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No. 81497
>>81495>long skinny faceI don't know about skinny but long faces are masculine as fuck and I can't stand men with short faces.
>fat>balding>old>feminine bodyfat distributionsecond
I also hate
>short >big lips>flat nose>circumsized benis>round eyes (I like men with small slanty eyes)>Indian/arab/black guys (the skin colour bothers me) No. 81498
Everything in
>>81495, and:
>long beards>mustaches>very square jaws>cleft chins>blondes>barrel chests>shaved heads, especially if you can tell he did it because he was balding>bad posture>thin upper lip, big lower lip>eyes too close together>huge chins>big bellies>short and stubby No. 81501
>Big lips>Small hands>Small frame>Really thin>Flesh colored beards>Greasy hair>Shaped eyebrowsAlso agree with
>>81495 on the body fat distribution.
No. 81502
>>81494>ginger hair>and any kind of light hair with really fine/light eyebrows/lashes>frecklesthe fullblown kind that covers the face/shoulders or whatever. I find a couple dark freckles on arms and shit really cute though.
>no-other-facial-hair-besides-soul-patch look and patchy beardsotherwise I'm pretty forgiving about facial hair, especially if it looks well groomed and decent/suited to the face
>pudge/fat when his skin is pasty/pale (and/or extremely hairless body)looks like a giant baby
>cleft chin>feminine body fat distribution>small hands>weak jaws>feminine faces No. 81504
Everything here
>>81495 plus…
>stubby, unkempt nails>sausage fingers>thin, bony feet>cleft chin>fat lips>circumcised dicks>manlets>gingers>unkempt, patchy beards No. 81506>>81507>>81510
-Unusually short
-Being a creep
-Talking about himself all the time
-Fake confidence
-curly hair
-being intrusive (too extroverted)
-bad eyebrows. Overplucked, underplucked, the lot
-Huge lips
-fake ridiculously padded bras with cleavage
-judgemental when she herself is hardly amazing. Eg. I have a friend that wears no makeup and looks like shit, but likes to talk about how she hates makeup ALL THE TIME
No. 81512>>81513
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>>81510Someone is butthurt.
No. 81516
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Eyes that are too close together. Marko Jaric looks shooped in every photo of his.
No. 81518
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>>81513>automatic retarded condemnation of a feature that's often sexy on anyone who takes good care of themselves.that's literally what this whole thread is about you moron
features we don't PERSONALLY like, why do you care if some random person doesn't like thick lips? How does it personally hurt you? Do you want to fuck me or something?
I can be attracted to morbidly obese russian midgets exclusively, and I won't let SJWs convince me otherwise.
No. 81520>>81521
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>>81510There was a few posts saying big lips for men but as soon as some one says women you get
It just makes it obvious you're insecure with whatever feature when you sperg out about it.
No. 81522>>81525
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>generic hot girl face
like when their faces are perfectly symmetrical/proportional and thus devoid of all character whatsoever. pic related
>big/square feet
>thick neck
>soccer mom hair
>dread locks
>pancake boobs
>a protruding "snout" mouth like Felicia Day
No. 81525
Circumcised penises are disgusting as hell. They look so flakey,I just want to put some moisturizer on them.
Anyway, on men:
>overly manly>too much muscle>too much fat (chubby is fine tho)>chest hair>qt haircut on men who aren't qt enough to pull it off, such as OP's guy>shaved crotch On women:
>>81522 this about generic hot girl face.
>every normalfag hot girl trend in my countryI'm Brazilian. You would not believe the kind of shit that's considered attractive.
>full huge overdrawn lips>kardashian-inspired everything>eyes too close together>poorly dressed fatties (well dressed ones are just fine) No. 81530>>81531
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>>81529>I don't understand why they don't do something about.Do you know how expensive that shit is?
No. 81534
>>81532I agree with everything but the beta stuff. I really don't give a shit about muscles, just be of an average body weight for your height.
I find the beta personality annoying. Always a victim of uncontrollable circumstances. Admittedly I have a very strong/shitty personality. I've had men that wouldn't play along with a tactless joke and just rollover and expose their belly. I guess they just want to fuck so bad they'd rather not ruin their chance by offending you, but it's such a turn off to see a weak/low person.
No. 81538>>81542>>81568
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>facial hair
>blonds/cheeto gingers
>roided out
>Hitler youth haircut
>facial piercings (exception: nose studs)
>overplucked eyebrows
>whatever that hairstyle is called where the part is way to the side and it's teased up, pic related
Gender Nonspecific:
>weak chin
>hooked noses
>ear gauges
No. 81539
>>81535most sensible post here, especially the enhancer-part.
completely agree. except that I'm ok with gingers.
No. 81542
>>81538Gender Nonspecific:
>overweight>weak chin>hooked noses>ear gauges Agreed, anon! All of this is so unattractive.
No. 81568
>>81544Lol agreed I fucking hate my flabby arms. I mean they're honestly not that flabby but I pretty much only store fat on my upper arms and lower back and they would look way better scrawny or toned.
>>81538This hairstyle is hit-or-miss for me. I think it looks good on me because I have a very asymmetrical face and it hides my weird features. On Avril Lavigne and people with similar features, it kind of dwarfs her face and makes her look rat-like.
No. 81601
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This thread is killing me.
No. 81906
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>>81541Do lolcows like Egoists
No. 82209>>82238
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>>81494A man's genital.
Penises are unattractive.
No. 92585
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>blonde hair
>horse teeth
>big mouth
>fat face
>sixpack (I just don't like the look)
>pic related, Wanessa Mihomem is just everything I find ugly in a women combined
No. 92670>>92703>>93074>>93247
>>92651skin is pretty important. my high school sweetheart had such bad acne that it was hard for me not to feel ill just looking at him.
but okay, more on topic
men turn offs:
>hairless>weak jaw>pathetic facial hair growth/patchy (and then they keep it on their face even then!!)>bad dental hygiene. (if i can see the yellow plaque buildup on each indiv. tooth and smell your dinner from two weeks ago, that's fucking pathetic.>small hands >trashy dress style >non-charismatic, can't start or keep a conversation going >really thick lips >eyes too far apart >moles (with hair sprouting out of it), acne, cysts, blackheads>large forehead >long ass face >did i mention a weak jaw? that is just disgusting. i know they can't help it. >wide, big noses >dark skin No. 93164
>>93074Yes, it's very odd. I love big bushy facial hair too, and they rarely can even grow a full one.
I've never been a fan of Asian men. I'm always appalled to see the girls on here lose it for mediocre/ugly looking asian dweebs.
There are attractive asians, of course.
But these bitches are seriously just fetishizing at this point.
They're def not my cup of tea. The weeaboos can have them lol
No. 93249>>93251>>93257
>>82232know this is old but lol, i've only been with one guy that WAS circumcised and i mean, when erect they look pretty much the same and who cares about limp dick anyway?
then again, i'm northern euro so cultural differences etc
No. 93427>>93460
>>93400Overly hairy bodies can be unattractive, but the whole idea of wanting some completely hairless twink just baffles me.
How much k-pop do you need to consume to reach that level?
No. 93444>>93462>>93471>>93483>>94904
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This guy > any hairless Korean idol
No. 94608
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>facial hair
>tiny eyes
>thin framed glasses
>hair like pic above