File: 1463456884026.jpg (180.45 KB, 1024x768, example of a beurette.jpg)

No. 92748
>>92722No real thoughts on this aside from
>trendy to have a mixed race familyOh wow, I didn't realise my family was so stylish. Gag. Biracial kids are not a handbag accessory to make you look cool.
No. 92805
File: 1463498335723.jpg (156.45 KB, 720x416, 13.jpg)

>>92797>>92797Just look at the pictures they make
No. 92807
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>>92805loooool this is the exact kind of shit you see the faggot manchildren over on /r9k/ make.
I guess men all over the world, wherever you go, they find themselves emotionally unstable at the concept of a female with independent sexual autonomy.
No. 92817
>>92807lol, I hope this pic is just trolling. is that chick even middle eastern? Also, lots of middle eastern women are overweight as hell, did they think about that.
You want a wife who will save herself for you and do all the cooking and cleaning, fine. as long as you pick up her shopping tab and make 6 figures and live in a huge house.
No. 92823
>>92817She's most likely Indonesian, many of which look similar to east asian
And middle eastern women often have that black booty (read: overweight) because their men refuse to let them go outside without a burka. Imagine going to the gym in a burka + male chaperone + other 'religious' considerations … it's pretty much impossible to stay active and healthy