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No. 8560 (Alexandra) is a self-made ~business~ woman. She basically makes and sells jewelry. The gems and chain parts are probably imported from China but I don't know for sure. She calls some of these gems "rare" or "vintage" while they look like regular tinted glass stones. So, so fishy…
She is obsessed with shopping brand fashion and bags. While she basically does that she vlogs, advertises her jewelry "designs" and bitches about mundane things. Her snobbish arrogance is hilarious. She seems to be a loner which is totally fine but her lifestyles kind of makes me sad. I think she was engaged two times but it broke off. Since she doesn't talk about these things in her videos I don't know when or why it happened. Also, count in surgery.
No. 9544
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I like grav3yardgirl a lot. I know people think she's obnoxious but I enjoy her because she seems pretty down to earth and funny.
Other than that I just listen to a lot of ASMR.
No. 9594
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I like watching Lauren Curtis. Mostly for her makeup tutorials of course, they're amazing and taught me a few great things. Though one thing about her, is that in every single video she's practically walking on egg shells trying to be as nice and modest as she possibly could to not offend anyone in the slightest way. problem is that she's a pretty, rich, white girl and that alone is offensive. girls in the comments section and at gurugossip bitching about how she's a show-off, a bunch of shit about white privilege (??), and taking screenshots of her with no makeup and her hair up calling it ugly.
No. 9636
>>9594I find it dumb that people would be offended just because she is a pretty rich white girl. Though there are people like that who are a threat to others existence, it is not because of those factors but because of their greed ( (massive sweat shops around the world, destroying wildlife to build bs)
Man I just really wish at least the multiple races in the same country would get along
No. 10000
>>9989Lmao I'm watching this rn
She does know that there are phones (droids) that'll erase all your stuff if you put in the password wrong too many times?
No. 10002
>>9989"I fell to the ground. I know that sounds dramatic, but I'm a person, when you BETRAY MY TRUST LIKE THAT"
lmao bitch you erased your roomie's phone! how tf were you betrayed?
No. 10018
>>9989So basically its her roommates fault for not knowing that locking people out of their phones "is just what you do," as well as not backing up all of her info like every other phone owner in existence. Not only that, but her roommate relaying that everything on her phone was deleted seems dubious but this chicks understanding of the situation isn't. She's obviously in the right. To add to that, when her roommate walks off in silence, she gets followed by the person who pissed her off and she's supposed to react a different way somehow, even though she already removed herself from the situation. Then, after being cursed out, this person feels as though the line was drawn at being told that their friendship is done, because she is a human being and can't be talked to like that. Cool.
Though her roommate shouldn't have continued using her stuff after she denied her the right to use her stuff. She was definitely a bitch, especially after not telling her why she was so angry the second time around.
No. 10044
>>10042Okay, is there like a correlation between being fat and having a lisp? Serious question.
I mean, I know you can just have one (my brother had one during his childhood and her was underweight), but I seem to notice it a lot with fat people.
No. 10185
>>10183honestly most people agree with
>>10076 on this site. Someone tried to make a Trisha thread and everyone was like "nah I like her."
No. 10271
>>10103probably so.
Who the fuck even reviews hentai, like are people so thirsty for views.
Side note gotta love me some Trish.♥
No. 10375
>>10356man I never noticed any of these things about him except him filming people minding their own business as though it somehow contributes to the topic of the vid. It's really awkward when it's people just trying to do a service job too. You can also see how good about himself he feels when he wears those over sized sunglasses even though they look horrible.
He seems really immature, and I sometimes wondered if Steph settled down with him because of what was going on with her mom at the time, being alone in a new country and her accident.
She sometimes talks like a baby and I can't tell if thats to humor him, just like when she jumps up and down when she's excited, but in a very juvenile way.
No. 10394
>>10375There's no doubt she loves him and vice versa but he just is obnoxious. Especially when he's recording himself reading emails or even recording himself checking on bills etc. I got uncomfortable once because in one video, Steph was obviously annoyed and he kept on filming until there was a cut and then he says that, apparently, she wasn't feeling good.Or the recent video where Steph saw someone jump into that waterfall and Richard is all "WELL the police won't let us LEAVE" huffing while Steph is staying, giving a report, then later mentions being disturbed cause the dude she saw might've died. When is it appropriate to record that kind of thing? To be peeved about whether or not the police will let you guys leave? Please.
I think Steph talks weird like that cause she's a weeb/koreaboo and is trying to be cute. I don't think it's some sort of mechanism..?
No. 10592
>>10103 and i'm not a native speaker so i didn't know that. sorry anon!
No. 11927
I wanna share someone I enjoy for once. Her name is JackyOhhh and I followed her blog - now she makes videos and has way too few subs imo.
I really like her looks and seemingly genuine personality. She has a cute nose, good face shape and is all in all just pretty, all while not being an ana bitch. Only downside is the crazy amount of make up she wears on a daily basis (rather drag like) but she kinda pulls it off. Oh, and she had ultra beautiful long black hair she ruined but well… I always look forward to new videos. Love her, go sub her. No. 11930
>>11927This fucking self post
>>not being an ana bitchImplying thin people are ana and fatties are healthy.
No. 11992
>>11983right?? who cares whether they like their make up that way and are doing it because of how much they like how they can play up a style, it's all about getting validation from guys, the vast majority of which they don't even care for.
Gosh, just what are those idiots thinking?!
No. 11997
>>11983>>11992Make up crazy people definitely don't obsess over shades of red lipstick for guys. You probably never touched a make up brush.
>>11993I'm getting the impression this board is full of teenaged tumblristas.