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No. 924525
>>924507Yes, it's a totally foreign concept to me too.
Even the last question of this thread
>What do you believe in?is unnaplicable. I don't have a hole in need of filling where you have a religious/spiritual belief.
No. 924715
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>>924503Idk about the other religions but according to my religion teacher, in Islam Allah gives you free will and you suffer the consequences, except he also determines your whole life before you're born. But you're still accountable. Dumbest bullshit I've ever heard.
I grew up with atheist parents who did culturally Muslim stuff like holiday visits to family but nothing beyond that. Later they became more spiritual as a cope for aging and fear of death. I personally never felt faith for anything in my life and feel comfortable with that.
Why do some non-religious parents send their kids to Catholic school a la
>>924491 when Catholic school has a really messy track record of fucking kids up. Especially as a faithless kid I would have gone insane in a place like that since even the once a week religious study class in my private school made me seethe. You could only opt out if your government ID said you're Christian or Jewish and they defaulted most people to Muslim so I had to stay unless I pressured my parents into changing my ID information.
Glad I don't live in that shithole anymore, my faith is nobody's business. No. 927205
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I was raised by Protestant brimstone-and-fire freaks. I was baptized as a baby and my parents brought me to church multiple times a week and I always hated it (mostly because of the dressing up and holding hands with random people) I was actually "exorcised" when I was 11 because I showed signs of mental illness, just to give you an idea of how my family is. I never really drank the Jesus kool-aid to begin with but had I immense guilt around not actually believing in god until I moved out. I've been a turbo atheist for like ten years now but I still have a bunch of sexual and emotional hangups. I want absolutely nothing to do with religion or churches and I cannot stand the sexism that comes with religion. That doesn't stop my dad from calling me every month asking if I believe in god yet.
No. 927218
>>927205>the sexism that comes with religionSee, this is another reason I'd think there are much more non-religious people on lolcow.
There is no way to reconcile feminism with dominant religions.
No. 927355
>>927326So are you agnostic or have a personal belief system or…?
Both things you said are just a negation of other people's stances.
No. 927406
>>927188there may be more who don't feel like discussing it.
like i'm an atheist who lives in a largely secular country and i don't actually know many religious people. so the topic doesn't come up all that much and i don't have much to say about it.
No. 928384
i grew up in a very loosely muslim family. i decided i was agnostic (eventually migrating to full-out atheist, and these days essentially anti-theist) pretty early in my teenage years and have never angsted much about it. i found the idea of a benevolent creator irreconcilable with the current world that surrounds me, and every religion to be extremely contrived and evidently manmade. i'm also not at all a spiritual person, because i've never found any proof of it that stands up to rigorous testing or extends beyond personal experience. i think that organized religion is almost inevitably harmful, and while there's less structural harms in individual spirituality i still think that it is… very stupid. while for argument's sake i will concede that i'm not necessarily opposed to the creator of this universe, although i find the event quite unlikely, i imagine any situation with a creator would be one where this universe is a simulation, and the proposed creator is a very flawed, and decidedly un-Godlike being. i wholesale reject any image of a creator that is all-knowing, all-benevolent, and all-powerful.
i didn't realize how much i managed to escape delusional muslim batshittery, because my direct family is very non-traditional muslim and would be considered heretics by most of the muslim world, until i was relatively older and actually bothered to read some of the hadiths and the quran. i quickly began to utterly despise it and i revisit my hatred for the religion every year or so. it's a horrifically misogynistic religion and i did not appreciate how i managed to emerge mostly unscathed until later on in my life. i seriously thought that advocating death for apostasy or the most overt misogyny and homophobia was a more fringe opinion, the way it is with mainstream western christianity these days (although there's still much to criticize in that realm) but digging deeper in the general muslim community has panned that out to be a naïve, optimistically held falsehood. they are fucking deranged and will proudly support child marriage if given the chance.
despite purportedly muslim upbringing, i got most of my introduction to atheism through an anti-christianity lens, since i live in a predominantly christian country. so i know very well how much christianity sucks. i know the new atheism movement was characterized by heavy amounts of misogyny (see: sam harris) but i wish more women were atheists.
i hope we can create a female-led atheism movement, because most, if not all, religions are horrifically misogynistic and deserve to be abandoned in the aisles of history. it saddens me deeply that most atheists are male.
No. 928401
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Raised Catholic, forced to go to a Catholic middle school, church multiple times a week, subjected to every applicable weirdo sacrament, religious shame and guilt, friends who were God-believers, neurotic mom with repressed traumatic experiences that she took out on me via sexism, etc.
The worst part about looking back on my time as a Catholic, is that from the time when I was young enough to conceptualize God until I was in my late teens, I fully believed it.
I remember being five or six years old in church, hearing the priest recite prayers, "Lift up your hearts," and myself trying to manifest in my mind my physical heart lifting to the sky. My mom never could go up with me to receive communion because the priests forbade her from doing so on the basis of being divorced and a single mom for awhile. She would drag me to her after-hours choir practice, because she still sung for them, and I remember trying to play on the stairs as late as 7 or 8pm trying not to make noise. Also when she'd put money in envelopes or the collection baskets, and then guilt me later in the week if I wanted a candy bar on account of tight money. I remember the Latin. The Bible passages. The hymns. I can recite a mass line by line despite the fact that I haven't attended one in over a decade. I feel a soft nostalgia whenever I hear a song. If I close my eyes I can still clearly see the statue of Mary we kept in our house, and the crucifixes and rosaries we had around.
I remember my first atheist boyfriend and being absolutely shocked that he didn't believe and wishing I could've found that piece that I could say to have him believe like me. I recall being appalled when my believing peers did not act or had ethics in line with our religious beliefs. I didn't realize until later that it's because most of them knew deep down that religion is bullshit and so used it when it benefitted them and ignored it when it wouldn't. I remember turning the other cheek and not properly defending myself, and wondering why others weren't doing the same.
You know what it is? Sick. I was brainwashed from an early age into a religion that devalues me alone just on the basis of my sex. It's hard not to feel contempt for all the time I wasted to it in my youth. Countless thousands of hours. I even think my child self recognized that fact, as I always tried to get out of Sunday bible school to go play instead. What would I have done with those hours if it wasn't forced to worship an imaginary friend?
It sounds like a copout, but what sealed the nail in the proverbial coffin for me was how my mother treated me when I was a teenager. She was especially unloving, cruel, and nasty during that time when I was no longer a cute, malleable little girl who never complained. We fought so much. About stupid shit, like my "tone," if I hadn't done my domestic slave duties like cook dinner or clean the house (she'd never ask a male to help out, not even her third husband), or if I didn't feel like being interrogated about my day after school–shocking for a teenager to behave, I know. She'd follow me around the house yelling at, arguing, and berating me for hours until I broke. She'd always want me to hug her and make amends afterwards and if I didn't accept it she'd punish me further. One night, her fight was so outrageous that I told her how I didn't feel cared for or loved by anyone. In response, she sat next to me while looking me in the eyes and said "Jesus loves you." No assurance that she loved me, that the fight just went too far, or an apology just–"Well I may not love you and be there for you, but your imaginary friend is!" She was so pleased with herself as if she just said the most wonderful news that should have made me happy instantly. She herself has so much religious trauma that it would be too much to unpack, but I still loathe her for it. Who lets a religion fuck them so badly and then subjects their female child to the same shit knowing what it's done and is capable of repeating again?! It makes me want to scream, but no, civil society expects me to pretend religions have no negative consequences–and if they do–then the very few positives somehow outweigh the negatives. Religion is just thinly veiled ego and when I saw it enough in action I knew I was done. I knew then that I had been lied to about there being an afterlife, divine justice, and an omni-being who loved me.
Nowadays I believe in nothing, except for what we can observe and study. I tell my friends and acquaintances I'm "spiritual" because they tend to think I'm into some kind of wicca/paganism anyway because of my affinity towards nature, but deep down I don't believe in any of that either. Sometimes I considered getting into religions that "contradicted" the church just because I wished the magic to be real just to spite them, but that just leads Catholics to be smug due to their belief that people leave the church out of anger and petty rebellion–not because of real trauma, abuse, and lack of evidence that destroys faith.
That said…at least stained glass and some cathedrals are really pretty.