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No. 93283
>>93276Really it's just studying the adoptables that are successful. I don't mean the ones that just sell, I mean the ones that SELL.
I've noticed the more that the adoptable is rendered the more likely it is to sell more. (Bonus points if you set it up as a character sheet) For anthro adoptables specifically the anime-ish inspired ones sell the most. It's between anthro and anime. Giving a kind of curbed too it. The style of painting doesn't really matter it seems as long as it's pleasant looking (soft color, or very vibrant colors). Furry community revolves around having a fursona and if you're not creative enough to think one up yourself, adoptables is a great alternative. People love to talk shit on the internet about furries but I made more than my friends who worked two part time jobs on top of work from just hashing out these critters in a few hrs.
Throwing in specials help too. Let's say you drew 3 adoptables and you're auctioning them off. The first two sold quickly but the third one isn't getting much action. Throw in a free character sheet if they win the third one, offering to do minor changes such as changing the gender etc. Another thing I would do is if what I was auctioning a charter and it reach "$X.XX" I'd throw in a free small commission or icon of the character. So let's say the last bid was 40 but you're pushing for "X". The next person will mostly just big "X" to get the free commission because they think they're saving money( "a commission and a new character! Two birds with one stone!")
Notable examples:(read the comments when the auction took place)
- one made 600)
No. 93355
So I'm not a freelance, I'm a studio concept artist so internet art isn't quite what I do though I spent a time as a 'popular' fanartist of some niche fandoms a few years ago.
>How do you present yourself on the internet?
I don't. Due to my work I'm not allowed to showcase in years after my NDA and when I did have a professional portfolio I had images stolen. I sort of locked down the hatches on my art and I don't really have an interest presence now. I exclusively show my art to only potential jobs. I have a LinkdIn and that's my only social presence.
>How do you get/got attention and brand yourself?
Strong portfolio is a must. Having something that stands out is another and interviewing well is a big key. You have to talk frankly and openly about influences, process what sort of things motivate you (even if it's bs) Art Directors like artists who are thoughtful and can contribute ideas quickly and efficiently. Speed is key in my world. Rendering, polish is secondary when you have big deadlines.
If you're looking for tumblr art fame, jump on the fanart bandwagon and draw the hell out of what's popular. Make sure it's your own style.
>Have you sold your art yet? Artist alley, internet, commissions…?
I've done commissions back in ye olde days (mostly rp portraits) and the key is communication with the client. Make sure you're sending updates. They pay a lot for what you do, it's just polite to send just even a small update on how it's going. But, I find it easy to burn out on commissions so take it easy. Pace yourself, accept only a few and when you can manage that, perhaps think about doing a larger number. Never EVER take on more than you can. You end upsetting and disappointing clients and marking yourself as unreliable when you cannot deliver on time or at all. (and people WILL talk and tell others not to commission you)
>Advice on Artist Alley?
I don't do it but hearing from my friends who do, always be prepared with plenty of art supplies at your booth if you're doing on the fly art. ALSO little hand made touches like 'thank you' cards and extra goodies always go a long way with people and make you seem especially grateful and nice.
>How to market and sell your art?
Unsure. Since I'm a studio artist I don't particularly HAVE to do such a thing. Having a cohesive style, brand, business card, website is a good point, though. Looking professional and put together is always a help.
>What are your thoughts on the current state for young aspiring artists on the internet?
Bad. The market is saturated with third rate fanartists and I'm pretty happy not to have to compete with tumblr artists on the whole. Art in that vein really holds no interest to me anymore and I'm happy cultivating my technical skills as opposed to drawing Steven Universe.
No. 93371
>>93283I don't understand… what is this…
People draw furry characters and then put them up for "adoption" and sell a single drawing to a punter who's willing to pay hundreds for it? Wat.
No. 93375
>>93371Anon who asked for the advice
selling someone an OC design basically. Some people can't draw very well, want characters to commission people with, put in stories etc etc. It has really boomed in the past 5 years with top artists now offering adopts for over $100 the norm.
Some have gone as far to trademark their adopts(see Sushidogs).
It's crazy but honestly a great and quick way to make money. Takes a lot of aggro however and an original design that appeals to masses can pretty much fund you well.
No. 93402
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>>93398It's hard to say because we know for a fact now that women artists were effectively airbrushed from history, that or they had their husband/brother/father take credit for their work or took on a male pseudonym.
Of whom we do know there's Artemisia Gentileschi from the late 1500's.
No. 93403
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>>93402Judith Leyster, 1600's.
No. 93404
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Rachel Ruysch, 1600's.
No. 93406
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Berthe Morisot, 1800's.
No. 93407
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Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun, 1700's.
No. 93409
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Elisabetta Sirani, 1600's.
No. 93411
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Sofonisba Anguissola, 1500's.
No. 93413
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Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, 1700's.
No. 93414
>>93402They weren't airbrushed, they actually worked for many guilds. Apparently 25% of one of the guilds in the low countries was composed of female artists, generally they worked on manuscript illumination though.
Pliny the Elder describes a number of famous Greek female artists from the classical period too, they were prominent in vase painting.
No. 93472
>>93419For me it seemed the same as any university in that unless you don't a) already have the drive to make a career out of art or b) have lots of luck/money/charisma, then it's not exactly going to change your life.It all boils down between what you want your art education to do for you.
I went to a pretty successful art school and whilst I wouldn't take it back, it's so cringey to see anyone make a big deal about having an art education when they can mean nothing.
If you can afford to go to an art school and know that there is one that fits your specific aim, like Cal Arts if you want to make ugly cartoons or China to learn how to replicate precise paintings, then go. But the big schools churn out thousands of students every year, so unless you're going to actually put the effort in to network with the right people or take your career seriously then don't expect to 'make it' just because someone thought you were good enough to charge tuition to. It's all about either selling yourself well or building up genuine talent.
I know I just sound like the bitterness of halfchan/ic/ personified here, but hating on art schools is just too fashionable to resist.
No. 93507
>>93419Former anthro anon here, sorry for the delay.
I have a bachelor's in Illustration as well, like the other pro anon said it isn't necessary to go but you make it a lot easier for yourself if you do. These are the people you'll be working with in the future, studios go the art schools first when looking for interns( and the schools will prepare you first hand to guarantee you a spot), it gives you connections and access to materials you'll be using in the real world, they teach you the business side of art (your rights, copy right, contracts). The list goes on.
I don't know if you're planning on going but if you are and money is the issue and or you don't know where to go, just go to community college first. You'll save money that way and it will give you time to find the right art school or university that fits your needs. Work with your professors to build a strong portfolio so you can get scholarships.
I graduated with 0 student debt, because I was the few lucky ones who had grants/scholarships that covered anything. Spitting out adoptables when I needed personal cash. Compared to friends knee deep in debt from art school I can see why everyone is up in arms about it. You aren't guaranteed a job afterwards like most careers, it's literally all in your hands how you make ends meet.
If you're planning to go to art school, my advice to you would be like going to any other school, college or university. Apply for grants and scholarships, loans are the devil and avoid them at all cost.
No. 93692
>>93419Studio concept artist here. I went to art school and if I had to do it all over again, I would not set FOOT into one. Like one anon said, the business contacts are really amazing and they get you a foothold (it got me my first internship) but from a teaching perspective, it was…pointless?
I taught myself most everything I know and my instructors gave feedback sometimes, but it felt like a grind with lots of rhetoric and not enough application.
I'd have much preferred a master study where I go under a master painter like the old days and do still life, life drawing and cast studies all day every day intensively for 2 years. That may not be everyone's up of tea but technical skill is what I'm after, not fluff 'this is mah styleee' stuff.