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No. 85969

Opinions about benis? How small is too small? Should we eradicate AL small fucked guys? Do you think less of them?

No. 85970


*small dicked fucking auto correct

No. 85971

7 inches minimum plz

No. 85976

>tfw barely 5

Just end my existence tbh famalam

No. 85977

I won't settle for anything less than 10".

No. 85978

Anything below 8" is too small imo.

No. 85980



lmao why do you want dicklets? 15 is minimum or have fun getting cucked

No. 85981

If it's shorter than my arm than it's not even worth my time lmao

No. 85989

No. 85990

Don't even talk to me if your dick isn't at LEAST three inches thick

No. 85991

If I can't cozy up in your foreskin like a sleeping bag, I don't want you on this planet you microdick degenerate.

No. 85992

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No. 85993

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Dicklets btfo, how does it feel to not being able get genuine love from women ever?

No. 85995

lmao don't post shit like this because you know robots are fuck ups that will beat the shit out of a cervix like it owes them money

No. 85997


This made me physically cringe from imagining what that would feel like. Black dick is still best dick tho.

No. 85998

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>tfw cucked by genetics

No. 86007

Honestly, I only like 7 and below. They're the only size that will fit.

No. 86018


Does it really hurt that bad?

No. 86020

Minimum for me is at LEAST 9". Anything less and I just can't feel it.

No. 86021


It's the female equivalent of being kicked in the balls. Why the fuck do you think women scream during childbirth?

No. 86022

>black dick is the best
You better not be not white

No. 86023

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Here we go

No. 86025

I've only EVER dated black dick lmao

Once u go black u don't go back, amirite gurls xD

No. 86027

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>he has dick smaller than 10"

Huge red flag desu

No. 86028

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No. 86029

I am a black girl and I prefer white men tbh

No. 86031

Guys with less than 8 inch dicks should just be euthanized desu sempai.

No. 86032


You're obviously a troll.

No. 86039

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>tfw barely 13 cm needle peepee
>tfw born to be a cuck

No. 86040

I feel like this entire thread is just one robot samefagging.

No. 86041


just some :^)

No. 86042

No, are you a black man?

No. 86058



No. 86061

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Mega retard.

If your dick isn't upwards of 9, please kill yourself.

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