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No. 906828

I was about to purchase a book off Chegg for school that was only $16 so I don't get free shipping when I thought that seeing as this is my last semester I may just buy a cheap textbook I don't need just because it's a good book.
So, this is a textbook/books you have read through a class recommendation thread. No specific subject, just tell me about anything that interested you no matter how nerdy, nonnie.

No. 907230

Apparently anons do not/have not gone to school. How math focused are you, specifically stats? Reinforcement Learning - An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton has been pretty good so far.

No. 907234

no, most students just find textbooks to be drivel. most people aren’t going to enjoy or have suggestions of things they were forced to consume for a grade.

No. 907240

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Not a textbook but I loved this book when I had to read it for an AP English class in high school. I still have my copy years later and I reread it when I feel like I'm in a writing slump.

No. 907257

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This was an easy read and I learned a lot. Found on Libgen of course.

Massively agree, this book taught me more than several years of studying "communication". Not often a textbook but it should be.

No. 907258

General reminder that while privacy is super duper wrong and you totally shouldn't do it, library genesis happens have a lot of textbooks without the ridiculous price tag ;)

No. 907264

I learnt maths thanks to Khan Academy, since my teachers were useless and rude

No. 907284

I could recommend some design books if ya want

No. 907288

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I’m not sure if this is the right thread, but is there any good textbook/book to learn music theory if you’re a complete beginner? I purchased a lute recently, but I don’t have the money to go to lessons, and I want to learn. Unfortunately though you have to learn scales and stuff to play it well. I’d also like to learn music theory in general, whenever I watch videos and they try to differentiate between scales I start to think that my ears are retarded

No. 907299

Learn the instrument first, anon. Once you figure out where the notes are and how to get to them, your ear will catch up with your brain. Most music theory only makes sense when you can hear and play the… Ideas, as it were. Start learning how to make individual notes, learn a few pretty phrases/songs, then start looking at theory if it interests you. Most hobbyist musicians know little or no theory, it's not a prerequisite for making music.

No. 907441

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I really liked using this book (alongside my assigned text book) while I took freshman year math. It explained the concepts more clearly to me. I think they have some other subjects in this series as well.

No. 908080

Arguably I'm fairly stats focused because I'm a psychology student. I will admit that when it comes to textbook hording I'm very into psychology, anthro, and criminology. I think because I like that those subjects have a nice marriage of science and civics.
I guess it depends on the kind of text to me. Some of my experiences in college felt like me sharing book recommendations with professors.
Academically suggested non-textbooks are definitely welcome.

No. 908167

I am just noticing this reply. That is fine, too.

No. 913718

Psst nonnas, b-ok/z-library/de1lib.org currently has a donation event where you get unlimited downloading and some other premium member perks for a donation of $5 or higher.

No. 917704

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Not sure if it counts, but my high school teacher used these textbooks for our Literature class and I loved them. They are a collection of illustrated short stories, plays, poems, essays, book excerpts, etc.

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