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No. 86589

No. 86595

Yet people think Donald Trump is literally Hitler while Cruz gets a free pass

No. 86614

>while Cruz gets a free pass
Stop getting your news solely from Facebook

No. 86619

Trump is Hitlers and Kim Jong-uns retarded love child. Idealism from Adolf, the slowness from Kim.

No. 86622

Donald Trump is Winston Churchill's lost son if you want to be correct and "funny". And he will win and kick all you niggers, mexicans and muslims out of america BACK TO AFRICA


No. 86639

Idealism from Adolf, slowness from Kim, and… non-extremist behavior from anyone else?

Donald isn't mass killing anyone are you serious

No. 86640

While the liberal nigger Obama killed so many sandniggers in Iraq. Fun fact: trump once dissed bush' brother about the war in iraq. Donald Trump hu akbar.

No. 86643

trump has way too much hot air to come close to either of those two

No. 86826

If he wants to ban dildos, fine. We'll just use bananas.

No. 86832

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thats terrible, churchill was satan

No. 86848

He didn't, he defended the state of Texas' right to ban them, that doesn't mean that he personally wants to ban them.

No. 86849

If this goes anywhere at most it will just make dildo sales skyrocket like when people thought Twinkies were going to be discontinued.

No. 86889

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>Winston Churchill's lost son
>Quoted as saying "I know words, I have the best words, but there's no better word than stupid"

Let's be real a second, Trump couldn't muster a quarter of Churchill's wit. He's loud, brash, and loves attention. He doesn't parry insults with sly comment, he tries to be the loudest voice in the room so that no one could hear the insult to begin with.

No. 86911

Yeah it's awful. There are people unironically voting for him thinking he will commit economic renaissance. There are people on shudder /pol/ saying he's the least "Jew-bought" and "anti-establishment" when in fact it's painfully obvious he's part of the establishment.
He's using the whole illegal alien (which I dislike too) to gain populist appeal. That's it.

Goes to show how dysfunctional the government is at the moment, and the current government's lack of respect for sovereign borders.

No. 86915

nice bait you fucking idiot

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