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No. 84055
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Haha I just saw these comments in that post.
No. 84058
>>84054yh what the fuck happened to LJ? It was like overnight it was invaded by SJW's.
I used to be a member of a really prominent ED community which isn't really the same but the community was a great place to hang out, chat to people experiencing similar issues and have a few laughs.
The one night the old mod left and was replaced by this cunt who brought in a squad of SJW's and all of a sudden the community became hyper policed like you couldn't post any thinspo any more, all images had to go behind a cut, certain words were banned from being used fullstop had to white out text that included weights, names of foods and you were banned straight off the bad for referencing to ED's as anything less than horrible negative (like you would get new people coming in asking for advice and before we even had a chance to properly advise them, they would be banned), which got a shit load of members banned including myself because we used to take the piss out of the condition consistently.
No. 84065
>>84060Yep, I first came across SJW's on sf_drama. Most of them emigrated to tumblr though, I guess.
>>84063Like I said, I don't think the SJW's would be that hard to get rid of. Most of them will probably just slink off of their own accord once they realise their shit isn't going to fly here. I actually don't think there's really that many SJW's in efagz anyway, sure there's a vocal few, but there's also people who call them out and probably a whole lot more who are sick of them but don't say anything because they can't be bothered starting an argument.
No. 84070
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Bumping a dead thread to ask about ye olde eFagz, now known as the ~less offensive~ ediotz.
Is it still going? I deleted my livejournal because I got bored of people constantly moaning at me for not going full-SJW when I commented about someone, and I daren't incur the wrath of a mod by requesting to join again because "NO
No. 84072
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>>84071>Her pussy looks like a lobster's clawThis still makes me laugh after all these years. I hope she's turned herself around but I'm afraid to see what she's really up to.
No. 84073
>>84071>>84072holy shit, this girl & all her different phases. hilarious.
>this picture is not from a 2005 myspace profile but rather a 2011 twitter wonder if she still "makes music" kek kek
No. 84074
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>>84073woops, dropped my pic
No. 84075
>>84073I will never forget when her mom walked in on kassi's can live stream to talk about the "rumors" that she heard about kassi getting naked on the internet for money
>Mom: is the camera off? I want to talk to you>kassi: ya, its off>films her mother's entire heart-to-heart discussion about the dangers of the internet No. 84078
You can still find beloved contributor molly_morrison occasionally posting under her first alias Hormones around t'internets. She's a GodsGirl model no wait she's a GodsGirl employee no she's not oh fuck she's just a dwarfish genderqueer fan with a background in Canadian substance abuse counseling or wtf.
The call-out post was amazing. I could never understand her leap from Amor Hilton stalker to full on sjw. No. 84174
>>84097Who is the other one? I'm assuming they're the deleted comments. I'm so glad hold_your_fire is gone. She's been the biggest SJW cunt and only pops up to insult people for being
problematic or some shit.
No. 84204
i dont care, its at /snow/
No. 84368
>>84351I used to think she was low-key with her mod decisions. A bit of an attention whore but reasonable compared to others. No idea how much she changed between the great lockdown and now.
Someone once called her out on dispensing fashion advice in an anon comment and this was pretty memorable.
>It's always Forever 21 sales rack and shiny synthetic wigs with youThere weren't many if any anon comments for a while after this remark.
No. 84444
>>84351Its true, for a long while people begged to be added as mods to the comm so that posts could get approved faster and stuff could actually be taken cared for, but nothing ever happened. Its clear she really didn't want to give up that power.
She has a grown a lot since she had her kid though, and she is honestly not a bad person on a personal level nowadays.
No. 84466
>>84051I also recall multiple people begging for money and saying they couldn't afford food, yet they had time to post on livejournal instead of working. lol
I remember I went into one of their chats and they got mad because I was talking about efagz when they were talking about their ~personal problems~ and asked me to take it elsewhere. It was a fucking efagz chat, not a special snowflake circlejerk.
No. 86504
>>86479yeah, it was weird. she spent it all on cocaine and shit. i cant remember the lie she claimed she needed it for but i remember us finding her sugar baby accounts and stuff.
weird thing was like 2 years later i met her boyfriend in a treatment center. he HONESTLY believed that she was just an escort who went on dates with guys, and never did anything with them. we were all, 'well does she go to their apartments??' and he was like 'yeah…' but didnt believe she did anything. the delusion was real.
anyway, she went by a fake name on LJ and IRL and got pregnant and reverted back to her real name…. i think she leads a fairly normal life now, pretty sure shes off the drugs and shit, just being a mom now.