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No. 774042
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Love the sweaty yogurty tang of their precious heckin valid girldicks. Sometimes I have to bottle up the yummy fermented rotting stench from their forbidden bottoms because it’s clearly flora-scented!
No. 774063
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with them! Obviously the fat old hag virgin TERFS are just jelly that they'll never look as stunning and brave as trans women.♥ ♥ ♥
All TERFs know is to use scientific facts, defend GNC people, dunk on your neopronouns, and deny.
No. 774067
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ONLY love and support for my beautiful sisters! The only fake woman is one who doesn't support our Trans Sisters. It's time we put our stupid, petty, fearful ciswomanly jealousy aside and hop on that girldick!
picrel me happily laughing with my loved and supported trans sisters
No. 774084
>>774072i'm sorry anon but this is really on you. your wife (who by all accounts sounds like a charming but neglected woman) needs affirmation and acceptance, not judgment. i legitimately cannot believe the words you're saying about her body, but again this is just another example of vile misogyny faced by every woman every day.
MAYBE try borderline ODing on morphine so your wife can use you without needing to face your discriminatory abhorration, jfc. i swear to god, cis women are ONE step away from being scrote-tier selfish disgusting coomers.
No. 774086
>>774072Seconding that anon on your cooker behavior! It’s great that you’re willing to learn and change, especially taking accountability for your bigotry. Gagging at your wife’s beautiful, transitioning yoni is misogynistic and piggish.
Remember, when your wife has to express herself, be it through neosecretions or dilator stretches, you NEED to be by her side.
You may have to find somebody who has morphine patches, or take at least 10 grams of a red kratom before kissing her perfect, man-made flowe.
No. 774148
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i'm transgender
No. 774151
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>>774149le me taking le bio holes rights
No. 774208
File: 1617290497626.jpg (14.01 KB, 275x275, 1612035687743.jpg)

You call this an acceptance thread? WHERE ARE THE SELFIES? This is oppression.
Here's my beautiful face anons, I pass 100% and have never been misgendered. TERFs wish they could look this hot.
No. 774212
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>>774208What a great idea hun! This is me, pre-everything. Please don't be too harsh. I haven't told anyone including my mom or my anime body pillow gf.
No. 774213
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Love you Kikomi-chan! Please accept my shitty fanart.
No. 774214
>>774213someone’s naughty little stunning
valid girldick went inside out of their anus
No. 774221
>>774212butch queen! You're
valid as heck hon!!
unironically my money's on him to be the next breadtube-adjacent youtuber who troons out No. 774276
File: 1617297404348.png (171.47 KB, 399x655, jm-e1527175750863.png)

>>774221Thank you, I'm a proud butch dyke. This is me today! Big lesbian energy over here. And yes, you saw correctly, that is facial hair. No I will not be shaving it off…so what? I'm a GIRL! And a lesbian!
If you disagree then suck on this girldick,
Terf cunt.
No. 774300
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>>774034Hey my fellow heckin cute dykes!!!! How old do you think I am??? I alwaaaaaays get mistaken for a sexy cis 15 year old girl, every time I take just 1 step out of the basement!!! Remember to dilate girlies!!!♥
No. 774342
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>>774213You've inspired me to make my own Kikomi fanart! So
No. 774353
>>774329I am guilty of showering, but only in public showers such as at the gym or public pool! I get a rush of euphoria from showering with little girls and women. But last time I showered at the pool was pretty traumatizing. A little cis
TERF bitch around 4 or 5 years old was giving me a dirty look, so naturally I told her to choke on my girl dick. Then the mom called me a pedophile which is totally unfair because I'm just a little girl too (even though I'm trapped in the body of a 53 year old man). So I had to pepper spray the mom and get them banned from the pool for transphobia. I just want to pee, goddamn it!
No. 774364
>>774036Anon, you're so smart and hecking
valid for picking this day!!!
No. 774407
>>774353Good for you, sister! Remember that you and your feelings are super
valid. ♥️ Those bigoted
terf cunt Karens absolutely got what was coming for them. I can't believe us trans girls are still being denied our girlhood experiences like groping prepubescent children and stripping naked in front of them, this is exactly why trans awareness day isn't enough. Trans awareness year should do it.
No. 774452
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Since today is such an important day, we must put on our spinnienest skirts and spin to oblivion!
No. 774723
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>>774452Don't forget the cat ears too! Here's me, a heckin
valid trans catgirl!
No. 774724
>>774276damn with that facial hair you really are giving me tomboy lesbian vibes!! TEE- HEEEE!!! so
No. 774742
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>>774723we both heckin sexy real verified ladies should invade some
terf spaces and get all lesbian together