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No. 8310

Post tumblr blogposts that pissed you off and bitch about it

No. 8311

No. 8312


Could you explain why it pisses you of? I actually think he has a point. Still feels wrong, though. But I couldn't put it into a proper argument against it so yeah.

No. 8314

You might as well fuck your parents as long if its consensual, right?

No. 8318


It kind of makes me mad that they compare interracial and homosexual to incest…Those are…not even on the same level.

Incest as a fantasy concept, like, you like calling your boyfriend Daddy or whatever the fuck, fine, that's cool, but don't act like it's not weird as fuck to sleep with your actual family.

No. 8321


Also I wanna add that sleeping with your parents/siblings/cousins/whatever is traditionally not done due to familiar bonds that you grow up with. Most people don't want to fuck their family, it's not ingrained in us as a species because it's not viable for our survival as a race on some level.

It's just like homosexuality being still quite rare amongst us. If it was as prominent as tumblr keeps screaming it is (like everyone is gay and just doesn't know it), we'd have a lot less goddamn people in this world I'm pretty sure.

No. 8413

I really can't disagree with any of that. As long as they're not having kids, who gives a shit? I still think it's gross, but that doesn't give me the right to tell them what they're doing is wrong.

No. 8431

I'm pretty sure children have experienced incest with their cousins, siblings etc, without knowing it because of curiosity and what not. It usually stops at a young age but when it keeps going until they have both matured and know what they're doing is sexual, and the other party wants to stop and formulates another close bond or romantic relationship with another besides their said relative…things don't play out well. Im pretty sure people would just be grossed out with people in incestuous relationships, but I don't like the fact that they're being compared to gay people when gay people are literally dying for being gay.

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