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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 779928

This is a thread for people who want to say thanks and be more grateful for the good stuff in their lives!

No. 779935>>780216

I'm grateful that, even if the lolcow mods and jannies are trigger happy and sometimes can make dumb choices, they at least aren't facebook AIs.

No. 779952

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Love this
I am very grateful for my family; although I dislike my sister, my parents are amazing and my brother is cool. I am so luck to live as comfortable as I currently do.
I am also amazingly grateful for my boyfriend of 7 years, he's a great person.
I also I'm very grateful for my cat, she's old and grumpy, but I know she loves me and is also grateful to not be in a shelter anymore, which I am also grateful for.

No. 779955

Cute thread! Just the pickmeup I needed.

I'm grateful for grassroots women's rights movements/activists whose brains aren't rotted by the internet.

No. 780123

I'm grateful to have two xx chromosomes and be a biological woman

No. 780142

I'm grateful to not be in a shit country let's be honest

I'm also aware of how lucky I am despite our family situation (we're kinda poor), it should be better but also it could be worse. I eat everyday just fine, I have the internet, access to water, can even buy myself some cute shit every once in a while. Like wow I should be more happy about myself.

No. 780182>>2464331

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I'm grateful for my job, my wonderful boyfriend and the fact that he's relatively happy, my home, my small collection of friends. I'm grateful to wake up everyday in a house with only two other people and a cat. I'm grateful that the garden is doing okay.

Pic related it's the furry idiot with her favorite toy, a plastic bag that crinkles

No. 780184>>780195

I'm grateful I had the luxury of avoiding abusive scrotes and exploitative workplaces thanks to having decent parents that didn't kick me out when I turned 18 like it happened with some of my friends, so I didn't have to improvise my life by the seat of my pants, because I'm sure I'd have made the worst possible choices.

No. 780193

I am grateful for myself that I woke up with 5 h of sleep and that I try even though I wanted to carve the words whore on my forehead and drown myself in the toilet bowl. I went to work even though I didn’t shower for 2 days and I arrived late (it was to sign the contract. I worked my ass in the store even if it was just for 2 hours. I filled boxes in for the online orderings and they kept coming. I completed the task without taking breaks. I will never show up late at work and I’ll help the store out. I am proud of myself that I’m listening more to others and not just narcissistically to my own thoughts. Also, I’m grateful for chicken filet sandwiches at subway. And I’m grateful for strawberries and tiny tiny tomatoes. I hope everyone who feels candy is too high on calories can afford the taste of cherries and strawberries.

No. 780195>>780203>>780204

Leaving the house at 18 is normal though

No. 780203>>780221

Depends on where you live, it's not where I am.

No. 780204>>780221

In the current economic crisis it’s not.

No. 780216

Based human jannies vs AI racism meter

No. 780221>>780230>>780265

Yeah I am not white I used to be like you guys too. There is always an economic crisis and it’s always an excuse for people to not want to grow up in all cultures though. It may sound harsh but this slacking off doesn’t work in the real life I learnt the hard way. I really wish I worked in retail at 15 on biweekly saturdays or other random days when available. It was the gateway to leaving the house at 18. Have your parents support your education at college instead.
Yeah I know that in some toxic cultures it’s ok. But honestly I wish I took the independent pill sooner. The scrote meme is bollocks. Just don’t be materialistic learn to be responsible and you won’t need a m*n to share incomes with.

No. 780230>>780267

Toxic? It's simply not feasible unless mommy and daddy are opening their wallets. The average 18 year old where I live is following full-time education. A part-time job is nowhere near enough to pay for education, rent and living costs and a loan from the government doesn't cover it either.

No. 780253

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Currently grateful for seasonal fruits, especially green mangoes, coz I'm a freak who likes them sour as humanly possible.

No. 780258

I am grateful for weekends with no plans. I'm so ready to lay out on my couch all day and do absolutely nothing.

No. 780265>>780272

What? Parents letting you stay living at your childhood home while going to college is toxic? That's the usual situation here for 18-21 year olds, unless you move across country for schooling. It's not slacking off to have supportive parents, I feel like people tend to romanticize "the struggle" if they had to flee from a bad home environment or just hated their parents.

No. 780267>>780283>>780305

>parents should pay for education
That’s where mommy and daddy is for, to be financially responsible for you up to the age of 21.
A loan + part time job will cover the rest btw. Get a small shithole room. It’s hard work. But yeah. You work hard in life just like your parents did. It’s “laughable” that even though most people are big babies and leeched off their mommy and daddy they are exactly the ones that still get abused by the partner that has the most income because of their emotional immaturity and innocence/autism.

No. 780272>>780277

Anon, I don’t wanna argue anymore because idc that much I am no longer 18 or 21 or even 23. But where’s here? Where are you living?

No. 780276


No. 780277

Central EU. I certainly haven't heard anyone calling any culture here "toxic" before for not kicking children out of the nest to become independent and accumulate debt while being in school.

No. 780283>>780289

You're just assuming that everywhere in the world is the same as where you live. Reality check: it's not.

No. 780289>>780291

I feel more like anon is trying to do a weird flex like "you're either living life on hard mode or you're not really living it". Like, uhm, thanks, I'm fine playing on normal mode.

No. 780291>>780295

>normal mode
See this is what I mean lol. But whatever If it’s flexing that I don’t need a boyfriend or parents or anyone else, get jelly

No. 780295>>780304

You're doing an awful lot of projecting, but whatever keeps your independent boat floatin'

No. 780304

So am I flexing or am I projecting? Which is it? I’m doing neither sigh.

No. 780305>>780345>>780347

Oh so you meant having most of your shit paid for while living alone when you said "independent" before. Hate to break it to you but living alone while your parents pay for your education (something I fully support) isn't being independent.

No. 780321

Today was a windy day, but it didn't rain. I called my mum and we went on a walk along the sea. My dad liked the smoothie I made him. An episode of after the 90 Days I hadn't seen before was on TV. This day has been relaxing and unassuming.

No. 780323

Stuffed animals that are cute and soft

No. 780345

Not everything happens overnight anon.

No. 780347

Living alone forces you to learn a lot of life skills you very often dont have to learn when you live with your parents, such as managing your meals, your shopping, cleaning everything etc In the future that person instead of going to school and having it paid by the parents will be going to work and having this paid by the employee, so the only new thing they'll have to learn how to manage their own money, but everything else will be already well practiced; so I think it's unfair to say it's not an important step toward independence and adulthood.

No. 780352>>780358

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I'm grateful for my mom, everything she sacrificed to raise me and keep me fed. I'm grateful for my friends and new opportunities that have arisen because of them. I'm grateful for not being an amerifag and getting kicked out the house at 18 because hurr durr independence. Lastly I'm grateful for the delicious strawberries waiting for me in the fridge.

No. 780358>>780387

ohhhh anon where are you from to have strawberries already? or are they not local?

No. 780387

They're not local unfortunately, I think they come from Spain or Greece.

No. 780489>>780496

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bless my parents, they take such good care of me when i'm feeling like shit. forever grateful for them

No. 780496

I’m grateful for this orange snail image

No. 782313>>782318>>782655

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I'm glad that I'm not part of an ana-chan religion that says you can't eat on certain days lol

No. 782318

That gif looks delicious. I'm gonna bake some chocolate chip cookies tonight

No. 782620>>782659

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I'm grateful for being alive even when I most want to off myself

No. 782655

fuck you anon i’m so hungry

No. 782659>>782722

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Me too
Life is ok

No. 782662

i’m grateful for the handful of women i’ve befriended recently that have encouraged me to be a better person and love and accept me for who i am. i’m grateful for women in general.

No. 782699

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A little shallow but I'm currently grateful I share a house with two people who both used the lockdown to explore cooking/baking. Thanks to their drive and creativity I've been dining like a queen every week lmao

No. 782722>>782728

What is the source of the meme pic? Sims Pets for GBA?

No. 782728>>782732

i think that's a real dog

No. 782732

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Yeah, but it looks like a real photo was converted to a GBA resolution and used as a pic on a continue screen (IDK how to explain it better, but it's same as Aragorn in pic related). I could be wrong of course - someone could have faked the screenshot, but I don't think it's 'iconic' enough for the fact. Seems like a legitimate screenshot from a game that is being repurposed as a meme

No. 784140>>784146

I've stopped smoking weed for around 2 months now for job search. I've been dreaming vividly a lot, and last night I had a super cathartic dream where my grandmother came back to life to comfort and touch me.
Went to a coffee shop and started writing about it in my journal; had a happy shedding of tears and some guy bought me coffee cake. Score!

No. 784146

That's amazing!

No. 784161

I'm grateful that I am not positive for Covid. I'm grateful that I can still smell and taste. I am grateful that I got to see my parents and my dog this week. I am grateful for my family.

No. 784439

I'm grateful for having a car, rego, and license. I think it would make anyone's life easier, but especially with a kid. No more trying to make it on time to appointments on the bus.

No. 784644

I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress for 7 months, but I am so grateful to have had a place to stay during the pandemic. I’m finally moving out of my sisters place next week but man, I am not gonna miss the air mattress.

No. 785138>>785174>>785790

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I love the neighborhood I moved to last year (thankfully right in the early stages of the pandemic). It's full of old historic houses with tons of character and people actually care about maintaining their property. There are many cute gardens, decorations and best of all, friendly cats. It's also in a convenient location where I'm only about 3 min away from several parks and cozy neighborhood restaurants and bars. I am definitely living in an area that should be outside of my price range, but I managed to snag one of the few reasonably priced units in the area - one that is quiet, private and has lots of natural light. The last place I lived in was basically a cave and I can't explain how much simply being able to see the sun has improved my mood. It's beautiful outside and I can't wait to go for another walk this weekend.

No. 785174

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I'm so jelly, seriously good for you though. You are living the dream

No. 785181>>785218

I'm grateful for my boyfriend. My car broke down today at a busy intersection, literally dead stopped. I eventually got it on enough to get to the nearby autshop (small town so it was like less than half a mile) but it drove like hell the whole way. I was near his house and texted him telling him to meet me at the shop cause I needed a ride, and he immediately was there for me and took me out to get lunch and some dessert for me and my family before dropping me at home. He always comes to help me when I need him and goes the extra mile to make me feel better with gestures like buying my lunch or getting me flowers and a card. I love him very much.

No. 785218

That’s very cute. I hope your car is okay.

No. 785372

im grateful for my best friends. i saw a close friend yesterday after not seeing her since like a month or two. we are 22. she plays among us cause she love videogames for her phone. i joke about it a lot and she doesnt mind. so, i bought her an among us plushie in her favorite color. then she's like "i also got you something!"

my girls… she bought me a buttplug. she's insane, i love her. im grateful for her friendship and the buttplug for sure

No. 785790

Wow, did I write this? Nice. Happy for you!

No. 800899

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I am beyond grateful that both of my parents got the first dose of the vaccine today!
I feel even more confident to apply for jobs that deal with the public now. I know the vaccine is not a super shield especially considering it's just the first dose, but it's the first step.
Thank you, doctors!!

No. 800924

I love my chinchilla

No. 802070

I'm grateful for today, because it was a good day!

No. 802177

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I finally got to go to the cat cafe that opened in my town but was forced to close shortly after the pandemic started. Luckily they were able to hang onto their building and opened again recently. I got to pet and play with six kitties while enjoying some tea. It was really nice since I miss having cats but can’t have any right now due to my living situation. They were so cute and sweet!

No. 1718934>>1719013>>1719244

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I'm am so grateful I've been born in the age where pain meds exist, are cheap and easily accessible.
God bless ibuprofen.

No. 1718973

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Trees. They're fucking neat.

No. 1719013>>1719244

ibuprofen got me through my tooth extraction with literally no pain. love that shit, I feel bad for people who need stronger meds (or gingers) who it doesn't work on because it's such a harmless lovely drug

No. 1719244

I feel this way about antihistamines. god bless antihistamines.

No. 1719493

Autumn has been beautiful so far

No. 1729495

I'm grateful because despite everything bad, uncomfortable, sad and not entirely to my liking, I still have a mom, a lover, people who care about me, and I'm not in the worst spot, things can get better. Some days are rougher than others because of my mental instability and my anxiety doesn't make it better, but I feel chill right now. I'm happy. I'm ok.

No. 1729501>>1733692

Rain. Beautiful and comforting.

No. 1731977

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I am greatful for my therapist. She is so kind and understand. She has this calming french accent. She sends me very kind emails to remind me what we talked about. I love her. Im also greatful for matcha tea and my mom

No. 1733594

I'm sooooo grateful for the person I love. Nothing can stop us!!!! I love my special someone so much!!!

No. 1733692

We bongs are dealing with a lot of that now

No. 1949429>>1950587>>1950598

Bless all those Southeast Asian YouTube channels making relatively concise yet thorough tutorials for the most random and sometimes niche anime and vocaloid and aidoru dances, I swear nobody does them as great as the girls from Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. They don't even have to make them in English or subbed, the gestures alone are enough usually.

No. 1950587

Bless you for making me go down this rabbit hole. This is so fun.

No. 1950598

I can't find them, can you post examples?

No. 2289844>>2289848

As annoying as Pinterest is due to ruining search engines and being shat up with AI, I am really grateful for all the billions of images that are archived on it and relatively easy to discover.

No. 2289848

god my algorithm on pinterest is the best nearly every ad is some artsy or nature or gourmet food type of thing that i like actually want to buy it understands my aesthetic taste perfectly. gotta say i’m grateful for pinterest too. it’s so easy to train it now. god and the best recipes too. i love just going through all of my pins and seeing it all together it’s so warm and perfectly me and genuinely uplifts me. like i could go here and wear that and eat that and just ahhh. opposite of doom scrolling. i like to try and incorporate one new thing from there into my life it’s become a way for me to manifest now. even had a friend text me to come to yoga the morning after i saved a cute pic of friends doing yoga together.

No. 2445761

I’m incredibly grateful to still be alive

No. 2464322>>2464331

I'm grateful for Mexican bakeries for being cheap and delicious.

No. 2464328

Cats and dogs they always make me happy whenever I see them even If they're virtual. I'm grateful that one kitten video can heal me from a shitty day

No. 2464331

Looks like my cat, so cute. I'm grateful for my orange fool.
Me too. I got a bag of goodies last week for ten dollars and it was a huge bag. I'm grateful that the Mexican bakery items are less sugary that what I usually find so I can eat more without feeling like shit.

I'm grateful that my boyfriend is away and I have the house to myself the next three days.

No. 2464417

I am grateful for modern day battery life. I feel like the low point was around 2015 or so, where both batteries and charge speed SUCKED. God forbid you had to charge an RC car.
I feel like now, every electronic device I own either charges quickly or lasts a very long time. Sometimes even both!

No. 2464754

I am grateful to not be in captivity

No. 2464766

I got a gigantic slab of pork belly from the food bank. I'm so excited, I'll probably freeze most. It feels so bougie. I'm grateful for the food bank. Last week they had half dozen eggs!

No. 2464771

a mobile game I've been looking forward to was released yesterday. People online are bitching about parts of it but I don't care, I'm having lots of fun!

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