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No. 903195
>>903187Scrote, I unironically keep my pussy hairy so I have an excuse not to remain a massive coward and never take risks and flirt with someone.
“Oh you know I should probably be fine with him giggling with Stacy over there. What if we had great chemistry and we wanted to have sex and he ended up seeing my hairy pussy? It’s better that nobody sees it. Ever.”
It’sthe ultimate cope. “Oh I COULD get laid, but right now is just not convenient.”
No. 903201
>>903195*an excuse to remain
No. 903208
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Can we turn this into an officer doofy thread?
No. 903211
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Why would you bring home a cat and be surprised at the hairy vagina? Dude… the whole animal's covered in fur!
No. 903222
>>903208This should go to the confession thread/g but i kinda liked him
No. 903229
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Men never cease to be incredibly retarded and incompetent are everything they do, that is why they die younger than women. Taking risks isn’t smart or intelligent, it’s a checkboard of criminal and impulsive behavior. Did you know that men in general are so fat, ugly, misshapen and weak without a woman around? It would be impossible for them to survive without killing each other and turning into homosexuals for sex. Men start as women as the womb, and develop a genetic disease that turns them male, flattened breast, narrow hips, disgusting and unbalanced body structure. Even a female with the most fridgedaire refrigerator looking body still triumphs this world sprawled with diseased men. Komaeda, a roach looking 2D moid, has more worth than you. You have a failed clit hanging inbetween your legs, get the fuck out. You can’t give birth or sustain life, isn’t it odd that with these facts that women are still second class citizens? Crazy right?
No. 903238
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No. 903242
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No. 903243
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Kek the scrote who’s desperately seeking attention from women is probably stroking his cock to this, in his mind he thinks genuine insults and hatred towards him must mean we’re a tsundere harem who will come to appreciate his incredibly dumb opinions and meaningless existence. Get banned and scramble back to KF.
No. 903245
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No. 903249
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No. 903266
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Literally die in a hole you retarded cancerous virgin piece of shit. This is exactly why you will spend the rest of your days shitposting from your basement until your parents die or stop supporting you. You will end up homeless spending all of the spare change, given to you by happy successful people, in internet cafes to shitpost more and masturbte to pathetic inbred dogs. You're neither funny in real life nor in this thread, you are a pathetic excuse of a human being and deserve to spend the rest of your days in a literal shithole. Yes, a shithole, a hole filled with shit, just like you. No one likes you or will ever like you because you are the most repulsive pathetic excuse of a human being I have ever interacted with. I hope that you have a painful death where no one will notice you fucking degenerate piece of shit.
You will die alone.
No. 903267
File: 1631046332015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,199.65 KB, 731x1127, 4092EC08-37BD-4690-BF7F-8AE0FC…)

Brought this moid home tonight only to find out that not only does he have hair all over his body but on his penis. You think I am going to fuck this? Christ have some self-respect.
No. 903275
File: 1631046551379.gif (5.21 MB, 540x173, ezgif-3-7a39d8623354.gif)

Listen, this is important. I need to change the record on something, but the thread in question was locked. I don't especially want to further the Komaeda penis discourse, because every time an anon says that he has a tiny dick it literally, physically pains me, but this is ultimately more important than my wellbeing.
>>>/ot/864875Saying that Komaeda has a micropenis is slander. I appreciate your creativity and imagination and it's clear that you've thought about it and paid attention to the source material, but you're fucking wrong.
I have revised my views on both his dick and balls in the last six months:
His balls are probably a bit saggy and dark pink. Proper man balls, but still not hairy. The odd sprouting hair at most. I imagine the skin texture on them to be that of a plucked goose.
As for his shaft, I have reason to believe that he does in fact have a large penis, in contrast to my original vision of a 6.5in length. I think it's probably about 8 inches erect, and not a skinny dick either - nicely girthy. The reason for this is that in-world, other characters find him creepy and repellent despite noting his physical beauty (e.g. Genocider Syo calling him a pretty boy in UDG). It would be just Komaeda's luck for him to have a beautiful, perfect penis but nobody who wants to go near it. Another cruel joke played on him by fate.
I still picture his cock to be a beautiful pearly pink which gets progressively darker towards the tip. Delicate blue veins. Slightly curved upwards in a way that nudges against the g-spot.
>>>/ot/864869I also feel compelled to briefly talk about this headcanon. How the fuck is he going to have freckles on his cock? He's not whipping it out nearly enough to have freckles. I have face freckles, but I don't have any on my vulva because freckles are literally just fashionable sun damage.
Mushroom heads are fucking gross, too. He'd have a nice delicate tip, and though I don't have any solid basis to make that assertion, I just know. I feel it in my pussy.
The only unpleasant thing I realised recently though, when I was writing about the state of his cum as Servant, is that he probably had a lot of smegma at that time. I can't imagine him really washing his cock very often, given his blatant disregard for his body and well-being. That said, I still can't honestly say that I would turn him down.
Don't reply with your personal penis headcanons, I don't want to hear them because I know that I am correct. Inb4 "teehee komaeda has a micropeen", don't fucking try me. I won't sperg harder, it won't be funny, but I will probably get very annoyed IRL and struggle to sleep.
YES I am serious about this. NO I am not autistic
No. 903276
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No. 903278
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Doofy could get it tho
>>903275I hate that i know who this is
No. 903294
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No. 903298
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>google bonzoi
>its just pictures of borzois
nona i beg you tell me you aren't thinking of dog dick
No. 903301
File: 1631047165825.png (113.85 KB, 260x345, jeffrey.png)

>>903275Jeffrey has a bigger and more powerful penis than Komaeda. That's a fact. Just look at this rough and angelical features. He's a devil, but also an angel. His cock could be flaccid, but with a lot of cum.
No. 903302
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No. 903303
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No. 903309
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excuse me but AD is a stud. I want nothing but a passionate night of lovemaking with him. I think of him when I masturbate, I get wet thinking how tingly his long hair, beard and mustache would feel as they kiss my neck, tits, and inner thighs. I want him to kiss me so deep that his big nose touches mine, hair falling down my face, sweat all over us. I would kiss him so good on his full manly lips. Then I would gladly get his semen inside me, dripping out of my pussy, as he finishes and I see his blessed orgasm face. I could continue but that's enough for one post
No. 903318
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I want to eat some broken lasagna anons
No. 903319
File: 1631047648954.jpg (1.08 MB, 1202x1080, PicsArt_09-01-03.38.33.jpg)

>>903309I wand adam driver to adam drive his dick directly into my coochie and ejaculate big ammounts of big nosed sexy man semen and then I'll look at his adam driver eyes and say "thanks adam driver for breeding my warm tigtht pussy" and he'll say "aaayy you're welcomed anytime" then we driver kiss and driver make out and then maybe I can suck his driver cock full of our juices while tending to his big kylo ren balls
No. 903322
>>903301>>903313I want to fucking kill myself
>>903315Nah he's just irrelevant
No. 903327
>>903323Get Jeffrey Epstein out of my OTP, he's dirty
Komaedriver is the way, they are married and have a Borzoi dog
No. 903330
File: 1631047834157.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.42 KB, 1943x1400, 2 (2)nnjk.jpeg)

Anyway, guys, speaking of hairy pussies and cats, I just read this manga, and I wanted to like it because of the art style and chill/relaxed slice of life vibe, but the MC being some kind of catfucker kind of disturbed me. I wanted to tell myself it was all pure and she was just a chick who liked being naked around her fluffy pet(s), but at a certain point, I had to quit deluding myself. It's a shame, I like quite a bit of this mangaka's other stuff that I've read.
I'm kind of mad I can't take this particular page/screencap and be like "Ok scrote. Anyway, pic related, how I'm tryna be" ITT because it'd be perfect here, but someone might know the source material and start calling me a female Shane Dawson or something. Maybe I should just go ahead and draw my own version of a naked, hairy woman with a crown on her head surrounded by cats.
It's so hard to find any anime or manga with this feeling too. I just want some good lazy bitch representation. Thanks for reading, to anyone who did.
No. 903332
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No. 903335
>>903330oh no the spoiler
I really liked the composition of this panel and it looked so based, I wish I didn't know the context
No. 903337
>>903301Watch the doc on him on Netflix called Jeffrey Epstein: filthy rich. His disks is small, chode like and according to multiple
victim testimonies is shaped like an egg. Hence his nickname Eggstein.
No. 903338
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i couldn’t get away
No. 903339
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>>903327Komaeda and Jeffrey fuck passionately on the couch.
No. 903342
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Timothee Chalalamäis can suck my fem balls. He can succ them. I'm gonna suffocate him with them. Timothee Chandelier can suck it. What is it you ask? It's my junk. That Dylan-Roof-but-curly-ass-bowl-cut-wearing twink won't know what hit him. I will cut my toenails and put them in a bowl and I will make him eat them. That's what he deserves. Then I will disèmböwle him by cutting open his twinkmach. He may have a sedüctîve bèdrööm look in his faggot eyes but that does not tempt me. I bet that Timothee Champignon plays the fagotto or the clarinette or something, the cultured theater kid bastard. It's upsetting my bowle movements just to think about it and making me want to cut. But he cannot tempt me. I am shielded by my virtuous convictions. And anyways, he carries chlamydia babies, so why would I ever consider finding him attractive anyway. That Timothee Anchovie can drown in it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 903356
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Numbew 15: Buwgew King foot wettuce. The wast thing you'd want in youw Buwgew King buwgew is someone's foot fungus. But as it tuwns out, that might be what you get. A 4channew upwoaded a photo, anonymouswy, to the site, showcasing his feet in a pwastic bin of wettuce, with the statement, "This is the wettuce you eat at Buwgew King." Admittedwy, he had shoes on - but that's even wowse. The post went wive at 11:38 PM on Juwy 16, and a mewe 20 minutes watew, the Buwgew King in question was awewted to the wogue empwoyee. At weast, I hope he's wogue. How did it happen? Weww, the BK empwoyee hadn't wemoved the Exif data fwom the upwoaded photo, which suggested the cuwpwit was somewhewe in Mayfiewd Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:57. Thwee minutes watew, at 11:50, the Buwgew King bwanch addwess was posted, with wishes of happy unempwoyment. Five minutes watew, the news station was contacted by anothew 4channew, and thwee minutes watew, at 11:58, a wink was posted. BK's "Teww Us About US" onwine fowm. The foot photo, othewwise known as Exhibit A was attatched. Cwevewand Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the bweakfast shift managew said, "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fiwed." Mystewy sowved, by 4chan. Now, we can aww go back to eating ouw fast food in peace.
No. 903358
>>903355Are you the girl who did all those Patho let’s plays in like 2011? Or at least pre-remaster.
I always figured thatshe must be here.
No. 903363
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No. 903364
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>>903335Yeah, it sucks. I guess anyone could divorce the image from the original context and "reclaim" it, but part of me is paranoid about being "called out" and no one believing me when I try to explain, lmao. There was nothing super-explicit, but it was weird and there was like no warning in any of the reviews or plot summary, either. I feel baited.
>>903346>>903348You don't get it the art is really nice ok
No. 903366
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I finally found a funko pop that I don't hate
No. 903368
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( Warning Long.)
I Left due to Akapigeonkicker having a severe temper becauase my staff at the time ( yes I have staff due to my disorder) reported him as an abusive A * Hole and treated me wrongfully, called me fat, granting me an eating disorder because he did it so many times. My mother was abusive as well and didn't raise me, even though she says she did(She lied to people Online and I have witnessed as well.) my Grandma (Sadly passed away) when she died, I was severely depressive and shut people out; my room was a mess, and I'm currently in remission ( Please note I am summarizing a lot of this or it'd be a book.) I was hurt by Akapigeonkicker constantly treating me as though I don't matter as a person, and he spread rumors and lies about me Online that I wasn't comfortable with sharing, so I got upset and decided to stand up for myself, I spread a rumor about " HQ." and such to keep them off my trail for years. I slept on the floor in their small trailer, and if they had no room they should've taken me in, I get extra money for help and in my eyes, all they wanted me there for, was money, not love. My mother never cared for me because I act like my Grandma, and she resents me because she had me at Nineteen, if she didn't want kids, should've not had sex without a condom ya know?
For most of my life, because I have Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome they've told me "You can't have kids, You 're useless." in many many different ways, to the point I was suicidal myself. (Which is why I flipped out when they accused me of it because I know how it feels. I had friends save me from me, who I adore.) They outright assumed I was stupid based on an IQ test that is inconclusive due to my Disorder being a DNA disorder, and I can't be tested that way. I hid being smart for years, and it was because they judged people like me, I've outright seen my Mother hate on my Brother who IS in fact Gay, and hate LGTBQ+. I tried warning people because AKapigeonkicker mistreated me, and assaulted me with words, and as you can see, people constantly call me names that I don't like. I left states and moved thinking they'd get the hint that I don't need my parent to be raising me, my Grandma sadly passed on of cancer, and they won't accept that Ronda didn't raise me, I look up to my Grandma (Who's name is ironically Karen. she was a sweetheart, gave my Mom everything and my Mother dare shat on her. she took us in, which makes me upset when my Mother acts like an ungrateful brat.)
For three years I was happy pretending AkapigeonKicker and Mrs Pigeon, we'll call her, didn't exist, out of the blue I had hate out of nowhere that I took to heart because the Internet actually HELPS me be able to be myself, and speak right because I do have a speech impediment they call "Screeching." I don't like my voice picked on, and I have had ENOUGH. of being picked on voice wise, I can't help what I was born with and they seem to want to control my entire life; they don't understand I don't WANT to be controlled; I'm MORE than capable of being alone. My mother pretended to be an Angel to people Online, when she wasn't and neglected her kids, I stepped up at age Thirteen to help raise my younger brothers. I am the ONLY ONE without a Criminal record besides my middle brother; and it's because when people get involved with my Mother, they fuck up.
They do weed ( which I'm allergic too and they knew it. ) and treated me wrongfully by also LYING to me about prices and stuff like that. People like me on Disability get mistreated often because they deem it "Free Money." and it's not, it's our lively hood, they deem me lazy and incompetent because they don't realize that my health matters a lot to me, and Somedays I can't move. they feel I'm lazy and regarded, and they don't pay attention to the fact that I even use a spell checker to get my grammar right-They to try to control every aspect of my life, and don't understand that I want nothing to do with them because of how they treat me, My Mother was banned from my IEP meetings because of how she treated me, she was yelled at by me the last time she visited for treating people like dirt. I don't want to be treated like dirt, or called "Turd." or insulted. Akapigeonkicker has a VERY bad temper and it triggers my own short fuse for stupid. There is no Proof of Zephyr, even though they scream that there is, and unless Zephyr is AKapigeonkicker on an alt, than I don't know him, I even showed PROOF of their abuse, they never let me release the screenshots because they are like" WE KNOW THE LAW, PRIVACY!" but ignore it when they release MY private information.
They got mad when I accused them of hacking, because the next thing I knew, I had personal information out that wasn't supposed to be out. They spilled information unfairly about me , like the no showering issue was because I was severely depressive over losing my Grandma, who wants to live in a pigsty?! I got so sick of being put down because of simply being DIFFERENT, I stood up for myself. For years, I've had to change my name, get treated as a troll because people can't realize that I've got people harassing me, and not leaving me alone. They bully EVERY aspect of my life and aren't even people in real life that know me anymore. People CHANGE. They PURPOSELY found me on a DISNEY FORUM that WAS inactive ( There was another version) and monitor me as if they are my case worker. I keep telling them the TRUTH is the way out of this, but no one wants to own up for the mistake of NOT asking me for my personal information instead of someone else.
They were very rude and gave information Online that they had no business in giving, which embarrassed me.
Sorry for the long post. and summery. if I did it longer, you'd probably hate my essay style lol.
No. 903371
>>903330I've been meaning to read something by this author for a while now, really like the art
>>903364Beautiful cover
No. 903374
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I would have a threesome with Jeffrey and Komaeda so i can lick his feet.
No. 903380
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>>903366This one is very cute, indeed. I think they hit the mark in characters that already have big, black eyes and a big head (pic) or masked characters. Because that's the funko template.
No. 903390
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>>903388idk you choose nonna
No. 903396
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You can leave that pussy on my plate, I’ll eat it for you. 6:
No. 903397
anyone feel like playing skribblio? link
No. 903404
>>903398ayrt, and I was very baby yoda repelled until I waited for the hype to die down and actually watched mandalorian. He reminded me so much of my cat I couldn't hate him at all
but tbf I don't know anyone that likes him irl
No. 903410
>>903400Violin here.
I hate myself so much for failing to draw a bone and so I just thought "oh, she'll get it if I write it."
I fucking lost the ability to draw when you said "bonehouse."
Been laughing a solid 3 minutes.
No. 903414
>>903410SHE'S A BONE. HOUSE.
I'm nona and i forgot about it already. We both had fun and that all that matters
I kek'd when everyone got Brazil though
No. 903417
>>903404I know some autistic scrote who sleeps with a baby Yoda toy and says that baby Yoda is his baby, he kisses the baby Yoda and talks to it.
I still think my brother and his group of friends talk to him because autistic scrote is their personal cow.
No. 903422
>>903401Oatmeal, or maybe a super extra deliciously delicious Chicken salad with blue cheese sauce, cheese, cherry tomatoes and cashews.
I would prefer the super extra deliciously delicious Chicken salad with blue cheese sauce, cheese, cherry tomatoes and cashews.
No. 903425
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>>903417It's not Grogu's fault that autism is a thing, but also
>>903421 No. 903426
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>>903419I can still remember seeing the first /b/tard I ever met in 2009 with a boner. He was a completely unstable, fat, Chris Chan ass motherfucker (mostly visually, he wasn't quite so socially retarded) but I got horny over it and I will never know redemption.
No. 903438
File: 1631051880031.jpg (156.49 KB, 768x998, Nutella-Latte-Oatmeal-6.jpg)

>>903422Well, since this thread isn't getting nuked fast enough, does anyone else know this blog called The Oatmeal Artist? Many many oatmeal recipes, some are strange. I love it but I wonder if the author has some kind of complex or disorder with food. Hasn't been updated since like 2019 but really cool, oatmeal is so versatile
No. 903453
>>903446Show me your genitals
show me your genitals
Blast from the past tbh
No. 903459
>>903446They should just post their credit card info whenever they come across a female centric space.
Like, men worthless, might as well give their money to people that actually wants it rather than to some coomer artist.
No. 903476
File: 1631053616966.jpeg (160.57 KB, 725x900, austria-baby-chicken-in-meadow…)

I love hairy chicks.