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No. 97638

Would the farm be interested in a Tumblr raid with no specific target? Just triggering random tumblrinas and the like?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 97639

No. It's boring and overdone. There's also not enough people here to make any decent impact.

No. 97645

I'm not aiming for some grand raid where we make the news, just a casual raid with a few people mining salt.

And it's not "overdone", it's an ongoing operation on 8chan's /opnei/ that has just been on hiatus for some months. I'm searching for interested anons on other imageboards.

No. 97647

>tumblr raids arent over done
miss me with that shit

ill tell you why its on hiatus, youll get a few retards taking the bait but who cares. its not that funny. go back to 8ch, were not your personal army

No. 97648

I don't see how this is a personal army request when there's nothing 'personal' about this raid at all…
But as you wish, I'll stick around in case anyone else replies.

No. 97650

you know what i meant. you dont need to play semantics.

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