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No. 89434

I found a few rehab clinics that will allow my service dog. Now I'm worried if they'll allow cell phones. My mom can't know that I'm in rehab, she'd have a heart attack. I also want to knew if tabacco is usually allowed. Also, rehab/addict general

No. 89435

Service dog…are you blind?
> also want to knew if tabacco is usually allowed
And srsly dont go to rehab if you have to ask this

No. 89448

any retard with a pretend emotional problem can get themselves a service animal these days

No. 89450

so bitter

No. 89452

It depends on what rehab clinic you're going to. I've been to quite a few and they all allowed cell phones, but I'm not sure about tobacco. I saw people smoking outside a few times.


Not true.

No. 89453

My drunken uncle who cycled through many rehabs would often ask for us to send over cigs. I'd assume it depends on the place, but all of the ones I've known have allowed them.
Cell phones were also ok.

Good luck, anon. I hope you can make a smooth recovery.

No. 89455

Usually access to cellphones and tobacco is limited depending on your condition and behaviour.
Whats wrong with your mom knowing you're in rehab? Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed for trying to better yourself.

No. 89481

That's neat, you've obviously never had a serious addiction before. I have my dog for agrophobia. But I'm sure you don't think that's a real phobia.
That's good to know. I no longer have a laptop and would like some communication with the outside world.
My boyfriend and frienda know. But my mom is an ex alcoholic herself and has no clue that my drinking problem is worse than it is. I think my heroin addiction almost 5 years ago now nearly killed her

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