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No. 9496
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No. 9509
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No. 9693
>>9639I agree FPH was mostly unnecessary bitterness against fat people in general, while /r/fatlogic is mocking the HAES and "REAL GIRLS HAVE CURVES" retards, who actually are serious lolcows.
I don't think FPH should have been banned though. Censorship is never the answer.
No. 9694
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If anyone is wondering why FPH got singled out it's probably due to Tess screaming harassment.
No. 9711
>>9698If you hate people solely because they are fat, you're no better than the annoying reddit faggots.
Fat people disgust me, but their being fat doesn't necessarily reflect who they are as a person. The only ones who deserve hate are the ones who try to promote it as a valid lifestyle or as attractive.
No. 9740
>>9694It's not just her, others are claiming they were harassed and a couple members really were doxxed, all while the mods basically encouraged it. The gas on the fire was when they threw a massive tantrum when imgur deleted thier shit when it hit the front page and started posting pictures and information from the people on that site.
The best is how they're all
ma feels and
free speech. Those shit stains would ban you over the slightest think, no matter how much someone contributed in the past. They deserve everything they got. Trolls everywhere should be basking in the flames, this the height of drama from over there. It'll only be better than this if they ban redpill, mra, or one of the feminist ones.
No. 9755
>>9742This. Some part of me is convinced that it's literally a bunch of creepy fetishists who struggle with cognitive dissonance ("I don't like how fat people affect society, they're unhealthy, but I like looking at pictures of fat women and degrading them").
I think scat porn is disgusting, but I'm not about to make a Reddit based around posting pictures of it and talking about how gross it is. You know why? Because it's fucking nasty, I don't want to see that shit.
No. 9772
>>9756Except they complain about a much larger, more general group than weeaboos or Tumblr SJWs or whatever.
They're mad at people on principle for having an unattractive body, and they make it a point to download/exchange pictures of these apparently "unattractive" bodies and relish discussing them to the point of having to create entire venues specifically to do this without being called out or judged.
It's weird as fuck. At least on lolcow no one's going to ban you for being that one "Why can't we be friends?" retard.
Fat people aren't the healthiest or most attractive, sure. But they hardly deserve flak for simply existing, which is why I'm pretty sure it's not even about "hate" for these sorts of people. It's some sort of fixation.
No. 9780
>>9778>Because all weeaboos and all tumblr faggots are the same, right?Yes, that's why they have a collective name based around their mannerisms and logic.
Fat people are just people who are fat. "People" as as a term encompasses all sorts of humans and personalities. One fat person is not necessarily the same as another fat person. They're simply both overweight.
I can't believe I'm explaining this to you.
>Most fat people have traits in common the way weebs do, that's why they're getting shit on.Nope, not really. Pretty much all FPH did was post photos of fat people and attack them, not necessarily illogical shit they said or details on why that fat person in particular deserved to be shit on.
No. 9786
>>9742>literally a bunch of creepy fetishists who struggle with cognitive dissonance ("I don't like how fat people affect society, they're unhealthy, but I like looking at pictures of fat women and degrading them"). It wasn't just women who were posted there. I think there were more women than men posted, but that's because fat women are much more likely to be "I'M FAT AND I'M PROUD" than fat men.
I don't think it's a fetish or sexual in any way, I think it's just a superiority complex and narcissicism. People who were bullied or disliked when they were younger now hold what they think is some natural advantage ("I'm not fat but they are"), so they focus on that point and abuse the other person to inflate their own ego.
I still don't think it should've been banned from reddit, or at least, the admins should have done a much better job at explaining why it was banned. They provided no evidence whatsoever of organized harassment in the ban notification. I only learned about the imgur staff doxing thing after reading like 20 threads and hundreds of posts on the subject. It was buried 7 top-level posts down in some discussion thread.
If they made the first line of their announcement "FPH mods were putting imgur staff members' personal information in the sidebar for FPH posters to harass, so we banned them", then there probably wouldn't even be this shitstorm. Hell, even if that wasn't the reason for the ban, they should've lied and said it was. Reddit admins have no clue what the fuck they're doing.