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File: 1618182353669.jpeg (244.27 KB, 2048x1424, EyodvURVoAAnzEw.jpeg)

No. 781366

Stuff that everyone seems to care about except you(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 781369

File: 1618183082825.jpeg (5.29 KB, 290x174, pobrane (6).jpeg)

Boku no retard academia. Pic related is the only Deku that I will ever give the smallest of fucks about

No. 781388

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No. 782613

Good thread sad op
anyways, here's a list
>global warming
>flat eathers
>trump and trump supporters
>anything to do with american politics
>tv shows
>long nails

No. 782617

Beets. I'll eat em but you'll never find me seeking one out.

No. 782625

Most fetishes/degenerate sex people are into. There are obviously attractions that cross the line, but if they're only posting in communities designed for it, who cares that someone enjoys whispering into their boyfriend's asshole or going to orgies or whatever. Tracing things like that back and trying to connect it to their public persona is just scummy.

No. 782665

what do you dislike about it? just curious!

No. 782666

Gendershit and constantly thinking about what triggers muh dysphoria… just enjoy things or don't, why care so mucch if its validating or not…

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