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No. 9926
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No. 9928
File: 1434188091839.png (657.92 KB, 500x744, m4tbq2TcYV1qbsjqno1_500.png)

Gummo. It's just so beautiful in a strange, sad way.
No. 9929
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Also Let The Right One is way better than the American remake IMO.
No. 9930
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No. 9932
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Sorry if I'm spamming, I just have a shitload of favorite films
No. 9933
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No. 9934
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No. 9936
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No. 9937
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Aw, 13 was such a good film.
No. 9938
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No. 9939
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No. 9940
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No. 9941
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No. 9942
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No. 9943
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No. 9944
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No. 9945
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No. 9946
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No. 9947
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No. 9948
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No. 9950
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No. 9951
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No. 9952
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>>9950Fuck, that was a good film.
Satoshi Kon was the best, honestly
No. 9953
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No. 9980
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All-time favorite movie.
No. 9987
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No. 9988
No. 9991
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I really dig movies which have a gritty atmosphere and dark themes.
I also really like movies that show females can and do possess dark and violent demeanour contrary to the way that society portrays us.
No. 9992
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>>9991Another one of my favourites.
No. 9994
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>>9993And another (Basic Instinct got pretty shitty reviews but I fucking loved it).
No. 9995
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>>9994And another.
Although the Swedish one was excellent, I have to confess I preferred Mara and Craigs performance in the English version.
No. 9996
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>>9995Obligatory in the " movies that show females can and do possess dark and violent demeanour contrary to the way that society portrays us" department (seriously I didn't want this movie to ever end).
No. 9997
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>>9996And finally, a classic.
Seriously, any movie that puts the dark underbelly of human nature on full display is A+ for me.
Can anybody give me any further recommendations based on what I've posted here? I'm hungry for more.
No. 9999
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>>9922For some reason I never get tired of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie". I find myself watching it every few months or so. I bought the soundtrack on CD from someone on eBay last year, and I have no regrets.
No. 10001
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No. 10004
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>>9997Ah we have similar movie tastes, I wish I'd remember the titles of ones I'd seen
No. 10005
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No. 10010
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rosemary's baby
No. 10017
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The movie got such low ratings but I adored it from the minute I saw it. When I finally saw the extended version the high roller scene made me cry. It also probably helps I love Emily Browning.
>>9997Watch Leon/The Professional if you haven't already. Maybe The Crush, even though it's cheesy I personally loved it. If you like superhero movies I definitely recommend Watchmen. Maybe 2011 Sleeping Beauty would float your boat as well.
No. 10047
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I could watch this movie once a week and still find it hilarious every time.
No. 10072
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pic related and most of the other kubrick films.
>>10017relevant: No. 10077
>>10075Depends on how you interpret it, really.
I'd say it's sad in the end. Without spoiling the ending, it just makes you feel very, very empty.
No. 10109
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No. 10124
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No. 10127
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No. 10167
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No. 10202
>>10167I saw it twice.
Really epic but not my favorite movie … :)
No. 15014
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No. 15972
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No. 15981
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No. 15982
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>>9934>>9939>>9943>>9950>>9952>>9991>>9992All times favorites right here
>>15014I remember watching this and then spending the rest of my day trying to figure out what exactly happened at the end.
No. 15998
>>15995Same here. I crey every time.
Aesthetically, she would've made such a perfect fit for the character.
No. 16023
>>15982What bugs me about Donnie Darko is that unlike a Lynch film it's meant to have an actual answer but the director/writer didn't tell the full story in the film and you had to complete puzzles on the official website to understand the plot (copy of it here:
Of course hardly anybody actually did that so they had to include the answers on the DVD, and still people didn't get it so they had to make a director's cut and lots of commentary explaining things.
Basically Donnie Darko is not meant to be a "wtf" film but is actually a scifi film where the director or writer failed completely to get the story across.
I always thought they should have just left it as a "wtf" film and their stumbling to explain the plot for a couple years after release kind of ruined it for me.
No. 16026
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I adore this movie.
No. 16036
>>16032>>16035Did you watch the 2001 theatrical version or the 2004 director's cut? The original version doesn't even confirm that time travel is involved whereas the director's cut is split into "chapters" and spoon feeds answers that were originally only on the website.
If text appeared on screen explaining time travel then you watched the "dumbed down" 2004 version.
No. 16039
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I love this stupid movie.
It's like mean girls, but better imo
No. 16041
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>>16039Heathers also has:
> high school> cliques> murder> main actors that are still famous today No. 16045
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>>16044At least for me Netflix has always had both the theatrical and director's cuts.
Pic is the sort of spoon feeding stuff they added to the director's cut.
The whole cult fandom around Donnie Darko was about people trying to figure out what was happening and posting about it online, similar to the fandoms around Lost, X-Files, etc.
I can understand why the director/writer wanted to release a version fully explaining his story but if the director's cut was the original version would the fandom that made Donnie Darko a cult hit have existed? Someone watching Donnie Darko today is going to get a very different experience and wouldn't understand why it was such a big movie to some people.
No. 17061
>>16039Love this movie. It's underrated af.
>>17057Everyone's heard of it.
No. 17859
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Forever my favorite.
No. 48682
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I had to watch Farewell My Concubine today as part of a university module and I'm legit sat at home baaaw'ing.
It's a goddamn cinematic masterpiece and it's been a very, very long time since a movie has affected/struck me like this.
I highly recommend that anybody who has yet to see it go watch it, and keep an eye out for the subtly allegories/metaphors that are woven all the way throughout the piece.
No. 48685
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No. 48686
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No. 48689
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Satoshi-kon's masterpieces. Paprika and Perfect Blue are my favorites of his.
Other than that, I love movie that make me feel uncomfortable. For gore, Frontiers and Men Behind The Sun are good. For spooks, I liked The Possession of Micheal King, The Mothman Prophecies and Lake Mungo.
For general uncomfortableness, Eraserhead, Dogtooth and Precious are good.
Also, the blackest of black comedies; Happiness. Never before have I had to pause a movie just to wait for the cringe to pass.
If anyone wants suggestions for weird shit, just ask. I'm pretty well-versed in weird shit.
No. 48698
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Awesome soundtrack, too. Want to read the book now.
No. 48699
>>48693You really, really, really need to.
It's art. Pure art.
Never given a single shit about Chinese culture and it's history up until I watched this movie today. It's sent me on a cinematic spree.
No. 48700
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No. 48704
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Í love movies about the dark side of childhood. The ones I like most tend to be obscure foreign movies since those tend to be more realistic.
No idea why this particular topic always draws me in. Guess I didn't enjoy my own childhood much. I've seen a number of those movies that would make any pedophile proud lol
No. 48727
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>>9980You have impeccable taste. The Devils Carnival was also straight fucking fantastic.
Pic related for mine though.
No. 48736
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The band Nightwish came out with a movie called Imaginaerum and I enjoyed it a lot.
No. 48744
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This is a good thread. I love that everyone here has a similar taste in movies. I've been making my way through watching the most fucked up films in existence (not an edgelord, like many others here I enjoy the dark side of the psyche) like 120 Days of Sodom, A Serbian Film, Megan is Missing, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, that sort of thing. I've heard of Dogtooth but I think I'll watch it now since others say its good.
>The Tracey Fragments (must watch if you're into films about mentally ill girls)
>Pink Flamingos
>Ladies and Gentlemen the Fabulous Stains
>The World According to Garp (book is better but dat young Robin Williams)
>But I'm A Cheerleader
>Watership Down
No. 48746
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I have never related to a fictional character more than Enid Coleslaw
No. 48943
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i rooted for amy the whole time and idc how terrible that makes me
No. 49000
>>48744Gonna have to suggest August Underground Mordum, Guinea Pig 2: Flowers of Flesh and Blood, Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America (Cutting Moments in particular) and Visitor Q
>>48966What would you suggest?
No. 49021
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>>49000Thanks a lot, anon, I'll add them to the list.
>>48966I don't know, SLV was the hardest movie I've ever had to sit through, between the footage of the chick coming off of heroin and the fat guy eating out of a pig's head it's an intense film. Also I didn't bother mentioning anything already in this thread since it has most of the classics. Any suggestions would be welcome though.
No. 49027
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Lynch, svankmajer, satoshi kon, kubrick, lars von trier, tarkovsky, bergman, aronofsky, fritz lang, Fincher, Otomo, kurosawa, Miike, Park chan wook for generic recommendations of entire ouvres.
For stand alones, I liked secretary (see pic); very reminiscent of those unhealthy sadomasochistic relationships that people just love to romanticise. But come and see (Иди и смотри), which was a soviet propaganda film depicting nazi atrocities on the eastern front, was absolutely unforgettable. Also for anyone who likes horror, try the poughkeepsie tapes. You'll either like or hate it.
People seem to love sofia coppola if they like Todd solondz, Gus van sant & harmony corrine, so look into that if you haven't already. Surprised no one mentioned heavenly creatures yet, it reminded me of maladaptive daydreaming, fandom communities and co-dependence. I have a shitload of films on the back burner, so I have pretty entry level taste when it comes to cinema. I like intense psychological thrillers (always taking recs for this genre- especially dealing with themes of stockholm syndrome and hybristophilia), crime dramas and I'm recently getting into historical/war films (if you haven't seen apocalypse now by now or haven't read heart of darkness, do it.)
No. 49037
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>>49036Sorry, here is the poster for "Breathless"
No. 49039
>>49027I haven't seen secretary but I always see people praising it for having a healthy s&m relationship (as opposed to 50 shades). I've only read the synopsys but the relationship didn't seem healthy to me at all…
What was your opinion?
No. 49063
>>49060It has nothing to do with that, a complete different storyline- It's not a love storyline, its a friendship- in a way.
Watch the trailer
No. 54311
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No. 54329
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Absolute favorite movie, me and my best friend went to see it about 3 times back in high school when it first came out.
No. 54380
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No. 54382
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This will always be my favourite Christmas movie.
No. 54751
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>>49027Speaking of Gus Van Sant, I'd recommend his film "Elephant" to people who like dark films. I watched it for a class and it stuck with me for weeks. It's about a school shooting and is very raw, almost as if it's all actually happening and they caught it on tape.
Also Sofia Coppola is my favorite director. My favorite of her's is The Bling Ring, it seems like something farmers would appreciate. I also love The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation. Marie Antoinette is a personal fave but I know a lot of people find it boring; it's absolutely eye candy in the best way. Somewhere is my least favorite film by her personally.
No. 54930
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The horror…the horror.
No. 54940
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>>16039This is my FAVORITE movie to go back and watch every now and again. It was as a teenager and it still is now.
No. 81449
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No. 81469
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Best ending ever.
No. 81470
>>81449I love this sort of movie! The whole
this new person is too friendly/perfect/great/nice type. Some others with similar theme:
>Creep (found footage style but don't discount it)>The GiftI recently watched "We Are What We Are" and it was better than I expected (and i watch a LOT of movies). I know this thread is barely past its recent necromancy but if you have any psychological/thriller/mind-bender/etc. film requests that haven't been answered above, I could try to help you out.
No. 81475
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>>9933>>9944>>9992All of these, as well as this. I also adore 'Requiem For A Dream' & 'We Need To Talk About Kevin'. GOD, I COULD TALK ABOUT THESE FILMS FOREVER.
No. 81608
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No. 81623
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You, Me, and Everyone We Know
No. 81685
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Someone mentioned this movie in another thread. It's one of my favorites. Wanted to see how many other farmers have seen it. Would recommend.
No. 81715

>>10010You should watch "the ones below", I saw it at a film festival, won't say anything to spoil it but it heavily reminded me of rosemary's baby, especially the paranoia everyone dismisses. I'll link the trailer.
>>10047Amazing soundtrack.
>>10127This one was so intense it nearly had me sweating. Felt about 30 minutes long tbh.
>>15014I used to adore this movie, everything about it. I showed it to a guy I was fucking, considering dating, and he didn't get the end. As in, when it explained everything, step by step. AFTER it, he said he still didn't understand what was going on. Needless to say I didn't go on to date him.
>>48686I have the biggest crush on Tilda Swinton. Will I be satisfied with the content?
>>48746>>49027>>54311God yes.
>>48943Me too. Especially in the scene with the guy from HIMYM, it was so cathartic.
For me.
Serious movie:
Synecdoche, New York
or "come and see" if I'm feeling really, really dark
Fun movie:
Michelle and Romy's high school reunion
I've been watching that one since primary school. I always believed that I'd grow up with my best friend like that.
No. 81728
File: 1458246744523.jpg (1.12 MB, 2014x3000, Cinema-Paradiso-Poster.jpg)

>>10003For fuck sake. Do we really have to deal with weebs and koreweebs in the film threads?
Hollywood produces all sorts of movies. Including some truly incredible works of art. There isn't a single place on the planet where there has been such a steady and continuous output of good films over the past 60 years.
Just stop with the weeb shit. Not every Hollywood movie is "Michael bay" and even then the rock is a better action film than anything produced in East Asia over the past three decades.
"Hollywood is shit" is a fucking meme.
Oh, and if you want good foreign cinema you don't need to head to Asia. Hell, Italian stuff alone has some absolute gems.
Fucking weebs I swear… Have you ever seen how bad Japanese acting is?
t. Not even American
No. 81731
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I watched Electrick Children last summer and it instantly became my favorite movie. It has an interesting plot, amazing soundtrack, and some of the best cinematography I've ever seen.
>Rachel, a teenager born and raised in her Mormon community, believes that she has been impregnated by listening to music and must get to Vegas to find the "father" of her miracle baby.
No. 81735
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>>81731Forgot to add some similar movies, so here.
Lolita, Hick, The Virgin Suicides, and Palo Alto.
No. 81736
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The ending gets me, every time, without fail. ;_;
No. 81778
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Watched this for the first time yesterday and loved it. Has anyone else seen it?
No. 81780
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>>81728When People say foreign films, they don't always mean Japan and Korea. Calm the fuck down. And for the most part, Hollywood -is- shit.
I'm personally a fan of old Italian horror films.
No. 84476
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Night Flight. It's a Korean movie, and you can watch it subebd at ""
It's so fucking good. It's a BL movie about high school students. A top student, and a school gang leader. It has no hard intimate scenes and no commonly "gay" effeminate stereotypes in it. Although it has quite alot of Violence in it, through school bullying etc. It really pulls your heartstrings. It shows raw reality of gay students in Korea, it's really quite sad. It just gives you things to think about it.
No. 84495
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Watched pic related a few days ago, absolutely loved it. It's basically a horror comedy about an immortal guy who reconnects with his estranged daughter. Saying any more would give the plot away, so go watch it. It recently got added to Netflix so there's that
No. 84498
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No. 84727
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3 Women is a masterpiece. I like dreamy and surrealist movies centered around women.
No. 203771
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Anyone know of some great 80s/90s cult films that deal with teenage stuff? I'm a sucker for old high school settings. I really liked the comfy nostalgic feel of Pretty in Pink, Heathers, and Dazed and Confused.
No. 203777
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>>9945This anime has changed me. So yeah, definitely an all-time favourite.
I cant say the same thing about any other movie.
No. 203803
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>>203771Maybe you'd like Jawbreaker (1999).
No. 203809
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Mmmm… Natural born killers, Sympathy for lady vengeance, The pianist, Leon the professional, Goodfellas, inglorious basterds, Django unchained, American Psycho, The Devils rejects
No. 203810
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I'm a sucker for animated movies with adult-subplots, mainly for the nostalgia. (Iron Giant is my absolute favorite, I also like Balto, Brave Little Toaster, etc).
I know this is for favorite movies of ALL TIME, but Baby Driver is definitely one of my more recent faves–great soundtrack, editing, and decent script to boot (could have had a better ending though).
No. 203813
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It's hard to narrow it down but I would consider pic related my top 10 favorite films of all time.
>>9928>>9933>>9950>>9953>>9993>>10010>>10127>>16041>>81685<3333 yes
No. 203819
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I admit I'm hella cliche, but Rocky Horror Picture will always be my favorite movie, ever since I was shown it by my awesome aunt when I was eight years old. Close second and third are The Secret of Nimh and the Wizard of Oz.
No. 203904
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aka THE movie for early 2000s edgelords of the internet. good shit.
No. 203906
>>203771Baby It's You
Swedish Love Story
The Year My Voice Broke
No. 203944
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>>203904what movie is this?
Also can someone recommend movies like the Virgin Suicides, Breakfast Club… something slow-paced and ~deep~?
To not be too off-topic: lately I've seen Phenomena and LOVED IT. Starring young and cute Jennifer Connelly; she acts so badly there, oh my god. But somehow it fits the movie perfectly. The vibe is just something else, and the music? Amazing
No. 203959
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has anyone seen "kimi no na wa" aka "your name" and "koe no katachi" aka "a silent voice"?
dunno if they count as actual movies as they're anime movies, but they're currently one of the top 10 anime films of all times.
No. 203960
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No. 203962
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i'm really bad at picking just one favorite
No. 203982
>>203959YES. this is such a great movie, I recommend it to whoever I can, seriously. Not something I could watch often, because I was so anxious watching it hahaha
AMAZING MOVIE. Even if you're not into anime, please give it a chance!
>>203960I heard the movie skipped a lot; I've only read manga, and it's very good, quality story
No. 204046
>>203959i didnt like this movie at all. i thought it was terrible and overly hyped. the "love" seemed way too rushed? "oh weve been switching bodies for like a week i love you now" wtf. for real?
the ending didn't make me cry or have the impact i expected it to (and im a crier when it comes to movies especially romance) because the romance was lacking so much logic or emotion. there were a lot of unanswered questions to the plot of the movie too, which is very disappointing for those who pay attention to detail. just terrible.
>>203960this movie was great though even if it does skip a fuckton of the manga, you get the gist that there was some real history between the two main characters and how he's desperate to fix his fuck ups. very nice story for a romance.
No. 204047
>>204046I was pretty underwhelmed by Your Name too, but it's a lot better once you get away from thinking about it as a romantic love. I just think of it that they shared some very deep bond by switching bodies and lives for all that time and shit. And the dude says "I love you" because he's like 15 and has no idea how to quickly put his feelings into words or something.
>>203960Movie is trash compared to the manga, the only good thing is that the art is pretty.
No. 204399
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