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No. 90392

How far is "too far" in terms of photo editing? Do you think that people who shoop are obligated to admit that they edit their photos?

No. 90395>>90397>>90410

>Do you think that people who shoop are obligated to admit that they edit their photos?
No. Why do you think so?

No. 90397>>90985

OP is obviously autistic and underaged. You dont owe anyone anything lmao.

No. 90399>>90410

I don't think that there is a 'too far' or that people need to admit it. At this point pretty much everyone edits photos. But it's funny when people lie about it and think they can fool anyone.

No. 90410>>90478

OP is definitely a tumblr fag that has only been reading truth blogs that foam at the mouth over people who PS and don't outright discuss it.
I wouldn't say that everyone edits using PS, but I don consider passing your pics through a filter or using those Asian apps as a general form of editing.

No. 90478

Huh? But I never said I had a problem with photoshop. A question can't be a face value question? Sorry, I didn't mean for the way I phrased it to sound like it implied that I thought people need to explain themselves if they used photoshop. I honestly just wanted to know what other people thought since, like the other anon said, its becoming more and more prevalent.

No. 90655

i have no problem with photoshopping. you don't get to choose your face from birth, but if you can make yourself look the way you really want to using editing then that's cool. i only find it stupid when people try to pass off their edited photos as "natural beauty" when it's obvious it's not.

you know, actually i'd love a heavy pro-editing movement instead of that natural beauty nonsense. i wanna see the kind of looks people would come up with if they didn't have to stay too realistic. OP's pic is pretty cool if you treat it more like a neat fantasy vision, or an online avatar. editing is in the same vein as makeup imo

No. 90657

I think enhancing your photo by editing out eyebags, zits, bad skin etc is fine, but editing face features is kinda like cheating to me. Like editing your jaw, nose, eyes and lips crosses the border.

No. 90985

All of PULL is autistic and underaged then.

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