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No. 123414

Since Ashe Maree was clumping up Charm's thread… Anyone else have any posts? (I personally don't know too much about the drama involving her but someone suggested making a thread)

No. 123418

Honestly think the only drama that I remember seeing her involved with was the Charm's one, and she didn't mention it much.

She states on her tumblr (which you didn't link but if you want to see http://ixnay-on-the-oddk.tumblr.com/) that she suffers from BPD and that can affect how she deals with things, but I honestly don't think there's much drama this has caused.

No. 123421

ah yeah thanks. Yeah someone from the charm's thread mentioned she was a lolcow herself, but I don't know too much about her. Figured other people would post.

No. 123425

She isn't a lolcow, please go away.

No. 123430

She goes on Tumblr-esque rants on cam sometimes which is super annoying but she isn't a lolcow.

No. 123533

She was a lolcow in her streammate days when she back-stabbed her ex-camboy BF… but she is super careful these days. It'll be lulsy if she comes in here and goes through a temper tantrum, but otherwise she isn't a really "current" cow, she's trying to change her image.

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