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No. 94700

what the fuck is this shit

No. 94704

>what the fuck is this shit
shit. that's what it is.

No. 94705

shit fanfic for a shit show and whiny cunt posting it

No. 94728

Tumblr's gonna tumblr, but where the fuck are they pulling 'Morty is gay' from???

No. 94729

>the fuck is this shit
Fetish-y Rick and Morty fanfiction/headcanon tumblr bullshit mixed with "muh life is hard i wish this horrible cartoon character was my daddy".
Just close your eyes and pray for a better tomorrow.
Because he's seen as a sensitive guy, nervous wreck and not traditionally masculine, so that totally means he's gay and or possibly a tranny with identity issues in general, because screw gender roles and stereotypes and screw the writers and screw the whole series for that matter.

No. 94733

>paying any attention to the Rick and Morty fandom
>searching the "Rick and Morty" tag on Tumblr
Fucking gross. What you see in that image is exactly what you get for expecting anything good to happen. Just watch the show.

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