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No. 8268
http://pinktokki.tumblr.com from the Berry Tsukasa thread (original post about her):
16 year old koreaboo who tries too hard to be edgy. Her parents are actually rich cuz their house (all the photos match up unlike berry's) is huge and she gets whatever she wants. Overshoops, too much makeup (which she apparently also wears to school), really bratty. Friends with Berry, lives Berry's ideal life.
No. 8270
I don't see any photoshop's just a normal Asian girl???
No. 8273
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I think in these pictures specifically her legs have been shaved down/made to look smaller right?
No. 8280
>>8272She's looking like a normal asian girl to me. If she's overshooped, Kota should really pay her to edit her pictures. I really can't tell.
No. 8281
>>8279Idgaf if someone shoops 5kgs, some cellulite or a few pimples away.
I want to know if she shoops her face as much as berry. And so far I haven't seen anything.
No. 8283
>>8279being jealous is ugly burry kek
and nope im not brenda
No. 8289
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>>8282>>8271I found this on her blog, seems like it's a sun room since its outside her house
No. 8292
bet berry wishes she could use brendas house photos as hers lmfao
No. 8294
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>>8293her exercise room. not sure if it's her basement or not.
No. 8296
>>8295true she was more bitchy and attention seeking in the past but always admitted to shopping anyways
she doesn't have enough content to be lolcow worthy now
No. 8297
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>>8271found this on her Facebook, her friend tagged her in it
No. 8300
>>8297she looks like one of those rich regular to do chinese i see at the post office sending goods back home to china
No. 8304
>>8297She looks pretty her.
In her other pics, she looks like a very skinny alien.
Shes not ugly tbh her makeup here is natural and good and her cheeks are chubby.
Why does she mke herself look very thin? Asian beauty standards about weight are depressing
No. 8305
My post from the Berry thread…
I used to go to high school with Brenda. I was wondering if she'd get mentioned after that tweet was posted. Honestly, irl she's not too bad but online she has this really weird vain personality going on that I'm pretty sure is caused by her "fame". I have a lot of mutual friends with her irl and she used to be nothing extraordinary at all, just a little fobby. I haven't seen/talked to her in a year so I dunno what she's like now besides what I see online. From what I remember though, she was pretty quiet, wore shitloads of makeup and circle lenses a lot, had pretty fried hair (wore wigs to school sometimes though, it was weird and she stood out in the hallways), and is always very tired looking. Also she was terrified of her photo taken by yearbook commitee haha. I don't think she's rich, but she's well off and has the "fob mentality" (about how everything "luxury" needs to be bragged). Her house is big, but it's no mansion (like the one Berry posted claiming to be hers), her mom does spoil her a bit though. Some of her friends are annoying as fuck. Also no I'm not the person that posted her on yousei-bitches (can someone link me to that btw cause damn I wanna read that).
Regarding her looks, she does have a bit of acne (obviously) and she does that thing where she piles a bunch of concealer and foundation on it so it looks bumpy and gross. She does have a lot of acne scars but she's not super hideous or anything. She's also not incredibly slender either, she's average as fuck.
Dunno if she's worth her own thread tbh but this is my contribution. Besides the makeup/wigs, she's not really someone you'd bat an eye to at school and her personality wasn't anything incredibly remarkable either.
TLDR; Average fobby Chinese girl. Not sure why OP has such a hate boner for her.
No. 8306
>>8305Oooh thanks for the inside deets.
She seriously just looks like some average kid trying to feel popular.
I'm not OP but iirc OP created this thread because people kept posting about Brenda in the Berry thread and OP made it to stop people from continuing to derail the Berry thread.
No. 8307
>>8306She really is. She's a bit insecure about the acne scars but she's not some gnome shooping herself into a goddess. OP sounds kind of like a vendetta-chan, even in the Berry thread. She's not edgy, wouldn't fall into my definition of koreaboo, not really rich, etc. She doesn't overshoop like Berry, and she has irl friends on Facebook and social media too. She's super average in everything, not really a lolcow by definition.
One thing I find a little odd is that her parents' last name (IIRC) is Gao, not Mao. That being said, people do joke around calling her Chairman Mao and stuff so I dunno.
I wouldn't mind giving more deets or discussing her more (tbh this is kind of exciting lol) but I think this is a /b/ thread more than a /pt/ thread.
No. 8308
>>8307Yeah I think this is more of a /b/ thread. I hope it gets moved.
More deets would be nice but only if you're comfortable with telling more.
No. 8309
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>>8308Requesting this to be turned into a /b/ thread.
I'm not sure what other deets I can really give, she's very unremarkable honestly. Like I said before, minus the wig and makeup, you wouldn't even notice her if you walked past her on the street. I don't want to give out her address, but she does live in a pretty nice neighbourhood. It's much bigger than Berry's house for sure.
I was never super close to her but I have a lot of good mutual friends and I've hung out with her a handful of times. She was fairly nice, quiet more than anything. She doesn't just start talking about how rich desu she is or anything and she's 100x more annoying online which kind of surprises me. She wasn't always like this though, tbh I feel like she started acting like this after befriending Berry and getting popular on tumblr.
Pic related sounds like bs to me though lol, all the guys that go to our HS don't really give a shit about anything except League. Also there's only one Chinese teacher and I had her too, I can't imagine her saying that at all. She's an adorable old Chinese lady that complimented the girls all the time. Brenda pls.
No. 8328
>>8320It's because white/black and koreaboos don't do the style right. I mean, black ones all wear wigs, do their eyes weird and have contacts that are far too light for their complexion making it look fake. The only decent one I'd say is Barbarakim, but she can pull it off because of her features.
White ones just try to look asian, so hard it's painful.
Koreaboos… wengie…
I think if you want to do this style just use a bit of eye liner, do natural make up like you could, don't do that eye bag thing unless you naturally have it because that's when it starts looking weird. Just dress in korean fashion? I think it's a pretty basic style to be honest. Nothing that special about it.
>>8320 No. 8338
>>8320>>8328Both groups wear horrible wigs imo, if not, extensions. Especially when they're bad quality on top of it being too much hair, too curly, or some random color. Since they all wear circle lenses that are the wrong size, they look stupid as hell, but very few white people have pulled it off in a color that doesn't look unnatural, such as dakota. But the worst has to be the eyeliner,aegyo-sal and falsies. Since they do not have the eyeshape or monolids, it ends up looking like shit.
Honestly, whats Korean fashion anyway? Most of them dress exactly the same as one another, and it's pretty laid back outfits, short skirts, pants and dresses, or skinny jeans, shorts with a high neckline. Nothing out of the ordinary.
No. 8597
>>8354i cringed reading that. reminds me so much of berrys arrogant braggart attitude.
brenda is average looking to me so i find that post kek.