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No. 7936

I was riding the bus with my Asian friend and this homeless, gross looking dude said "You speak english REAL GOOD!"

She called him a racist and he started going like "Oh I have white cousins, black cousins, Asian cousins"

We could smell the bullshit on him as strongly as the shit on his clothes.

She said "What about Russians? Lots of Russians are white and can't speak English. You know speaking English isn't limited to whites and it's racist that you're surprised I can speak it well."

He started denying it and we started to call security because he wouldn't leave her alone.

If you meet an Asian fetishist, don't fucking humor them or show them any mercy or they'll continue their insulting ways. Have any cringeworthy stories? More importantly pics and juicy screenies?

No. 7937

no one will comment because most of lolcow is weebs who fetishize japanese people lol.

No. 7938

why the hell would you converse with a homeless, gross looking guy for so long? that didn't even sound like an Asian fetishist, it sounded like an ignorant american hobo

No. 7939

yeah this, i think he was just ignorant.

when i think of asian fetishists i think of the guys who take asian wives because they're obedient. or weebs who ask how to get an asian guy to date them.

No. 7940

Yeah you're right. Well he kept following her and asking for her number. That's what made us think he was a fetishist.

Obedient? Lmao. Not the ones I've met. I met some who are shy, some who aren't and are up in your face. I see those types across all races. Be sure to make a fool out of real fetishits or else they'll terrorize another Asian woman.

No. 7943

haha yeah, obedient and delicate asian wife is the stereotype.

i mean, there's that expectation that women will be obedient in most traditional cultures…it's just not really the case anymore lol.

No. 7948

They think Asians are growing more assertive because of westernization. Bitch no it's just modernization that's all. Every country is going through some modernization.

My friend who grew up in the 50s in Asia said there were assertive women. His grandparents before that said the women were sometimes in your face.

No. 7963

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No. 7965

This is disgusting they're talking about them like they're documenting animals. Fucking ew.

No. 7977

The guy in the pic is Rayrey206, or Raymond Dale Johnson. He is such a massive pervert. He has the most painfully nasal voice I have ever heard and he is horrible around girls.

Was surprised to learn he uses kiddy games to flirt with girls, then complains about how immature the girls are. Bitch they're kiddy games what the fuck did you expect? Go to eharmony. At the same time I'm not surprised because he is a huge (in more ways than one) loser. It's easier to lie about being "athletic" and having "12% body fat" online up until you try to meet them in real life.


When he responded to a catfishing phone call, his friends were laughing at him calling him a molester, a pervert and shit. He tries to seduce Asian girls by showing him his stir-fry recipe and only whips out that recipe around Asians. I thought "This guy can't be for real."

Before he hears any Asian utter a word, he would whisper to someone "Does she speak English well?" instead of walking up to the girl and finding out for himself. Then he compliments her English skills. He leers at girls. It's fucking creepy.

He lives in Burien Washington now. In such an Asian populated area, you'd think he'd make it an even higher priority to learn how to act with tact around Asians and not look at Asians like a cute, submissive China doll future waifu.

He's just an all around creepy guy with a porn addiction who thinks people who masturbate but don't watch porn shouldn't be criticizing him because watching porn is just as bad as masturbation.

No. 8125

A few months ago my friend and I were at the mall n had a creepy hobo looking guy come over tl our table and he literally stayed there for 20 minutes asking us about us and when he found out I was Asian he started telling us about how his gf was Asian and how they would have gotten married in Asia if she hadn't left him due to a "family emergency " and he told me how lucky I was to be Asian, my friend and I couldn't tell him to fuck off bc he was in a wheelchair and we didn't know if he was loony or not.

No. 8128

I've had a customer ask me if I speak English then if I can read it.

Once a black guy hit on me, and when I said I have a boyfriend, he was all "what, you dont date brothers?"

Apparently my sister has been asked if her vagina is sideways.

A guy was convinced I am Japanese or chinese, and when he found out I wasn't, he said I'm not asian at all, and in fact I look white. He said he only likes Japanese, Korean, or Chinese girls. Also, he only likes virgins.

At a bar, a 40+ year old man asked my ex bf and I if we are siblings or dating, and regardless of the answer, if we were fucking. Then he proceeded to tell us about his asian wife who was waiting for him at home. He also tried to hit on me even though he thought I was 17 (yet drinking at a bar?)

I think my current boyfriend was kind of creepy. His apartment was filled with asian stuff (lanyards, jackets, shirts with asian countries he's never been to), he claimed to be Buddhist, and admitted he has dated a lot of asian girls. He was the type to insist on using chopsticks at any asian restaurant. I soon found out he also has jungle fever and probably prefers latinas over everyone else. I think he mostly just wants to be a part of a different culture and is jealous his parents grew up around the world.

The guy I dated in high school is the WORST.
>Chinese major
>Secretary of Chinese association in university
>says all girls are sluts, especially American born Chinese girls
>actually stalks older fob Chinese women
>cries when all his female friends leave upon seeing how creepy he is
>brags about fucking so many girls when studying abroad in shanghai
>thinks he's great at martial arts
>opened up Chinese-english language school in Canada
>cheated on me with mutual online friend who was Chinese
>super thirsty for the underclassmen in high school who are chinese
>tried to fuck our mutual rl virgin friend because he to show her what she was "missing"
>answers phone in Chinese to everyone even though he has caller id

No. 8129

Um if he's doing all these things he shouldn't be secretary of anything in university. Employers wouldn't hire him if they heard all this. You know what to do…

No. 8165

He graduated a few years ago. We quit talking once we got to college, but our mutual friends have told me things. Also ran into a girl that was telling people about her stalker at a party, and turns out it was him.

Last I heard, which was maybe 2 years ago, he had opened that language school and published a textbook.

Honestly, I don't think I would've been able to do anything about it in college. In high school, he was very manipulative (and I'm not the strongest person), which is why we remained dating.

No. 8167

>Apparently my sister has been asked if her vagina is sideways.

Okay, that's kind of funny.

No. 8168

She's also been asked if asians poop triangles

No. 8206

I have never heard of that before. That doesn't make sense.

No. 8209

I bet the school is just a waifu search.

Reminds me of Mr. Yan's Bodyline waifu search but the reverse. Record him in the act lol someone take him down.

No. 8234

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Well, You're her sister– you would know.

So tell us, is it sideways or not?

No. 8235

Is looking at your sisters vag a normal pastime where you live?

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