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No. 82852

I still don't understand at all how anyone could side with my sister. I'm pretty sure this site was started by her friends. My mother and my best friend agreed the gifts I bought for her with the money from my own allowance is mine to revoke as I please. My mom said my sister is being an attention-seeking drama queen. My best friend said "How is it my problem?" when my sister accused him of being an accomplice to theft (lol) due to her own alleged witnessing.

So why is it that people I can't identify over the internet suddenly take her side and agree with her it's robbery? Because the people I'm closest too took my side. Maybe it's just hard to explain to strangers because they don't know sibling rivalry when they see it, or maybe her friends created this site.

My sister said the first thing she would do once she inherits the house from our dad is kick me out because I'm "too much of a danger" Yeah right everyone knows she's the bigger danger because she exaggerates and claims she's being abused and somehow convinced law enforcement and social services she was being abused. I don't see stitches on her. I don't see lacerations. How is she being abused? She is so fake as hell and just wants everything to be about her.

Even her coworker agreed "he is your brother, it's ok if he takes your things because you're family and you all should share."

Ok. Let me start from the beginning. I revoked her gifts because that was supposed to be her lump of coal for Christmas for yelling at her dad. The gifts were bought with my allowance that I saved up from cutting the grass. Is no one going to acknowledge the fact she cried for 1 hour over fucking video games? Is no one going to address the fact that she is still holding this against me a decade later STILL demanding an apology and saying I'm not welcome on her property? She started to compare me to a shoplifter saying "stores don't forgive shoplifters, why should I forgive thieves especially when they do not apologize? Welcome to the real world" Mom and I just rolled our eyes at this.

This is just normal sibling rivalry. I'm sure you have all done shitty things to your siblings so don't pretend as if I'm the worst thing in the world.

No. 82853

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oh fuck it's this guy again, /b/'s own localized lolcow. go on, regale us with more tales of your abusive evil normalfag sister.

No. 82854

How old are you guys? …

No. 82857

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Hahahaha this bitch is back!! Entertain me, OP.

No. 82875>>82893

I don't get why everyone is chimping out, OP was right in that thread, their sister is YOUNGER than them and should yield to authority.

Or are you all too losers that would cry for one hour over vidya?

No. 82893

>implying that her vengeful, delusional autist of a brother should ever be considered an 'authority' in any capacity

kek. keep 'em coming, OP.

No. 82900

fucking indian giver

No. 82901

What? I dont understand this thread

No. 82904>>82911>>82927

>Yeah right everyone knows she's the bigger danger because she exaggerates and claims she's being abused and somehow convinced law enforcement and social services she was being abused. I don't see stitches on her. I don't see lacerations. How is she being abused? She is so fake as hell and just wants everything to be about her.
God I hate people who cry fake abuse so much ugh

But I dont understand this thread haven't lurked lately on lolcow much. Can anyone explain what is going on briefly?

No. 82907

Why is this insane autist back

No. 82908

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No. 82911>>82928>>82959

Basically OP comes on board every once in a while to sperg about his sister. He really wants asspatts for being such a martyr.
Mostly, their interactions seems to consist of him 'claiming' items that he feels his sister doesn't deserve because she treats him so poorly, and then whining about how she doesn't want to be friends and she treats him so poorly after he acts like a manipulative dick. When we disagree with him about his 'reasonable' actions, he loses his shit and goes on paranoid delusional rampages about how this chan was probably made by his sister and all her friends. It's p. lulzy stuff. Bring your popcorn.

No. 82912>>82915

Did Tiago make this thread lmao

No. 82914

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No. 82915>>82920


No. 82920

Is he also on there? If you can give a bit more info I can confirm. If it matches his MO I can even post pics.

No. 82927

It should be in one of the original confession threads

No. 82928

As if we didn't need more evidence that lolcow has turned to 4chan faggot cancer

No. 82959

>this chan was probably made by his sister and all her friends.

lol he knows?

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