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No. 93823
>>93816That's all well and good for you but not everybody is you and a lot of people exist in a state of denial where concerning the reality of the fur trade.
The images are vile, nut necessary. People need to see them in order to understand what it is they're contributing.
If fur farms had glass walls for a week you can guarantee that fur would immediately be banned in most countries across the globe. It's because the people don't see that it is still permitted, People need to see.
No. 93830
>>93823>People need to see them in order to understand what it is they're contributingCan you stop pretending a small niche market of American white girls 'contribute' to a fur trade that's mostly perpetuated as a status symbol in Chinese culture where these fur farms are sourced?
Go parrot this shit on weibo if it matters so much to you and attack their actual consumer base.
No. 93840
>>93834Kek, sweety, I called you an arrogant American which is exactly what you're being with your whole "hurghhh I'm just a poor, suburban all-American white girl, I DON'T HAVE TO SEE THIS, URGH" shtick. Being reviled by the fur trade does not make me a supporter of PETA. But where did I dodge that point exactly? Show me.
Do you honestly believe that just because Eastern Asia is the primary consumer of the fur trade, that all arguments pertaining to the issue beyond East Asia are therefore moot?
You do realise that America is still one of the primary producers of fur pelts? No, I suppose you wouldn't would you, because according to you the fur trade isn't 'relevant' within the American sphere of influence.
Again, typical American ego, believes the world revolves exclusively around them.
No. 93845
>>93840>you>calling anyone else arrogantAs if believing it's okay to buy your sweatshop goods because "those child laborers and impoverished people in those situations could choose not to" is any less arrogant.
>where did you dodge that point exactly?Because you seriously believe people like Snoozy "contribute" to the fur trade.
That's like saying someone who buys seafood packaged from Thailand contributed to bad fish farming practices.
You're not addressing the actual market for why that product is in demand, nor do you care to admit that regardless if a chunk of American white girls buy that fur those animals would STILL be slaughtered for their product because a DIFFERENT market demands it! And are you chasing after Chinese women with hatchets for it? Fuck no, because in first world fashion, it's easier to be an armchair slacktivist (you) posting gore videos on the internet to gross out people who
don't even own fur.
But you're a fucking retarded troglodite, don't know what I expected. You have no argument besides shouting 'MURRICAN REEEEEEE
No. 93847
>>93840Hope you know I'm this anon
>>93820 and not the anon you're responding to…
If you think posting animal gore makes a difference then okay, but stupid fucks that buy fur aren't exactly capable of empathy because you show them a picture. They're not naive enough to believe fur comes from rainbows. They know an animal is being slaughtered and they didn't care enough to not buy the fur, some animal gore isn't going to change their minds.
I don't support the fur trade, I don't wear fur, I don't wear fake fur and I support organizations that offer legislation for anti-animal cruelty. Which actually helps instead of the nightmare fuel visual approach.
No. 93848
>>93847Actually Anon I used to be one of the stupid fucks that purchased fur products. I always had a vague idea about the true conditions of how these animals were treated, but I ran away from reality because I was young, naive and vain. It took me seeing this kind of footage to instantly become reviled with myself and toss out all my fur, suede and leather items. I didn't even sell them, I cut them up and binned them.
With this in mind, yes, I 100% concur that these kind of videos do have an effect on fur buying practices. For one they raise awareness and draw attention to an issue that many people aren't even aware really exists. For many people the notion of a "fur farm" is concurrent with this happy little fantasy of animals grazing in fields out in the sun up until they're ready for humane slaughter. This is why people need to see, because idiots like the person I used to be are still very much prevalent.
>because you seriously believe people like Snoozy "contribute" to the fur trade.ANY single purchase of a fur item contributes to the trade regardless of how big or small that item is. It's called supply and fucking demand, how are you not getting this?
>if a chunk of American white girls buy that fur those animals would STILL be slaughtered for their product because a DIFFERENT market demands itSo you maintain that if the entire population of America, including all its manufactories and assemblies, ceased importation and distribution of all fur items, the total number of animals slaughtered for fur would remain exactly the same despite the excess?
Jesus you really can't cure stupid can you. And if you can't handle a little bit of gore you're on the wrong site Buttercup. Back to your ivory tower.
No. 93850
>>93848>a purchase contributes to a trade of an item>It's called supply and fucking demandThat's not how that works.
>ceased importation and distribution of all fur items, the total number of animals slaughtered for fur would remain exactly the same despite the excess?The logic of market demand states that major fur exporters (China, Russia, EU nations), would profit more from their industries and import less because of US markets shutting down. THAT is "supply and demand." Fur production would not stop, it would just become more lucrative and pricier.
Look at ivory poachers for fuck's sake, and that shit is ILLEGAL. Yet it's a multi-million dollar underground industry where people who know it's unethical don't purchase. Yet the hunting and production of those animal products still persist.
And at that, I'd love to see the evidence that American fur farms #1 Waste the animal byproducts and #2 are just as horrid as backwater Chinese operations that pull fur from conscious animals.
The meat industry must put a gigantic bug in your asses.
No. 93852
>you used to be a horrible person thenI did. I was stupid. So stupid. I will never defend it.
>doesn't mean I need to see a woman getting assaulted to truly understand how cruel it is. Do. not. want.A lot of anti-rape/abuse awareness involve infographics depicting abused woman in states of ill health or crisis. Do you agree these should be banned because they're unpleasant to look at, or do you believe they play a hand at raising awareness? Is it your position that things that make me people 'uncomfortable' need to be hidden from the public eye less it offend?
And c'mon Anon, it's not like the racoon GIF wasn't spoilered. You didn't want to see it? Who forced you to click?
No. 93853
>that's not how it worksEr, it really is tho.
A man goes into an ice cream shop. The shop has only stocked enough ice cream for one man. The man purchases the ice cream and the shop's store have subsequently been depleted and an exchange of currency fulfilled.
Two men go into an ice cream shop. They both want ice cream, however the shop has only stocked enough ice cream for one man. Later that evening in order to supply the demand of the consumer, the shop proceeds to place an order for more ice cream.
If nobody in America buys fur items, stores won't supply it.
If no stores in America create orders for fur items, supplies won't ship it.
If the supplier is unable to sell the fur items, it creates a backlog of unsellable product.
If the fur supplier of the retail supplier is currently producing fur items to meet the market criteria of America, that creates a further excess of unsellable goods that nobody wants.
The fur supplier must then kill less animals in order to produce less fur, and keep the market stable.
Do you follow or do I need to speak slower?
You think that any manufacturer would go on creating fur items for all of time despite the fact that they have a dramatically diminished market?
No. 93854
>>93852I didn't click, anon. You forget that people responding to you are multiple anons that might have the same idea.
And infographics are a lot different than seeing actual photos of torture. There are law enforcement I deal with who need to see really horrific stuff for court documents, I, however, do not. Doesn't mean I'm any less effective at emphasizing. It seems like you think people NEED to see this horrific stuff to feel as outraged as you because you were too stupid to realize how shitty wearing another animal's skin is to look attractive (even though fur looks tacky).
And I didn't say it should be banned. I said it was sick and I don't want to see it, hence why I didn't click. It was a comment not an ultimatum. Thanks for spoilers. I can sleep well tonight.
No. 93857
File: 1464065702053.png (411.17 KB, 450x450, hh-animals-muskrat-3[1].png)

Just dropping by from the snoozy thread to reiterate that skinning animals alive for their fur is not a real thing. Not for any supplier that wants to stay in business. Today fur is a luxury item through and through. There is no market for the nasty gashed up pelts you'd get out of the pointless struggle from skinning an animal alive. And no, putting a live animal into bondage so you can skin them a live without the struggle doesn't make any practical or business sense either.
There's still plenty to be said about the conditions of the fur industry, but when you blindly parrot PETA propoganda like that you only discredit your position.
I come from a long line of trappers and I will be the first to admit that getting trapped does suck major balls for the wild animal in question. No matter how humane you engineer the traps you can never completely remove some level of pain from the equation. But I also know that the process does not entail anywhere close to the level of suffering that skinning an animal alive would entail. I also believe that–as far as trapping wild animals goes–a fox or a muskrat is more equipped to deal with the realities of life and death than a human being could ever fathom.
But farming fur and farming conditions are a different story, and that's where the legitimate discussion on the ethics of the fur industry lies.
No. 93859
>>93857>If nobody in America buys fur itemsDelusional and unrealistic fantasy that will never happen.
>if no store in America order fursWhat about private sellers and individuals? You don't have to be a "store."
>supplier is unable to sell fur itemsWhich they wouldn't suffer even if America banned import of real furs because of the fact that other nations buy them, China being the biggest consumer. I explained that.
You keep saying an individual will make a difference, but facts show that if the demand is large-scale enough it really won't. Vegans said the same shit about meat consumption.
No. 93865
>>93860Because there aren't. There's just a few. For such a widespread practice that supposedly has been going on for decades, why are there so few? Why aren't there
literal countless videos as shocking and graphic as that one now that everyone and their mother has a cellphone with a video cam, even in china?
>>93861Do you really think I haven't encountered that video before? You should look deeper into the unpleasant truths surrounding it before you let pure imagery shape your worldviews. It's proven fact that these batshit crazy activists have staged similar videos in the past. This one is most likely staged as well. Innocent animals tortured (or paid to be tortured by desperate locals, sure) by the very people supposedly fighting for their rights. that video DOES prove one thing. It makes no fucking sense to be doing what they're doing. Their jobs are clearly made so much more difficult by the fact that the animals they're skinning are alive. To imply that the Chinese as a whole haven't realized this–that they're such superstitious subhuman retards that they can't refrain from skinning animals alive because their intellectual capacity caps out at HWAAAAHHH DA SKEEN BEDDA WHEN FWESH–is just so fucking bigoted and simple-minded.
No. 93871
>>93867No she doesn't.
She's using logical reasoning and personal experience to show that there is no fucking rational benefit to having an animal flail around, stress awaiting animals, and cause more work for the person skinning it.
One or two instances of fur farms with shitty practices doesn't account for all the other fur farms where animals are knocked out or killed before harvesting the pelts, and that also use all the products of the animal without leaving the meat and bones out in an open space to rot.
And why yes, PETA and extremist animal activist groups have been
proven to stage videos and misuse donated funds.
No. 93885
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Fur is tacky anyway, unless you like looking like Kim k or a 90s rapper. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone rocking a real fur coat and not looking plain dumb or out of place in it.
No. 93892
>>93885Kim K looks like trash in fur. Tacky Jersey style. Class is no longer associated with fur.
>>93867Anon - why haven't you debated any of the points made? Surely there were great points brought up that skinning an animal alive isn't practical, probably mind-fucking for the person doing it, isn't cheaper and may lower the quality.
The site posted by anon is obviously pro fur and should be evaluated, but any logic 101 class would tell you that arguments made by a person with an agenda doesn't invalidate the argument itself.
No. 93895
>>93871Anon you're trying to argue that there is any logic whatsoever to Chinese industries where concerning animal rights.
They're not like us. They don't care. They get the job done with the methods avaliable to them.
No. 93927
>hardly-relevantFur is more popular now than it ever was actually. Please refrain attempting to contribute to subjects you clearly know nothing about.
And FYI this isn't a humans rights abuses thread, it's a
FUR thread. l2read bitch.
No. 93947
>>93927>And FYI this isn't a humans rights abuses threadThe only reason people brought that up was because PETAfag in the Snoozy thread where this originated claimed they gave a shit about animals but not about human children and impoverished people working under nastier and crueler conditions for taobao-tier goods because they had the "choice" to not work (and I guess starve?) or some shit.
You're scared of that argument anyway because you know it's absolute bullshit to support unethical industries but then turn around and whine about others that suit your narrow values/make you look good to other impressionable idiots.
No. 93950
>>93947I'm not scared of the argument at all, I just don't feel there's anything to debate because this isn't a human rights thread.
Whilst I don't agree with human rights abuses and am staunchly critical of diamond mining operations which frequently employ child labour tactics, at the end of the day human beings will always have a choice, they will always have a voice. If a human really want to, they could pack up their shit and walk, run, escape. You can do anything in this world.
Animals do not have a choice, they do not have a voice. They can't leave their cages, they can't walk, run or escape, they have to sit there and suffer and wait for their inevitable death, so yes I support animal rights over the rights of the monstrous creatures that inflict these torments on them.
Do you feel there's any particular reason I should care more about humans when we're the most destructive, malicious, cruel animals on this planet? There's already so many of us, why should I care?
No. 93956
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>>93840Wow, I agreed with you originally, but now I feel you're being pretty cunty. I'm gonna buy a nice elegant fox shawl just because I am also a cunt and because you were rude on the internet.
No. 93957
>>93950>at the end of the day human beings will always have a choice, they will always have a voice. If a human really want to, they could pack up their shit and walk, run, escape.Holy shit, you are nuts. You think those kids have a voice or choice? That anyone would listen to them if they said, 'Gee, these working conditions are harsh. Can I have a day off boss?' or would they just be flayed, killed and replaced? Fuck the animals, human beings are far more important. When humans are treated as disposable is when we have a problem. Not
trigger you, but animals are on a lower level that human beings. Animals aren't even self-aware.
No. 93965
>think those kids have a voice or choice? That anyone would listen to them if they said, 'Gee, these working conditions are harsh"Anon are they being forced to work? Are they being tethered in cages at the end of each working day? Is there something preventing them from just gathering supplies, getting up and walking in a direction and walking and walking until they find themselves in a place they want to be?
Regardless of the sentimental ties of "muh family" or "muh culture" I'm positive you're about to summon, ultimately there is nothing to stop that person from executing their freedom and just walking. There is nothing to stop me from gathering some shit, getting up, walking out of my accommodation and just walking, but I CHOOSE to stay because of familial, educational and egotistical reasons. That is my choice. Do you believe that caged animals have that choice?
>fuck the animals, human beings are far more importantI demand that you answer me this then;
If all animal life vanished from the earth tomorrow, how long would humanity survive for?
If all human life vanished from the earth tomorrow, how long would animals survive for?
How much is your 'humanity' worth to you now?
>humans are treated as disposable is when we have a problemThat is the opposite of a problem. Our current world population is 7.4 billion; we are the definition of disposable.
You are not unique, you are no special, you are not sacred. Get over yourself.
>>93960No it's pretty shitty. Children for the most part are pure and innocent, but eventually grow to become complicit in the cycle of the human ego, so in that respect it's difficult for me to sympathise with humanity as a whole. Take
>>93957 for example, she was probably a nice kid who operated mostly on instinct, but as an adult she's furiously posting away about how all animal life is worthless compared to humanity as a singular organism. Our entire species is fucked.
No. 93968
>>93965Let me guess, you're American? First world as fuck.
Longevity of a species is irrelevant to it's importance. Could humans not subsist on a vegan diet? Isn't that what you want anyways? Animals have no speech, no ideas, they leave behind nothing of value. Appeal to nature is a fallacy as well. I never claimed that I was special; just that human injustices are more worthy of out attention and intervention that animal injustices. Go protest in China; people there are starving and do anything as a means to support themselves and family. If you started on with your 'Think of the animals' bullshit, I'd guarantee they'd tell you to fuck right off. It's easy to sympathize with animals because they can't talk back, they can't betray you, they're innocent, they're cute. It's harder to sympathize with humans because they are flawed, and make mistakes. As the human race, we're all in this together; spare a little empathy for your fellow human beings. No matter how badly you wish to distance yourself from the species, you are still one of us.
No. 93969
>>93965>Anon are they being forced to work? Are they being tethered in cages at the end of each working day?Yes, actually. In lots of sweatshop conditions people are literally forced into their working positions, by sweatshop owners with guns or literally tied up by chains in certain situations, where they cannot do anything but stand and work (they can't even go relieve themselves) for over 12 hours straight. Some sweatshop workers literally do live in the factories, or in a nearby facility to the factory where 100s of people are crammed into rooms much like your precious animals are crammed into cages.
The only way out of these situations for most people is suicide, and even that has started to be stopped as many sweatshops such as the ones that make Apple products have suicide nets outside that catch the workers and can deliver them to their bosses or the government to be tortured and/or executed for trying to escape.
You can feign ignorance all you want but if your clothes, shoes, electronics, home goods, literally any product you consume comes from a sweatshop (which, btw, they definitely will), you are not any better than people who eat meat and wear fur.
No. 93972
>>93969Okay but I care more about animal rights then human rights, we have already established this.
imo a human being forced to stand and work 12 hours a day is still preferable to a life standing in a cage so small you can't even turn to adjust yourself, lying in your own shit and piss, your lungs burning from the inside on account of the constant cloud of ammonia, existing in darkness whilst the only sounds are pained screams of the other animals around them, and then inevitably, a painful and degrading death.
I'm sure if these animals had the choice, they would choose working in a sweatshop to that.
Kind of convenient that this was ignored though….
>If all animal life vanished from the earth tomorrow, how long would humanity survive for?>If all human life vanished from the earth tomorrow, how long would animals survive for?Does nobody have a smart little answer for me?
No. 93973
>as the human race, we're all in this together;David Cameron is that you.
>spare a little empathy for your fellow human beingsGive me one good reason that isn't wrapped up in fallible emotion as to why I should spare any empathy for the human race as a whole given what it is we've done and continue to do. Give me one good reason.
>you are still one of usAnd? Is this supposed to project some kind of point?
No. 93975
>but you know which ones would go first? The ones who aren't contributing to animal abuse. The ones in second and third world countries, and agricultural societies, who need to rely on animals for food still. The people in first world countries, including your sorry little ass, would survive and wouldn't do shit to help those who would actually need it.Yes, the better of us would probably be the first to go, and then the less emphatic, and then eventually the worst of us would die. And then we'd all be gone and the natural order would return to the earth again and maybe it'd stand a fucking chance.
You realise that as a species we're killing our entire planet right? Try to tell me again about how special we are and how much it is that we're worth.
>and consuming products made by exploited people will keep you living just fineIt will, but again, for the 3rd time now, I care more about animal rights than human rights soooooooooo.
No. 93980
>>93965What the fuck did I just read. You never go full retard, anon.
>>93967hahahahaha. Needs a tuba. No. 94055
>>94016If you're against furcoats and the like, then you should also be against leather, animal testing, hell, even eating meat or having pets.
There's buisness and suffering in everything, that's just how the world looks. Instead of going so fucking apeshit about this, be a libertine and enjoy life and pretty furcoats, you goddamn retard.
No. 94059
>>94058It wasn't bait at all. There IS quite literally nothing wrong with wearing fur. We've been doing it since forever.
It's how we actually produce the fur, that's the issue here.
Buying cheap chinkshit fur is bad.
No. 94076
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>>94073yes you are absolutely right (pic related)
Do you want me to find more or can you type "mink fur industry" in google images yourself?
No. 94077
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>>94075They're all domesticated anyway. They will go on the sickest bloodrush in history in every single henhouse nearby, not eating a single thing and die a painful death due to starvation.
Instead, they're getting gassed with carbondioxide, which is not painful at all. They won't even notice that they're gone.
>>94076Alright. You've obviously never, ever been to a mink farm before, you sheltered cunt.
No. 94078
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>>94077>namecallingyou just made anything you say invalid, you do realise this board is 18+ right?
But sure anon, I'm sure all mink farms look like the one in your pic. Even so, I don't see how this is any better.
>tiny cages>only steel wiring under their feet>stuffed together causing a lot of stress No. 94079
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>>94077Fuck, I'm too tired for this shit.I forgot to add this.
If they're released into the wild instead of being slaughtered, They will go on the sickest etc etc etc.
There has been numerous scientific researches about mink farming and farms, and unless you're going to read PETA shit only, you're gonna find out that it really isn't that bad at all.
Shit like these threads reminds of every single time there's a grind in the Faroes Islands. Every single sheltered idiot starts going "muh poor cute whales :'(".
No. 94081
>>94079So you're willing to believe all the positive stuff about mink farms but not the negative stuff?
I hope you have fun wearing your 100 corpses but at least own up to it instead of "but they really had a good life guyz"
>you're gonna find out that it really isn't that bad at all.With the right search terms and enough searching, obviously I will. Just like "vaccinations cause autisme"
>constant namecalling and calling us shelteredyou know, just because you keep repeating it, doesn't make it so.
>implying I read PETA>implying I'm American
>If they're released into the wild instead of being slaughtered, They will go on the sickest etc etc etc.what were you even trying to say here?
No. 94084
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Since there's a few Anons in the thread lauding the humane and cruelty-free battery conditions of the fur trade, let's take a magical trip through the industry shall we.
No. 94085
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No. 94086
File: 1464162983163.jpg (341.77 KB, 2000x1000, o-FUR-FARM-QUEBEC-facebook.jpg)

No. 94087
File: 1464162992222.jpg (2.5 MB, 3072x1728, P1030268.jpg)

No. 94088
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No. 94089
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No. 94090
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No. 94091
File: 1464163082116.jpg (4.39 MB, 3888x2592, Oikeutta_eläimille_-_Fur_farmi…)

No. 94093
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No. 94094
File: 1464163169535.jpg (5.67 MB, 3487x2325, Oikeutta_eläimille_-_Fur_farmi…)

No. 94095
File: 1464163196556.jpg (10.79 MB, 5184x3456, Oikeutta_eläimille_-_Fur_farmi…)

No. 94096
File: 1464163242271.jpg (326.42 KB, 1636x1227, CS_56699046.jpg)

No. 94097
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No. 94098
File: 1464163258239.jpg (46.95 KB, 634x403, article-2045016-0E378B8D000005…)

No. 94099
File: 1464163280406.jpg (2.39 MB, 3431x2450, kannus20124.jpg)

No. 94100
File: 1464163318311.jpg (225.17 KB, 800x640, injured-fox1.jpg)

No. 94103
File: 1464163403504.jpg (449.07 KB, 1600x1049, IL_Fur_Farm_3.jpg)

>>94101Or don't buy fur at all you dumb whore.
No. 94105
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No. 94107
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>>94104Because you're a dumb whore.
No. 94108
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No. 94109
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No. 94110
File: 1464163681687.jpg (67.35 KB, 775x507, xmink,P20cage,P20holland.png.p…)

No. 94111
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No. 94112
File: 1464163780456.jpg (41.64 KB, 450x303, fur-farm-china-2.jpg)

No. 94113
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No. 94115
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No. 94116
File: 1464163962928.jpg (1.65 MB, 2304x1296, czech fur farm.jpg)

No. 94117
File: 1464163996905.jpg (4.33 MB, 3456x2304, China dog rescue - truck-cages…)

No. 94118
File: 1464164002954.png (685.1 KB, 1315x878, DogCrushCage.png)

No. 94119
File: 1464164009357.jpg (308.84 KB, 1182x1734, fur-injured-fox-cage.jpg)

No. 94123
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This thread might inspire me to buy one, spamming pics isn't going to stop anyone who wants to buy one in the first place.
No. 94134
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>>94133Thanks tumblr for your input
No. 94137
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>>94135Because people can make their own choices in what they wear? People don't need momma sjw to tell them what to wear.
No. 94139
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>>94138Lol, you can say that about anything animal related. Why eat meat? Why wear leather? Why wear anything that has material from dead animals?
Taste is taste.
No. 94140
>>94139Some taste is unnecessary and bad. Of course people don't need to eat meat or wear leather, but no one ITT has necessarily tried to defend that either.
You can't wave away the fact that something is shitty by saying "Oh, well, some other stuff is also shitty."
When you wear fur, you expose yourself as not only a tacky tryhard/fashion victim, but an asshole who lacks empathy because "muh taste!!1!!1". Deal with it.
No. 94142
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>>94140Then you are an sjw if you think if someone wears fur that they are literally satan. You have the same mindset as die-hard vegans. No one bats an eye when you wear fur on the street.
No. 94151
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>>94123I'm already thinking about it. I really like the stoles with the heads and little feeties. So cute.
No. 94156
>>94152Its one thing to not care for people wearing fur its another to act like people are the worst scum on earth for wearing it and for doing shit like this>>94154Then go cuddle up with freelee and onion while you're at it. I'm sure you lolcows will have a lot to talk about.
No. 94157
>>94134I couldn't give less shits about the fact that animals died for this but damn that coat is hideous.
They could at least have used its fur for something prettier like
>>94142 No. 94158
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>>94151Some short-waisted pink fluffy coat would be my guilty pleasure buy
No. 94162
>>94158 you go, you can even have ridiculously expensive one.
You want to be so posh and edgy yet you can't keep up with fashion? Armani recently decided to stop using real fur, and soon every high fashion house will follow this path. You are out of date.
No. 94206
>>94152If more people were like you Anon I can't imagine how much nicer a place the world will be.
The selfish cunt posting fur in this thread should have been aborted.
No. 94211
I'm against wearing real fur, but I still hope somebody sees you destroying a very expensive piece and make you pay for it.
Faggots like you are why everybody thinks animal rights activists are nuts.
No. 94212
>>94209What, you think she's going to keep on buying fur coats forever when she knows everytime she wears one in public she's effectively painting a big, red target on her back?
If I see her again I will do again, and these coats aren't cheap Anon.
No. 94214
>>94213>At least I'm doing somethingWhat you are doing is just damaging for us.
I help out in animal shelters and give them money they need. I'm also politically active.
But sure, everybody who isn't destroying things and wishes others will be beaten is a slacktivist. Keep telling yourself that.
No. 94223
>>94214Cool, I do this too. I volunteered at my local Animal Welfare charity for 2 years. I just take it a bit further because it's an issue I obviously feel a lot stronger about.
>>94221Anon if you're planning on wearing your dead pets skin as an accessory when it dies, the problem isn't that you're cruel, it's that you'e nuts. That's not normal. Keep some of it's fur in a locket or something holy shit.
No. 94226
>>94205One day you'll get caught and I hope they beat the living shit out of you.
How exactly is ruining an already dead fur coat saving living animals.
It just makes you a huge asshole.
No. 94227
>>94226That's never gonna happen sadly for you :^)
And remove this shit from the public eye = less exposure = less normalisation = less marketing = less trade = less suffering.
You think this kind of shit doesn't matter because you're an idiot but it does. Every single small action in life has a cascade effect, and you're a fool to think that if everybody worse fur coats that fur wouldn't be more acceptable. Of course it would, the trade would be explosive.
So I'm gonna keep going on destroying peoples shit because they deserve it and you can keep whining about it like a little bitch and doing nothing. Oh, hear that? I think it's the sound of an online petition calling your name…
No. 94232
>>93950>Do you feel there's any particular reason I should care more about humans when we're the most destructive, malicious, cruel animals on this planet? There's already so many of us, why should I care?You know caring about animals but not humans is a massive sign of autism? It's probably not a stance you've come to because of any reasoning or logic, it's a bias your brain is prone to because it's defective and can't empathise with other humans.
This "Humans are the cruelest!" Thing is utterbullshit. Animals are little arseholes who kill for fun, eat their children and rape other animals, sometimes not even of the same species, until they die from the injuries.
No. 94235
>>94233It's true though. Some anon upthread phrased it perfectly. Autistic people like animals because, as autismo herself has so aptly stated, they have no voice. They can never contradict the narrative you project over them, unlike humans which can. Also failing to recognise that individual humans possess value and aren't interchangeable with one another is a big red flag. It's literally a line Kyuubey uses in Madoka
>Why do you care if one of you dies? There are so many of you.When someone starts accidentally quoting a character written purposefully to be completely devoid of empathy, it's pretty reasonable to assume they're a complete psychopath. Autism is a kind and conservative armchair diagnosis.
No. 94239
>>94235What I think mental illness is being satisfied with a reality in which right now there hundreds of thousands of thinking, feeling beings locked up in darkness and in pain surrounded by the screams of their kin to satisfy the vanity of your species, and then do nothing about it. That's true sociopathy.
>autism is a kind and conservative armchair diagnosisNoice. Tell me all about your Introduction to Human Psychology 20 credit module you took in your first year of college.
Trying to make a diagnosis of a stranger online off of the basis of their Mongolian flipbook showws, top fucking kek you're a living meme.
No. 94246
>>94235>Why do you care if one of you dies? There are so many of you.This is exactly what humans say about animals. Some humans are literally so autistic that they can't even empathize with another species despite living on the same planet/environment with them.
>>93950 is right when it really comes down to it. Crying "You're autistic! You have no empathy!" can only take you so far from the truth.
No. 94291
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I found classic style fur coats pretty old fashioned, but I would love to have something cute like pic related if I had the money.
No. 94307
>>94289God you're so fucking disassociated from this issue that you don't even realise that "saturating the market" means causing the suffering of thousands more beings.
Why don't we just saturate the world in child pornography while we're at it? Then nobody will EVER make more!
No. 94311
>>94307Because child pornography is illegal, and so is poaching.
It still happens, and there is still demand for it, no matter what.
If anything, burning all that ivory creates an even larger demand, thus encouraging poaching.
No. 94331
>>94306High quality fake fur isn't easy to tell apart though. There was a huge scandal in my town about how a shop supposedly sold real fur as fake fur. Turns out it was actually fake fur and just looked real. (I tested it myself by pulling a few hairs out and burning them outside the shop. It was fake, just very real looking.)
Anyway. Please rethink your actions. You are only going to cause people to resent animal rights activists even more. If we damage peoples property or insult them they aren't going to listen to us and think our cause is stupid. Nobody is being convinced in that way.
No. 94347
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>"bestiality was never legal except for a few countries and states!"
>in the U.S., as of 2012, bestiality is illegal in 37 states. Most state bestiality laws were enacted between 1999 and 2012. Laws were enacted in Pennsylvania in 1999, Iowa in 2001, Illinois in 2002, Maryland in 2002, Washington in 2006, Arizona in 2006, Indiana in 2007, Tennessee in 2007, Colorado in 2007, Alaska in 2010, and Florida in 2011Countries that have only enacted anti-bestiality laws within the last decade:
>Belgium as of 2007>Denmark as of 2015>France as of 2004>the Netherlands as of 2010>Poland as of 1997>Sweden as of 2014'Zoosexual activity' currently still legal in the following countries:
>"bestiality was never legal!"How embarrassing for you…
No. 94356
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>>93956I hope you really did buy this because I think its beautiful lol. don't know where you could ever realistically wear it but it looks so lush and cozy
I do think fur will make a bit of a comeback soon tbh. I'm starting to see more pelts as accents to trendy clothes like pic related.
And I think people like the "animal rights mean more to me than people's rights" cunt in this thread are majorly to blame for that. There's such a thing as societal backlash. Activists have been shoving "fur is bad and you're bad for even thinking about it" down people's throats for a while. People eventually get tired of being called bad people and decide "Know what?! Fuck you! I'll do the opposite of what you say!"
For example, see: Donald Trump's unfathomable popularity and support. Also: the rise of Hitler's germany.
No. 94362
>>94356>This shitty skyrim looking bag>trendylmao
You sound underage btw, it's very typical teenager behavior to do something just because other people condemn it.
>WAH My mom doesn't want me to get a piercing on my lip, I'll show this cunt, sob sob. No. 94364
>>94356>the rise of Hitler's germanyWhat kind of shitty analogy are you trying to present? The rise of the Nazi party was because people said Nazi are insane?
God damn it, go back to school. Nazi Germany was a pretty complex rise to power that was boiled down to the shit treatment of the Allied force post WWI and the insult to injury that was the Treaty of Versailles. Let's not forget the reparations that Germany was made to paid amidst absolute economic devastation and general resentment Germany had towards the world, plus the legacy of Wilhelm II and Bismark on German unification.
Get off instagram, you whore, and pick up a book.
No. 94371
>>94359>pelting animals is akin to murder, rape, and abuseI understand that you value animal lives the same as humans. I don't believe it's right to subject animals to needlessly cruel conditions like being killed slowly a-la skinning alive torture, inhumane slaughterhouse conditions, and abuse.
But animals are not humans. If animals had the same kinds of rights as people then nearly everyone on earth could be incarcerated. There is nothing wrong with humanely killing an animal, using the animal's byproducts like bones/meat, and reselling its fur. You can disagree with that, you can personally think it goes against your values and not do it.
But that's not enough for it to be illegal as a whole.
No. 94372
>>94358"Trendy" does not mean "good", it means its trending. Retard. Look up what words mean before you use them. And of course everything looks like shit on snoozy. Missing the point.
>>94364Nah. This is just so retarded I don't even know where to begin. An individual raping a child and a culture deciding that wearing fur is fashionable are not comparable on any level. That's not how "applying logic" works.
>>94360see above, pick up a dictionary
>>94361that was not example of logic. lmao. pathetic.
>>94362see above, pick up a dictionary
>>WAH My mom doesn't want me to get a piercing on my lip, I'll show this cunt, sob sob.Whatever retard. Warping the premise into some nonsense scenario doesn't invalidate the reality of how normal human beings operate. If I were walking down the street in a fur coat that I'd inherited from my grandmother and some frothing-at-the-mouth petatard threw ink on it, you can bet your chunky junk-food-vegan ass that I'd be pro fur for the rest of my life with a militaristic vigor.
>>94364I love how you're literally supporting my point, but you're so dumb that you think you're refuting it. Nazis became a thing because Germans got pushed too far. Trump became a thing because the US middle class got pushed too far. The glorious return of fur in fashion will be a thing because petatards like you lot pushed the public too far.
>>94331 said essentially the same thing in a less inflammatory way, sorry that my tone
triggered all of you. probably calm down tho
No. 94383
>>94372>pushed too farThat's how you phrase the precursor to Nazi Germany? I didn't "literally" prove your point because you provided a shit analogy. It's a faulty generalization and your over-simplification of Germany being "pushed too far" included the Great Depression that had zero to do with any country or threat directly antagonizing them. As I said, it's a barrage of cluster fucks that caused Hitler's rise to power much like WWI.
You believe a political campaign, THE ENTIRE REGIME OF NAZI GERMANY and fur as a fashion trend can be treated as analogies for each other. As I said, get off instagram, get that cock out of your mouth and pick up a book.
I don't even care much about the fur trade, just here to read the debate, but people like you should be publicly castrated.
No. 94384
>>94379You're the only one who's mad here. I have mastered my emotions. I have somatic awareness of kidney function, nutrient absorption, glandular secretions. I am even conscious of the role that neurotransmitters play in my thoughts. This state of consciousness involves mental activity more intense than in any exercise-induced stress situation; part of my mind is maintaining a condition that would kill a normal mind and body within minutes. As I adjust the programming of my mind, I experience the ebb and flow of all the substances that
trigger my emotional reactions, boost my attention, or subtly shape my attitudes. You are melting down while I remain as calm and still as a lake.
No. 94393
hmmmm you anons still kickin' over here? lets see
>>94379projecting butthurt
>>94380knows "they're right" but cant tell me why
>>94383>autistic hyperliteralism; actually believing someone deserves castration for making a broad comparison [points for actually formulating a coherent rebuttal tho]>>94384>copypasta strawmanning, AKA next-level butthurt tactics>>94387Oh the irony
No. 94466
>>94463Real fur costs less than fake fur, stop feeding this girl misinformation on the basis of some old mid-1900's stereotype of fur being some tenderly acquired luxury.
With China leading the market today's fur is NOT expensive.
No. 94481
>>94383I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just say that criticizing people for oversimplification before presenting your own massive oversimplification. You can't just "boil" it down to Versailles, the Depression, plus essentially the Sonderweg - I would argue there is more that is ordinary about the German experience than was extraordinary.
The best short answer you can give is that it's complicated.
No. 94483
>>94464>>94466This. People who wear faux fur and leather are just as bad as people who wear the real thing. Besides the fact that your "faux" fur might actually be real, you're making people think that fur and leather is fashionable. And if you really cared about animals, you wouldn't think that animal corpses are so pretty that you want to wear a simulated version of them.