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No. 99180

Post your favorite weeb soundtracks.

No. 99183>>99420>>99850>>99901

I love this soundtrack so much for some reason unironically.

No. 99184


No. 99185>>99186

No. 99186


I loved the color palette and the atmosphere in this anime, also dat ending.


I listen too much JoJo soundtrack lately.

No. 99213

I fucking love this.

No. 99215

>tfw no season 3

No. 99220

Show was kinda crappy but I love the soundtrack.

No. 99420>>99442

Damn this shit brings me memories. Is like the number 1 parapara weeb song.

No. 99431

No. 99437

No. 99442>>99486


Been listening to it for days now, it grew on me after watching it while going to work. Didn't knew it was this fun.

No. 99486

This song has a pretty famous parapara dance routine that's got tons of dance covers if you're interested

No. 99487

Even if I found the anime forgettable I can't get over this song.

No. 99790>>99791>>99869>>99901


No. 99791>>99792>>99869>>99901

No. 99792>>99869>>99901

No. 99850>>99869>>99901

Because it's a damn good soundtrack and I've got the entire fucker on my iPod sos I can blast it all whilst scooting around in my little world rally blue Honda Fit with the goddamn VTEC ENGINE and try not to drive too much like in the video game.

No. 99868

dunno what it is about this OP but i always come back to it

No. 99869

my nigga. When I still had my car I used to blast this shit out of the speakers like a madman.

No. 99901

I love it too. Too bad I don't have a car.

No. 99977>>100036

One of my all-time favorites.

No. 100010

This series was great, I miss it sometimes

No. 100036

my nigga

No. 178623

i don't understand how or why a sports anime had such a good soundtrack but i'm not complaining

listening to it makes me feel all nostalgic

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