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No. 901226
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Waking up and watching the glow of the morning sun on the buildings across the street from me. Or just the natural light from the outside illuminating my room, having a southwest facing window is a blessing.
No. 901233
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The rain, sound of waves (I don't ever think about listening to them on Youtube tho…), but also remembering about the stuff I used to read like Witch Mag, my friend gave me a bunch of them a few years ago and I wish I could read more.
No. 901266
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Afternoon and how life is colored in it. It makes everything instantly comforting and melancholic.
No. 901273
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Sleeping with a window slightly open while it's raining outside, sleeping with very little clothing but with a lot of blankets, and a few things that give me massive nostalgia and deja vu while also being very comforting are seeing yellow striped awnings in september at about 4pm, red checkered kitchen towels, the sound of an accordion, old houses (picrel) and churches/convents in rural/mountain areas and fields in fall with herds of sheep passing through. Everything's oddly specific.
No. 901313
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>>901291Yes. I want to book a night train soon just for the journey!
No. 901315
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this bitch
No. 901328
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>>901243Joshiraku. It's a comedy about a group of female rakugo performers. All the characters are adults and there's next to no sexual fanservice. If there is any, it's done for laughs to mock sterotypical anime. To get some of the jokes you will need to have some understanding of otaku culture and politics in Japan. It's one of the few anime that makes me laugh out loud.
No. 901338
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Cuddling with my friend and with my dog makes me feel comfy, extra points if it’s a rainy night and we’re watching a movie.
No. 901478
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The feeling when I guzzle a litre of full fat milk upon waking. I feel powerful.
No. 901483
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>Cloudy/sprinkling cold weather with the window open so I can smell and feel the fresh breeze
>Watching (non devastating)tornado chaser comps or spooky indie game playthroughs while laying in bed
>listening to Resident evil save room themes
>Eating hot beef instant ramen in the winter
>Looking at pics of old games/technology
>YumeNikki for some reason
Hoping once I get a proper apartment I can invest in a kotatsu.
No. 901484
>>901201When I am quite distressed I like to sink back to childhood. I take down anything in the room that could remind me of bad things in the world ie. political posters, joke ecchi posters, anything lewd or harsh, ect. and I cover my bed with my plushies and I sit in the dark and listen to something embarrassingly kind and childlike like an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood where he talks about it being ok to be yourself and then I fall asleep.
It sounds really cringe when I'm in a rational state of mind but sometimes I just want to feel incredibly pure and clean and good.
No. 901496
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My comfiest environment
>warm weather
>the smell of spring (jasmine flowers in my yard)
>windows wide open
>tonnes of natural light
>perfectly clean bedroom
>start of the weekend and nothing to do, no obligations and no responsibilities
I enjoy being wrapped up all snug in cold weather too but it gets stuffy and confining, I feel comfiest with light and air.
No. 901498
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>>901483>YumeNikki for some reasonMe too, I also feel extremely comfy while playing YumeNikki.
No. 901547
This song
>>901498I love playing Yume Nikki, very relaxing
No. 901562
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commercials from the 80s and 90s. i watch blocks of them on YouTube almost every day.
No. 901565
When I shower and get into freshly changed bed sheets. The first night they always feel on another level of cozy
>>901547Love them
No. 901636
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>>901562There used to be a website called Nick Reboot that streamed nothing but assorted 90s and early 2000s Nickelodeon shows, with a block of 90s ads in between each episode. Had a chat box on the side so you could chat about what you were watching with strangers. It was so fun. Lots of memories of me in early college, cozy in bed watching NR on one side of the screen and playing video games on the other. It eventually got torn off the internet by Nickelodeon though, RIP.
No. 901695
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>>901694also anything cute halloween themed, pic related
No. 901812
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"..for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.” - George Eliot
No. 901866
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One of my comfort things is when my cat gets sleepy and jumps onto my lap and snoozes cutely. He has the softest paws and I could just lay there for hours stroking his paw as it relaxes and soothes both of us! Picrel as it shows the scene
No. 901922
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>>901502nta but silence, scrote. Nobody wants to hear about what anime you jack off to.
No. 901928
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Relax with my vape and a fuzzy animal. By that I mean my pets I don't own a monkey
No. 901934
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I've noticed that bringing a travel mug of coffee everywhere I go is like a weird comfort blanket for me. That or I grab a take away coffee if I'm stuck without it.
It's like a sensory distraction from my anxiety when I'm out and about, the warmth of the cup feels good, even more so in the winter.
No. 901975
Here is one comfy cat.
>>901955How cute. Pet Mr Bear from me please.
No. 902038
But yes, I refuse to watch something where the women are drawn with retarded faces and get naked for no reason.
No. 902164
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I like Animal Crossing Wild World.
Not New Horizons, not New Leaf, specifically Wild World.
New Leaf was okay but I feel that New Horizons was soulless and they disappointed me a bit, Wild World has the perfect comfyness/dialogue/personality/atmosphere balance, with good achievements and makes you feel satisfied with anything you do.
Or maybe I'm just romanticizing it since I played it when I was in middle school and I was a lonely kid who used to sit outside in the balcony and feeling the summer breeze while listening to it's OST and bababese sound
No. 902167
>>902164I feel the same,
nonnie. I tried playing new leaf after spending my entire year 7-8 playing wild world but never got into it
No. 902197
>>902164same, I played wild world but none of the others. For me it's just that it doesn't feel right if it's not on a handheld, playing a game this lighthearted on a big blaring TV just feels silly. And I guess the switch is now the "handheld" also, which I hate tbh, if I play a handheld it's so I DON'T have a big bright screen blaring in my face, since I have that most hours of the day already. Philosophically, why do people seem to think that every game & system needs to be as 3d as possible with the most best graphics possible? It just feels ridiculous especially with animal crossing & pokemon. It's supposed to be a cute fun time, all this highly rendered 3d grass waving in my face just makes me depressed about how many human hours were wasted on this stuff that literally only makes games these days all look the same ugly way. Just show me a picture of grass, it's fine, I know what grass is like, I can fill in the rest. These overrendered games don't leave any room for the imagination.
No. 902212
>>902197the fact is that acnh is…empty. It's cool to look at, fun to build but once a cafe update comes you have to destroy your island to rebuild accomodating to the updates…I hate it.
Wild World had it all from the start and you just had to adapt to it, not the contrary… Sigh…
No. 905953
>>902286me too, sometimes I am in the mood for mellow dark sounding piano music and instead of trusting youtube to make a playlist for me I can just click on one of these. speaking of which, I also like these "coffee shop ambience" ones, especially if there's rain.
man, I miss studying at coffee shops
No. 905965
>>902164Wild World was my first AC game that I owned. And it really does give peak comfort, as you said. I only got it years after everyone had played it and forgotten it (I think I had some online friends come visit once or twice). But there's something very soothing and comfy about shaping a town into something all your own, getting your dream villagers, wishing on stars…
>>903085Love Nujabes. Here's what I like zoning out to. Brian Eno helped make this tune.
No. 905993
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When I went to south padre island with my sister, brother-in law and his friends, I was given the living room in the Airbnb to sleep at and it had huge windows overlooking the beach and sky.
I would often sit there and watch the horizon, listening to the waves during the day or night. It was surreal, I still think about it as months went by.
No. 906670
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>>905993on the topic of airbnbs, i love cabin ones that are in mountains, like an hour away from any civilization.i love when they have hot tubs, complimentary robes, and fire pits.
No. 906855
>>906670Shiiieeet, I thought those were in mainly Colorado, or Switzerland.
The ocean calms me; I’m not sure why but I am drawn to water when I’m a Leo/fire sign. Or is it that zodiac signs mean shit?
No. 909355
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>>901695Halloween is my comfort too, and fall in general. Then it eventually goes into winter and Christmas. All of these bring me the most joy of the year
No. 909376
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Hear me out…hearing sports games in the background. Mainly football but also basketball. Idk why, I guess it reminds me of my childhood bc my dad would always have a game in the background.
No. 910193
>>909522especially on thanksgiving and you're laying down for the post food nap
>>909567oh my god i agree! that sounds really nice. for me, my mom ALWAYS had it playing in the house when i was younger, on multiple tvs. you couldn't go in a room and not hear it
No. 910641
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rewatching this scene before falling asleep next to my cat, bus stops and the sound of fans
No. 911295
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>>901695Same, anon! I love looking at old Halloween pictures. No one really decorates their houses like they used to when I was a child so looking back at these is nice. I wonder what changed? Maybe I'm just in the wrong neighborhood, lol.
>>901562>McDonald'sI don't know how a billion dollar company's mascots are a comfort to me, but they are. I love Ronald McDonald and friends. There are full episodes of The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald on YouTube
if anyone is interested.Another would have to be the feel of jerseys and the sound of hotel ACs.
No. 914112
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>>914094 i miss stuff even from the early 2010s, usually outdoor things that i feel were more popular then. a lot of people do them now, but a while ago it was a whole event, like carving pumpkins,
corn mazes, hay rides and big fire pits. front yard inflatables are also fun to see. halloween just brings people together in a very innocent way
No. 914143
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>>914112if I had the extra money I would want a dragon yard decoration and have some cool acrylic gems covering my exterior lights and something simulating a gold hoard. just dreaming of a dragon halloween
No. 914167
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Winter and especially December. Christmas and the lights, gold, and glitter everywhere. Snow, early sunsets, seeing Orion in the sky. Smell of cold air and hanging up fairy lights at home. Wearing lots of layers. New years eve, fireworks. Wrapping presents. I love everything about it. Winter is comfy.
No. 914636
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Stuffed animal photoshoots are very comfy cozy for me. Wholesome and cute!
No. 914738
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My ultimate comfy memory is living in an exurb and stepping outside into the clean frosty air in the autumn mornings and hearing crows cawing from the nearby cornfield. Shame that the entire area got rekt by cookie-cutter developments and that autumn now barely exists south of New England in the Northeast.
FUCK climate change and FUCK Toll Brothers!!!
No. 914757
>>914755Buy all of the lights
nonnie. Light the neighborhood up
No. 914826
>>914713Camping is fun but it's gotten so popular in my area during the pandemic that there's too many people on trails. It defeats the purpose of camping and hiking.
It's a big conga line of big families with toddlers, Tiktok thots going to film themselves being cottagecore in the woods, teen boys with fatbikes running into people and of course every camping ground is full of trash. I stopped going recently because I got tired of sleeping next to whole families of complete strangers roasting sausages and screeching while others are trying to rest.
No. 914842
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>>914738Related but I love the smell of rotting leaves on crisp fall morning. It tingles that "it's kind of bad but kind of good" part in the brain.
No. 914892
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I find the series Japanology so comforting. I adore the show's host, Peter Barakan and I also really like the female narrator's voice, it's really friendly and warm. the whole show actually has such a warm and comforting feel to it. I used to watch an episode or two before bed (there are lots of episodes on youtube and the NHK official site) because it is so relaxing and cosy. I've not been feeling well recently so today I returned to it, I watched two episodes today, one on personal robots and one about tiny houses!
No. 914904
>>902164I may buy this game. I've played new leaf and new horizons, would you recommend it for someone who enjoyed new leaf?
>>902212I wanted to love acnh but I feel the exact same way. it's sad because I no longer consider myself an animal crossing fan after that game.
No. 914931
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>>914904I never stopped playing New Leaf, I love my village and my house, I set up another villager for a second house and my husband also has a villager. And I love being the mayor. Picrel is my favorite villager, Cole, he calls me dude and is always writing me hilarious letters and sending me the best gifts ever.
No. 914977
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>>914904ugh i miss the old games where the characters were more personalized. you can't put furniture outdoors, but the holiday events are better.
>>914931bluebear maybe isn't my favorite, but a really wholesome character
No. 916930
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Driving and anything to do with it. it's so relaxing
No. 916932
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>>914935Ribbot and Joey were my main pals in my WW game. The day I got their photos made me feel like I'd accomplished something in this little baby game about animal friends. Aside from them, Vesta was like the down-to-earth, gentle friend who probably would be into cottagecore if she was a human being.
No. 918037
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basement cellars, but not when they look scary af. when they have a bunch of old storage and look part of a lived-in house. their smell, too. i think this is probably the least comfortable thing its for everyone else
No. 919882
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I just wish I were in a quiet, distant place sorrounded by nature right now
No. 924417
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Walking around residential areas of Japan at night in the rain. The bicycles, the plants on practically every doorstep, the power lines, and the distant hum of a train passing nearby. Especially when it's still early enough to see the warm lights of peoples living rooms, catching glimpses of families setting tables or watching tv.
No. 925144
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Sometimes the smell of this will randomly show up in my nose and it reminds me of the sweet times I wanted to chug the whole bottle as a child.
No. 925246
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>>925144Hell yes. I had such thick, tangly hair my mom used that when she kept up.. When she didn’t I had a knot once that was literally a bun on the top of my head and someone actually used wd40 to get it out it was so bad. I also found a mosquito hawk once rinsing my hair as a kid.
No. 925333
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>>924417I miss Japan so bad it hurts, I want to travel fuuuuuuuck. I never lived there but it's still comfy af to me because I associate it with no work, no stress, spending what I want, eating what I want, just having fun with my family.
No. 925876
>>901478I know this is old now but seriously… what the fuck
is this thing, aside from potentially my sleep paralysis demon
No. 925900
>>925246Ack! Anon, if I would've saw that I would have died. Something similiar happened to me too,
but instead of that montrosity it was a little beetle. After shampooing it was on my hand wriggling and I freaked out and had to wash my hair again.>>925254I should probably use that too because combing tangles out with your fingers can be hell.
>>925255I think I know which one you're talking about! Unless I'm wrong. Did you ever ask your mom, anon?
No. 925957
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Front porch lights, especially when it's getting dark but it's not quite night time, and also when the weather is warm. It makes my heart all soft and fuzzy lol. Something about it is very comfy and nostalgic and makes me feel like a kid
No. 926096
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>>925957i drove by the neighborhood next to mine and it had about 5 houses connected by lights like this in their front AND backyard. it was so beautiful. i love sitting on the porch in the summer so much
No. 926119
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Boats. Not the bougie ones but picrel. Being in the dark with string lights and candles lit. Wine and some christmas jazz. Big knit sweaters and fall. When it’s stormy outside and I can snuggle up with a cat or a loved one. Taking a shower after a walk in the rain, then settling down in bed. So cheesy but really some of the best things in life.
No. 927045
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i have a lot of comfort foods, my favorites are hot fries, mac and cheese, ramen, lunchables. the nacho lunchables are the best. the fake cheese really gets me
No. 929410
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I was gifted a laptop and now I went back to playing minecraft. It is so cozy!
My laptop is super low end and it is on the older side, but I still managed to download some mods and shaders and I am very happy with the look of the game with it, even though it's nothing to flex about or anything. I just get so happy with the lighting, especially during sunset.
I am currently using the mods for season cycling (I chose the longest cycle), currently on spring and looking forward a lot for Autumn and Winter.
I also downloaded a mod that has dog breeds that look like actual dogs - I think you can actually pick them when you tame a wolf, but since I already had a dog before downloading it, I think it picked at random. I got a pug! It's super cute.
I also downloaded a mod to change the chickens cause the vanilla chickens are so ugly lol
I don't mind the other animals that much and I think my bf prefers the vanilla mobs, so I am letting it vanilla for now
Can't wait to have a cat as well, they are super cute.
Also it's perfect to play casually while listening to an audibook. Comfort overload!
No. 929429
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>>929410Yaaay, that sunset light is so goood! I've never tried out shaders because I was afraid they wouldn't work, but if you're also using a low end computer then maybe I should give it a try!
I love getting mods with lots of decorative blocks, especially lights. And I also have a mod that let's me paint my own art and hang it on the walls that I am obsessed with. Here's some paintings I did, one of a beach, some mountains and two portraits of my minecraft cats Ronaldo and Sunny!
Sorry for the weird perspective and colors, these are from pics of a screen rather than a screenshot. No. 929500
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I would love to stay in pic related, I feel cozy and safe at the feeling of being surrounded by other skyscrapers while lounging around looking at the windows.
No. 929560
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>>929429>I should give it a try! Do it, anon! I am using Sildurs Vibrant Shaders Lite. Granted, my frame rate is not the highest, and I also use a slightly smaller resolution, but I don't mind. It's good enough for me. I love looking at the lighting! The night looks pretty good too, with the moonlight also shining in between the trees and such.
If that's too heavy for your PC still, you could try the Chocapic13 High Performance Toaster shader lol It's not as pretty imo, but it's miles better than vanilla.
I also have 2 dogs now. I had 3, but I went with him on an adventure and we both died. RIP Cobalt (and also all of my dank loot, I'm actually taking a breather because I got pretty frustrated kek)
>And I also have a mod that let's me paint my own art and hang it on the walls that I am obsessed with.Aahh I need it! What is it called?
Your cats are super cute btw, I want cats so much but I can't seem to find a village!
No. 929656
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>>929500I totally get you, anon. The feeling of being one in millions is weirdly comforting sometimes.
No. 929692
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Sarah Andersons' new comic about a vampire and werewolf dating
No. 929697
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tfw no werewolf bf who transform into a doggo
No. 929698
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No. 929699
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No. 929712
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>>929706kek, its not beastiality
>>929709I somewhat agree, the comic is more about the aesthetic more then anything and honestly I kinda relate to it
just read it, its cute No. 929723
>>929712wait so is this
>>929694 not implying that he's taking her to the bedroom ♥ because the moon is full? I'm trying to interpret it in a non-dogfuckery way but it's not clicking. Maybe I'm retarded, idk.
No. 930096
>>929723I thought they were fucking before the full moon hits. But idk, it's a bit weird kek
I know a lot of people have werewolf fetishes weirdly enough, but since she showed his werewolf version is just a dog, it's just really an unfortunate implication
No. 931550
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getting naked to poop is my comfort.
cozy pic is by obsob on tumblr
>>929723even though I was an anon who thought it was dogfuckery, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say maybe it means he gets all feral and impassioned during sex… but before he changes form… hmm
No. 931586
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>>920468Aaaaa nonna yes! Anything Halloween related for me is really cozy in a weird way. Of course the autumn coziness helps. It’s hard to describe why its so cozy, but i always had my best memories associated with Halloween, even if there were some bittersweet moments or any bumps. Halloween decorations were always so cool to me, and I absolutely loved houses that would go all out with decorations. Wish i could be more poetic. I’m very excited for Halloween this year heh.
No. 939542
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since halloween seems to be very comforting for everyone itt, what did you guys dress up as when you were a kid? i was po, a cowgirl, and a knight
No. 939563
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>>939542I was always either a pumpkin, a cat or a witch. Very jealous of your Po costume, he was my fav
No. 939576
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>>939542I had a devil costume very similar to this that I wore a few years in a row
after that I was a cat (with a gummy mouse and copious amounts of fake blood for some reason)
No. 941616
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I love cooking and eat curry rice. Whenever I start making it, I am flooded instantly with feelings of joy and comfort. It smells so good, even during the process.
Nothing beats it in a cold night, especially with beer on the side and a nice movie or TV show.
No. 947925
The UK Office aeries is peak comfort for me. When I lived in the UK ad was either ill or just didn't feel like doing a thing, I'd watch the show in it's entirety, which I think is about 3 or 4 hours. Usually it'd be cold and overcast outside, and I'd be wrapped in my duvet having tea and digestives. It would kind of bring me down but also level me out and just leave me content. Not sure how to describe it, but it was comfy.
>>914892Woah, I've never heard someone else talk about this series, I love it too! It's so educational and I'll watch more episodes in preparation for going to Japan next year. I just love the small details of a country, and it's like he zooms in on it, like the stationery or plastic food episodes. Don't like that Matt guy though, absolute cringe. It's a shame the audio cuts out a lot on the youtube videos.
No. 948016
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Paul Mccartney's love songs never fail to make me smile. Such a sweet voice. I have 'Honey Pie' and 'I Will' on repeat right now
>>947925I love The UK Office, too. Most of the show is too cringeworthy (albeit hilarious) for me to find it comforting… except for the Christmas specials when everything is wrapped up so perfectly. I can't wait to do my annual rewatch of them in 2 months
No. 948084
Might get hatecrimed for being a teeaboo, but older English sitcoms like Blackadder, Fry and Laurie, Absolutely Fabulous (Peep Show too, though it's not that old), MP's Flying Circus. I'm not bri'ish, but for some reason i found a whole lot of comfort in those shows as a weird middleschooler.
>>948016'I Will' is such an OP Beatles song, my fave from the White album has got to be 'Martha My Dear', because you can see how Paul was already starting to create his own solo sound. RAM got me through senior year of hisghschool.
No. 952655
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Barley tea is so underrated!
I love it, even though I'm gluten intolerant it's not too upsetting, unless I have like 1L in a day
Iced it's super refreshing and it's not bitter at all, warm with a bit of sweetener tastes like sweet bread. Even the smell makes me happy.
No. 952798
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>>947925 When I get together with my sister during the holiday season we make it a point to rewatch The Office UK together. I have the series on DVD and play them with an old PS2 lol. It is cringy yet comfy to watch!
No. 955177
>>939542Man, where to begin? A pumpkin, a triceratops, Princess Jasmine (homemade costume that looked nothing like Jasmine but was still pretty), a black cat, Cleopatra (homemade again), I think a werewolf one year, a wizard (homemade again with some trippy paisley fabric), a jester, the White Rabbit, a witch, and some more I've forgotten.
No. 959253
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I love these two channels
No. 959261
When I see birds doing little hops instead of walking. Like today I saw a crow bouncing around on the neighbour's rooftop, and it made my entire week lol. I think it's the comfiest, most cutest thing ever.
>>948084>RAM got me through senior year of hisghschool.RAM is a masterpiece anon! I listened to the Beatles and their solo work so much when I started high school. All Things Must Pass is one of my favourite albums ever, I have great memories of listening to it on repeat while finishing my art assignments.
No. 959270
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I always get very hungry in the evening and if I'm with my boyfriend he makes egg toasties for us and we eat them sitting in bed together. He uses picrel before putting some cream cheese, ham, tomato, lettuce, egg and pepper. It's the best mayonnaise ever
No. 959273
>>959270Did you eat the Kewpie one? I wonder how it compares (though the Winiary one has the Kewpie logo on it, I think???). I hate that mayonnaise goes bad so fast. I never finish it before I have to throw away a jar
Anyway I want to eat those sandwiches…
No. 959282
>>959273I think Kewpie is Japanese and Winiary is Polish so I don't think it has the logo on it. I've never tried Kewpie mayo though, I'll put it on my list
No. 959300
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>>959296samefag, apparently Mosso is the Kewpie mayo in Poland. Kewpie bought the Mosso company. Wonder how the mayos compare, heard that Kewpie can chill in your fridge forever (longer than week or two). Mosso certainly cannot do that
No. 959770
>>953132Sorry I'm so late! If you live anywhere near an asian market, they usually have tea bags with roasted barley in them, just pour water and such. Sometimes they also have the iced barley tea in a bottle too, in japanese it's called Mugicha (麦茶)and I think it's called boricha in korean, not sure - korean versions usually have a lighter roast.
But I actually prefer to by the barley by the kilo and roast it myself. Not only it's cheaper here where I live, but I can also choose the roast level. Personally, I like a medium roast for hot mugicha and darker roast for iced. But either are good anyway! (vidrel I considere to be a light roast)
Good luck!
No. 959913
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Look at baby Big Bird. Look at him.