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No. 807181
Back after a year break; this time in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
1st semi-final:
Tuesday, 18 May, 2021, 21:00 CEST
2nd semi-final:
Thursday, 20 May, 2021, 21:00 CEST
Saturday, 22 May, 2021, 21:00 CEST
>favorite entries
>winner predictions
>thoughts on your own country's entry(new thread in /m/)
No. 807191
For now bookmakers predict Italy, France and Malta in top three, which would make a very interesting mix for a top three as Italy came with a rock song, France a classic ballad and Malta has a "typical" eurovision flashy pop.
My personal favorites are Ukraine with a mix of electronic music and traditional singing and dark disco vibes from Lithuania, I expect them to go far but not that likely to win.
My own country (Poland) is an embarassment this year for many reasons, I have strong personal bias against the artist as he's closely linked with government funded tv channel and would personally be happy to see him not make it to the final.
>>807185Used to do that too for many many years to enjoy the surprise during live performances but this year the hunger after a year long break was just too much lol
>>807188It was so sweet and felt genuinely intimate, one of the most memorable entries from that year for sure!
No. 807193
>>807191Italy and France really? I always feel like they're
as a massive setback just because they don't perform at the semis.
How is the genre distribution this year? Sometimes one of the semis gets kinda boring when it's just ballad after ballad.
No. 807195
>>807181anons, do u know that 'murica will have its own
EUROvision now…but with states. the name will still remain 'eurovision'. wtf
No. 807201
>>807195Not true anon, the name will be American Song Contest, I'm curious how they'll make it special. With Eurovision I feel like a lot of what makes it special is it's long history, which obviously will be missing here.
>>807193IDK if there are any official stats for genre distribution, but when I listened through majority of things on youtube I was under the impression theres less ballads than usually, maybe people felt like we really need to make it Fun with capital F this year after the pandemic depression.
No. 807208
>>807199I am worried that Russia will get drowned because of politics going on right now (not just Ukraine being, but also Biden).
I really enjoyed the song because it literally mocks the hell out of the way people treat women in russia, and shows how strong they are. I remember LITTLE BIG was supposed to perform before her (but COVID happened and they got replaced for w/e reason, main singer never talks about it but he shown how salty he was about it).
No. 807210
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>>807201>With Eurovision I feel like a lot of what makes it special is it's long history, which obviously will be missing here.Yeah I agree. And not just that, also the feeling of a continent banding together. America is just one country, I doubt their version will feel as special to Americans as Eurovision does to us Europeans. I might still watch though once it's here but idk a whole lot about America or it's states.
No. 807211
>>807208I wouldn't worry about Russia, they're doing well in general betting, the song is good, they only year they really suffered because of politics was the attack on Ukraine year, after that people forgot. Nobody cares about Biden in Europe and USA is not voting; Russia always has a lot of guaranteed 12s from her "satelite countries", a lot of other countries will sympathize with the song's message and vote for it for sure, imho there's no way it will not end up in top 10.
Little Big was imho an overkill for Eurovision, theres a reason why no one really ever sends anyone super popular and they have worldwide fame already. The song slapped though.
No. 807373
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>>807339I love that a BDSM metal band can co-exist with operatic ballads and poppy popsongs and get broadcasted to 200million homes kek. One of the reasons I love Eurovision, you never know what you're going to get.
No. 808261
>>807472Are you Canadian?
>>808233>so I'm assuming they chose him because he's a popular tranny e-celebI think they chose him because he's easily the biggest e-celeb from the Netherlands and probably the only one who's known internationally. I don't like him but tbh I don't think it's a bad choice because he'll appeal to younger people.
No. 808395
>>808261i think choosing popular internationally people is kind of cheating, it's like if UK chose 1D to represent them. but whatever.
>favorite entriesi'm rooting for italy. they have great songs every year and aren't winning so maybe this time.
>thoughts on your own country's entryi don't want to talk about it noone want to talk about it
No. 808814
>>807191I'd be sooo surprised if Italy wins, they keep getting snubbed and it's so annoying
I think this is the first year when I'll vote for someone else other than Italy in 4 years, I like Iceland's entry way more.
No. 809028
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>>808726chill anon
>>807185I do that too! It adds an element of surprise to the contest.
No. 809042
>>808726lol okay then, i can't read apparently.
but still, italy's song is cool anyway. they have different genre every year, i respect that, because it's not some sad ballad every time
No. 809707
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What does everyone think of Russia's entry? I unfortunately hate how it sounds but the lyrics are interesting. Quite a departure from what they send normally.
No. 809713
>>809709Kek if this is real i will legit vote for this song then.
>>808000I live under a rock or something because im dutch and i did not even know they were gonna make Nikkie a host? His english is good and im guessing he will have good charisma to because he's a youtuber but he will probably stand out a lot compared to the other hosts because he is pretty big.
No. 809715
>>809707>>809709>>809710wtf i love the russian entry now. im tempted to vote out of spite for the first time.
just checked the full song(i only saw the recap) and the dislike ratio is ridiculous.where the fuck does it promote "manhate"?
No. 809720
>>809715>im tempted to vote out of spite for the first time.Kek same.
Tbh I don't have one song that really stands out for me this year if I go by how it sounds.
No. 809755
>>809709Can confirm, they want to recreate it and that's fucked up.
Russians hate this song a lot mainly because they find performance cringe and that a person who's singing is not russian, and the last reason is ofc "muh feminism sucks, and why is she so ugly n dressed up like shit". I am not the biggest fan of her aesthetic and outfits, but I adore this song for its lyrics, finally calling out country's mentality at least a tiny little bit.