most companies by now are profiting off of/somehow involved with Quinn.
Think of it all like communist propaganda; Just re-write history and you are the victor
(no pun intended)
No. 460897
>>456421>>457510I know TBH I felt bad that the money I was using to purchase it would go to fund that slore, but I justified it in my head as I could get lulz then maybe film it burning up. Just like the nazis in WW2, this rhetoric should not be spread and destroyed immediately.
>>460419That announcement is pretty old now. And FYI they never made the movie. I heard it was a rumor made up by femfreq that they spread to other big media sites in order to validate their side, but that it wasn't true at all, and everyone that reported that story said the exact same thing. I think someone tweeted Scarlett asking her if it was true but I don't remember what she said.
No. 461496
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>>460955>>460913Weirdly, her book was in the section with the campus rape books and gay pride books…..
No. 468929
>>468919Seriously. Even if
>>468727 is right, people like her do not make it easier.
No. 469122
Has she even done anything in the 4-5 years since DQ came out apart from ruin a couple game jams (and take loads of donations for herself for her own game jam, which never happened and has no start date), run an elaborate conjob with CON (lol) where she basically took loads of donations for herself while using tons of uncompensated labour from other people and never really helped anyone unless they were famous, and took loads of donations for an FMV kickstarter game that's so cheap-looking she could have easily funded it with those thousands and thousands of dollars in cash she's raking in on Patreon doing absolutely fuck all? As far as I can tell she's just using the money to get multiple plastic surgeries, buy loads of clothes and a motorcycle and just sit on her ass online shopping and being a Quirky Nerd Girl™ on Twitter.
How long is this going to last for her? It seems like almost anyone else with a personal history this littered with abuse, hypocrisy, stealing, lying, cheating, bullying, and just generally being an absolute fucking trash fire of a human being would have been nailed to the wall by now. Her Patreon donations have been declining pretty steadily over the past few years, at least.
No. 469289
>>469227She basically reinvented herself as the ultimate victim of internet harassment after being a skanky scammer who got run out of the Toronto indie scene.
At this point anybody digging into the bullshit she has pulled over the years will end up being crucified by a mob because "How dare you St. Zoe was nearly murdered by Gamergate channer manchildren" so the only thing is to wait until she alieniates all her current "allies" (the CON con was quite a hit to her rep in SJW circles) and hope she doesn't find new bozos to parasitize.
No. 469384
>>469289Pretty sad, but the crowd that rallied against Zoe were mostly obsessed neckbeard "gamOrz" with a bit of incel in them. Of course they pushed it to the point of constant harassment and while she deserved it, the way they went about it solidified the idea that women in gaming are harassed. And to a certain point they are, but Zoe took advantage of it and ran. Just an example of someone taking advantage of a current issue and distorting it in their favor. It's not that she's female it's that she's a poisonous individual and uses people's perceptions of victimization to her own benefit.
Anyways, any examples of her plastic surgery?
No. 469477
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>>469396Broteam has tweeted/streamed about that, apparently he has contacts there. KotakuInAction should have links/archives of that stuff.
>>469384I call bullshit on Zoey recieving any significant amount of harassment, bitch had at least three sets of fake dox ready to go to mislead people. And that's besider her history of faking harassment (Wizchan incident, early 8chan).
I'm mean ffs, the journalists who interacted with her either came from the same circles or were literally friend of the people she banged, no wonder she managed to get her long-planned trip to Europe written up as "having to flee the country because of death threats".
No. 469562
>>468832Quit strawmanning my point, I didnt mention rape culture.
>>468885Didnt say false allegations didnt have a big inpact, I said false allegations make up a fraction of reported rapes. So learn to read before telling people to fuck off with that bullshit.
No. 469570
>>468919How does me pointing out false rape allegations are a minority of all rape reports an example about how all women lie? I'm saying the opposite of that. I guess the "dumb bitch" remark is clearly projection.
No. 469574
>>469570I made the first comment. I'm aware that false rape claims are a very small minority of cases. I was pointing out the fact that society in general tends to paint women who claim rape or abuse as liars, and scum like Zoe are exactly the kind of women they'll point to as 'proof' that all women are liars. She's not just ruining
No. 469576
>>469570hit post by accident halfway through typing. as I was saying, she's not just ruining the lives of the people she comes into contact with, she's also giving misogynist assholes more ammo to disbelieve women.
Quit it with the infighting, someone give me some more drama about this STD-riddled dumpster fire of a human being.
No. 471433
File: 1512291435193.gif (148.75 KB, 978x534, hurrrrrr.gif)

oh no
No. 471821
>>471433Cringefest even with editors. "I'm better than gaming." 1: No you're not. The entire reason for gamer gate was because of how BAD your game was and the mysterious good reviews. 2: That was about the most juvenile comment I've ever seen by someone older than 11.
I thought her book would be her humble bragging, but I didn't think it would have this level of bad writing.
sage this shit and this level of garbage. The biggest and most annoying thing Gamer Gate neckbeards is that they thought this attention whore was worth the time to harass. Frankly they should have just watched the fire and laughed. The harassment and response by Quinn and associates was the most awful circle jerk. Seeing which one could blow their load quicker.
No. 471884
>>471842It's been reviewed by several people who approached it open minds. It is a horrible game and pretty insulting to those who've suffered depression. I know people experience illness differently but most obvious were how off and stereotyped her definitions and behavior of a chronically depressed were. It was pretty offensive on some level and even more uneducated.
Game play/Choose your own adventure wise? It was horrible. Logistically stupid and uninspiring.
I was going to play it, but my boyfriend convinced me it really wasn't worth the time. He said trash like her didn't deserve the attention. So I trusted some of the reviews that tried to do a decent job at ignoring the drama and just judging the game from a non-traditional gaming prospective.
No. 472088
>>471842Lol if you want to make a choose your own adventure, then there's already programs like these there were people making choose your own adventure games on Neopets
No. 472127
did use a program to make her choose your own adventure. Twine is literally "drag and drop your paragraphs together".
it has a 'health bar' and some music, but then again she had three dudes as 'co-developers' to write a couple dozen lines of javascript.
No. 472767
>>471842>>471884If you guys are looking for a really well done game about depression, I seriously recommend Indygo (it's on Steam). I have depression and it really hit the nail on the head with every single ending and mood and it's voice acted & illustrated too, it's a point-and-click.
Sorry for sorta irrelevancy but playing Indygo actually made me think of this girl's garbage depression game in the first place. Maybe if it gains popularity she'll get pissy and bitchy over how it totally outshines her.
No. 697355
File: 1567639078446.png (10.4 MB, 4449x3148, 1566888668311.png)

zoe quinn, back at it again with the accusations.
this time with suicide!
No. 697371
File: 1567640535097.png (166.35 KB, 343x630, 1567638908603.png)

>I may have exaggerated half of it
Fuck her tbh
No. 697412
>>697399This thread is about Zoe though, and here we have her own admission that she was lying about accusations.
We won't ever know now what allegations are true/false about Alec, we just know he had problems. I'm sure some, probably most, of the stuff out there is true, and it's unfortunate that he can't answer for what he did now.
But we do know Zoe lied about at least half of what she said, which is probably the shittiest thing she could do. This is one of the reasons why people don't take accusations seriously, because it's so easy to just plaster whatever you want on a site like Twitter or Tumblr and ruin people. She's once again making it harder for actual
victims of abuse to voice themselves.
No. 697534
File: 1567656372369.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.9 KB, 526x792, EDkGw_RXkAIqhHV.jpg)

>>697527is this screenshot from 2014 fake too?
No. 697576
File: 1567663198724.jpg (21.54 KB, 538x433, 5d2cd0ec970e72f5b575bcc6b46713…)

>>697371did you even try to make this look real nigga
No. 698076
File: 1567792488868.png (991.73 KB, 1200x923, ZQsequelBook.png)

No. 699430
Water is wet. In other news"While it is indisputably true, as Quinn asserts in the statement, that there is no “karmic limit” on abuse or victimization, it is also true that all allegations must be given the respect they deserve and thoroughly investigated. In Quinn’s case, there are undoubtedly significant discrepancies in the statement that was made public on August 28th, and the history that was made available to The Post Millennial for review."
No. 699695
>>697412anon i can't tell if you're concern trolling or just dense, but he obviously did it to avoid these questions. It's common for people about to be exposed to off themselves.
The screenshot above is fake.
>>697534 doesn't prove anything regarding this.
Zoe is an opportunist piece of shit and I'm sure she will milk this for years, but this guy was a coward and an abuser.
No. 701292
>>699695I don’t think he was an abuser. According to new screenshots from years ago of him discussing his relationship with others, it seems Zoe was really the
abusive/gaslighting one. He even states he wanted to post his story publicly about what she put him through but was too afraid that Zoe would take it out on him and harass him/ruin his career. Funnily enough, he never got to release his story and she still ruined his career.
It’s already been proven (from zoe’s own tweets) that she lied about being “locked up in his apartment” and that she had to escape last minute after he refused to buy her a ticket. The game that he “took over” was a lie as well, as according to her tweets she was still working on it months and months after she left Winnipeg and broke up with him. She said “the funding had been pulled” aka she spent all the money, again, or she was having Alec pay for it all, then when they broke up, the money train stopped. But she very much had control of the game throughout and after. The only thing left is the “he put his fingers in me and walked me around the apartment” weird shit, and no one can prove or disprove it. It’s strange to see everyone say that she’s a narc opportunist liar, who posted no corroborating evidence, but then say Alec was
still an abuser when he wasn’t able to speak out, public evidence to disprove the claims and back up his side, and he doesn’t have a history of abuse (he only has a history of mental issues, but no one mentioned any history of violence or abuse). The chances that Zoe, for the first time in her life, is telling the truth while simultaneously being a pathological liar opportunist with evidence contradicting her claims is slim to none. I really don’t get why people still believe her BS after all this time. She used to tell her old friends that the reason she couldn’t work a job (or attempt to apply for one) was because “every job” she ever worked at had coworkers/bosses that would sexually assault/rape/sexually harass her. Claiming that applying for a job would re-traumatize her. She would say it to strangers, friends, friends of friends, photogs, randoms online, etc so they would pay for all her shit (rent, clothes, food, going out, professional photos, gas, cons, work on her “projects” for free while she took credit, etc). While she herself would aggressively hit on other people, then cry about being hit on 24/7 bc she’s totes a beacon of ethereal beauty. This isn’t new. She also totally freaks out whenever she’s caught in a lie and blames the person who caught her, many many many times. She’s lost the privilege of being able to accuse anyone of anything without proof. She deserves to lose her pussy pass, permanently tbh.
No. 702842
>>701292Agreed. I think that they should have let an investigation happen first on her allegations before taking any action. In her case, she has a long history of compulsively lying and it should have been considered while making sense of her allegation. The moment I saw her damn name tied to this whole incident, I got a bad feeling that they needed to scrutinize her testimony even more.
She likely still compulsively lies because she's only been nothing but rewarded for continuously doing it. She got announced as the writer for a new DC comic, and she's dodged being on the spot for her failed Patreon project from last year.
Now she posting back on Twitter trying to reclaim her status as a
victim. It's sad to see articles already popping up making it seem like Gamergate Part II is going to happen and that people are bullying her out of nowhere. She should be at least investigated for her allegations.
No. 702868
>>701908Uh thanks for the link, I guess? This
>>697371 screenshot is still completely fake. Just look at the padding in the chat bubble, whoever made this didn't even try.
No. 703137
Alec's DMs with another developer.
That someone had to anonymously share with TPM because they're terrified of Zoe's WK army No. 821846
File: 1613333975204.png (9.65 MB, 1307x13448, typical.png)

Sorry to necro this thread but there's been a lot of news that's been missed.
Her 'resources for online harassment' ended up with a ton of issues with staff not paid, specifically not helping trans people, or only helping 'famous' people to get her name elevated. Pretty pathetic to use literal
victims of harassment for your own gain.
>Among these were complaints about lack of pay and an environment which made transgender staff feel taken advantage of. Though perhaps the worst allegation was that the entire network was designed only to help those who were famous enough to elevate Zoe’s name and status.She started a kickstarter for a game she claimed she was going to make, raised about 85k, took about big lavish trip to japan, used money to back other kickstarters, and whatever else, then some how 'ran out of money' for her game, and hasn't updated anything to people who backed her in over two years.
>While literally vacationing in Japan, Zoe told the people who’d given her $85k that she didn’t have money left to finish the game. Compare and contrast that claim to the fancy hotel room pictures she was tweeting. Making it worse is that in the months prior, she’d tweeted multiple times about backing other people’s Kickstarter projects. Recently, a movie that's gunna be made with gamergate as it's backdrop is being made called '1UP' with ellen page and some other actress I've never heard of, and of COURSE zoe quinn has to chime in and is trying to get other shitty gg people like anita sarkeesian to drum up some drama over it. I posted the entire article here as well.
>Almost immediately following its public announcement, 1UP was met with a wave of criticism and backlash from internet personalities who were involved in Gamergate to varying degrees.
>DC and Marvel Comics author Zoe Quinn, whose personal life acted as the catalyst for the event after ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni accused her of infidelity and trading sexual favors for positive press coverage, sarcastically commented “wow what a “fun” idea. assholes.”pic is the film announcement article.