No. 84889
So this used to be on 4ch's r9k as a yandere general when I still browsed but it seems completely gone now. The special kind of shitposting that went on always gave me the fuzzies.
General topics:
> Funposting, Feelposting, Shitposting.> Yandere Stories and Q&A.> Relationship advice by Dr. Feel.Additional Resources:
> General Pastebin: > Dating / Community site FAQ:—————————————-
> IRC channel: #yg on / port 6667> Friendly connection tutorial: > Spinoff channels: #yangen, #yandere, #yan - all on rizon like the above.> Steam Group, Skype group - fuck if I know—————————————-
> Yandere Map:> Dating / Community site: you ever considered cooking with tampons?
No. 84890
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>tfw scared away the only girl that liked me in 11 years
Why do I have to be this obsessive and clingy ;_;