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No. 85681

When you remember the morales of the Sailor show you watched as a child so much, you make up half the shit Bunny did.
Sailor Moon has had a wierd haze of edgey woman wanting to make dorra off it and aesthetic tumblr girls surround it over the past 4 years. No matter if you've only seen the original anime once! It is now queen and you can now post whatever you want about it, tear down Crystal and PGSM for not being exactly the same. If your an artist you can make quick dorra by drawing a Moon Stick and "Slay Queens" motif.
Naoko Takeuchi of course is to be ignored. Even though they are her characters, how dare she take artistic control of them. They are our characters.

So are you tired of Sailor Moon's new fandom and the torrents of "edge" fanart?

No. 85682

There were "edgy" Sailor Moon fanworks on the internet as early as 1999. It's nothing new, just annoying now that microblogging tumblrinas are in on it.

No. 85732

I've no problem with edgy fanwork, I just don't get why sailor moon is so popular of all things. I tried to watch it a while back and just found it boring, like something that might be fun for a 14 yr old. Is it nostalgia?

No. 85752


Yes, I think nostalgia is a big part. I loved sailor moon as a kid but the more magical girl anime I watch, I realize its definitely not my favorite.

Also this probably will come off as really hipster, but I hate when things become overly popular. I find seeing it constantly plus fans gushing over it all the time just ruins it for me.

I played Undertale day 1 and love it, but holy hell i hate the fan base so much. I guess thats how I'm saying I feel? The fanbases of things just get on my nerves.

No. 85801

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I could care less if it was popular (it always has been), but I find nearly every fanbase insufferable. The obsessed shippers and all the "SOANDSO IS TRANS AND POC!!1 :) :) :)" gets so annoying that it's easier to enjoy things solo or with a select few others.

For Sailor Moon, it's definitely the nostalgia factor and how for a lot of people it was their introduction into anime/magical girls. With the new wave of rabid feminism, I think a lot of women are attaching themselves to it for the GRRL POWER aspect of it, too.

I don't give a shit as long as they keep releasing cute merch I can add to my weeb collection and I can steer clear of shitty fans.

No. 85896

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I used to consider myself a big fan when it originally came out and was around a lot of what they called "Moonies". I honestly thought they were always a bit crazy then, but now I prefer them over basically this fresh batch of tumblr "fans". They're the type that have some vague nostalgia and it's one of the few animes they've ever watched, so they think of it as theirs. This should really just be a Sailor Moon related cringe/milk thread because there's so much I can share.


This book here was a big crappy tumblr fanart book they were going to literally publish without any rights and against the creators wishes. Can you really blame her not wanting this published with art like this representing her creations within it?

No. 85897

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No. 85898

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No. 85900

It's just a shit comic with a shit audience. Big fucking deal.

No. 85903

>Natasha Allegri
Yeah. she would.

No. 85923

issue with this is they could have easily gotten permission.Look at the show they put on in LA. what was the issue for applying for permission/a short run of this zine?
the profit aspect is the only part which seems off.

share your cringe anon.

No. 86000

I like how the author subtly calls the art in the zine shit.
>Here's an example of why there isn't much of a doujinshi scene in North America, particularly not in regards to print doujinshi. (your pic on the right)
>It was set to feature some really interesting tribute art from some really interesting artists.
Not all of it is that bad, though.

No. 86013

probably referring to copyright claims

most are fine, I really like that weird scribble piece. Only ones that scream tumblr are the punk and that black and white thing.

No. 86150

>Sailor Moon Art Book
>No Rose Besch

That just makes it seem like a circle jerk for people who didnt make it into the show in LA. Literally all of the art previewed in that article was shit-tier. One or two could be publishable with lots more work but there are hundreds of published artists who love Sailor moon so why is it that all of these look terrible.

>kickstarting a fanzine

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