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No. 943973

Do you prefer circumcised or uncircumsised penises? I didn't have much experience with sex, sadly and I was raised in Poland, where men don't circumcise….(>>>stupid questions)

No. 943977

IMO, circumcision is wrong because it doesn't go far enough.

No. 943997

it funny

No. 944013

I've never had sex with a circumcised dick but I'm curious. I have an American male friend and I really want to ask him if he's circumcised.
Isn't this thread more suitable for /g/, though?

No. 944022

I think it should be a requirement.

>men don't clean themselves so they should be treated according

>it's not that big of a deal and women do worse at ages where they remember the pain (so circumcision is abuse but piercing a girl's ears at 6 months is fine?)
>it looks better than the gross chewed-up, cheesy worms uncut men have

No. 944026

i prefer uncircumcised. circumcised penises look gross and dry. if a moid is so incompetent that he can't clean his own dick then atleast you know not to waste time with him.

No. 944029

my bf is circumcised and wishes he wasn't. it's not a choice. actively wanting men to be circumcised as infants is fucking weird, reeks of unhinged femcel. maybe learn to wash your own vagina before coming to the conclusion that uncircumcised = unclean.

No. 944033

I never fucked a man with an uncircumcised penis, and i don't ever want to. Penises already look ugly in general, but an uncircumcised one looks even more like a mole rat. So i prefer the ascetics of a circumcised penis.

No. 944043

I prefer uncircumcised by a lot. Circumsiced penises literally dry out and start cracking. It looks, and is, completely unnatural. Just being circumcised won't save you from having disgusting junk if you don't keep up with basic hygiene, and just being uncut won't make you more dirty. I never understood girls reasoning for preferring cut men on this front because it's only a problem for men who don't shower. I've been around uncut dicks a lot and have never seen this forbidden cheese. Also you're not only taking away the choice for the eventually adult male, but you're mutilating a baby. You see tons of men who regret having been cut as babies but you don't see any who wish they had been cut. You know why? Because if you really want it, you can just go get it done at any age. It just makes no sense to me that the world just simply accepts mass mutilation of infants.

No. 944049

I strongly prefer uncircumcised guys and was extremely relieved when my current boyfriend told me that he was uncircumcised before we did anything together. Uncircumcised guys do not have the girth that I need unless they have an extremely fat cock.

With that being said, if (You) the scrote are reading this and feeling confident about your stinky smelly dick, that's too bad. Your dick is too short and will never satisfy a woman or man.

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