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No. 87032

What compels so many men to throw stacks of money at questionably attractive women over the internet?

My bf claims he doesn't get it either because, paraphrasing: "for every jessica nigri there's at least one porn star who kind of looks like her, if not even hotter. And you can watch that girl doing much more explicit things for free on pornhub." end quote

Are these cosplayers' """"""""modesty""""""" in comparison actually the selling point to these guys or what? Not hatin, I just don't get it.

No. 87034

I think what gets neckbeards is that Nigri is not only """"""hot"""""", but she's a "quirky gamer gurl nerd" and she cosplays these men's waifus to aid in their wet dreams. They can watch porn starring Nigri look-alikes, but those women won't have Nigri's "personality" so it's not the same. Am I making sense?

No. 87035

Painfully obviously jelly.

No. 87036

I guess I just assumed that guys wouldn't factor personality into the equation for thier fap material. more visual creatures and all that

fuck yes I'm jelly of her money.

No. 87061

Why porn studios still earn money and are around still when a lot of it is disgusting and exploitative of women (both contractually, morally and emotionally)?

Because it's business and people demand it. They make some effort to cover up the abuses and the women who are desperate for money, but it's there.

No. 87064

Because men are fucking pathetic that's why.
Women can say, repeat all day long thanks but no thanks but guys will just hear "so there's still a chance!" because they're fucking retarded. Even a smile in their general direction is code for "FUCK ME" in their tiny little brains. Let them rot and keep throwing their money on sluts.

No. 87091

Most guys don't pay for porn. Just like most freemium gamers don't pay for premium shit.

Basically a tiny minority of guys pay for porn and another tiny minority pay for camwhores

Getting losers to pay for your foot fetish videos is a business satisfying a demand, just like everything else in the sex industry

No. 87102

>Are these cosplayers' """"""""modesty""""""" in comparison actually the selling point to these guys or what?

That's exactly it, really. Their (relative) modesty keeps them from being labeled, in their testosterone-ridden brains, as a sex worker - even if all her income is from lewd stuff, the lack of explicit material means she's still a person. They actually feel some affection towards these girls, and though they know there's no real chance of it ever happening, they can still picture themselves WITH the girl.

You wouldn't buy a prostitute a gift, but you would a girlfriend. They don't spend on them like they would on porn, they're willing to shell out more because it's not really about the fap.

No. 87172


Literally all of this, but I want to expand further on it if you don't mind anon.

Whether its another nigiri clone, attractive twitch users or just an above average tumblr user with an amazon wish list, people support them because they feel like they "know them/friends/connection" and duh they are attractive instantly like them.

For example lets use successful twitch girls as an examples ( the ones that get like 10k donated by like one person). They interact with their viewers. Asking about their day, laughing with them, adding them on their game friends list (usually for a fee but to a dumb neck beard they'll pay for it because they think through this they could "get the girl"

Its not even just a female thing, look how quick markiplier got popular. People like attractive people in their geek culture.

No. 87211

Cosplayers are some of the most morally abhorrent, degenerate people I've ever met:

- Blowing cash on doing the "cosplay circuit", skipping from one city to the next.
- Fling-sex at every con.
- Orgies.
- A social retard's understanding of sexual boundaries: Openly talking about shit like giving head and swallowing in family restaurants.
- MFC/hardcore porn/escorting.

There's no distinction between pornstars and cosplayers. Most cosplay these days is little more than softcore porn anyway.

No. 87214

And of her. Jelly.

No. 87258

jessica stap

No. 87263

No. 87266

Nigri looks SO old n ugly without PS..no need to be jelly

No. 87401

I'm also curious exactly how they get people to actually donate or whatever. Nigiri is obviously bc boobs boobs boobs waifu boobs boobs, same with Yaya Han and whoever else is like that.
But I've seen not that attractive ordinary cosplayer girls get free shit from neckbeards on a regular basis too, and in sure it's easy once you start, but most people don't dish out cash until they see someone else to it first.

No. 87402

Neckbeards don't get laid. They're desperate for any kind of female attention, especially if the girls are also into nerd shit.

No. 87416


ding ding ding

Pretend you actually give a shit about them and their opinion and they literally throw money at you for "not being like the other girls"

No. 87548

Normally I'd call this fake, but then my dealings with robots reminds me they are capable of doing this.

No. 87750

I think it's mainly the way they (used to) interact with fans. They rarely complain about and are happy with being sexualised and never come up with feminist posts. Neckbeards don't want to see that feminist stuff.

No. 87769

I honestly think it is because guys think they JUST MIGHT get to talk to her, it is their foot in the door. And if she JUST MIGHT talk to you, she JUST MIGHT suck your cock.

And, honestly, just the interaction, no matter how one-sided, is probably enough for some losers.

I know so many female twitch streamers with loser followers that basically 'buy' their friendship - subscribers get priority invites, and of course those who donate the most will get responded to/attention.

No. 90513

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man here.
She cosplays hot stuff. Muh dick.
Is it hard to understand that?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 90636

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loser here. Can confirm. I always do this with KP

No. 90653

>man here

They come here and post exactly like the attention whores on 4chan that they complain about, brilliant. Literally no one cares that you have a penis.

No. 90771

Weewee or gtfo

No. 90917

fap/flick material is easy to come by, I think these types of, uh, performers(?) appeal to a different aspect that has a more "social fantasy" component to it.

And/or maybe it's about hitting a "fantasy niche" that normal porn doesn't satisfy, i.e. cosplaying as specific characters the audience might already have some sort of relationship with (whether because the audience has fantasized sexually over that character before, or just otherwise associates with it)

No. 92725

It's perhaps worse that white knights give money to those feminist patreons bc. Actually I don't know which one is worse.

But actual cosplay porn exists, this is just some bs that isn't even porn. How is it worth money?

No. 92731

An average weebie guy would be severely intimidated by a pornstar, because of their work and their experience, they would shit themselves if they met one IRL.

They're attracted more to cute weeb girls who they feel might give them 5 minutes of their day before being able to smell the fear coming through their greasy pores.

They can't do that over the Internet though, so the nerdy fuckers keep coming back and donating more for just a smidgen of acknowledgement.

No. 92736

I've always wondered, is there actually any evidence of con orgies? Especially between big cosplayers like JNig and Yaya.

No. 92737

I'm not sure what the relevance would be? Even disgusting furries participate in orgies at cons, it's nothing unusual.

No. 92738

Doesn't surprise me either. People get horny, and when you get people together of a vaguely similar interest there's more of a chance to seduce someone. But I sort of doubt any of the big name cosplayers are continuing any sort of dirty play. I can see people sleeping their way up to the top but once they're there they most likely won't since it would be hell for their PR.

No. 97776

The reason is that the guys that donate are used to having every attempt they make at a woman fail.

But chicks like Nigri ate always welcoming of them.
She just wants their money, but they are too socially inept to know that she doesn't really care about them past their wallets

No. 97799

A man's love for his waifu is the purest romantic love there is. Anyone who truly loves his waifu would be infuriated to see her being greedily profaned by someone as cringeworthy as Jessica Nigri. There must be some other reason these neckbeards are giving her money.

No. 97835

Didn't Dashcon have a post-con orgy? lol

No. 97838


>skinny betacuck dudes plowing greasy tumblrinas

>fat bright haired landwhale transboi demisexuals writhing in a cesspit of despair and fupas

Sounds like a good time anon.

No. 97846

They think the more money they throw at her the closer she gets to doing nude stuff or porn.

No. 97850

It gives dudes a sense of power over the chicks. In a 'I made you what you are today, without out my money you'd be nothing'. They might not think that initially, but they become defensive and threaten to pull funding if these chicks do anything against their ideal. They feel power by being able to pull away funding, if they didnt, they wouldn't whine about it on social media.

The irony is that there will always be mindless dudes who will replace the funding thr girls lose. So all their moaning and groaning just acts as advertisements for these chicks.

No. 97860

Cosplay has always been a slutty hobby. Look at how many girls on CD there are. Look at how many pornstars say they are nerds and go to comicon. Look at /pt/. Japanese culture attracts trashy foreigners.

Look at /cgl/. Lot of camgirls on there.

No. 97868

To summarize.

Novelty is a big part of physical attraction. It's why people pay for camgirls, why guys try to get upskirt shots, and why women wear revealing tops. Fetishizing pornstars is a lot harder to do than fetishizing personalities based around sex because seeing them naked is generally the end goal of both. The sort of guys who donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to people like Jessica Nigri are usually too sheltered and insecure to actually make a move on a woman, so throwing money at her's the next best thing.

Somebody should make a video series about this to raise public awareness. Get literally any woman under two-hundred pounds to go to a con in a keyhole top and short shorts, stand outside of a booth, and try to get a random guy to buy her $50-worth of merch.

No. 97880

File: 1466104957427.png (Spoiler Image,392.97 KB, 414x702, nigrisnap.PNG)

It's funny because she'll easily do nude stuff, just not for her paying robot followers

No. 97881

That's not her. Check her thread.

No. 97967

See >>90513

Its not that deep rlly

No. 97988

lol that pic of jessica is obviously from before snapchat even existed. GG. It's not even that good of a shoop

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