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No. 7739

How do you deal with unpleasant people at Lolita meetups, especially when you have a bad history with them?
(Pic unrelated.)

No. 7769

I'm not a lolita but i've had some similar moments and those are the people I like to act really sugary sweet to just because usually it gets under their skin.

No. 7954

Anon, my comm is notorious for its ~elitist bullies~ so I've had experience dealing with the same sort of thing. tbh the best thing to do in these situations is just strive through the bullshit. Refuse to get involved in drama. I started in my comm over three years ago, and despite 90% of our members being SJW dumblr graduates, I've slowly worked my way into the ranks enough to become one of the group moderators. People respect a level head more than any number of brand dresses in our comm.
…anyways, I've been in my fair share of awkward conversations due to this group. The safest response is to simply ignore their salty glances and set yourself up as the darling of the conversation. Give compliments freely, forge alliances amongst other members of the comm, etc. That way if your enemy ever attempts to spill any of your dirty secrets, nobody will believe them and they just look like a salty hag in comparison to your pure maidenly decorum.

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