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No. 8014
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>>8012Hell yuh! Watched that when I was in high school along with GTO
No. 8016
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>>8005Whatever the fuck this shit is.
My ex was like obsessed with this an SAO. I should have known better. Next time I day a guy who likes anime they better have good taste.
No. 8024
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Fuck Sword Art Online and it's Mary Sue bullshit.
No. 8031
>>8022Tired to fuck of attack on titan, haiyuu!!!, KNB the lot of it…
I will admit i did like free! tho but idk it was kinda good
but i havent watched any other anime since that
anime is always the same
No. 8036
I feel edgy saying this, but Evangelion…It's definitely one of the greatest anime ever created and it's one of my favorites, but if I see one more grade-school interpretation of it I'ma flip. It's not that deep and it's pretty evident to everyone who watched it that Shinji had mental issues. I also think that a lot of people are into it solely because of the Shinji/Kaworu thing.
Agree with
>>8011, Big O was underrated.
No. 8040
>>8039And also Free!
New animes are shit
No. 8044
>>8036yay someone agrees.
Oh I thought the pic was about overrated anime. Took me a bit to figure out it was just a collage of Toonami anime.
No. 8046
>>8044Big O was great, I've never actually met anyone IRL who had seen it. Definitely underrated.
Overrated anime: Death Note, Code Geass (IMO any person who thinks it was good qualifies as having shit taste),
Evangelion, Kill la Kill, moeshit in general, first Fate Stay/Night.
No. 8074
>>8071I think it's a combination of them coming out around the same time (honestly most 90s shoujo manga looks the same) and their anime adaptations were both done by Toei Animation.
A sequel to Marmalade Boy actually started a few years ago, though I haven't read it.
No. 8094
>>8039Kill la Kill is actually good though.
Sailor Moon is also good too, it's just overhyped these days but for good reason.
No. 8154
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I love Evangelion but I hate goddamn Rebuilds so much.
No. 8182
>>8151I loved that anime.
I only found out about it because of the weeaboos bitching over it not being moe trash.
No. 8183
>>8131SU is good if you don't follow the fandom on tumblr. you can clearly see what animes that her and her brother grew up on cause there's so many references in the show.
Hey EE&E porn was always fucking requested on /y/. Never got why.
No. 8188
>>8183Its boring and painfully not funny.
And stop trying to make it seem not disurbing that she drew that shit OK. Its hilarious.
No. 8192
>>8131>I watched SU and its just blatantly made for kids..Pfft, so was My Litte Pony.
>>8146WHY NO
No. 8193
>>8188I never said it wasn't gross you twat.
I was just saying i never got why it was always a hot demand back in the day on /y/.
No. 8198
>>8196Not that anon,but I never got the hate for SU.
It seems decent. To each their own I guess.
No. 8201
>>8199I don't go on tumblr much so I wouldn't know, if it followed a special snowflake guide.
Music is catchy as hell and it's a nice filler while I wait for OTGW,SVTFE,and GFs.
No. 8227
>>8216I'm saying cartoons that are drawn too close to real life people sometimes are not as beautiful as some exaggerated styles.
When you don't capture all the details of real life they just look weird. Like they didn't draw their lips in Aku no Hana, shade and not use the cartoon outlines. Cartoon outlines of real people just looks not appealing.
No. 8239
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>>8216It wasn't a matter of looking "too close to actual Japanese" at all. Because it was rotoscoped, there wasn't enough detail for them to be as "attractive" as they would be if it was live-action, but there was also too much focus on the "less attractive" details of the human form for them to be "idealistically attractive" like your typical anime characters.
I loved the show and even I realize this.
Personally, I think it had its moments of extreme beauty (pic related), and though I do understand the gripes, I really don't see what the big deal is. Anime fans are just plebs when it comes to art style, it seems.
No. 8330
>>8267A lot of newfags won't watch anything from before the 2000s because it "looks old." Which is unfortunate. I'm not a nostalgiafag or anything but there's a ton of quality anime/movies from the 90s and back that people just kind of refuse to watch because of the style.
I mean, say what you want about Eva, but there are people who prefer/only watch the Rebuilds because of the newer art. The first two movies pretty much abridge the series so you get the plot but in that abridging you lose a lot of the details that make NGE so great. And that's just one thing of course.
No. 8384
>>8039seconding every single one + Free!
I thought Kill la Kill was decent story-wise and Sailor Moon has a nostalgia factor attached to it, but I'm still 100% done with seeing like 20000 tumblr edits of the same scene.
No. 8400
>>8359I do prefer 80's anime style a lot more, I just like the cheesy music and older ways it was done. I just find it pretty… classic?
Course, I like new animation aswell. But there is some sort of magic old anime possesses. Can't say I was a fan of Sailor Moon or Marmalade boy's anime (for the person who did mention Marmalade boy) because all the characters looked as if they were suffering from anorexia. The legs on them and bodies… unrealistic af.
No. 8402
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>>8384its cos they like to link sailor moon in with feminism obv ~
No. 8403
>>8316it's just another magical girl anime where weebs can buy merch off storenvy and take selfies claiming how 'kawaii' they are
tokyo mew mew never got as much hype, i kinda liked it (sadly)
No. 8404
>>8074it makes me laugh when people in the comments go "their outfits are so ugly!" or "what are they wearing omg"
it's the 90s
fuck sake
No. 8571
>>8041Is free actually yaoi? I remember trolling free fans about it but never actually bothered to confirm it.
Also armin is a girl but ppl keep saying hes a boy.
No. 8577
>>8571It's not flat-out boylove but it's implied a ridiculously lot in the merch and the anime itself. They don't confirm that the guys are gay for each other but it's definitely supposed to look that way to sell it to all the fujoshis.
As for myself, I'm absolutely sick of seeing sports anime and SNK. I've always hated sports animes even before they were a thing and thought they all repeated the same boring formula and character tropes and if you're not in it for the characters, you're not going to enjoy it unless you love the sport in question. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to get into a thing that expects you to get excited about a special volleyball pass. It doesn't work for me. Even all the music club/band animes are more enthralling.
And as for SNK, it's an overhyped piece of shit and I hate how it just won't die. The series itself isn't that bad and has a great setup but it's horribly written and the fandom makes it worse. All these 15-year olds see their first ~edgy~ action anime and think it's some groundbreaking shit even though all of it has been done numerous times before.
>>8400I'm not even bothered by all the legs in old anime, it's better than what we get now as in girls who look 10 but are supposed to be 18 because they have huge tits on their otherwise shapeless body with a kid's face. Like Hestia. That shit is disturbing.
No. 8587
>>8577Mmmm, yeah. I'm tired to fuck of sports animes, they are more or less very similar. I liked free! because it was… slightly realistic, I liked the art and I liked the music. It WAS appealing compared to KNB and Haikyuu where that was just…
I always found the race scenes hilarious in free! where they started screaming and the shitty battle thing that you would see in pokemon… oh man
As for SNK, fucking hell. It's rare I even go into comic book stores or anywhere that sells manga/anime, plus when I do all I see is SNK/DN/Black butler and DBZ… the same shit, again and again. The fanbases ruin it for me tbh, there is always some cunt who wants to be the best at fanfics/fanart and the first to find out new gossip… hence why I left a lot of fandoms because of these reasons… plus im in my twenties now so I think im getting a bit, not old but im looking past all of that now, once you've seen it, no need to see it again.
No. 15569
>>15425100% agree, I didn't know what I was delving into when I was seeking out the NGE fandom about 2-3 yrs ago to see what there thoughts were on some things. Glad I didn't care to know more about how they thought Kaworu and Shinji were meant for one another.
Same thing with the SnK fandom and their need to pair Levi and Eren (though I particularly don't like the manga anymore)
Actually, tumblr does this with every fandom, it sucks. Guys can't be friends on tumblr if they show anything other than complete indifference towards one another. Someone made a post once detailing how fucked up and hypocritical this was on their part because it just encourages guys, especially young ones, to say shit like "no homo" just for showing any signs of friendship to their actual friends.
No. 15720
>>15691i know it does get a bit repetitive
fucking sailor moon replica bags and tshirts off taobao, this is why i dont go on tumblr anymore or follow anything cute/anime related
No. 15724
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>>15721I feel that way with Symphogear. It's not even "so bad it's good", it's just boring and terrible.
No. 15725
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I think Mirai Nikki is super overrated. But I'm mostly annoyed with how many people are cosplaying her and calling themselves a ~yandere~ So overdone.
No. 15740
>>8114I can't stand any of the characters. They're so annoying to me. Tumblr is full of fictionkin and headmate/soulbond types who are obsessed with one of the gems and they're all really annoying. I don't see the draw. It's a very kiddie cartoon. But I guess it has enough of "mah diversity" to satisfy Tumblr.
>>8127I remember several years ago I found a link on some site that had to do with sci-fi or something like that. It was to a fan translated manga called Attack on Titan. And I was like "What's this? Post apocalyptic monster manga?" And I read a good portion of what was translated and thought it was decent. But I forgot about it. Then this anime came out. And the name sounded familiar. And sure enough it was the same thing. My friend told me it wasn't worth watching. Not sure if I should go back to the manga. I feel like an Attack on Titan hipster now. I'm not really that interested in it to be honest. But what I read was pretty good at the time I guess.
I'm really tired of hearing about SAO. I haven't seen it though. I did like the original .hack anime and games. But then the SAO fans say their anime is so much better. Like with Attack on Titan, I really can't comment on something much if I haven't actually seen a whole episode.
No. 15743
>>15740Hm, but its kinda like that with all media, isn't it? Trying to have a bit of something to draw as much people as possible. Look at boy groups from back in the day, even the spice girls, they all had an act they put on that labelled them the "sporty" one, the cute one, the athletic one, etc. Thats so that everyone can find someone they like and/or identify with.
When I was a kid I loved Sailor Moon because of Sailor Jupiter. I didn't care much for the others and had she not been there I probably wouldn't have watched it as much as I did.
Tumblr just takes this to the extreme by demanding every identifiable trait be present in one show.
No. 17780
It doesn't get better towards the end, it just goes full fanservice.
From what I watched, I would describe Bakemonogatari as fanservice harem anime for hipsters.
No. 28112
>>8130This. It got kind of shitty after DBZ made everything about Saiyans, but DB was funny and wonderful and didn't take itself too seriously.
>>8146Urgh Christ. They look like Minions!
No. 28156
>>8074I love Marmalade Boy and Hana Yori Dango as much as the next shoujo-tard but holy fuck do they have a lot of repetitive bullshit.
Just communicate your feelings plainly, fuckers!
As for personal thoughts on overrated series:
Sailor Moon, hands fucking down.
Simple message of girlpower is good and all but god damn if they didn't beat you over the head with it in Crystal.
No. 28677
>>28536you probably just didn't get lain, watch it a couple thousand more times.
bit tired of all the new berserk fans that joined up after playing [insert souls game]
and fucking naruto fans are insufferable.
No. 28810
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>>28721Oh god. I tried watching pokemon again on netflix. Practically the same storyline every episode.. and Ash is a little dick
Gary= legend tho.
No. 29813
>>8036This is a nitpick but I really fucking hate when people use Miyazaki's or Anno's anime to make a point. Evangelion was about the depression that Shinji/Anno was feeling at the time, and somehow now people are taking old ass episodes of this weird mecha anime that somehow became a fucking merchandise powerhouse in Japan and saying that it was all retroactively about hating otaku, and clearly nothing else.
Also the unironic "Shinji get in the robot," people.
No. 33806
Aside from the ones already mentioned ITT Psycho Piss, F/Z, Steins;Gate & Shinsekai Yori.
I very much disliked the former two (fuck urobutcher) but the latter aren't horrible, just didn't deserve as much love as they got.
>>8041>Attack on Titan was garbage after the first 15 minutesEven the first 15 minutes were just merely alright. Aside from the intrigue there wasn't really anything else going for it. It was too obvious how shit all the characters were from the get go. The PVs, even.
>>8110>>8151aku no hana got pretty cringey towards the end tbh
>>8316>I thought the characters were whiny and annoying as shit.In all honestly I thought the scenes involving dialogue could've been worse like all other urobutcher shows.
>>8577>>8587>not liking sports animesI'm curious about your opinion on Ping Pong
>>8577Even in Japan though, it sold like 80k copies which is pretty much like once in a decade thing. I just don't understand what it did right its predecessors didn't that amounted to so much
many? sales. What's the pattern?
>>17669Once hated the bake for the same reasons, but second time around I realized most of the dialogue was just bantz like you'd find on the chans I enjoyed it slightly more. Don't listen to your friends and don't take the show seriously. I think it did a much better job directing scenes involving a shitton of non-stop dialogue better than what most other shows can dream of.
The serious parts were fucking stupid though, I agree with your sentiments on those. But I think the problem lies with the source material. I read Nishio's xxxholic fanfic translated and it was just as pretentious and full of mental gymnastics as bakeshit.
Oh yeah and agreed
>>17780. After bake it only gets shittier.
>>28677>you probably just didn't get lain, watch it a couple thousand more times. hahahaha please be joking.
No. 33894
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Sailor moon crystal. I feel like most liked it or forced themselves to like it because of the nostalgia factor. All the claims of how it's based on the manga therefore it's better when most of the time it wasn't even following the manga. Plus errors like sailor moon using the wrong staff being, that didn't just happen once or twice. And the official art work…
No. 33931
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I'm gonna refrain from the obvious ones such as AoT and SAO, but Elfen lied, seriously, that anime is extremely shit. Everything in it is shit, It's super predictable, cliché, HORRIBLE artstyle even though It's not that old, shit background music, shitty, predictable adaption, It's just.. just shit.
One of the anime I've rated with an actual 4, I don't understand how people can like that garbage, most overrated anime ever..
The next I would say is EVA, I mean I think It's pretty good but I don't understand how it has so many fanboys calling it a 'masterpiece', super overrated imo
Oh, and Kill la Kill, I started pinching myself when I saw that. I swear I'll have to commit sudoku if I got to watch through it.
No. 35026
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>ctrl-F snk
>13 matches
>ctrl-F titan
>12 matches
>ctrl-F Shingeki
>1 match