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No. 93256

Where do you draw the line between confidence and arrogance/narcissism?

No. 93258

The line for me ,or I guess how I tell the difference, between if someone is confidence or narcissistic is how they treat others. If they make great eye contact, treat others with respect but still do boost about themselves I think it's just confidence. Like there's nothing wrong with thinking highly of yourself and nobody should have to apologize for it or tone it down if that's how they feel.

It's the narcissistic people who think they are gods gift to all the "little folk". You can tell to because they are usually really defensive or need to consistently be the center of attention. Whenever someone who they don't seem worth of their time they kinda blow off. Looking pass them while talking or being condescending.

No. 93262

I agree with this. The difference is in how they act towards others. Nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself until it gets to the point that you're putting others down or acting superior due to it.

No. 93268

I would agree with you guys, but in some situations, it's just really hard to tell. Like, if it's someone you don't know at all.

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