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No. 7639

Who /nosenseofself/ here?
>constantly take personality quizzes because they make you feel like you know more about yourself
>don't have a concrete sense of appearance and it shows in how often you change looks or styles
>flit between liking yourself and hating yourself
Feels weird.

No. 7642

so, an ordinary teenager?

No. 7644

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Are you the QUEEN?????

No. 7659


I have a sense of myself, but I still like to constantly explore it and experiment with it.

No. 8575

Pls don't start a cult if you're feeling bored.

No. 9130

It's dat good ol' borderline personality disorder.

No. 10200

I get this. I'll also get really involved in one image of myself/one hobby and dedicate every moment of myself to that for a few weeks, until one day I just wake up and I'm bored. It usually cycles between fitness/spirituality/appearance/geek hobbies. I'll either snap from one to the other or I'll just be bored and lose interest in everything for a while until something springs back up.

I'm super accepting, so I have a lot of different tastes. I guess that kind of contributes to it. For me it feels like I can look around at other people and see that they're clearly "stoner, gamer, and rock fan", and that's who they are all of the time. I can't really relate to that, because I can't narrow myself down.
On top of that I feel out of place in a lot of my interests, because I have add, memory issues, and I'm pretty. I really love gaming and anime, but it's rare that I'll even remember the characters names (even after several seasons), and much less the details of the plot. I just feel like I look like a fake "geek girl" to people, when all I want to do is find a friend who can relate.

Sometimes I'll just sit down and try to write out all of the things I like to get a better sense of self, but I'll freeze up and forget the specific things I enjoy. Oh well.

No. 10201

I'm exactly the same way, anon, down to the memory issues, having problems listing my favorite things and cycling between different interests.
Also, I find it really hard to get into popular things. If a book or show or movie is hyped up, it feels pretty much impossible to get myself to see what all the fuss is about.

No. 10213

Yes! And then part of me always ends up being like "Hey, maybe we should get into this popular thing as an opportunity to try and make friends." but it's always a million years after it was popular and it's too late for anyone to care about that subject enough to want to be friends with me over it.

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