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No. 893113

Not a thread for gore/guro
Also not a thread for suicide inspo either

Discuss all things relating to the only certainty we have in life: the end of it.

>Do you believe in the afterlife?

>How do you cope with death?
>Did your views on death change over the years?
>Have you had a near death experience?
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
>Do you fear death?
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
>What would be the worst way to die?
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?

You can also vent about it or share some nice, tasteful art on the theme while Charon gently paddles through the Styx river.

No. 893118

>not for suicide inspo


No. 893123

I don’t think there’s an after life. I’m any form.
Keeping busy, drugs, living life how I want knowing this is all I got
>view change
I’ve pretty much always felt there was nothing after and you’re dead and that’s it.
I’ve had a gun on me, been choked until I passed out, and rolled my car three times going 70 mph so I guess kinda. They were serene moments until afterwards.
I’ve seen 1 dead body(not including funerals), no death in front of me though
Maybe not death as much as not living a fulfilling(to my standards) life
I have mixed feelings. Proper mental health care before? then yes. No? Then no.
Burning or radiation like anon was taking about in the scary news stories thread.
I’d like to fall from somewhere really high but pass out before I hit the ground so I wouldn’t feel anything. Or in my sleep.
That there’s an afterlife, any religion. Nice to think about but not realistic imo.
usa so we just bury or cremate, usually and a funeral. Taboos? Idk I’m white so just don’t fuck or eat it I guess.

No. 893132>>893133>>893143>>893189>>895289>>895425

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Anons, let's say heaven/a afterlife is real and is whatever you want it to be, what would it look like for you? For me, it'd be a quaint cottage in a beautiful, neverending countryside (where honeybees don't sting you) and all my childhood dog with me. I would have a new adventure every day and visit you nonnies so we could have picnics together. Pic kinda related.

No. 893133

you're going to go back to nothingness anon

No. 893140

>do you believe in afterlife?
Nope. Even if there was i like to compare it to going to another corner of the city you've never experienced. It's just part of life.
>how do you cope with death
i dont, i used to be extremely afraid of it but now it's realizing that it just happens. life is a rare experience in the universe, especially life like ours. Being dead is being part of the majority.
>Have you had a near death experience?
I used to try to commit suicide like every other week years ago but not anymore so I guess that counts
>have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
not irl, but a dead body? That's an average if you spend your time on imageboards.
>do you fear death?
>what do you think of assisted euthanisia?
understandable for those who have terminal cancer or are too old to function and enjoy life anymore, but those who are depressed and have a lot ahead of them shouldn't be able to get it
>what would be the worst way to die?
Drowning, cancer, slow death scenario. Or being the last one to die among your family and friends.
>What would be the best way to do, in your opinion?
Gun to the head or jumping off a really tall building, or dying in your sleep
> what is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
Hades and Persephone if that counts, if it doesn't, then i don't know
> what are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
some customs would be burying them among nature, (at least my family likes to do it), some taboos would be wishing for death on yourself or other people. My family grew up poor so idk what the average customs would be.

No. 893143

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For me it’d be synesthesia but only for your favorite music and nothing else. You’d be like an entity in a visualizer. In my ideal heaven/afterlife you can still listen to music, you can remember every song and even ones that come out after you die. I think it’d be cool if that’s what the aurora borealis actually were.

No. 893148

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
I want to.
>How do you cope with death?
I don’t.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Yes. I used to think good people go to heaven but I still hated it because it felt like heaven was robbing me of people I loved. The I was afraid of dying because I was afraid of the devil, but death itself . Then I wasn’t afraid of the grim reaper and thought I could tame death itself by actively embracing my end and fantasizing about dying. Then I became terrified of death and all things relating to it, particularly mushrooms and other beings that feed off the dead.
>Have you had a near death experience?
Yes. I’ve almost died in a car crash and the car almost fell off a cliff.
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Yes. It was harrowing but all I could think was “They are dead.” It feels very “game over” in the worst way.
>Do you fear death?
No. It’s inconvenient and I don’t want it, but it’s not like you can stop it.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
Amazing. Should be widely available.
>What would be the worst way to die?
Mauled by a bear before I can watch my loved ones escape.
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Falling asleep in a warm bed.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
Reborn as the child of a loved one.
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
You get buried at home and if the body can’t make it in time misfortunes may fall and the soul will never find peace.

No. 893154

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
Not really. Whatever happens, happens. I'm not spending any time or energy thinking about something I'll never know the answer to.
>How do you cope with death?
I've never had someone die that I truly love. I'm nervous for the day, but try to think that death is natural. It happens to literally everyone.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
I never thought about it when I was younger. Now I think about it from time to time, and recently I've been pretty terrified about my dad dying of a heart attack or something.
>Have you had a near death experience?
Not really. If you count a potential car crash, maybe. But thankfully no one was in the other lane.
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
No, assuming a funeral doesn't count.
>Do you fear death?
No. I don't fear death but I'm afraid of knowing I'm dying.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I'd support it if a person can't live independently and is not able to call someone for help if there were an emergency.
>What would be the worst way to die? Torture
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
In your sleep
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
You'll get 72 virgins kek
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
Drive-thru funerals

No. 893165

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>Do you believe in the afterlife?
I want to. I really like the idea of reincarnation, especially if it's just random.

>How do you cope with death?

I mostly don't. Sometimes I cry thinking about the day my parents won't be here with me. Even thought about ending my life afterwards, but I'm not sure since I'm not an only child and I have a fiancee.
I had loved ones die before like my grandparents, but I think that now that I'm older, I've became more attached and emotional.

>Did your views on death change over the years?

I used to believe in Heaven and Hell. Also when I was 4 or 5 I didn't believe in anything religious and I wanted to simulate death to know what it was like so I held my breath and closed my eyes and ears. My conclusion was that it was very boring

>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?

I once saw an old man die in front of me. He had tripped moments prior and I think that in the fall one of his ribs broke and perforated his lung. To see him become purple and then losing his color was really traumatizing, I actually had some random bursts of crying for the following week when I remembered it, and I didn't even know the man. The screams of his widow were also pretty haunting.

>Do you fear death?

I mostly fear how I'll die, not death itself. Plane accident, anything with heights, being kidnapped and tortured, stuff like that

>What would be the worst way to die?


>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

Sleeping, obviously
But also sometimes I think that if I was to kill myself, I'd do it in the sea. Very eco-friendly and no need to worry anyone about the funeral cost

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

I really like Charon, but I also like some views that more enlightened souls live less. I guess that's just my big dose of cooking, but I think it's a nice sentiment
Also I like the idea of ghosts, depending on the version

>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?

Not my country's specifically, but once my sister scared me of getting cremated because she said that Jesus would come back and he would only take those with "intact bodies". So no organ donations either.
Nowadays I'd much rather be cremated though. I'd also like the idea of a "tree casket" and the forest haunted graveyards.

No. 893177

>Do you believe in the afterlife?

Man, some people who do hella drugs really convince me there might be.

>How do you cope with death?

I don't. I think people who are wise often say that you should keep living because they wouldn't want to see you upset or having a miserable time if they were here.

>Did your views on death change over the years?

Not really.

>Have you had a near death experience?

Last time I got really drunk I was falling asleep and really felt like I was dying. I don't think that counts though.

>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?

I visited my friends dad in hospital.
>Do you fear death?
Sort of. I don't think I should because lowkey it would be peace from the hell that is living.

>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?

Why do that when you can do hella drugs and OD. I won't commit suicide ever tho bc YOLO BITCH.
also I don't think I really like that idea, seems pretty beta.

Life sucks, yes. However. I think we only get to be whateverthisis once, why end it? Also I fear the void
Tough time never last. only tough people last. BLEHURHEUGERUHREH.

>What would be the worst way to die?

Idk being murdered

>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

Hella high

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

idk about best edgelord story, but here's a cute story

>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?

I don't have the energy for this question.

No. 893183

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
I'm not quite sure. I feel like even if we have all these different notions and ideas about what it would look or feel like, if there was an afterlife it would be totally different from what we could ever comprehend while we were living. Maybe it's on a completely new layer of reality, idk.
>How do you cope with death?
Not thinking about it lol.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Not exactly. I just feel like I've learnt about it a bit more
>Have you had a near death experience?
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
>Do you fear death?
Yes, absolutely, it's probably my biggest fear. I can send myself into a panic attack if I spend too long thinking about it.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
Like most things in life, it depends on the situation. I think the philosophical implications of it intrigue me the most, like how some people feel that because we weren't asked to be born, we should be allowed to choose when we die
>What would be the worst way to die?
Burning alive, drowning, plane crash, the list goes on. Basically anything that involves being in pain or fear, I find it really upsetting and scary. I wish everyone had the chance to die peacefully
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Like I said above, as peacefully as possible. Preferably in your sleep
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
There's a lot of them I like, but the classic Grim Reaper character is great. It seems nice that some guy would just help you on your way to the afterlife lol
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
Idk, they're pretty standard.

No. 893189

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This is probably a very boring answer, but to me heaven would probably just be earth sans the shitty people.
A lot of animals and intact nature.
I guess the main difference would be that we could fly and would have no bodily needs, so we could visit everywhere on earth mostly effortlessly. And every animal would allow petting, even the bugs.

No. 893245

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
No. I think think this is all there is.
>How do you cope with death?
I can stop and cry about someone stopping to exist (even relating to the loss of fictional characters), and I'm scared of losing my parents one day inevitably. I didn't really cry for my grandparetns because I was never too attached to them and they lived long lives.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Probably not really since I reached adulthood.
>Have you had a near death experience?
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Fortunately no.
>Do you fear death?
Yes, but only death in my old years, since that means I have to go through my body weakening and have to go through all my regrets I accumulated in my life. Even then I guess it means I'm more worried about living than death. I do not fear the idea I could die suddenly in an accident, and I think it'd be preferable.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I support if for the terminally ill and elderly.
>What would be the worst way to die?
Old with weakening health and full of regrets
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Suddenly and unaware
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I think I like the eastern karma system, like reincarnating into non-human forms
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
Not sure what taboos. I guess the saying that came from romans saying "de mortuis nil, nisi bene!" is popular in my culture, which is basically "about the dead you only say good things, or nothing". Maybe it exists in anglo countries, I'm just unaware how it sounds. But I think this is absolute bullshit, you cannot just pretend monstruous humans are forgiven in death.

No. 893538

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This counts as tasteful art

No. 893547>>905995

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
Yes. I believe there is a continuation after death. I don't necessarily think it means there is a physical location you travel to when you die.

>How do you cope with death?

I think about it in the same way that I think about how I was born. I didn't know that I was going to be born, it just happened. I don't think death is scary, it's just a change.

>Did your views on death change over the years?

Yes. I used to have a big fear of death, especially considering that I faced a lot of close family death in my early childhood. I don't fear it so much anymore. Reading and learning about Buddhism has helped me to accept death as a natural and normal thingt.

>Have you had a near death experience?

I don't think so.

>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?

Yes. I found my father's dead body when I was 4 years old and tried to wake him up.

>Do you fear death?


>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?

Should be legal and accessible

>What would be the worst way to die?

Suffocation, drowning, asphyxiation….

>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

In my sleep. Some people say it's peaceful - I think it depends on the circumstances. If not in my sleep, then in a dignified way when I have come to terms with the end of my life.

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

I believe reincarnation would be fun. I think that it certainly is reasonable to be true, but it isn't necessarily my core belief of death. I like the idea that before death you are met with a DMT trip.

>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?

I am American. Death is very taboo. It is seen as icky and scary and yucky and nobody likes to talk about it. Bodies are pumped with chemicals to keep the body from naturally breaking down. We are expected to spend upwards of $10,000 on a casket, ceremony, burial, etc.

A book that taught me a lot about death practices and gave me a different perspective is From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty.

I have a question for everyone ITT:
>What do you want done with your body when you die?

For me, I am not picky. I just do not want to be preserved and buried in a casket (a shawl would be okay). I think cremation is the cheapest and most likely solution, though. Some people put their ashes into trees. It's cool!

No. 893555>>893619

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
>How do you cope with death?
Well, it happens to everyone and I'm no exception.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Not really.
>Have you had a near death experience?
A few, actually.
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Thankfully no.
>Do you fear death?
I fear not being able to do what I need to do in time but death itself is what it is I guess.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I support it for those who are suffering immensely
>What would be the worst way to die?
Cooked in a hot car
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Something spectacular and dramatic, like at a guillotine or burned at the stake.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I like the idea of reincarnation.
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
I'm a burger and I hate how there's the idea that you need to get your loved ones embalmed and put in a fancy expensive casket. They prey on the grieving and pressure them into spending all their money on fancy shit or else it seems like they don't care about the departed. I hate that, throw my ass in a wooden coffin and let the worms get me.

No. 893619>>895430

>Cooked in a hot car
God that reminds me of a gif an asshole spammed when I visited 4chan years ago, and I fully agree, just looking for a second made me physically ill.

On topic, I really think there should be a heavy punishment for filming dying people against there will.

No. 893628

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
I don't, but I believe heavily in reincarnation. I read a lot of work surrounding it (especially books by Dr. Tucker) that research the memories very young children have. I recommend his work to people who are curious, they're interesting books.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
I actually didn't used to believe in anything after death, but grew into my current beliefs after a lot of reading and thinking. I'm not and never was religious or raised in a religious household.
>Do you fear death?
No, but I fear being separated from my partner by death. We've been together almost 16 years and we do everything together/are near each other constantly. If I believed in soulmates I think our relationship would be pretty close to one.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I actually really wish this was a thing for people who are dying. I work as an RN and it's terrible how long people have to suffer as they're dying. It can take a very, very long time to die even when your body is in the process of it.
>What would be the worst way to die?
Radiation poisoning looks terrible. Tylenol poisoning too. Anything that prolongs it or has intense pain.

No. 893638

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>Do you believe in the afterlife?
>How do you cope with death?
No idea. Maybe my "fear of living" is actually fear of death. Got some weird ocd around it I guess
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Yes but I can't really explain
>Have you had a near death experience?
Many, like 5 times
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
>Do you fear death?
I could.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
Makes me paranoid
>What would be the worst way to die?
In public
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Everyone has their own suitable death, but I think something akin to Ophelia's death would be nice.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
Reincarnation. It's possible.
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
They spend ridiculous amounts of money on funerals and they think it's creepy and sad. Are there even death taboos in America?

No. 893639>>893659>>893761>>895310

i honestly have no basis for it but i’ve believed in reincarnation since i was a little kid and it just feels right and makes sense to me

No. 893652>>893774

I realized I'm not particularly too afraid of death, but it really does come down to wanting to know what the other side is like. I believe in the afterlife but the concept of an afterlife is also a little stressful. I just want to be right about what that reality would be like but its almost impossible to tell while you're living, so I figure I might as well continue to follow my religion faithfully but keep somewhat of an open mind

No. 893659

I know I think this is my favorite possible outcome, I would rather live again than get bored in heaven or burn in hell or just.. have nothing and be nothing. I grew up Christian and I’ve always had doubts but would immediately shut down my doubt because I thought if god even heard me say that in my mind, I’d be punished. I honestly wish that reincarnation would happen, but at the bottom of my soul I cannot feel god or a higher power. I always thought there was something wrong with me because my dad would say things like he could feel Jesus in his heart or some bullshit. I wish I could feel it because it is sad to sort of know and deeply believe that my relatives are fully gone and not looking down from me up in the clouds

No. 893761>>893771>>893774>>895183>>895242

The concept of reincarnation after death seems just as bad as the concept of nothing after death. Hypothetically if I was reincarnated, I wouldn’t remember a thing about my past life, so that person is essentially dead and long gone, right?

Then again, I hear small scale stories about people who remember their past lives as children and it is kind of interesting to chew on.

No. 893771

i’ve always had a lot of deja vu and that always oddly added to the reincarnation idea for me. also very vivid dreams, but i realize these are more neurological symptoms than like some higher power calling to me or something lol.
part of me feels that if reincarnation is real then maybe the life you’re reincarnated into now was to teach you some kind of lesson that you failed to learn in your past life. lessons that aren’t learned in this life will maybe be resolved in your next. idk it’s oddly comforting to me, but i’m also a person that likes second chances.

No. 893774>>894316

There's even "past lives regressions/therapy" or whatever. Vidrel
I'm not sure if I totally believe in it, but I'm dying geddit to do one, but I have no money. I'm just really curious to see the outcome, even if it's just a scam/dreaming session kek I wanna see my former peasant self

This reminded me that once a friend of a friend considered killing herself because she was just too curious to see what happens (or not). Gladly she decided against it

No. 894316

Ngl I thought about doing it too as a kid for the same reason but I was too scared of not being with my mom kek

No. 895178>>895183>>895207

Post here your past lives results, nonnies lol

No. 895183

>The concept of reincarnation after death seems just as bad as the concept of nothing after death.
Only if you're fundamentally worried about ceasing to exist as what you currently are rather than ceasing to exist altogether.
>Then again, I hear small scale stories about people who remember their past lives as children and it is kind of interesting to chew on.
There have actually been methodologically rigorous (well, as rigorous as can possibly be given the limitations) studies on past life memories in kids. Ian Stevenson was the first person to approach the topic with contemporary research methods.
Every time I've tried this I've fallen asleep, granted I had been drinking every time as well.

No. 895207>>895261

i want to try this but i have a feeling it’s going to make me cry

No. 895225>>895233>>895244

I do and don't at the same time. I know all of the logical reasons for there not being one. But my family and I have experienced very bizarre things after our family members have died that makes us believe there is something.

Like for example my great-grandma's deceased sister was known for her love of high heels, and when she was dying and my mom was alone taking care of her, she heard the back door open and the heels walking towards the bedroom where my great-grandma was, mom thought it was a different family member, but she went out to the hallway and nobody had entered the house. This same great-grandma also threatened to haunt her son-in-law (my grandpa) after she died since he was a skeptic and let's just say she lived up to her promise.

One really strange one that happened to the whole family was with my great-grandpa. He had an affinity for throwing toothpicks everywhere. When he died in the hospital, we all left to get some fresh air out in the parking lot. Under the tires of his only daughter's (my grandma) car was a gigantic pile of toothpicks, looked like it had been stacked on purpose. Grandma inherited their house, refuses to buy toothpicks, but finds them weekly all over the house still.

I also have been able to predict when someone in the family is going to die. I always get this intense floral smell out of nowhere and within a week someone is dead.

All of this could have explanations that aren't supernatural and I'll never deny that. And these are just a few of the weird things I've experienced - my family has had a residual haunting for decades along with some other weird voodoo shit. I've also had an insane experience at a friend's house that makes me believe there is just something.

No. 895233

>my family has had a residual haunting for decades along with some other weird voodoo shit. I've also had an insane experience at a friend's house that makes me believe there is just something.
details pls

No. 895242>>895259

Reincarnation has to be some kind of punishment because who would want to be “gifted” the hell and suffering of existence. I’m going to go all pseud but you came from nothing and you’re going to back into nothing, there is no regeneration of energy back into the universe it eventually dies out. That idea scares many people especially scrotes which is why they try to knock up as many women as possible, they’re so afraid of ego death and preoccupied which actual death and erasure that their whole poor lives are ran by the fault thing inbetween their legs trying to replicate themselves. There is no afterlife, you are just going to never be remembered ever again, you’ll eventually be erased in living thought within decades.

No. 895244>>895259

there’s nothing, if life right now is what it is when you die it’s going to be just as boring. your family is full of undiagnosed schizos anon, it came hard for me to come to terms with this as well but you just have to face that these people probably never actually saw werewolves in their village like mines did or were able to curse people or turn invisible, it’s all crazy bullshit

No. 895259

lol not everyone is as miserable as you, sorry

No. 895261

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It's okay to cry, though
I wanna do it but I don't wanna do it at night because I'm highly anxious at night lol
I'll report back if anything happens though, even if it's like a guided dream I think the experience might be cool

No. 895281>>895282>>1277753

As there is no birth how can there be death? But what happens when the body dies? Maybe we know when we are about to go.

No. 895282

read stories about people that have been declared dead temporarily and came back

No. 895285

>Do you believe in the afterlife?

Not really. I'd like to but I just can't.

>How do you cope with death?

Dark humor. Distractions.

>Did your views on death change over the years?

No I just think about it more now.

>Have you had a near death experience?

Once when I was maybe 14. Was a stupid kid and accidentally overdosed. Just felt like a long sleep.

>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?

I've worked in hospitals and nursing homes so I've seen it many times.

>Do you fear death?

Sometimes. But it's inevitable so I try not to think about it. Especially since I'm young and in pretty good shape.

>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?

Should be available for the terminally ill. Not for mental illness though, although there should be a better system to get th treatment.

>What would be the worst way to die?

Crushing or suffocating.

>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

Opiate overdose.

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

I always thought the idea of reincarnation is really cool. I dont believe in it, but it would be something if it was real.

No. 895289>>895295

After death, I would reappear in my room. All my stuff would still work, and I'd be able to get updates to the internet, but I'd never be able to get out of said room. A heaven of aboslute escapism, where I can just consume entertainment eternally.

No. 895290

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
sometimes… I kinda end up believing what gets me through that moment
>How do you cope with death?
accepting it. it only becomes especially scary to me when I think too hard, but otherwise, I accept it's a natural end, and whatever I'm here to do ill do it
>Did your views on death change over the years?
pretty much every year it changes
>Have you had a near-death experience?
The only time I can think of is a really bad acid trip, the first and only time, complete ego death. scary shit
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
about a year ago I watched a close friend in his last moments in his battle with liver failure. long and drawn out. quick and quiet. morbid
>Do you fear death?
sometimes. I just hope for an afterlife.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I don't really know. It's not something I feel qualified to comment on, experience or knowledge-wise.
>What would be the worst way to die?
the worst way to die in my opinion would be knowing you are about to die, and being scared.
>What would be the best way to go, in your opinion?
either before you get a chance to comprehend you're dying, or with complete acceptance.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
reincarnation or just any heaven
>What are your country's customs about death?
the norm. heaven and hell or nothing.

No. 895295

That gave me a panic attack

No. 895310>>895394

Reincrnation in Hinduism and most religions is awful, if your in a shitty situation then that means you deserve it as Karma from your previous life, In Aliwitism if one is born a woman that means in the previous life you were a man and this your punishment

No. 895394

Tbf she never said that her beliefs are based on Hinduism or even Buddhism

No. 895425

i think i wouldn't mind being a soul wandering earth so long as i wasn't trapped anywhere. being able to observe life in any way i want would be cool

but i'll be honest, while the idea of becoming 'nothing' is terrifying i'm also a little afraid of the idea of eternity

No. 895429

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>Do you believe in the afterlife?
i don't know. i kind of hope it exists but am also not sure how i feel about that.

>How do you cope with death?

i mostly try to not think about it too much, but i also comfort myself with the thought that the vast majority of old people are okay with death. as they get older they become more comfortable with moving on. i just don't want to die before i've lived my life, you know?

>Did your views on death change over the years?

yes, used to have panic attacks over it but now i can think about it healthily

>Have you had a near death experience?


>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?


>Do you fear death?

like i said earlier i think i fear dying young more than death itself. i don't want to die before i've done things i want to do.

>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?

perfectly fine

>What would be the worst way to die?

probably raped and tortured to death like several serial killer victims. fuck moids

>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

in your sleep, totally unaware of what's happening

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

that you are greeted by some kind of spirit guide after death (not 'god')

>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?

'murca. you already know

No. 895430

Anon….Jesus Christ. I'm sorry you saw that.

No. 895451

there is no afterlife, your body decays and your bones turn into dust and you just dont exist anymore

No. 895465

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>Do you believe in the afterlife?
I hope there's nothing after but I guess yeah I do believe because I wanna hug my friend who died at least once again
>How do you cope with death?
Is something we'll all have, sad when is too soon or too late. The hardest part is missing a dead person, the empty hole they leave
>Did your views on death change over the years?
I wanted to be dead for years, I'd fantasize about it to be soon but now I understand it'll come when it wants and not when I wish, might as well enjoy life first
>Have you had a near death experience?
Not really, some buses almost hitting me just that
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Dead bodies yes in funerals and university (art school trip to med school to draw bodies)
>Do you fear death?
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
We all deserve it if needed/wanted.
>What would be the worst way to die?
Murdered while being raped by a scrote
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Just not in pain
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I don't know the best but I know the worst: punishment in hell for the things you did alive. As if eternal beings cares what got you horny
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
Just regular Catholic customs and beliefs but last century, in rural areas, if a baby died they would dress it as an angel and shown to people like that. There are pictures is really beautiful to me but I like post mortem pictures so

No. 896021

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
No but I also don't think there's just an empty void waiting for you after death
>How do you cope with death?
If it's someone I knew that died then I just cry and eventually get over it. If it's a stranger that died in a horrific way then I feel really bad but still know that nothing can changed what happened, I'm not affected by gore as much anymore but if I saw a video of someone dying I would tell myself it was faked or that I just dreamt of it
>Did your views on death change over the years?
When I was a suicidal teenager I thought that dying was a neutral action because it happens to everyone eventually, now I actively avoid things that could make me sick because I'd feel guilty about dying unexpectedly or having someone take care of me until I do.
>Have you had a near death experience?
I had a very fake sounding illness when I was young that paralyzed me and changed the appearance of my lungs for about a week
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Only animals
>Do you fear death?
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
If the person is going to die anyways and is informed on their options then I don't see an issue
>What would be the worst way to die?
Either being tortured or having a mind altering disease
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Painless chemicals or medication
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I like urban legends involving ghosts or humans reincarnated as animals to watch over their loved ones
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
I'm American, so anything besides religious shit idk

No. 896023>>896024>>896035>>897051>>898688

In 2017 I was dead for 2 minutes after an overdose and all I saw was nothing. I was in a black room just chilling. I was aware I was in a black I just wasn't thinking anything of it I was just like sitting there chilling in darkness. Then I woke up in a hospital. People have told me I was in purgatory. Sometimes I think that but Idk what to think of it.

No. 896024

Samefag in a Black room*

No. 896035

Also Im not afraid of death anymore. That little black room was peaceful. Maybe Idc about death bc of all the trauma and possible brain damage from doing drugs (I quit years ago) but I am not scared to die. It's made me less hesitant to say how I feel or use violence if necessary (I was abused growing up and when in fight or flight mode I usually fight especially if It's a man) but I feel like dying briefly made me more intact with my lizard brain I listen to my instincts more now

No. 897051

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for me, if death is just "nothing" but i'm somehow aware of it and peaceful, that's okay. i just want to feel okay. i've heard mostly incredible things about NDEs, how people feel a comfort they have never felt in their entire life and when told they can't stay they get upset. when they wake back up in their body they often cry and feel despair. that is weirdly nice for me to think about. that the pleasures of this existence are nothing compared to what's next.

but who knows, maybe i'm just coping

No. 898681>>898688>>898737

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I have no idea what's going to happen after I die but I hope it's this.

No. 898688

Damn that's so interesting. When I was a kid I almost drowned at a pool, I was underwater for several minutes and I have this memory of being at the bottom of the pool and seeing lots of colorful fishes and seahorses (which were obviously made up in my brain, it was a public pool kek). My brother was so shocked when I told that story recently and kept telling me it was death lluring me to die. I don't believe it but it's a cool explanation
I'm glad you are better now nonnie
I hope my next life is more exciting, this one is a very boring movie

No. 898719

When I was a teen I had not a death experience but I had my first and only 'sleep paralysis episode' I found myself floating in a black space. There was nothing there. Moments pass and I'm flicking back and forth between being in my body on my bed laying on my right side unable to move… and then I flash back to the black room. I don't know where the room is but I'm upright again whenever I'm in the room? On my side in bed feeling heavy… poof upright again in darkness and feeling lighter.

I then become aware of a feeling of dread washing over me, never felt anything quite like it before. I feel a presence in front of me and light starts to flicker on parts of it, barely enough to show me a large black figure is there. Its skin is like a bats, jet black with these lines running through it sort of like how hands or fingertips have lines. I hear a male voice come from above us to one side and it's ordering me to 'leave this place' but I'm confused because I've no idea where I am or how I got there. I'm terrified of the black thing in front of me and then I just snap back into my body in bed where for a few more moments I can't move. Then I stir, get up, run downstairs and I refused to enter my bedroom again for hours afterwards. I told my mom and probably looked crazy. I had been into weird things at that time and I don't know if that played a role. Most people who talk about sleep paralysis don't say they were out of their body and in another place afaik. I honestly thought I was dead when I was in the black space.

The more time passes the more I lean into mundane explanations for it but it was so real at the time and I don't know If I'm just trying to cope by being sceptical. I wasn't comfortable in my room for a loong time afterwards.

No. 898737

Well, my past lives are constantly on the edge of their seats because I procrastinate so much that it’s probably unbearable to watch.
I hope that if there is a next life, that it’s something more exciting and without bullying.

No. 900130>>900989>>905771

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I've been having very bad death panic attacks since I turned 21. That summer, I… It's surreal to talk about, but I kept on disassociating and thinking how before I know it I'll be dead. I used to shake with fear while my parents and I watched TV, and I'd have to pretend I was cold.

I can't describe this feeling when I am not feeling it as well as I want to. It's like the worst cornered animal feeling. I don't believe in the afterlife, so living only this life and then going back to nothingness scares me like crazy. I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it because I don't want to upset my loving parents and they're older than me, so of course they have times they privately despair, I'm sure.

I wish I could believe something. I think that makes it easier. I'm afraid that I'll be one of those old people on their deathbed who cry and cry and shake before passing. It would be really embarrassing.

Anyhow, the panic attacks kind of stopped until April of this year again. Sometimes the existential dread hits so much that I have to pace and clear my head, or else I won't fall asleep. Otherwise, my life is quiet.

Is excessive death anxiety a symptom of depression, or anxiety? I have been feeling listless recently. Nothing keeps me entertained, or sufficiently entertained for long. A miserable job is adding to that, no doubt.

The transience of it all is choking me.

No. 900989


There's no advice from me, no input, just same. I always feel alone even with people around me, and everything is a distraction from the truth I know, that nothing matters and I'm alone. Nothing even feels like an achievement, I just pretend to live with purpose.

It's normal to be this way, as humans are the only animals that go 'why am i here' instead of just living. I just remember that I'm going to die anyway so I might as well act as if life matters. These feelings may come from a lack of belonging, purpose, or autonomy, too. I'm glad someone else has put into words what I felt, and I hope that you find something to ground you. You sound a little depressed, which is normal. Not to sound like a boomer zoomer, but getting away from civilisation and into nature, and also talking to God can help.

No. 905768

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
Not really. I do like to entertain the thought of being isekaied to another world and then dying in said world. All for funsies, of course.
>How do you cope with death?
I don't. I'm going to die at one point or another and I need to come to terms with that.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Yes, and I imagine they'll continue to change as I grow older.
>Have you had a near death experience?
I was almost run over by a huge ass truck when I was a stupid kid.
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Never had anyone die in front of me but I have seen a couple of dead bodies(not counting funerals).
>Do you fear death?
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
I'm all for it.
>What would be the worst way to die?
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Sleeping in a comfy field and never waking up again.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I think they're all pretty cool.
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
For nine nights and nine days, the family and friends of the deceased perform ceremonies and funeral rites before laying their loved one to rest. We also have Day of the Dead.

No. 905771

>Is excessive death anxiety a symptom of depression, or anxiety?
No, it's just a normal part of being human and having self-awareness.

No. 905852

I dont have religious beliefs and I'm inclined to think alot of spirit experiences are in the mind but after my mom died I felt an overwhelming presence for 7 days. Even in crowded places I felt it. It wasn't just a 'sitting alone in the dark' type thing where your mind can go there. It was constant, it was everywhere. On the 7th day her funeral happened and the feeling left me even though I couldn't actually attend the funeral. I was sitting in a hotel bar with my then husband. Having a coffee, awkwardly aware of us being so far from the events of that day. And it just left in an instant. Flip of a switch. Nearly ten years later and I still don't know how to feel about that week. Grief I guess.. but it felt so real.

My dad sold his house less than a year after her death. He said he felt her in the home. Again he doesn't believe in those things but was overwhelmed by it. Sad thing is in the long run I think he regrets ever letting the house go.

We were ready to grieve, this was no sudden or unexpected death but neither of us expected that part.

No. 905873

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I really recommend doing reading in things like picrel if you're terrified of dying/sleeping. I don't believe in religion of any kind but I do believe in reincarnation, and things like this book have only supported that.

I don't think any of us can know why we come back to life because we don't remember doing it in the first place. There are people who do, but they are really rare. My personal theory is that we are born to learn things, perspectives and experiences that we can only accumulate by being different people over time. I don't think we really lose who we are, but we grow and change and forget who we used to be, just like people can do when they are alive.

No. 905995


>I found my father's dead body when I was 4 years old and tried to wake him up.

Jesus that's depressing. I'm so sorry you had to go through that anon

No. 907881

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
No, not at all.
>How do you cope with death?
I don't really? I just accept it as part of life. Well, guess that could be a way f coping too.
>Did your views on death change over the years?
Kinda, but not really at the same time. I mean it did change but more towards how to live life before dying than death itself. Used to be a "I'll die anyway so nothing matters" edgy kid and now I think like "I want to enjoy life and do what I want so I die without regrets".
>Have you had a near death experience?
Depends, if it's something like I actually almost died, then not. But I definitely went thru some situations I could have died, but nothing happened. I live in a somewhat dangerous city so have been held at gunpoint a few times.
>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?
Yes. I've seen one of my best friends die in front of me in my birthday, I've already seen a few people die on gang fights too. And there's the old people who died in my family's funerals if that counts.
>Do you fear death?
No, but I definitely fear the way I could die. I wouldn't mind dying anytime as it's just what happens, but I do not want to die a painful death for sure.
>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?
Should be accepted worldwide. People already do it with other animals and such, saying it's better for them so they do not suffer, why would it be different for humans when we actually have more conscience of what we're going thru, which can make it even worse?
>What would be the worst way to die?
There's too many to decide on one. Anything too painful or gruesome.
>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?
Can't decide on one either, but anything that would either be calm and somewhat comfy or at least something that'd insta kill me.
>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?
I don't remember many to be honest.
>What are your country's customs about death? What are the taboos?
Funeral for family and close friends the night/day (usually night though) before the burial/cremation. Funerals are usually held in places meant for it, usually in the cemetery itself. What kind of sucks is that despite being a very mixed country with a huge variety of people living on it, the funerals places and all are only christian. Taboo… I think even having a funeral without anything Christian on it is somewhat seen as taboo. I'm not from Murica but it's pretty much just the standard stuff too, nothing really interesting to say I guess.

No. 908332

>Do you believe in the afterlife?
Yes. I hope my next life is a better one.

>How do you cope with death?

If someone I love or care about dies I cry and lament about it until I've released all my pent up sorrows.

>Did your views on death change over the years?

Not in particular. I've always viewed it with a weird, ambiguous lens. I guess I've gotten more spiritual over the years and actually believe in life following death now

>Have you had a near death experience?


>Have you seen someone die irl or seen a dead body?

I've seen people almost OD or almost die from drowning, I've never seen a dead human body, but I did witness a dog die, and it traumatized my teenage self at the time

>Do you fear death?

Yes and no. I fear it and I welcome it at the same time. What I fear is that it will be abrupt and sudden and not on my terms but I also don't care some days if it happens less than 24 hours after I think about it… if that makes sense

>What do you think of assisted euthanasia?

Should be legalized. If someone wants to die then why not let them?

>What would be the worst way to die?

After having a terrifying NDE during my last OD attempt I think OD'ing slowly would be the worst way to go. If I can't find a way to make it less painful and speed up the process. Once someone told me over 90% of OD's fail. Even worse

>What would be best way to go, in your opinion?

Relatively painless thrilling suicide like leaping from a building, at least that's how id rather die.

>What is the best legend or mythos surrounding death?

I dunno. The River Styx?

No. 908433

Did anyone see the documentary The Bridge, about suicidal people and their shared attraction to the Golden Gate bridge and jumping off? It was so emotionally intense, and one of the men actually survived because a group of circling seals kept him afloat. But for most people it's close to 100% sure death. The doc shows footage of people jumping off, or about to jump but being intercepted by others.

No. 908551>>908576>>909583>>1277608>>1277611

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anyone else feels extremely anxious over the idea of becoming a corpse? even though i won't be there to feel embarrassment, it really puts me in turmoil

No. 908576

I just don't want people to handle my corpse. I juggle the idea of suicides that will leave my body untraceable when I'm feeling anxious about necrophiles

No. 909583

No. You'll be dead so what does it matter? I
don't really believe in an afterlife and don't care what "happens" after death so I'm biased.

No. 1277581

Bump. I want to hear more of your nde and theories

No. 1277608>>1277669

I'm just a huge necrophobe and hate the thought my flesh or the flesh of my loved ones turning cold and rotting. thinking about it happening to my own body freaks me out so bad. I knew someone who died and sometimes I just think about how she used to be alive and then her corpse was cold rotting in the ground. I think the same thing about my dog who died earlier this year some times as well. hate it hate it hate it

No. 1277611

i've never thought about it and it doesn't bother me. but after seeing shock videos, i just hope my loved ones won't have to see a version of me that's mangled

No. 1277669

You can always cremate the body. It’s also cheap i heard. It’s really rare to do in my country and natural burial is culturally and religiously required and my family would not take my request to be cremated seriously even though i truly want to be. It’s a shame honestly

No. 1277753>>1277979>>1278055

Your mind/body totally knows when it’s about to go, during the dying process your dreams get more and more vivid and prophetic and downright religious. It’s very comforting, I think.

No. 1277979>>1278040

You should listen to stories of hospice caregivers and what they experience tending to the dying. It’s absolutely fascinating. The patients starts seeing loved ones, people in robes, etc. other terminally ill patients see them after they’ve died. Weird stuff… my dad used to tell me how my grandmother (who passed in our home) would see people playing on drums before she died

No. 1278019

Does anyone else have a parent estranged by their family and are afraid of them suddenly showing up for the funeral or trying to badger their way into doing it a certain way? My dad is old and has heart issues. He has a rocky relationship with his extended family and they always made fun of him for being slow, and poor compared to his siblings. I don't want to get condolences from people who lie through their teeth, it makes me anxious to think about.

No. 1278040>>1278440

NTA but where would you find stories like this?

No. 1278055>>1278057>>1278301

I keep having dreams like that lately, along with end of the world and apocalyptic type dreams. These were also around the times I temporarily stopped breathing in my sleep..is my time coming?

No. 1278057

Doubtful but maybe go get your heart checked

No. 1278297

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"The real does not die, the unreal never lived. Once you know that death happens to the body and not to you, you just watch your body falling off like a discarded garment. The real you is timeless and beyond birth and death. The body will survive as long as it is needed. It is not important that it should live long." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

No. 1278301

You probably just have sleep apnea

No. 1278440

Through people you know (i’m sure if you asked any older person in your social circle they got plenty stories to tell lol) and online. Theres a documentary on it too I believe if you just google hospice nurses stories.

No. 1278448

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the best myth/cultural depiction or depictions of death is the quintessential scythe-wielding skeleton with a cape. Simple and traditional yet forever iconic.

Some cultures get creative and depict death as a creature/human, but i personally feel like the skeleton really drives the point home.

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