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No. 84553
>>84550>>84552Here you go. aside, I think this is indicative of the kind of harm the 'robot' mentality can drive people to.
The OP of this thread, Knifey McBallslice, has probably poured over hundreds of thousands of words of Redpill-cum-MRA 'advice' of how women are incapable of feeling emotion, how the vagina can become loose during sex, how even if he is capable of obtaining a girlfriend that she's always going to fucking "Chad" on the side, how semen "stays inside a woman's brain forever" once she's been ejaculated inside of yadda, yadda, and this is his eventual solution. I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened sooner.
No. 84554
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No. 84561
I don't think i will be eating for a day or two.
No. 84581
>>84571I for one, am glad he decided to dice up his balls. That kind of crazy shouldn't even be able to reproduce.
Lurking robots: consider what your brother has done, he made the right decision in the end.
No. 84593
>>84581Why do you have to be such a bitch?
You're so unkind.
No. 84609
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No. 84620
>>84553Thanks anon!
I think the best part was his crazy rants. He genuinely and honestly believed this was the best way yo go about it. Wonder how he'll feel when he regains some sanity later.
No. 84623
>>84604ha what a fool
he's going to regret that decision when the remaining teste swells to compensate for the loss.
No. 84671
>>84594This isn't sterilization though…it is basically self mutilation. I mean, this guy is obviously very seriously mentally ill, and put himself at a massive risk of infection, all because of something something biological imperative.
Like…this isn't your average Joe who wants a vasectomy. He wanted to remove his balls to get rid of his sexual urges, because he thought he would be a virgin forever or some shit.
I'm empathetic, but still interested in how his mind there.
No. 84693
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I need to step away from the internet for a while.
No. 84696
what do radfems have to do with some insane faggot who cut one of his balls off because they told so on the internet?
No. 84735
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Judging from the reactions, it's somewhat comforting that you're no better than us robots, as far as spitefulness goes. Thank you, I don't feel as much of an outsider here anymore.
No. 84738
>>84734What is really scary is that this robot apparently took that chad and Stacey shit so seriously that cutting his balls out seemed like a good idea.
I mean, I know you're just shit stirring, but I really hope that after seeing those pics some robots had a bit of am epiphany about this whole biological imperative bullshit
No. 84744
>>84735You are an outsider, and you should go back.
shoo, shoo!
No. 84750
>>84747I know, I just worry that some of them might snap and try to rape some chick because of entitlement issues.
This guy was crazy enough to cut his balls out, i'm sure there are sick fucks who think the only reason rape is wrong is because "hur dur the woman doesn't get to choose who she fucks"
I'd rather them snap and hurt themselves rather than others.
No. 84761
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>>84754I was not aware that I seemed particularly angry. Dare I go as far as to say that you're the one who seems butt flustered? You're responding angrily to someone who corrected you and flinging unwarranted insults, after all.
No. 84768
>>84748Seriously. How do these robots want me to react? Like I'm sorry I'm not sobbing for this guy.
I just hope that he isn't fucking dead.
No. 84776
>>84772True. Its a whole different animal when those kinds of injuries are self inflicted.
I am very curious to see if he will ever update.
No. 84789
>>84766I remember watching a documentary not too long ago on violent paedophiles who had murdered their victims, and there was this one guy who had murdered a few children or something, and raped every single one of them beforehand.
Anyway he was locked up at this point and undergoing lengthy psychological evaluation and "rehabilitation" even though he'd never be a free man again, and during the interview he described the rape of one of his victim, a little girl, I believe was like 6 years old at the time of her murder. He's talking away about how even though the little girl was screaming and kicking and crying out for her mother and how whilst he understood that these are potentially signals that a person is in distress etc., he still believed deep in his heart that the little girl had led him on, and that she did in fact desire to be raped.
I believe some robots are only a step above this where concerns women and their inability to acquire sex.
I'm going to have to see if I can find the documentary because if you like me, and you're fascinated by the psychological aspect of violent crime, you'll be interested in this. I don't have a difficult time digesting it but it's hard for me to comprehend that people can think this way.
No. 84799
>>84792Oh, I found it.
I'm not sure whether what I typed up was entirely correct, it's been a while since I watched it, but here you go.
The part I'm referencing specifically starts at 15:54.
>"I knew that I was hurting them. It took me some time, and I worked it through at a later time. I worked it over an hour, 45 minutes later, that this child was asking for it, this child wanted more, and the more that i thought about it that way the more I looked at it that there came a point in my life after 6-7 months of doing this that I didn't even have to change the thought process any more. The immediate thought process was scream, pain, excitement - they wanted it."JFC.
No. 84816
>>84750I mean isn't their whole philosophby based on that?
That women can chose who to have sex with now and how horribly unfair that is?
Or maybe I'm thinking of TRP. Or any forum with millions of misogynists posting daily about how women are literally the worst, I can't fucking keep track anymore.
No. 84823
>>84815He should have, I stopped going to r9k since I started hanging here and got urged to seek help by people here. Now I feel better thanks to meds and attempting positive life changes and somehow get a girl to like me. Unfortunately she's living in another country and some other circumstances make it impossible.
No. 84825
>>84815tbh unnecessary male circumcision IS mutilation. Just because one mutilation is worse than another doesn't make it okay.
>>84823Eh, I was never a robot and observed them casually, along with wizardchan. I posted in a few threads poking fun at both types of people. Honestly, I don't understand the robot mindset. I have never been one to blame others for anything. the only thing i have in common with robots is self loathing. I don't dislike women even though it seems women don't like me. I blame myself for things that aren't even my fault. I could get rejected by somebody and immediately blame/demonize myself and I have frequent problems idolizing people. I'm doing my best to work with myself through my issues, although it's very slow and I've come to realize I'm not "as good" as other people when it comes to anything social or stress related. /end shit blog, as well
But yes, I do wish these people would seek assistance, as do many people over the internet it seems. Go to /mental/ or /suicide/ and prepare to be depressed reading there. Sometimes it literally makes me cry thinking about the general hopelessness many of them constantly feel. However, it's also their choice to lash out , and i've no sympathy for them there.
No. 84830
>>84777Honestly, I bet he shared it so he wouldn't chicken out.
The reactions he got didn't even surprise me: encouragement, and attention.
I bet if he really didn't want to go through with it, he would have posted to a different board. Or not at all.
No. 84831
>>84825I think the difference between you and robots, just judging by this comment, is your empathy. You clearly feel for other people and are effected by their pain. You also realize that there are things you can work on in your life.
I find that robots have this weird, overdramatic way of seeing things. They don't just feel ugly, they are "subhuman". They aren't just lonley, they are failing their biological imperative, and will never breed because of their inferior genes.
Their whole perspective is fucked.
No. 84832
>>84831I am an empathetic person but don't think I view myself 95%of the time as an acceptable human being. I hate myself for my mental state and have since I was in elementary school stuck in special ed, practicing self punishment and set myself up for failure.Drugged to shit on welbutrin by 10. I tend to like other people more than myself and I unfortunately tend to get very emotionally attached very quickly and try to live out other people's achievements I feel or know I can't do 'with'them. I like to cheer others up and be supportive but I absolutely hate myself, in both body and mind. I've never understood "love urself first" because I've never liked myself. I just can't comprehend lashing out against others for things they haven't caused.
I think that a lot of them just want to be accepted into a social group and if it means having to be a misogynistic (a term I don't use lightly) and bitter person thst practices both hate towards themselves and others, they'll do it.
No. 84833
>>84828I feel better but this girl issue is dragging me down again because of things I can't control. I really like her and wish it would work. Haven't liked someone almost in 10 years Luke this.
>>84832God damn man are you me? It's like I'm reading someone describing me.
No. 84834
>>84833Idunno anon, are you a diagnosed sperg that's fearful every day he's going to be diagnosed with something like BPD as well? Do you guilt trip people into staying your friend trying to get pity from them by letting them in on your self hatred? If so, maybe.
This has gotten far off topic though.
Robots need help, and need it quickly. They literally need a fucking intervention, hopefully from their family.
No. 84838
>>84836I like hearing happy updates from them. Its a good contrast against shit like the OP.
It gives me hope, as lame as that sounds.
No. 84839
>>84832I completely agree that a lot of them want social acceptance. That's the reason why so many if their memes are self depricating. It is a joke, but through circlejerking about it, it binds them together.
That's the first thing I think of when they post random dick pics with shit like "TFW you will never have this dick". They are posting it to troll, but a lot of the comments are agreeing with the shitposting OP. Its weird. Its like they troll themselves, and then become closer through the discussion.
No. 84851
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>>84841Only good feels nao
No. 84874
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>>84835B&nned 4 bein 2 extreme
No. 84893
>>84623i hate to drive this home but the removal of a single teste WILL result in the other swelling in size. it will do nothing to alter his sexual function or fertility as the remaining teste will take the former's place so his "castration" was a futile effort. that is unless he intended for his withered sack to foster infection and become a wealth of gangrenous tissue.
why are frogposters so dumb
No. 85149
>>84893Biology - 1
Robots - 0
No. 85165
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I wonder what lead up to this; what was the last straw. He should really go to the doctor though, so he doesn't catch the green gangs.
No. 85686
>>85505The fucking cliffhanger on this shit. I'm so damn curious.
One Ball-senpai, please return.