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No. 936894
>>936884Yeah!! dinosaurs are cool
I honestly just used this threadpic because she makes me wonder how women in other times used to be.
No. 936897
>>936891>>936894OK I'll start. Which is your fave dino?
I think triceratopses are fucking badass, but nothing beats t-rexes.
No. 936902
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>>936897I personally don't have a favorite dino, I'm more of a current-time biology person and I love reading about the evolution of mammals. But dinos are so so so cute. I used to work at a museum and we would have so much dino merch.
No. 936907
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>>936902>dinos are so so so cuteUnexpected comment!
Has anyone else read "All yesterdays"? It's very thought provoking, about what dinosaurs could have looked like. There is so much we don't know, we just got some bones and fragments.
No. 936913
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>>936907For example, imagine if we only ever had seen the bones of a cow.
>>936908>BrachiosaurusI can't beleive those things have existed. I feel like I'm tripping when I see a skeleton or a drawing of one.
No. 937174
>>936907>The skeletons of modernbirds – owls and parrots, for example – have long, slender neck skeletons, but overlying skin and thick feather coverings obscure these entirely. Extravagant head, wing and tail feathers present in some birds are not reflected in the underlying osteology either, and the manes, ruffs, thick furry coats and extensive amounts of skin linking the body with the limbs in many modern mammals are, similarly, not suggested at all by osteology.
very very interesting!
No. 937189
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homo floresiensis check
No. 937195
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Precambrian gang where we at
>>936894Same anon. I like imagining what it must have been like to be an early human woman. It must have been difficult but honestly enjoying a simple tribal society where everyone has to rough it, and theres no room for discrimination is kind of romantic in a way.
No. 937268
Anyone else here into fossil hunting?
>>937195Based. I wish there were precambrian sites to collect from near me
No. 937496
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Nonas, do you know any good websites or blogs that posts news about the most recent paleontology findings?
No. 937578
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For anyone having a bad day, here's a illustration of a baby T. Rex. At birth, they were roughly the size of a housecat.
No. 937586
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>>937582Julius Csotonyi. He usually uses a combination of CAD and painting, but I prefer his sketches.
No. 937621
>>937611Ohhh that reminds me of this video!!! I hope you nonners find it interesting
I hate creationism so much and I have a new found disdain for "god's design" shit now.
No. 1517503
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Resurrection bump!
When you look so fucking weird that the scientist names you Hallucigenia. Respect.
No. 1517609
>>1517597keep coping
>>937189 absolutely mogs you
No. 1517728
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Reconstruction of a Neanderthal woman
No. 1517731
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>>1517728another rendition of a neanderthal woman
No. 1517921
>>1517561I love this channel!
Surprised that Americans have such a good public service as they don't like public stuff and are all like privatise this and that and privatise your mom
No. 1517940
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>>1517731So does this mean us 5 head freaks have little to no Neanderthal dna?
No. 1518100
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>>936880Nice thread, anon!
I just wanna vent that it's sad lots of animals evolved into smaller sizes (I understand why tho).
But can you imagine living with giant capybaras and other cutes? It would be so cool.
No. 1518187
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>>1518100well, we did kinda. we largely no longer live amongst giants due to humans. i think the last mass extinction event that happened was when the people now called "natives" of the Americas, came over from Asia 15000+ years ago. they slaughtered the megafauna in large numbers, and perhaps coupled with changing climate (warming after the ice age), lead to it so they couldn't repopulate themselves at the rate they needed, leading to extinction.
No. 1518233
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>>1518187This is such a shame. Even more recently this has been happening, for example with wild salmon. As little as a century ago it wasn't unheard of to see 100lb chinook salmon, whereas nowadays they weigh like 30lbs on average. They reach maturity way faster now and generally don't grow as old which can for a large part be attributed to overfishing and other human factors.
Humans are proving to be a plague on the world again and again.
No. 1518439
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Why do so many anons itt fancy neanderthals? I mean they were cool. But they haven't exactly been known for their sex appeal. Just listen to this video
>>1518120 Yes I know it must have made some of our ancestors horny since we interbred No. 1518511
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>>1518466>>1518468tell me this isn't the missing link
No. 1518642
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>>1518439Geico caused the sexual awakening for many millennials
No. 1518972
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>>1518966i don't think so. I think they valued women too much to beat them with sticks. We don't have skeletal evidence for it, there would probably be a lot of female skeletons with healed broken bones if everytime cavemen wanted to bang they'd beat them. It wouldn't be very reasonable to hurt your own tribe if you wanted it to survive. There was cult of feritility back then so in my opinion women were important on some level.
No. 1518973
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fuck marry kill
No. 1518987
>>1518960Ok anon, I'm actually kind of getting the appeal. I'd like my caveman bf to look like George of the jungle though.
>>1518966That's a meme from misogynistic 1950's comics.
I'm sure prehistoric males could engage in all sorts of behaviours, good and bad.
>>1518972Yes. When there were very few people, everyone in the tribe was important and had valuable skills like gathering, hunting, wound healing and tool-making that aided everyone else's survival.
No. 1524963
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This statue of a homo erectus woman is so badass.
No. 1525167
>>1524963IIRC these are the most successful human species or something like that, they've been around for way longer than Sapiens
>>1524976There were some words in that sentence, good job
nonny No. 1527774
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>reconstruction from a 145,000-year-old potential Denisovan skull from Harbin, China’
No. 1527815
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>>1527774denisovians are among us
No. 1528299
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me and who
No. 1528377
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No. 1528817
>>1528782Yes, but kinda no. I mostly read on Neanderthals, but from I've seen, they were prone to shitload of diseases. Most of them suffered some sort of injury during their lifetime. A lot of people didn't live past 40. Child mortality was high. Still a lot of them endured and seem to live a pretty okay life.
>>1528795The knew how to repel bugs, nonna. Also ancient humans had way better immune systems than us and probably didn't suffer from shit like allergies. Also some types of flea only get on your clothes, so of you go around naked, some bugs wouldn't touch you. Problem solved.
>>1528790Both lifestyles have their pros and cons. Personally I hate big cities and if I had to choose between two options, it's caves and Neanderthal butt seks all the way for me.
No. 1528840
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Any other nonnies got a 23andme? I feel pretty cavemannish psychically lol not even being mean to myself, I’ve got huge shoulders and a monkeyish face. But I am not surprised that I’m a little under 2%neanderthal
No. 1529192
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>>1528840I'm very tall at 6' and pretty strong for my build, so I guess it makes sense
No. 1529407
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No. 1529472
>>1529354I didnt get it but you can pay an 100 extra dollars to get things like what your DNA tells you about diabetes (I know mine is high bc native
:(), Parkinson, alzheimers things like that. Maybe I'll get it some other time. I only got the ethnicity part, it'd kinda cool. I only wish it would tell me what kind of indigenous I am it just has the whole north America highlighted for that part.
No. 1529548
>>1528817Not the kind of fleas that exist where I live, they don’t give a shit if you’re naked. And mosquitoes suck everywhere and have always sucked and spread malaria and shit. Most all wild creatures have internal and external parasites and ancient humans would have been no different, you’ve clearly never spent much time outside in a harsh remote climate with insane levels of bugs. Natural “repellants” don’t do shit when you’re in the deep woods. Tell me you’re a city girl without telling me you’re a city girl. The only wild critters I’ve encountered that aren’t covered with visible amounts of external parasites when you get super close to them are possums, and that’s cause possums have lower body temps than most mammals and they also eat up any bugs that might get on them. Hell, the nicest most temperate summer weather I’ve experienced, I couldn’t stand being outside the small “city” cause the second you got in the woods fucking big ass black flies would bite you. They didn’t have mosquitoes up there but there’s always some awful biting bullshit bug around and there’s TONS the further into the woods and further away from civilization you go.
Go camping in a remote area in the heat of summer and come back to me homie. Only natural bug repellants allowed.
No. 1529617
>>1529545you have eaten human meat in your life because of people giving their stem cells and dna. also aborted fetuses and umbilical cords help. definitely keep yourself on the organ donor registry for the good of a poor stranger when that's definitely what they're going to use your extremely valuable human corpse for.
No. 1529636
>>1529635explain how and in detail.
unless you're a moid or something?
No. 1529654
>>1529645Neat. I was born without my bottom ones but have the top two. They never grew out though, thankfully.
No. 1529719
>>1529645that's tight, thanks for the info nona! sorry for accusing you of moidery (unless…)
No. 1540566
>>1540551>This variant (V92M) has been studied in many living populations … One notable result was an association with increased freckling in Japanese research participants.Freckled Neanderthals? Cute!
Anyway, here's the TL;DR at the end
>Genetics shows us that most Neandertals lived in small populations subject to strong genetic drift.>All this points to one conclusion: Neandertals should have been much more variable in their life appearance than the living peoples of EurasiaInteresting.
No. 1585859
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Who else is watching Prehistioric planet s2?? It's great! I literally squeed when they showed velociraptor babies!
No. 1595139
>>1595114I was reading reviews on the show and moids are
triggered by their cuteness. I guess loving dinosaurs becomes too feminine for men if they are cute and lovable and not only killing machines.
No. 1595187
>>1595139Yeah okay that's fine, let us have the dinos then, let it be feminine to like dinos. So retarded. Imagine stopping thinking that bears and lions are cool because their babies are cute. It's like they just want them to be these evil dragon fantasy creatures and not real animals that have existed.
Since Youtube is now recommending me dinoasaur videos, I found one where someone inserted a accurate velociraptor into Jurassic Park kek (8:46)
No. 1599903
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Life, uh, finds a way.
No. 1599961
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>>1585859I recently watched season 1 with a friend and we absolutely loved it, carnotaurus is one of my favourite dinos so you can imagine how happy I was to see him being all goofy. I can't wait to watch season 2, raptors are also favourites and that one that you just posted is super cute.
No. 1600516
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On the topic of crocodiles, I had no idea they were this romantic.
I have just seen them as these ancient basic murder beasts who have survived since the time of dinosaurs because of pure animal sociopathy. But
>they'll tenderly rub each other's snouts and backs, ride one another or blow bubbles.
Sounds more romantic and gentle than many human men.
No. 1600591
>>1600516A lot of animals are actually very romantic we don't know because we don't care. I just yesterday found two snails mating in my garden and it was really cute untill they pulled their dicks out of their face. Before they were stuck to eachother and they were kissing with their cute chubby mouths.
Also when birds of prey do the whole holding eachothers talons and falling that's so beautiful it makes me cry everytime
No. 1609878
>>1609864We're still built the same as we were 10 000 year ago.
Your cro-magnon mind longs for the open spaces of the savannah. I bet we used to stub our toes in caves too btw
No. 1610184
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Thanks to the Industrial Revolution introduced a bunch of nee illnesses to people i feel a love and hate relationship for that time period. I have a weak immune system and chronic illnesses and I thank my forefathers for that. Makes me hate life kinda. I feel like a lot of people who were depressed or injured or not perfectly healthy in a way found a way to die early a couple hundred years ago and now everyone has to live and suffer.
No. 1620187
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I'm just glad these fuckers don't exist anymore.
No. 1653401
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Got excited when I saw a picture of a neanderthal on the frontpage and it was just someone insulting a cow by comparing her to a neanderthal. Imagine how fucking badass neanderthal women were. They had more upper body strenght than a man has today. Our female early homo sapiens ancestors were badasses too, they hunted big game as well. I'm going to think about them next time I go to the gym. Stone age fitspo.
No. 1888492
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What do you guys think humans will look like in 2074? Because this motherfucker is probably not what women men would look like by 2024 in 1974
No. 1888502
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>>1888492I don’t think we will look that much different biologically, but body modifications might be more common/extreme. If you put people from old timey photos in modern styles they would look pretty much the same we look now. The pics attached are not that old, but it shows really well how much styling can affect our perception of people’s age etc.
No. 1913963
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His DNA needs to be studied, it’s like he stopped evolving half way through.
No. 1930037
>>1929702Is this new? I thought it was a known fact. The shape of the dick is like that so that it can push semen of other males out of the vagina. It's kinda bleak.
These things make me think, males have evolved several features and behaviours so they can bypass any female defense and reproduce (via rape, often) despite not being chosen and also they have methods to "cheat" and fuck over male rivals (even physically, like the dick thing above). You know how some female animals have evolved ways to counter male "cheating" or rape, like ducks or hyenas? How come human women never evolved anything like that?
No. 1930749
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>>1930037I mean, we evolved the cognitive abilities to make weapons, that counts imo. It's also the reason why males need to use manipulative tactics on women and build a whole societal belief system enforcing male supremacy, because otherwise women would just kill all scrotes lmao
No. 2101767
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Didn't know where to put this. We don't have a /sci/ general, do we? are being left out of life extension research despite being highly represented in the field. 70% of all interventions are only tested on male mice. And when they're tested on female mice, they're all nulliparous, meaning that they won't work on parous mice because pregnancy introduces severe changes to your biology.
No. 2101924
>>2101767Fuck, and I was getting excited.
>It took 12 years before it was pointed out that the rats in every single study had been exclusively male, and that perhaps it would be a good idea to test on females too. When the study was redone with females, it found the life-giving diet for males caused a number of the females to die early.shocked pikachu face
>Garrison criticised virtually all longevity research as failing women because, she said, even the few studies that included virgin female mice ignored the times where those mice were in their reproductive cycle.That's so fucking sad!
>one of the reasons there has not been more progress in extending women’s healthy longevity is because researchers are not interested in studying the questionHow are We the ones the entire anti-aging agenda is pushed on? I wanted to say they will get interested in doing research on extending women's lives if they want women to keep bringing people into this world, but they don't give a shit about our wellbeing at all or ever did care about the sacrifice the pregnancy it is.
Fuck them! May they outlive every woman and remain on this dying polluted rock, throwing sticks at each other like they do, and live in misery until there is no woman to continue human race.
On the other hand, maybe the methods worked on males because they are the defective chromosome carriers.
No. 2102085
>>2101924>On the other hand, maybe the methods worked on males because they are the defective chromosome carriers.You are correct. Virtually all life extension strategies for males involve making them a little less phenotypically male. One of them is a straight 'non feminizing' 17-alpha estradiol supplementation, go figure.
>How are We the ones the entire anti-aging agenda is pushed on? Males know they age faster. They also envy females because females age slower. That's why the agenda is being pushed on women, but real interventions are only being pursued for males. Been like that since limp dick pills.