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File: 1618258113685.jpg (87.43 KB, 626x626, sad-cow-captivity-crying-blood…)

No. 782155

Farmhand notice: Reports for this thread will be dismissed unless they pertain to illegal content/gore/extreme rule violations.

This thread is for lolcow caps that induce outrage in you. Example:
>a sad post
>a post about something annoying that happened to an anon

No. 782156

>Every anon asking for advice in the Relationship Advice thread including myself

No. 782174

This thread seems like histrionics magnet

No. 782184

I think it's more a reaction to that one anon in the lolcow caps thread that doesn't understand these threads were initially for funny caps because OP of #3 didn't include it

No. 782220

File: 1618261871442.png (31.56 KB, 1260x280, 1618057776288.png)

I honestly hate men so much

No. 782257

>a sad post
Why would I do something like this to a sad anon?
this, lmao

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