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No. 82608
Kinda like a modern-day Terry Schiavo case, now-15-year-old Jahi McMath from Oakland was pronounced brain dead in December 2013 after complications following three procedures intended to correct her sleep apnea. Her mother and lawyer are at the forefront of the campaign to keep her alive. After taking over the waiting room at Oakland Children's Hospital and claiming medical malpractice, the family moved the body of the child (financed by Schiavo's brothers' foundation) to an undisclosed location for private care.
Over the last two years, a finite amount of photos and a handful amount of videos have been released by Jahi's family, mainly her mother, Naliah Winkfield. Naliah has become somewhat infamous to some for being essentially blind to what is glaringly obvious. They have had their lawyer, Christopher Dolan (kek) rally up five doctors to 'claim' that she has "some brain activity." Photos of the child's hand appear to show signs of necrosis, she was documented as passing parts of her intestinal lining with bowel movements last year, and must be covered constantly with blankets to keep her temperature up because her hypothalamus is, obviously, not in effect.
Some mysteries:
>Jahi has started menstruating. This is used by some to "prove" she's still alive.
>Why her eyes are covered half the time, and why she has no eyelashes.
>The state of her body hidden beneath the covers and the excessive amount of filters on photos and suspected photoshop.
>Videos from the girl's mother showing movement of the extremities "in response" to the mother's voice. News links: No. 82618
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Here's the photo of her hand where signs of necrosis are visible. In other photos of her hands it's clear how her fingers have begun to curl inward and down, as well as her toes curling down. Her fingers are swollen at the base and appear puffy but then become quite thin at the ends.
No. 82621
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Spoilering because she literally looks like someone sitting up in a coffin.
No. 82625
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>>82618>>82621Jesus. The mother needs some serious fucking therapy if she's this delusional. Her daughter's body is decaying and she believes there's still something there to salvage. It's only going to get worse. How long will she be able to ignore it?
No. 82635
>>82627wait what?
>>82633spotted the weak selfish piece of shit.
No. 82636
>>82633Wow, you would keep the necrotic, brain dead shell of your child alive so you can get internet asspats? There's no way that's what her daughter would want.
The idea of someone keeping my corpse alive, strangers constantly touching my body, cleaning up my shit, having no control over anything–sounds like a horror movie.
No. 82644
>>82635Can you also spot the fucks I give, anon? :^D
>>82636>Wow, you would keep the necrotic, brain dead shell of your child alive so you can get internet asspats?I wouldnt post my daughter on the internet ever though, veggie or not. Regarding the receiving asspats from strangers on the internet - this shit happens always. You can see videos of "good poeplz" giving money to the homeless so they will boost their internet popularity so why cant she?
>There's no way that's what her daughter would want. You cannot speak for her. If I was in her position I would not want my mother to post me on the internet because I know people are very cruel…I however do want to be "alive" as long as possible even if it meant that I would be a permacucumber. It really sucks that judgemental people dont think such people exist. Maybe the little negrocucumber did wanted this all along. Maybe not, we do not know this for sure. However since she is now incapable of doing anything it's imo the mother's right to decide what she wants for her daughter. But this negro mama decided to post her on the internet so it's also her fault I guess that she is getting criticised.
No. 82646
>>82645You cannot spot anything perhaps.
I'm an Atheist actually, and I believe that we all live once. Maybe if I was christian I wouldnt be so afraid of death because they believe in the afterlife no?
No. 82655
>>82652Thank you, I should go to Hell because I want to stay alive as long as I can?
Is it proven Hell exists though?
No. 82663
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Has she been relaxing her dead daughter's hair? Christ.
No. 82667
>>82662Oh my god, we all know you're a neckbeard. All of us.
>male here XDMongoloid.
No. 82678
>>82674checks urlThis is basically a 4chan based image board right? But even if this was tumblr what is wrong with what I said? I never used "xd" just the 4chan meme ":^)" just like you were meming about fedoras, you hypocrite piece of shit. Seems like you are angry because I said the word negro, thanks for admitting. Negro is not a racist word it's derived from the latin word
niger which means black in latin. But even if it was racist, gtfo tumblrina. Sage your next reply because you're full of shit.
No. 82688
>>82684Removing the tonsils is common in children with sleep apnea if the tonsils are enlarged. It's invasive but sometimes it is one of the first things they do. The removal of the other stuff seems overkill but I'm not a surgeon
Tbh though I don't blame the mother too much because she probably didn't know much about it and doctors can sound convincing af. Even if she looked it up, a tonsillectomy would be listed as a common procedure so she might have thought it was the only suitable one based on what the doctor said
No. 82705
>>82703Lets not put our tinfoil hats on.
Although I gotta admit this is kind of interesting if you could provide theories.
No. 82707
>>82703That's what many are suspecting if you research the case, although I'm certain if true that whatever they did wasn't intentional and likely accidental.
Regarding the state of the girl's corpse, if you guys want a more indepth perspective on what the girl's mother is doing and why she's doing it, bear this in mind as it's very pertinent:
The mother is currently suing the hospital and the doctor who performed the surgery for medical malpractice, however at the same time she is fighting to reverse the diagnosis of her daughter's brain death and instead have it recognised that she's in some kind of coma.
This is because when paying out compensation for children who die as a result of non-emergency surgery, the payout of capped at $250,000. For children who DO NOT die, the payout is unlimited in the sense that it can be however much the presiding judge believes the family deserves.
If the mother manages to get a reversal on her daughter's status (which she won't), she gets a considerably larger payout.
No. 82708
>>82705Well for one, what this anon said
>>82627Also she asked for a popcicle after she died, maybe they were feeding her too much right after the surgery and it burst something?
No. 82710
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The doctors said that there's no proper bloodflow to the brain (not enough to sustain proper brain activity) so it begs the question of how does the mother, her lawyer and all those people, how do they think this child will miraculously recover? It's not physically possible.
No. 82712
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>>82709The necrosis and infections might just. She's like a living dead body, if that makes sense. There's a little blood flow going on and her failing organs are pumping away since her heart is beating. But she can't breathe by herself, she can't think, she's like an empty body. Like that brain villain from the teenage mutant turtles, when he left his body it could still move around and carry out maintenance (lots of involuntary actions in our bodies happen without the brain or from the cord) but it wasn't "alive".
No. 82713
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so she apparently beats her other kids
her insta is a goldmine of partying, alcohol and ghetto parenting
No. 82717
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The massive bleed was from her nose and mouth apparently.
She was examined by 3 brain surgeons shortly after death and they all gave the diagnosis of brain death.
The mother refused the diagnosis and lawyered up.
No. 82730
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"The family suctioned her without permission most likely dislodging the clots that were forming (and perhaps sutures), and they also fed her hamburger and had her laughing and talking after specifically being told she needed to remain quiet. They disrupted the healing process and are directly responsible for the hemorrhage that killed her. "
Sounds abot right
No. 82756
>>82739>>82746>>82751My uncle's wife's daughter (age 26) died of a heroin overdose. She (the mother of the dead daughter) was an absentee mother her entire life, always ditching her daughter on her friends, mother, the babydaddy, babydaddy's family, etc. They fought constantly - both verbally and physically. They both had alcoholism. Her daughter was a stripper and was married twice. The daughter and her husband were both heroin users.
After her daughter died, she suddenly became the most devoted mother. On Facebook she constantly posts angels and teddy bears and says how much she loves her. She changed her profile picture to her daughter. She kept her daughter's room exactly as it was the day she died, including clothes on the floor.
It's amazing how it sometimes requires your child to die to see how much you didn't do for them.
No. 82762
>>82757Hm, I had my tonsils removed when I was 10 but I woke up after the surgery sitting up, lucid, not a speck of blood, able to talk and everything, but my throat was ungodly levels of sore so I communicated via pen and paper instead.
After an overnight stay I had some mashed potato and was then allowed to leave.
I'm wondering why our experiences were so vastly different and what's this about you spitting blood and having to allow clotting? Didn't you get stitched up? I actually think my wounds were cauterised - is that not normal?
I did have to relearn how to swallow though. Didn't even think forgetting hour to swallow was a thing but there you go.
No. 82768
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No. 82769
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No. 82776
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No. 82777
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No. 82778
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No. 82779
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No. 82780
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No. 82781
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No. 82782
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No. 82783
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No. 82784
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No. 82788
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No. 82789
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No. 82842
>>82821I don't think having wine once in a while is "living it up". Just because her kid is on somatic (not life) support, does not mean she should wear a potato sack and stay indoors all the time.
Maybe this was a special occasion. Maybe it was her birthday. Restaurants aren't that expensive if it's just a splurge for once in a while.
She probably is using the donation money on herself, at least partially. Feeding tube, artificial respiration and all that does cost a lot, but she got a huge payout from the government and can probably get by on donations alone once that runs out. She doesn't seem to be living a lavish lifestyle to me though.
No. 82860
>>82756Same thing happened when my best friend's sister committed suicide. Their mom was abusive as shit and was really irresponsible to the point where they were basically on the verge of being homeless all the time and she was only keeping them in a home by prostituting herself to men who were constantly around the girls and violated them as well.
It got to the point where my friend's sister just couldn't take it and she hung herself after tons and tons of unsuccessful attempts to overdose over the course of a few months. The mother just lost her shit and basically created a shrine to her in the sister's old room, and still posts about her on social media daily.
It's crazy to see how people change when they realize that they're the ones responsible for all of their child's problems.
No. 82869
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>>82861I agree. When someone close to you dies, it can be very difficult to accept that they're dead, since you're so used to seeing them alive. I wager someone that's dead but on life support/somatic support must be even more difficult to accept as dead.
With a regular death, you can see them in their coffin, touch their cold body, notice the blood pooling, and realise that they're not in a coma, they're not sleeping, they won't be getting up or buried alive like in those horror movies.
With something like this…Her body still looks alive to an extent, and she spasms. This is something that's difficult not to cling to, especially if you cause your childs death (which I strongly suspect the family of, directly AND indirectly).
No. 82890
>>82883Omg I'm sorry I meant to reply to
>>82878 lmao sorry anon. I'm in total agreement with you.
No. 82891
>>82890Yeah I'm defensive of her eating at a restaurant. I don't see why she shouldn't do so.
Of all the negative things to say about this horrible woman who suctioned blood from her child, gave her hamburgers after her tonsils were taken out and takes ratchet pictures talking about how she beats her kids…A picture of her dinner with some cheap wine is what gets your panties in a bunch.
No. 82974
>>82768Fuck all those other people with dying relatives tho
>>82781 is in the waiting room as well. Yes, they basically took over the hospital waiting room.
No. 83013
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I've been semi-checking up on this 'situation' since it hit national news in 2014 and it's super frustrating to see that her mother is still trying to insist that she's not brain dead when her brain is probably semi-liquefied by this point (aka respirator brain).
Also, I recently saw this photo where it looks like someone in her family has given her a lip piercing (pic related)? Though I suppose it could just be a weird glare/shine from the lip gloss her mother keeps applying to make her lips look more 'healthy'. That said, her eyelid looks obviously edited here too.
Anyways, here's some links:
http://kesselrunin12parsecs.tumblr.comAlready linked a few posts above, but whatever. It has info regarding the mother's instagram and facebook activity and where a lot of the images posted in this thread are taken from. site has a collection of legal material that's been released regarding the case, mostly court proceedings, from 2013 to now.'s a declaration from one of the doctors opposing the insertion of a feeding tube where it mentions that, internally, her body was already starting to decay back in early 2014.
No. 83100
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>>83041Same here, like this case is too far out for even lolcow, it's just all too much and too weird
Pic related is definitely beyond my threshold
>>82789OT but is this a normal portion size in America? There's so much calamari there.
No. 83134
>>83100Nothing is too weird.
Also: they put lipgloss on a corpse. Classy.
No. 84579
>>84569I mean it could be real brain activity, but it doesn't make it significant brain activity. As long as your brain exists and has everything it needs to work properly like blood flow and oxygen support, it will still function to an extent.
But she's never going to be really alive or conscious or anything. She's just having simple reactions that literally any brain would if it's still being forced to work.
No. 84606
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>>84579Considering how long she's been on a ventilator it's very likely that her brain is the consistency of pudding and probably lacks even the most basic of electrical impulses.
No. 84621
>>82699That's similar to what you'd see Terri Shiavo doing in videos. That happy blank stare on her face is the same one she has in her autopsy photos. I feel sorry for her parents but she was at that point just a body with reflexive movement. And that's not a dignified way to be. I wouldn't want my family to let me linger in a vegetative state.
There's no way to just snap people out of a vegetative state. Once you are brain dead you are dead. Maybe in a few centuries there could be a miracle cure. But not now. so why can't we let people die with dignity? This child is never going to wake up.
>>83089If that's the case then I suppose an autopsy would have shown the surgery site had been tampered with. By now the evidence of that is probably long gone.
No. 84631
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>>84606I'm not usually a sensitive person but this whole thread is making me feel so icky
No. 84820
>>84621Seeing as the family most likely caused the cause of death her mom would obviously not want her dead as then the hospital would not have to pay out anything if the family was the issue as the actual surgery went fine.
A decline to autopsy because she wasn't 'dead' was probably the original idea of a family member to remove/displace the blame from the family and makes them seem like victims of a botched surgery
No. 263832
Jahi officially died on June 22 hope it's okay to necro this thread. I know there's only so much to discuss about someone who's already been dead for nearly five years but I figured this is a worthy update.
No. 263853
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>>263832For a moment I thought maybe the family realized she was actually gone and pulled the plug, but nope, she'd still be on that ventilator if her liver hadn't given out.
That statement from the family attorney concerning her death certificate makes me think they're angling for a lawsuit in the near future. If so, fuck that family. Didn't they inadvertently cause her death by not following doctor orders?
No. 263866
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No. 263894
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>>263866God, Christfags are so cringy.
>you have my permission to goGee, thanks mom.
No. 263904
>>263866Religious people are sick like this.
See, they don't see the doctors, machines, and medicine as keeping their children alive. Even when they're clinically dead, they still believe there's a soul in the body who is conscious. They seriously believe GAWD is doing all the work behind the scenes, and if he wants that soul he'll be coming to take it.
It doesn't matter if it's medical intervention that has kept her body functioning this entire time, they'll strawman about her surgery and say "SEE? IT WAS HER TIME!" even though she's been dead as a person for ages.
No. 263922
>>263918>>263919yeah lmao you're right, my b
it's just upsetting to see this mom pretend to be all ~my perfect angel ready to leave~ when she forced this girl to "exist" in some way for YEARS.
No. 263939
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think she dead yet lola still alive :DDD
No. 263940
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No. 263942
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No. 264492
>>264477I nicked this reader comment from a recent article:
"Jahi, obese with sleep apnea, had three procedures at Children's : an adenotonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and submucous resection of bilateral inferior turbinates. After, her doctor instructed them to let her rest and only communicate via a provided whiteboard, but the family posted on social media that she was laughing and talking with them. Another patient reported Jahi eating smuggled-in fast food. She started bleeding, and grandmother (a former nurse) was seen with a suction tool in Jahi's throat. The child lost her airway and had a heart attack."