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File: 1466375097427.jpg (133.97 KB, 800x692, rare-color-photos-of-the-russi…)

No. 98348

Share interesting stuff you know about.
Please- use spoilers if appropriate.

Hundred year old color photos (not colorized later) of Russia:

Dancing mania:

How to summon Cthulhu:

Weird weather:

No. 98352

Bonobo builds a fire and toasts marshmallows

No. 98375


>give it tools

>probably also gather most of the firewood as well
>"look guys, isn't it smart??"

Getting real tired of the obsession with bonobos hippie zoologists exhibit. A wild orangutan will do more interesting stuff out of its own volition, but since they don't resolve problems with fucking it's less noteworthy.

No. 98376

who hurt you, anon?

No. 98378


King Kong.

Seriously though. Bonobos right now embody all the hopes and dreams of hippies and similar idiots and they just won't stop pushing them. They tried to make chimps into utopian antithesis of human society before that but it failed spectacularly. Can't wait til we find out bonobos torture kittens to death for fun and this blows up as well.

No. 98380

i think you should take a deep breath and settle down

No. 98382


You project rage onto me, meanwhile I'm giddy with anticipation.

But I guess dodging what someone says and going straight to armchair psychology is just something that happens at lolcow.

No. 98384

you project your disdain of hippies onto a video of an ape eating marshmallows
everyone's worried for you

No. 98390


You took issue with what I wrote, but I assure you I had NO INTENTION of offending you or demean your contribution to the thread. I promise in the future I'll be more mindful when posting here, knowing you might read my posts.

Love, Anon.

No. 98392

i will pray for you that you may find peace and fulfillment

No. 98413

Please don't derail this thread.

Bodies left on Everest:
This was posted in another thread.

No. 98457

toasting in some good bread

here is the oldest known living tortoise getting a bath -

and here is a video of the "max headroom incident" -
On a late-November evening in 1987, two Chicago television stations were victims of a broadcast signal intrusion. After a brief intrusion during the sports report on WGN's 9:00 news, a later broadcast on channel 11 - PBS affiliate: WTTW - of the Doctor Who episode "Horror of Fang Rock" was interrupted by a man wearing a Max Headroom mask. The crazed person uttered mostly gibberish, crudely slammed the Chicago Tribune and its subsidiaries (WGN being one of them), and finally dropped his pants and was spanked by what appears to be a child with a flyswatter. 90-seconds later, the program returned to normal. To this day, he has never been caught.


No. 98459


Armor and weapons throughout the ages

No. 98480

I've never actually seen the Max Headroom video until. Damn it just make me motion sick trying to get through it.

No. 98499

That was pretty cool. Made me start wondering about at what point did armor fall out of use in battle…

No. 98515

Have you heard of the Dyatlov Pass incident? A group of nine hikers were found dead, their tents were ripped apart from the inside out and their odies were found with injuries such as a missing tongue, broken bone, radioactive contaminated clothes. The left their tents and belongings and wearing light clothing despite being experts in mountain hiking and there was no evidence of other people in that area, also it was found that no human would have the strength to inflict such damages on a body.

No. 98516

File: 1466489773954.jpg (285.2 KB, 1022x603, Radiation-exposure.jpg)

Soviet union was a very weird place.


Pic related, this guy was a japanese nuclear worker, he was exposed to similar levels of radiation than the soviet soldiers

No. 98520

That time the C.I.A poisoned the French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit

No. 98524

Dude, you keep posting that. You've got an obsession. There's more interesting gore around, you know?

No. 98575

Mostly down to mobility and cost-effectiveness being more important for the longest time. It did start making a come-back after steel/manufacturing techniques got good enough around WW1ish and especially after modern composites combined with post-vietnam political demands made having soldiers well-protected paramount in western armies.

No. 98585

IM glad someone else has noticed. It's been awhile since I've seen it but yeah.

Do you have anything not gore? Why is this just your ready to go image anon? How long have you had it saved?

No. 98599

File: 1466555349188.jpeg (72.53 KB, 640x599, image.jpeg)

For the love of christ- the thread asked you to spoiler stuff like that. Is it really that hard?

No. 98638

I'm just FURIOUS.
Why in the world people didn't make proper equipment and heating materials(chemicals, gadjets).
Why in the world it's so damn dangerous to just stop and go down the mountain to help another person? It doesn't make sense to me. JUST WHY?
i have been to siberia, where i experienced -60C temperatures, and yet i fail to realise how damn bad one must be clothed to die because of exposure.

No. 98652

Yeah anon, no.

If you actually read into the topic, you'll understand why they often leave and have to leave the bodies and even cannot help other people. It's not only the low temperature. It is also the low oxygen, height of the mountain, climate, weather…. -60°C in Sibiria is entirely different from a -60°c on mount Everest. Not to mention, the bodies might be in a position where it is impossible to reach them.
Do you think they leave the bodies there for fun? Or because they are all heartless bastards? No, they leave them because they are fighting for survival themselves, and dragging a several dozen pounds frozen stiff corpse with you is simply not an option.

The people living around Mount Everest actually try to get the bodies down. I believe they managed to get some line the famous green boots one. Mt Everest is a holy place to some of them where bodies should not rest.

Still, it remains incredibly hard to impossible to just "simply go down and help a person" or get their frozen corpse back from the mountain.

No. 98655

The recent movie "Everest" was a little bit meh, but it succeeded in showing just how difficult it actually can be to climb this mountain. People who made it without an oxygen supply are made news. Even very experienced climbers still die there.

Kinda not very possible to be hauling other people's weight when you're barely able to breath

No. 98657

>comparing your experience on flat land to the highest fucking mountain in the world
Seasoned climbers die on Everest. Sherpas, who, by all means could and probably have carried people up the mountain, die on Everest all the time. And it's their job to know the mountain like the back of their palm. It's a completely different playing field. You have to deal with so many other factors than just walking in a cold climate.

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